
Check out my
fanfics, artwork
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The United Siblings of Anime
The Waterflower Front - Misty Shrine

Last updated:
Fic: November 6, 2010
Art: August 9, 2008
Vid: August 22, 2008

Chemicals React (AMV)

You Don't See Me (AMV)

Love Song (AMV)

Lies (AMV)

Beautiful Thing (AMV)

Summary for Chemicals React: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - The song is by Aly and AJ. I made this vid about a year or two ago when I got my new laptop. . . The laptop sucks now though, so I don't make videos much anymore. Enjoy it and tell me what you think!

Summary for You Don't See Me: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - An AAML dedication video to a friend of mine for their birthday. This was made awhile ago, but it features a favorite song that I can't ever seem to get over. I like to think of it as a companion video to another I made, except I can't get that one to save again. Anyway, it's supposed to be more of the dramatic version of AAML, rather than the fluffy or the angsty. If that makes sense. :)

Summary for Love Song: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - Song by Sara Bareilles. It's sort of the acoustic version, but it's clearer than the other one I have. I was told by my BFF that it might not fit Ash and Misty as well as we'd all like, but this song was so uber-popular that I had to try. :D

Summary for Lies: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) - Song by Evanescence. The dark side of Ash. Or am I the only one who thinks he's really awesome and hot when he's PO'ed, depressed, or unconscious? XD

Summary for Beautiful Thing: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) - Song by Dakona. My tribute to Ash's relationship with his three female leads. Not meant to be romantic. At all. This is all about a special bond between a slightly dumb trainer and his better Pokemon training friends; how he supports them, how they support him, etc. ^^

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