Ash...on drugs? By aaaml-Ash and Misty forever Disclaimer-I dont own pokemon,im not even an adult. Authors note:I came up with this idea in 1 minute. I rate this pg-13. Please review. Characters:Ash and Misty(duh)-14,Brock-17 ()-Authors note(or my thoughts) *-Thoughts "Misty,i love you!" "Really Ash?I love you too!" Ash suddenly kissed Misty at full power. "WOW!Ash,where did you learn to kiss like that?!" "I dunno,I'll do it again if you like" "Ok then!" Ash kissed her again and,Misty could feel something entering her mouth,she let go. "Ash!Did you just french me?!" "Yep,didn't you enjoy it?" Misty felt something was wrong,she could've enjoyed it better but his mouth felt weird,it smelled different. "Misty,you there?"Asked Ash as he waved his hand to her face. "Misty?Oh well,you wanna go do it in bed?!"He asked eagerly. Misty looked at him surprised. "ASH!We're only 14!Ash,something is wrong with yooooougbla!"Misty didn't get to finish for Ash was kissing her again and he led her to the bedroom. Misty struggled to get off him but he was too strong. "ASH!!WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" "What do you think?" Ash laid her onto the bed. Misty:*Holy crap!Something is wrong with Ash,this isn't him,i don't love him like this,i have a feeling he's drunk!But he's only 14!Crap,Ash is taking off my bobble!Hey,he took off his shirt and pants,man he has a sexy body!!Oh god no,damn!Ash is taking off my top!Ash,please stop,i think you are on drugs!* Ash began to take her bra off. "ASH!PLEASE STOP!"Misty cried. Ash just continued. Misty:*Ash,he doesn't even care about my feelings,he doesn't really love me,or at least if he really does,he's definately on drugs. Misty cried lightly but Ash didn't notice. He just kept on kissing her. But then,he went way too far,he took off his underwear and was touching Misty's,he was going to take it off. Misty had enough,she couldn't taked this anymore,she was frightened of this,she sobbed soo hard,slapped Ash on the face and kicked him in the(you know,the spot!) He screamed in pain,Misty felt kinda bad but he did deserve it after all. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT MISTY?!!" Misty didn't answer,she just kept on sobbing. "MISTY?!" Still no answer. "MISTY!!!"Shouted Ash while he got up,he was about to slap Misty but Misty stopped,she held his hand. "ASH!YOU DESERVED THAT!YOU DON'T LOVE ME DO YOU?!" Ash looked confused,he was about to say something but Misty interupted him. "ASH,THIS ISN'T leaving,"Misty said as she got changed and packed her bags. She left,their older companion,Brock wondered what was wrong with her,he could see her crying. Ash stared at the door,she was right,she loved him and he took advantage of her. Ash:*Oh man,great going Ash,now she hates you! "Oh man!I shouldn't have taken those drugs!"Said Ash to himself. "I KNEW IT!"Shouted Misty out of nowhere. "Misty,i thought you hated me and left," "I came back,i heard you say that you were on drugs,Ash i love you,but not this you. Why did you take drugs?WHY?!"She cried Ash sighed "Misty,i didn't mean to hurt you,or take advantage if you,i guess i was just stressed out, i really do love you,im sorry," "I forgive you,Ash i love you but i wanna take this relationship slowly,we don't have to rush anthing," "Misty,we don't have to do anything you don't want to." "Thanks Ash!" Brock came in while they were kissing. "WOW!HEY!Did i miss anything here?!" Lol,review