Never say goodbye Part 5 Authors note:Whatever,no i don't own pokemon. Hope you enjoy this!I'll probably finish this fanfic soon. Next morning,Ash and Misty got up early and went to the park again.They had agreed to meet each other at least every day to 'catch up on things' and talk about their relationships.As time went by,their romance began to blossom more and more and their love with Melody and Rudy began to die slowly. "Hey Misty,do you wanna go to lunch with me sometime?We could spend the whole day together.I can show you some amazing sights," "That sounds really nice Ash,i would love to but what about Rudy?Our relationship isn't going as well as planned,"Said Misty. "Don't worry Misty,it's only for a day.I'm sure he won't mind,neither will Melody.c'mon,it'll be fun," "Well,ok then,"Agreed Misty. The next weekend was when Misty and Ash would go.They both lied to their partners then they met. It was amazing. "WOW!Ash,this day has been amazing,"Gasped Misty with a feeling of awe.They were sitting by a waterfall.The sun was shining and there was a rainbow. Ash looked at Misty and smiled at her happiness.Misty turned to face Ash just as Ash was turning his head away.Misty turned her head away but guess what?(no seriously,guess!No i'll tell you)Ash slowly turned his head to Misty(geez how long will this go on for?!)Finally,they caught sight of each others eyes,they smiled at each other then laughed. They leaned over to each other and kissed.After they let go,Ash slowly embraced Misty in his arms. Misty-*Can this day get any better?I just realised it.I love Ash!How can that be,i'm married to Rudy,it can't be right!But it feels so right!* Ash-*Misty is soo hot!WAYYYY HOTTER THAN MELODY!Yep,i love Misty.(sigh)* "I guess i better take you home,"Said Ash finally after a long silence. "ASH,I LOVE YOU!!"Shouted Misty all of a sudden. Ash looked at Misty,it wasn't a dream. "i love you too,"He said back to her. "What do we do about Melody and Rudy Ash?"Asked Misty. "I'm not sure Misty,i love you,not Melody," "I love you,not Rudy,"Said Misty. "I'll have to take you back some time,"Said Ash. They both kissed. After a few hours,Ash took Misty home,but all didn't go well. "THERE YOU ARE YOU BAST***D!WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?OH,I BET MADE OUT WITH HIM DIDN'T YOU!?"Exploded Rudy when they got home. "RUDY!What the hell are you talking about?This is Ash and he's part of the working meeting i told you about.Remember?I was at a meeting about work,Ash is just taking me home. "Misty?You were at a working meeting?But i thought....."Started Ash.Misty winked at him.Ash thought Misty told Rudy the truth but she lied to Rudy,like he lied to Melody. "Ahh,yes,i am part of this working scheme,"Said Ash. However that didn't convince Rudy. "Ohh,and it took you that long to say it did you!I know whats happened,me and Melody went spying on you.Misty told me she was going to a meeting with a friend.I phoned Melody and she said Ash was going out with a friend.We got suspicious so we followed you,WE KNOW WHATS HAPPENED!"Screamed Rudy. Misty and Ash were petrified by now.They ran and heard Rudy say: "MISTY,YOU AND ME ARE THROUGH YOU BI***!!" Misty looked at Ash with tears in her eyes.She hugged him and sobbed. "Shh,shh,it's ok.You are not a bitch.He just said that caz he wasn't happy,"Said Ash trying to comfort Misty. He knew that now Misty wasn't with Rudy anymore,they could be together but he could feel her sorrow,or at least he was going to.He would now have to face Melody who probably had an even worse temper than Rudy.