A.K.A: The Nightmarnes Job


(:)-(:)-(:)-(:)-(:) AUTHOR'S NOTE (:)-(:)-(:)-(:)-(:)

If you are claustrophobic, don't like to think of bad guys(and girls) as human, or cannot abide references to poke`mon you cannot imagine(because I dreamed them up), then I KNOW you should not read on.

Other major offending factors may be; my lack of descriptive details, Plotholes(Ugh! Gotta hate 'em all!), creative references to swearing which might bring to your mind their original forms, and perhaps the gravest sin of all, the general(or even complete) lack of what you might consider to be a satisfying conclusion to this episode. (I have tried so hard, really I have tried.)

With keyboard underhand,
Skyler Vane of Versus City

P.S. This is a cheap hyping tactic, I know, but this work is an expounded story from the Prologue[LONG VERSION] of the 10th Pkmn Movie; POKE`MON Centuries and Decades: HELLORRIFFIC ~ The Tyrant's Legacy {Which is set on a fourth continent, Ifaenn} ~~~ The Short Version is coming soon, I hope.


(:)-(:)-(:)-(:)-(:) PROLOGUE (:)-(:)-(:)-(:)-(:)

"I speak for the Operations Teamers of Team Target; all of them and the poke`mon too.

"After sufficient planning, we go in, get the job done and get out. Even with months of planning, going in can be hard, getting some jobs done can be hard, and getting out can be really hard. And when time for planning is short, we sweat a lot, because we know what can happen.

"I have a mission report in front of me, from three years ago. It only has a number to identify it.

"The heading 'Planning Stage' reads: 'Crash planning/Three day squeeze' ~ Not something any teamer wanted to hear, after this mission.

“‘The best laid plans of pikachus and men...',
Henceforth, I give you Murphen's Law in action."
