The Road to the Pokemon League!


Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the characters and I obviously never will. By the way I’m from Sweden and this is my first fanfic ever so please don’t be too hard on me and excuse me for doin’ some grammar mistakes.

Authors Note: Ok the ages: Ash and Gary is 14 (Almost 15), Misty is 15, Brock is 17 and Jessie & James are 19. (The other characters doesn’t matter)  Ok, these marks: * * means thinking.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                And example: pika pi (Coming Ash.), means that the pokemon are talking, and then explains what it says.                                                                                     When the text gets smaller and smaller: Aaaaaaaaaa means that the talking is getting less loud all the time.


And now, how I have imagined that the characters would look (but of course you can decide yourself. This is just my opinion ^.^)

Misty has her hair down a long way down her back like in the episode ‘The Misty Mermaid’. She has the same clothes as in the first series but she doesn’t have those suspenders anymore.

Ash doesn’t have his hat anymore and the hair is almost the same just a little newer style. Black T-shirt as usual, a black and white jacket kinda like in the first series just a newer style and color, still using sneakers and jeans in an upgraded version. Oh… I almost forgot… no gloves!

The other characters kinda the same just a little upgraded.

And by the way I skipped the chapters because I didn’t know where they would begin or where they would end.


It was an ordinary day just as anyone else, Ash, Misty and Brock are traveling through one of Jhoto’s many forests. But unfortunately Ash and Misty where fighting, as usual!

Misty: You are not going to get far in the Jhoto League, these people are some of the best, they won’t be as easy as the other gym leaders or trainers you’ve challenged or as easy as the trainers in the Indigo league!

Ash: It’s no problem, if I’m gonna be the very best I have to be able to beat the very best!

Misty: I’m just saying, maybe you don’t have what it takes to be the very best.

Ash:  Well, I didn’t see you get to the top 16 in the Indigo Plato or win the Orange League, that’s the proof that I’m a better trainer than you!

Misty:  You just got lucky, I’m a much better trainer than you, and by the way when you and I battled I should have won, but just because Team Rocket attacked and weakened our Pokémon my sisters gave you the badge just out of pity.

Ash: Why do always have to be so mean, I won against you fair and square when we battled about Totodile and that was just a couple of months ago!

Misty: Oh god just shut up! You won because I’m only using water pokemon.

Ash: If you begin to use some other pokemon, you’ll maybe have a tiny chance of becoming a better trainer!

Misty: You dense jerk! You’re not as good trainer as you think you are! *Damn it, I hate to say that to him… now he’ll never like me*

Ash: Dense, DENSE! Why do you hate me, you always think you are Miss Perfect and do everything right but…? (Misty interrupted)

Misty: I’m Miss Perfect when you’re going around thinks that you’re going to be a pokemon master!!

Ash: What, you… oh… (Brock finally says something)

Brock: WILL YOU TWO JUST STOP FIGHTING!! You two always fight about small things that doesn’t even matter, well they are sure not worth to fight about!

Ash: She started it, she is always so mean.

Misty: NO! You started it!



Brock: SHUT UP! If you two fight one more time I’m gonna make you sleep in the same tent!!

Ash & Misty: Ok, sorry Brock.

They looked at each other and turned their heads away with a simple huh!

Ash:*Why does she always have to be so mean to me, why does she hate me, I haven’t done anything to her. Sure I said some things but she’s the one who started it. I know she’ll never like me* he thought.

Misty:*Why do I keep on pissing him off?! I’m so heartless, I really like him and I’m proving that by being mean?!*

They walked for a bit longer and neither Ash nor Misty said a thing to each other.

Brock: It’s starting to get dark, we should find a good place to set up a camp and get some food and some sleep.

Misty: Good idea Brock I’m exhausted.

After a while Brock found a good spot near a lake and they set up their tents. Then Brock started to make dinner.

After a little rest at the camp Ash said: I’m going for a little walk, are you coming Pikachu?

Pikachu: pika pi (Coming Ash).

Ash walked a bit, down the lakeside and then he sat down on a big rock.

Pikachu: pika pi pikachu (Are you ok Ash?)

Ash: Yea I… I mean no, no I’m not.

Pikachu: pika pi pika chuu (You’re thinking about Misty again aren’t ya?)

Ash: Of course I do, that’s almost the only thing I’m thinking of, you know that Pikachu.

Pikachu: pika pi pikachu pika chuu pikachu pika pi (I know, and I know how you feel about her, and you can always talk to me Ash.)

Ash: Thank you, I really needed to hear that, you’re a true friend Pikachu. It would actually be nice to talk a little right now.

Pikachu: pi pika chuu (Ok Ash, talk on I’m right here.)

Ash: Thanks. Well first of you know I’m in love with Misty, and you know we always fight.

Pikachu: pika (Yea.)

Ash: Almost every time we fight she crosses the line, and every time she does that I kinda break a little inside. I love her so much but she seems to hate me…

Pikachu: pika pi pi pikachu pika pi pika chuu (Ash! I know she doesn’t hate you, if she really did she wouldn’t care about that bike and left a long time ago.)

Ash: Yea, you’re probably right, but I still don’t know why she’s doin’ this to me. It has been so many times I have almost run away of sadness and heartbreak.

Pikachu: pika! Pika pikachu pi pika chuu pikachu pi (Run away!? I know you’ve been sad but you can’t run away from your problems!)

Ash: Wow, take it easy Pikachu I’m sorry, you just don’t know how I feel. Humans and Pokémon’s feelings isn’t the same when it comes to love.

Pikachu: pika pi pikachu chuu pika pi pikachu pi chuu pika (I know our feelings isn’t the same when it comes to love, I have actually never understand humans love.)

Ash: You see… you don’t know how it feels when she says that.

Pikachu: pika pi pikachu pi pikachu (I know but I can still feel when you’re sad.)

Ash: I guess you’re right, but you don’t know how it is to have the one you love break your heart.

Pikachu: pika pi pika (I know hope you get better soon.)

Ash and Pikachu talked for such a long time they forgot about the dinner and Misty and Brock.


Under the whole time Ash and Pikachu had been talking Misty and Brock had done some talking themselves:


Brock: Why are you always so mean to Ash?

Misty: Well… I don’t know, I think I’m doing it to hide my love… (Misty forgot who she was talking to and said something else directly) ermm… I mean that’s what friends do right, they fight a little? Sarcastic laugh*

Brock: Yea but… wait what! It sounded like you where about to say you loved him?

Misty panicked she’d turn red all over and said: Well… I, I kinda… sorta… kinda have a thing for him… I kinda like him. And turned so red and warm she almost fainted.

Then Brock said calm and easy: I kinda sorta kinda have a thing for him? I kinda like him? In other words you are really falling for him, right?

Misty calmed down a little when she noticed Brock sitting there so calm and easy. So she said straight out: Yes of course I do, I can’t sleep at night because I’m having bad dreams of me telling Ash I love him and he just laughs at me, and I can’t tell him because I’m worried he won’t return those feelings, and… (Brock interrupted)

Brock: Wait what, really, are you serious! You do love him… kids these days, they don’t know how strong of a word love is…

Misty looked at him with anger in her eyes and then she wacked him in the head as hard as she could and screamed: I’m sitting here telling you stuff that no one else than me and Togepi knows and you are making fun of me!!!

Brock: Geez Misty, Take it easy, I apologize… I didn’t know you where this serious about it. I’m sorry… you can talk to me.

Misty: And by the way you’re the one who doesn’t know how strong of a word love is! You’re the one who’s going around telling all the girls you meet that you love them!!

Brock: SHUT UP! I have a little problem with girls ok. I’m going crazy every time I see a beautiful girl!

Misty: Ok sorry.

It was quiet for a little moment and then Brock said: So how long have you had these feelings for him?

Then Misty said a little more peaceful: Well… I have kinda liked him sense the day I met him, but around 2 & ½ years ago my feelings for him has gotten stronger and stronger for each day.

Brock: Wow, 2 & ½ years that a really long time. Well… sorry about what I said before about love is a strong word, I didn’t realize that you really where this serious.

Misty: It’s ok, I know love is a strong word but I really do feel that way, and Brock… thank you, it’s really nice to talk about this with somebody else than Togepi, I mean Togepi isn’t bad but it’s nice to talk to a human about it for a change.

Brock: It’s alright Misty you can always talk to me, that’s what friends are for right?

Misty: Thanks.

Brock: Just one more question Misty, why are you so mean to him if you love him. What I’m saying is… why won’t you just tell him how you feel?

Misty: It’s not that easy. He could never see anything in me, I’m just the runt of my family, and no one likes me.

Brock: That’s not true! Ash and I like you very much, you’re a good friend Misty, you just have to think about Ash’s feelings too.

Misty: Thank you for the talk Brock you’re a true friend, and I will try to not be so hard on him next time, you just don’t know how hard it is to me...


It was a little pause in the conversation and Brock started to warm up the food. When they waited for the food to get warm Brock went to his tent to check how much the clock was, and just a second later he screamed to Misty: Holy Milktank! (A/N: haha funny thing there, they don’t have cows they have Milktank so I thought that would be funny.) We have been talking for 4 hours!!!

Misty: WHAT! 4 hours! And Ash hasn’t come back yet... Oh no, what if something has happened to him! Maybe Team Rocket has something to do with it?! Or maybe he has run away!!

Brock: Take it easy, I don’t know about Team Rocket but something could have happened to him that’s for sure! We better go look for him, now!

Misty fell to her knees, started to cry and said: It’s my entire fault, if I wouldn’t have crossed the line again, he would have been here with us right now.

Brock: Hey, Misty calm down we’ll find him.

Misty: But what if he has run away?

Brock: Misty he hasn’t run away, but we still have to go look for him come on!


(Unfortunately Team Rocket had actually heard both Ash and Pikachu’s conversation and Misty and Brock’s conversation, just a little bit of each of course, but enough to hear that Ash is in love with Misty and Misty in love with Ash and now they were trying to come up with a plan!)


Just when they were ready to go look for him, he came walking slowly towards the camp.

Brock & Misty screamed: Ash!! And waved at him

When Ash saw them waving and screaming he ran as fast as he could back to the camp realized something must have happened. When he had run all the way back he asked: What have happened guys, why so excited that I’m here?

Misty ran into him and hugged him, and then she said: Oh Ash I’m so sorry of what I said, I didn’t mean to cross the line again, I’m so sorry.

Ash blushed and turned red all over, he was so surprised that she hugged him but at the same time he felt all warm inside and he didn’t want to let go.

After awhile Misty broke the hug and asked: Where were you all this time? You had me so worried, you where gone for 4 hours!!

Ash answered a little surprised: 4 hours?! I was gone for 4 hours?!

Misty answered: Yes! And you had me worried sick, where were you?

Ash was still very surprised that she had been so worried for him, but then he answered: I only took a walk down the lake and then I had a nice talk with Pikachu.

Misty: A talk about what?

Ash: Private stuff.

Misty: Come on! Tell me what you were talking about.

Ash: Private stuff that no one should know about and especially not you!

Misty: Ok, ok, sorry… By the way where is Pikachu anyway?

Ash: Oh, Pikachu is sleeping in my backpack he fell asleep on the way back here, he must have been exhausted from all the talking and walking today.

Misty: Ok Ash. But promise to never be gone this long again.

Ash: Ok Misty, but you really hurt me earlier today.

Misty: I’m sorry Ash I promise I’ll never say that again.

Brock: Well lovebirds, I think it’s time to get some food.

Misty looked at Brock with a mean look and said with an irritation in her voice: Yea Brock I’m starving.


When Ash, Brock and Misty was eating Ash was staring at Misty all the time, he was so confused, earlier today she was so mean and now she was so worried about him. Then Misty said: Ash? Ash! Ash!!!

Ash: What Misty?

Misty: Why are you staring at me like that? She said blushing

Ash blushed crazy and said: Ehh? What? Did I stare at you?

Misty: Yes you did you have been looking at me the whole night now.

Ash: Ehh… well I sure didn’t mean to, I have been in my own little dream world all night now.

Brock and Misty: Yea, we have seen that.

They ate their food and then they went to sleep. Brock fell asleep right away and Misty after an hour. But Ash just laid in his sleeping bag thinking:*Wow, I was down that lake for 4 hours! I think that’s the proof that I really like her, I mean if I can talk about her for 4 hours then I really do love her. But I still can’t figure out why she was so worried about me? Does she like me? ... No, what am I thinking she can’t like me! She was just being a considerate friend! That’s all! …Well it’s late I should get to sleep.* Then Ash fell asleep thinking of Misty.


The next day Ash woke up early, so early he knew Misty and Brock wouldn’t wake up for a few hours. So he decided he wanted to make a surprise breakfast for his friends, but mostly because he wanted to impress Misty and get her to like him. He went over to Brock’s bag and looked for something to cook, he found a recipe for “Brock’s breakfast sandwiches” Ash looked through the recipe and started to make the sandwiches. After two whole hours he had done six awesome sandwiches which were lying on a plate over the fire (they laid on the plate just to make ‘em warm and melt the cheese.) Misty woke up to a wonderful smell and got out of her tent, and when she saw Ash sitting by the fire making breakfast she couldn’t believe her eyes. She went over to Ash and put her hand at his shoulder and at the same time said: Hey Ash, Whatcha doin’?

Ash jumped up in the air and screamed: Aaaahhhhhhh! God Misty… It’s only you… you really scared me.

Misty: Sorry, but why are you making breakfast?

Ash: Yea… Well… Ehh… I kinda woke up a little early and I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I decided to cook a little surprise breakfast for my two best friends in the world… hehe. He said with a faked smile and a sweat drop on his face.

Misty: Wow Ash… yesterday you where so sad and down but today you’re like the sunshine and you’re making breakfast!

Ash: Yepp. (He said smiling and with hope that this would make her like him a little.)

Misty: Hmm… Ash, just gotta ask, are you doin’ this because you want something?

Ash: What? … Can’t I even make breakfast to my best friends without you think I want something? He said with a heartbroken sound in his voice.

Misty: Sorry Ash, I just think it’s weird… you have never done this to us before, so why now, why today?

Ash almost began to cry when she said that but he managed to say: Why do you always have to be so mean! I was just trying to be nice and you are just being a jerk!

Misty: Hey crybaby, I’m not the one being a jerk you’re the one going around nagging about your badges all the time!

Ash: What! If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been “nagging” about those badges for a pretty long time actually. And how does that make me a jerk?

Misty: It makes you a jerk because, ever sense you got those badges the only thing you’ve been talking about is how you’re a better trainer than me and Brock, but you’re not, actually you suck as a trainer and you’re just as bad person as Gary!

Ash: What! Is that what you think of me! Oh I wish I never had thrown that rock at that Spearow, In that case I would never have met you, the stupid you and your stupid bike!

Misty: Stupid bike! ‘SLAP’ Neither I nor my bike is as idiotic as you and that stupid Pikachu!! You dense jerk!!! Then she mumbled to herself: What the hell is the matter with me.

Ash began to cry and screamed: WHAT! No one calls Pikachu stupid or calls me dense I’m leaving this place and I’m walking to the league all by myself, I don’t even know why I was continuing to travel with you in the first place!!! He said while his tears where flying all over the place!

Ash took his sleeping bag and backpack, and Pikachu came along with him (Pikachu had heard the entire thing.) When he was running towards the road, he screamed as he was crying: Don’t ever try to look for me, you will only hurt my feelings again you bitch!

The last thing he heard was Misty scream with a sad voice: NO ASH!! Don’t run away!! Please!


Just when Ash had gotten out of sight and Misty was in her tent crying Brock finally woke up, (A/N: Weird huh… he hadn’t heard them fight?) he smelled a burned scent and got out of his tent quickly. He put out the burning sandwiches with some water and right after, he heard someone crying. He went in front of Misty’s tent and asked: Hey Misty, what’s the matter? And what’s with the burning sandwiches?

Misty: I don’t want to talk about it! LEAVE ME ALONE!

Brock: Take it easy… but where is Ash?


Brock: What?! You better tell me what happened!


Brock: Tell me when you have calmed down.

After awhile she came out and told Brock the whole story!

(Unfortunately Team Rocket had seen and heard this whole thing too and because of that they had to figure out a new plan and it will take even longer for them to show up.)


Brock: Wow Misty, how could you do that to Ash when he only was trying to be nice and make some breakfast for us, you just… wow that’s both cold and heartless! Why do you do that to him if you love him so much?

Misty: Shut up I’m so heartbroken and depressed right now and I’m so angry at myself so you don’t have to make it worse. I know what I did was wrong and I don’t know why I did it so just stop.

Brock: I’m sorry, but I’m still pretty mad at you for what you did. Well… sitting here doesn’t help right? So let’s pack our stuff and let’s go find your love. But remember that, when we find him you’re the one who is going to apologize, Ok?

Misty: Ok.

They started to go look for Ash and took the path to the Indigo Plato. It was a long way there but Misty was ready to do whatever it takes to find Ash!


-Back to Ash

Ash was still running in pain of what Misty said to him. While he was running he was looking down into the ground and didn’t see where he was going, and then he bumped into someone… Gary!

Gary: Hey! Watch where you’re going!

Ash: Sorry. He said with a sad voice.

Gary: Well… Isn’t it the little crybaby huh?

Ash: Shut up, if you had been there you… just get away from me jerk! He yelled as he was still crying.

Gary: What’s the matter Ash? Has something happened?

Ash: You wouldn’t understand. Just go.

Gary: Hey Ash! Listen to me, it looks like you need someone to talk to, so come with me to the next town and tell me on the way what has happened. I know a shortcut.

Ash: Why are you being nice to me?

Gary: Because, I can see that you’re not feeling well, and I’m not that big of a jerk!

Ash: Ok, let’s go towards the next town and I’ll tell you on the way there.

Ash and Gary were on their way to the next town and Ash started to tell Gary the whole story about what had happened: You know that orange headed girl I was traveling with… … After a few hours of walking and talking Gary said: Wow Ash, that’s tough, how could she say that to you and to Pikachu when you only tried to be nice and make some breakfast?!

Ash: I don’t know.

Gary: And how could she say that to Pikachu, you and Pikachu have like the closest bond I have ever seen a trainer and a pokemon have!

Ash: I don’t know… but she did get one thing right…

Gary: What?

Ash: I made the breakfast because I wanted something… I did it because… ermm I did it because… I… I wanted her... to… to… I did it because I wanted her to love me!

Gary: You want her to love you?

Ash: Yea… Gary you see, even since the day I met her I have been liking her but the past 2 & ½ years my feeling have gotten stronger for each day… and I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.

Gary: It’s ok, I won’t tell anyone about this.

Ash: Thanks.

Gary: But wow… … are you still in love with the girl who made you run away?

Ash: Yea, I’m still in love with her, but I know she’ll never like and me and even if she did  love me I’m still not sure I’m ready to forgive her for what she did.

Gary: I know what you mean… huh… …Hey Ash! Look over there that’s the last town before the Jhoto League!

Ash: Great! But hey Gary, you’ve really been some great help and a great friend, I needed someone and you were there for me, so I wanted to ask you if… if you want to be my new traveling buddy?

Gary: Sure! It can be nice to travel with somebody else than my cheerleaders.

Ash: Thanks Gary! Let’s get to the pokemon center, get a room and our pokemon healed.

Gary: Just glad I could help for once, and yea let’s go!

Ash and Gary went to the pokemon center to get their pokemon healed and a room for some sleep.

Ash: Hey Nurse Joy.

Joy: Hello there.

Ash: Me and my friend Gary here really need to heal our pokemon and get a room for the night.

Joy: Well sure, just give me your pokemon and you can pick them up fully healed tomorrow.

Gary: Ok great.

Ash: What about the room?

Joy: Ok hold on for a minute… ok is room 6 ok? It has 2 beds and a bathroom.

Ash: Perfect, we’ll take it.

They went up to their room and packed up then Ash asked: Gary, have you gotten all 8 badges yet?

Gary: Yea of course I have, otherwise I wouldn’t be heading for the Jhoto League right?

Ash: Yea sure… didn’t think about it that way.

Gary: Let’s get some sleep. It has been a long day, especially for you.

Ash: Yea… Good night Gary.

Gary: Good night.


-Back to Brock and Misty

Brock and Misty where camping out. It got too late for them to walk and they were tired so they set up their tents and were walking the last part to the town tomorrow. (A/N: I couldn’t come up with a good name for the town so let’s just call it “The Town”.) Brock went to sleep right away but Misty had such a hard time to get to sleep and she was still so sad, so she packed up her stuff and started to walk towards the next town leaving Brock alone.

When she was walking she was thinking about what she’d done:*I’m going crazy! How could I be such a heartless bitch! I really do love Ash but instead of telling him how I feel I broke his heart. I can’t understand how sad he was when I said those things. When he started to cry from what I said I felt so bad but I still continued to be a bitch! And he was just trying to be nice and make a surprise breakfast for me and Brock… but something I can’t understand is that he said “I’m just making some breakfast for my two best friends in the world” after all the times I have given him crap and hard times he still considerate me as one of his best friends. And I don’t think I deserve that, I don’t think I deserve to be his friend. But even if I don’t deserve it and even if he’s not going to forgive me I’m going to tell him how I feel about him and I’m going to apologize!*

Misty walked for a few hours and it got too late to even see clear outside, so she set up a little camp of her own and went to sleep.

Brock woke up early the next morning in feeling something was wrong. When he got out of his tent he saw that Misty was gone. He understood she was trying to look for Ash so he packed up quickly and went looking for her.

When Misty woke up she woke up from a nightmare, the nightmare was about her finding Ash, and telling him that she was sorry and that she loved him. But Ash just looked at her turned around and walked away laughing then she never saw him again. She woke up all sweaty and crying, when she went out of her tent and saw Brock sitting there making breakfast. She looked surprised and asked him: Hey Brock. Sorry I ran away last night, but how did you find me?

Brock looked at her and answered: I was pretty easy; I know you’re still pretty sad after what happened and I know you wanted to find Ash so I just walked down the road we were supposed to go and hoped to find you, and your tent isn’t really invisible so… yea.

Misty: Ok, I’m really sorry I ran away, I couldn’t sleep last night, I was still thinking of Ash and I had to find him so I walked away.

Brock: It’s ok Misty, let’s just eat some breakfast and then we can continue to look for him, ok?

Misty: Ok you’re right.

They ate their breakfast and then they started to walk towards the town.


-Back to Gary and Ash

They woke up early that morning and went down to eat some breakfast but first they picked up their pokemon fully healed. When they were eating Ash had this depressed look on his face and almost didn’t touch his food. So Gary asked: What’s the matter Ash you haven’t even touched your food yet?

Ash: I just can’t stop thinking about Misty.

Gary: Wow Ash, I have never seen you like this, not even when I was picking on you. She really hurt your feelings.

Ash: Yes she did but I still can’t stop thinking about her…

It was a little pause in the talking but then Ash said: Hey Gary, you’ve been so nice to me now when I have been down and I just wanted to ask; are you only doin’ this because I was down or are you gonna continue to be nice?

Gary: Ash… We were friends when we were kids so why couldn’t it continue to be like that?

Ash: Do you really mean that?

Gary: Of course I do, this whole jerk thing I was doing is probably because I wanted to be better that everybody else. And I think it got worse when you got this two awesome friends and I was lonely.

Ash: Wait what… Do you mean you only became worse because you where jealous that I had great friends and you didn’t!? But it’s ok Gary, now when we’re friends again.

Gary: Thanks Ash.

As Ash and Gary became friends they decided to spend one more day to train for the Jhoto League and then continue to walk towards the League right away in the next morning. They trained the whole day and beat almost all the trainers in the town! Later that night they walked back to the pokemon center to get some sleep.

It was late and Misty and Brock finally got to the town. They decided to go to the pokemon center to get some sleep and ask if someone has seen Ash.

Misty: Hey Nurse Joy. We have to ask you something.

Joy: Sure thing dear, ask anything you want.

Brock in gaga mode: If we can ask you anything, I would like to ask you for a date. We can go eat dinner, pick a restauraaant ooouuuuuch!! Not the ear!!

Misty grabbed his ear, moved him away from Nurse Joy and said: WE’RE HERE TO FIND MY LOVE NOT YOURS!

Misty: Sorry about Brock.

Joy with sweat drop: It’s ok… what was it you wanted to ask me?

Misty pulled out a picture of Ash and asked: Have you seen this boy on the picture?

Brock whispered to Misty trying to hold his laugh in: Do you have a picture of Ash in your backpack?

Misty took a grip on his ear again and threw him to the ground.

Joy: Yes I have seen him, his here right now. He came in yesterday with a friend. Oh… Hold on for a minute.

Misty: Ash is here on the pokemon center Brock! She said with joy in her voice.

Brock: Yea that’s awesome! But wonder who that other friend can be?

Misty: Yea?

Joy came back and said: He’s in room 6 with his friend but they are sleeping now so don’t go in there today.

Misty: Ok that’s great! Do you have any rooms left?

Joy: Yes, we got a couple of rooms left… is room 3 ok it has two beds and a bathroom.

Misty: Is that ok with you Brock? …Brock?

Brock where busy talking with Officer Jenny at the entrance and ignored Misty so she took the room.

Brock and Misty went to their room to get some sleep and Misty was going to Ash’s room the first thing in the morning.

The next morning Ash and Gary woke up really early and went downstairs to eat some breakfast, after the breakfast they packed up their stuff, checked out from the pokemon center and started to walk down the last road towards the Jhoto League.

When Misty and Brock woke up they looked at the clock realized they had overslept… a lot! Misty walked down the hall trying to find Ash’s room. When she found room number 6 she gathered the courage she needed took a deep breath and knocked on the door, she waited awhile then knocked again but no one opened so she tried to open it herself and it worked, but unfortunately the room was empty. Misty went downstairs and asked Nurse Joy: Have you seen Ash, the boy I showed on the picture yesterday.

Joy: Yes I have… but I’m sorry to say that he checked out a couple of hours ago.

Misty: Oh no!

Brock came down.

Misty fell to her knees, began to cry and said: Oh no!! Now I’ll never find him!

Brock ran up to her and asked: What is it now Misty?

Misty: Ash checked out a couple of hours ago, now we’ll never find him!

Joy: What is the matter?

Brock: I got this, thanks for helping nurse, but this is kinda private stuff so we’ll handle it ourselves.

Brock got Misty to calm down and said: We will find him Misty, let’s eat something pack up our stuff then keep on looking for him.

Misty: Wait here, I’m just gonna go ask Nurse Joy something.

Brock: Yea… what?

Misty: You know she said Ash was here with another ‘friend’. I’m gonna try to find out who it is.

Misty: Hey Nurse Joy?

Joy: Yes? Oh, how are you feeling now?

Misty: A little better. But I’ll have to ask, you said the boy I asked about was traveling with another guy right?

Joy: Yes he did.

Misty: What did he look like, the other guy?

Joy: Well… He had brown boots, a purple shirt and he was carrying around an Umbreon.

Misty: GARY!!!

Joy: Yea right that’s his name.

Brock: What’s happening Misty why did you scream?

Misty: The guy Ash has been here with is Gary!

Brock: Gary!? It can’t be Gary!

Misty: I can’t understand he was so depressed he made friends with Gary!

Brock: We have to go find him, now!

Misty: Yea! Let’s go!

Brock: Thank you Nurse Joy cya later!

Joy: Be careful. Good luck to you both!


Ash and Gary were in the middle of the woods on their way to the Jhoto League. Ash was still depressed, even since it has been a couple of days since he ran away.

Gary: It’s not very long left until we’re at the league!

Ash: Ok great…

Gary: ASH! Sheer up! I thought you would be exited to get into the league?

Ash: It’s not the same thing without Misty and Brock cheering on me… especially Misty.

Gary: Ok let’s talk about something else.

They talked and walked a bit longer with Misty and Brock pretty close to them… after awhile Gary said: Ash where are we?

Ash: I have no idea!

Gary: Great! Now we’re lost!

Ash: Take it easy Misty we should be used to this right now.

Gary: Huh…? You just called me Misty?

Ash: What!? Did I? Sorry Gary I’m still so depressed.

Gary: It’s ok, you’ll get over it sooner or later.

Ash: I don’t even see the meaning to enter the competition anymore. Nothing is the same without Misty.

Misty: BROCK! Where are we? You got us lost! No we’ll defiantly never find Ash!

Gary: Did you hear that Ash?!

Ash: Yes of course I did… that sounded just like Misty and Brock!

Gary: Yea, let’s go check it out.

They walked through a few bushes and then they saw Misty and Brock standing there fighting.

Brock: Take it easy! You’re fighting with me as you used to fight with Ash.

Misty: I’m sorry Brock… I just miss Ash so much I’m taking it out on you.

Brock: There is a train trail right behind these bushes but I can’t find it on the map.

Ash walked up to them and said: Hey guys. With a shaking voice

When Misty heard that voice she got the biggest smile in the world and looked behind her and obviously she saw Ash standing there. She ran over to him as fast as she could and hugged him and said: Oh Ash, I have been so worried about you! I’m so sorry for what I said I promise I’ll never say something even close to that again, I’ll never even fight with you again! I’m so sorry Ash, please forgive me! Just never leave me again! Ash just stood there hugging her back, but he wasn’t sure yet if he wanted to forgive her. Just as he opened his mouth to tell her, a glass cage surrounded her and captured her!

Ash: Misty!

Misty: Ash! Help!

James: This is a special one for our little lovebirds!

Brock, Gary, Ash and Misty: HUH!?

Jessie: Our little twerps have gotten into some love trouble!

James: If you don’t get together you’ll make it double!

Jessie: We’ll do all it takes to destroy the twerp’s relations!

James: And if don’t do as we say we’ll kill her with this train station!

Jessie: As you probably understand we’re here for your Pikachu!

James: We got your girl and we want to trade her with you!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket winning for the first time in years!

James: And don’t think it will help with only some tears!

Meowth: Meowth that everyone fears!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

(A/N: Yes I came up with that motto by myself, hope you liked it)

For the first time everyone was stunned by their motto.

Ash: Team Rocket! That sure was a different motto…? But leave her out of this… I’ll do anything… please.

James: I told you in the motto that tears wouldn’t help… so shut your mouth!

Meowth picked up the glass cage with a crane and held it over the train stations trail and said: You have 12 minutes until the train’s coming and the cage will smash. So, hurry make up your mind.

Ash: Go everybody! I choose all of you!

Jessie: Twerp! Don’t even think about attacking us! If you do we’ll drop the cage and twerpette will die from the glass, and if the glass doesn’t kill her the electricity from the trail will!

Ash quickly stopped himself from throwing the pokèballs and put them back on his belt.

James: Yes, yes, yes!! I think this is the best plan we’ve ever come up with.

Ash almost began to cry but managed to say: Team Rocket! I love her and I can’t live without her, if she dies I can’t keep on living. But she can live without me so please take me instead!

Misty was so touched and happy he said that but she was still stuck and she started to cry. She started to ‘bang’ on the glass to try to get out but obviously it didn’t work.

Meowth: Sorry, can’t do that kid, I think it’s really sweet that you want to take her place but it’s not that we get your pokemon if you die. 8 minutes 30 seconds left!

Ash just came up with a great plan to rescue Misty and said: Wait Meowth, do you mean if you get all my pokemon you’ll release her?

Meowth: Sure thing kid.

Ash sat down in front of Pikachu and said: Pikachu get in your pokeball. Just this once I promise you’ll get out!

Pikachu: pika! Pikachu pika pi (No! You know I hate being inside that thing.)

Ash: Pikachu you’ve got to do this, it’s the only way to save Misty! You know she’s my best friend and I love her.

Pikachu: pika pi pikachu pi pika chuu pikachu (Ok Ash I’ll do it for Misty just this once and never again in my life.)

Ash: Ok thank you Pikachu.

Everybody looked at Ash wondering what he was doing. And then he said: Ok Team Rocket, you win. You’ll get all my pokemon and I’ll get Misty back. Pikachu return and Pikachu got into its pokèball for the first time in 5 years.

Brock and Gary: Ash, are you completely out of your mind? You can’t give away all your pokemon especially not Pikachu!

Ash: I’ll have to… I love her.

Misty screamed: Ash I love you too! But please don’t do this it’s too much!

Brock and Gary: Ash No!

When Ash put his hand on his belt he fastened Pikachu on his belt and no one saw it and then he took 5 empty pokèballs and Totodile’s pokèball and said: Here these are all my pokemon including Pikachu and here it the proof, this is Totodile’s pokèball it was a Lure ball and Team Rocket remembered Totodile had a different pokèball so they believed him. Before he gave them to Team Rocket he whispered to Totodile: When you hear me scream ‘Now!’ get out of your pokèball and press the crane lever to right.

Everybody still screamed at Ash: No!! Don’t do it!

Brock and Gary didn’t do anything because they knew they couldn’t stop him.

Team Rocket danced in happiness and Jessie said: Yes! We finally got Pikachu and all the twerps’ pokemon! Ok put the pokemon in a bag and throw the bag over to us.

Ash: Ok.

Gary and Brock: No! Ash, don’t do it!!!

Misty: Don’t do it Ash! I love you so much but don’t give ‘em Pikachu!

He put them in a bag and finally threw the bag to them.

Team Rocket got so happy they forgot about the time and then Ash heard the train come and screamed as high as he could ‘Now!’ but Totodile didn’t come out, instead Meowth answered: Sorry kid, I changed my mind.

Gary and Brock, Misty and Ash: What!?

Misty: No!

Ash: Who cares! Totodile do it ‘NOW!!!’

Totodile came dancing out of its pokèball and hit the lever to the right side and Misty got away from the train safely!

Then Ash screamed: Cyndaquil I choose you, flamethrower on that glass cage now! And Cyndaquil came out and melted the glass with its flamethrower. Misty fell out and Ash ran in under her to catch her, and of course he did!

Misty: Oh Ash, I love you too! She said and hugged him, she was crying all the time. They nodded at each other and Ash sat Misty down on the ground and then returned Cyndaquil into its pokèball and then he said: Totodile take your pokèball and jump. Totodile took his pokèball in his mouth and jumped down from the crane. Ash catched him and returned him to his pokèball then Ash threw a pokèball and screamed: PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU, THUNDERBOLT!!!!!

Team Rocket was still stunned that he still had Cyndaquil and Totodile and looked a little confused down in the bag, but they saw all the pokèballs there so they took one pokèball each and opened them but they were empty!

Gary, Brock and Misty: Alright!

Gary: That’s the old Ash’s spirit!

Brock: Way to go Ash!

Pikachu came out and used all it power in one thunderbolt!

BOOM!!! The crane exploded!

Jessie (in the air): Nooo! How could we be so stupid! The pokèballs were empty!!!

James: Well… Being stupid is what we’re good at.

Meowth: Yea… we planed that for 3 days and it didn’t work… maybe we just don’t have what it takes to beat them.

James: I guess at least they will get a happy ending.

Team Rocket, all together now: You all have happy lives now twerps!

Jessie: Ready?

They nodded at each other and then they all screamed: TEAM ROCKET BLASTING OFF FOR GOOD!!! Bling*


Ash sat down hugged and thanked Pikachu and promised him he never had to go back to his pokèball again. Ash ran up to Misty sat down beside her on a bench and they both looked into each other’s eyes, then they slowly moved closer and closer to each other and kissed passionately, it was so amazing and perfect they never wanted to break the kiss, they didn’t for 20 minutes. Gary and Brock started to go back a little bit into the woods and Pikachu came with them. Then they started to set up a camp and gave Misty and Ash a little privacy.

Gary: Well… that went good, huh?

Brock: Yea, I’m glad everyone is ok.

Gary: I gotta admit it that was the greatest plan I’ve ever seen someone come up with that quick…

Brock: Which, Team Rockets?

Gary: No Ash’s plan… I guess when you have to save the one you love, you’ll do anything.

Brock: Yea, who wouldn’t agree with you on that point?

Gary: I think I’m gonna go on travel with you guys from now on. Ever since I met Ash a couple of days ago he gave me something I never have had before…

Brock: What???

Gary: A real friend.

Brock: Gary, I’m sorry… I had wrong about you, you’re not a douche.

Gary: Thanks… I guess?


-Back to Ash and Misty

Misty: Thank you Ash.

Ash: Huh, for what?

Misty: You know that you saved my life right. Giggles*

Ash: Oh that. I actually don’t know how I came up with that plan. I think you’ll do anything for the people you love. He said looking at Misty with a beautiful smile.

Misty: Oh Ash I’m so sorry for what I said before, it’s just that I got so crazy of holding in all my feelings for you and now when we’re together I’ll never say mean stuff again, I love you so much Ash. You saved my life and I’ll never forget that. She said started to cry from happiness and gave him a huge hug and she didn’t let go!

Ash hugged her back and said: Misty, I love you too.

Then they kissed passionately. They kept on kissing and cuddling for awhile and then they lay down in the grass and kept kissing. After a little pause Ash said: You know that breakfast I made for you, before you… you know?

Misty: Yea. She said a little disappointed.

Ash: Do you know why I made that breakfast?

Misty: Not really.

Ash: I did it because I was in love with you and I wanted to prove to you that I can be responsible too, and also I wanted to impress you.

Misty: Oh Ash, that’s so sweet. I love you.

Ash: Mist, do you know what has been giving me all this energy and been making me so happy for all these years… the only thing that has ever made me happy is traveling by your side all these years, and waking up to your beautiful smile has given me the energy I needed to keep on battling even if I lost. I love you Misty Waterflower and I always have.

Misty began to cry and said: Oh Ash, you’re just perfect. You have had the chance to make so many other girls yours… but you choose me. An ugly, bitchy little runt from Cerulean City!

Ash couldn’t agree with her on that point: You aren’t ugly or bitchy and you’re defiantly not a runt! The only thing I see is someone who’s beautiful, caring and pure. When your sisters are picking on you, I bet they’re doing it out of nothing but jealousy!

Misty: I’m sorry for everything! Just kiss me!

Then they had long amazing kiss and Ash said: You don’t have to say you’re sorry for everything, let’s leave all the fighting behind us and focus on the present. And Misty, I do believe that you’re sorry, I promise.

Misty: Thank you Ash. She said while giving him another long kiss.

After that they only lay there in the grass cuddling and looking at the stars and Misty said: How can I not love you, you’re just amazing. Then they fell asleep together in the grass.


Brock and Gary started to get worried, they hadn’t come back for 3 hours now and they went out to look for them. They went to the spot they had left Misty and Ash but they didn’t find ‘em. Gary walked up to the bench to look for them and behind that bench he saw Ash sleeping on the ground and Misty sleeping with her head on Ash’s chest, then he yelled: Brock! I found ‘em!

Brock: What? Where?!

Gary: Right here behind this bench.

Brock walked up to Gary and when he saw them he said: I’m glad they finally got together if they had waited any longer they would just have hurt each other’s feelings more and maybe never gotten together.

Gary: Mhmm, thank you Team Rocket.

They put Ash and Misty under a blanket and let them sleep there for the night, and then they began to walk back to the camp to eat some food and then go to asleep.

The next morning Ash woke up first and wondered how he and Misty got under a blanket, but that didn’t matter because he just wanted to lay there and look at Misty’s beautiful face and wait for her to wake up.

When Misty woke up the first thing she saw was Ash beautiful eyes.

Misty: Hey…

Ash: Hey…

Misty: Slept well sweetie?

Ash: First time I have been sleeping this good in years… how about you?

Misty: Just as good as you… How long have you been laying there staring at me?

Ash: An hour or so now, I just couldn’t take my eyes of your beautiful face.

Misty: Oh stop it Ash you’re making me blush. Giggles*

Ash: How did we get under a blanket?

Misty: I have no idea.

Ash: And where is Brock and Gary?

Misty: Do you think they left us to travel all by ourselves?

Ash: I know Brock would never leave us.

Gary: Hey lovebirds slept well?

Misty: Gary?

Ash: Hey Gary.

Gary: Come back to the camp Brock has made breakfast and he told me to go get you.

Ash: Ok are you coming Mist? Misty?

Misty: Don’t be so slow I’m hungry. Misty said already half way back to the camp.

Ash, Gary and Misty was running back to the camp. When they got back they sat down and ate together. After they had eaten Ash and Misty sat leaning against each other and Gary and Brock sat beside their own tents. They all just sat and enjoyed the harmony and the beautiful silence of the nature, but unfortunately someone had to break it and that someone was Gary: Hey guys, I think…?

Ash, Misty and Brock: SHUT UP!

Gary: Sorry but we have been enjoying this for two hours now, Brock you have just been sitting there petting Vulpix, and Ash and Misty you have only been sitting there cuddled, kissing and telling each other how much you love each other. It was a beautiful great time filled with harmony. But if you haven’t noticed it’s only two days until the Jhoto League Championship begins and Ash now when you’re happy again I don’t think you want to miss this competition, right?

Ash got up like a crazy person and said: Two days!! Well let’s pack up our stuff and get going towards the League!

Misty: That’s the old Ash!

Gary: That’s the spirit!

They packed up their stuff and just before they were gonna begin to walk Ash said: It is gonna be a lot more different now, Misty and I won’t be fighting and Gary is with us.

Brock: Aren’t you forgetting something else that’s new?

Ash: No what were you thinking of?

Brock: Remember what Team Rocket said; I guess we don’t have what it takes to beat them, have happy lives. And when they blasted off they said: Team Rocket blasting off for good!

Misty: Yea that’s right, no more Team Rocket!

Everybody: Woohoo!

Ash: When you think about it, you’re actually gonna miss them a little. Their motto, their Wobbuffet, Meowth the only talking pokemon we know and their pathetic plans that made our journey a little more exciting!

Misty: Ash just listen to yourself you actually sound like you’re gonna miss them.

Brock: Misty, we will miss them, we all will sooner or later.


(Team Rocket actually heard what they said. They got so tearful. They where spying on them from a hill and not only because what they had said also because they had been following them for 5 years and never got a single pokemon form them. So they decided they would stop following them and start stealing in some other region!)


Ash, Gary, Brock and Misty walked for a really long time and it started to get dark. They sat up their tents when Gary noticed that Misty weren’t putting up her tent. He went over to her and asked: Why aren’t you putting up your tent Misty?

Misty: Huh? Oh hey Gary.

Gary: Why aren’t you putting up your tent?

Misty: Because I’m gonna sleep in Ash’s tent tonight.

Gary: Oh… ok. He said when he was walking back to his tent.

Misty: Gary wait!

Gary: Huh? What is it?

Misty: Why have you been so nice to Ash lately and you started travel with us. Aren’t you and Ash rivals?

Gary: I had a feeling this question would come. You see… Ash and I was friends as kids but when we got older I started picking on him which ruined our friendship and I only got worse because I got jealous of him when he got this two awesome friends and I had nothing. And the day Ash ran away he bumped into me and I saw that he was sad. He needed someone that day and I was the only one there. After that day he gave me something I never had have before… a real friend.

Misty: Wow I guess I had wrong about you Gary.

Gary: Thanks for understanding. He said while going back to his tent.

When they were going to sleep Ash and Misty got into the same tent.

Ash: Misty, I’m so lucky to have you.

Misty: I love you Ash and you mean the world to me.

Ash: Love you too, good night.

Misty: Good night.

Then they kissed a long passionate kiss and then they went to sleep. But Misty couldn’t sleep she was just moving and rolling around.

Ash: What is it Mist?

Misty: I can’t get comfortable… so I was wondering if… if I could…if I could sleep in your bag tonight? She said blushing

Ash got a little stunned, thought about it for awhile and then he said: Sure Mist.

Misty got out of her sleeping bag and got over to Ash’s bag, they laid there for awhile and they both were blushing crazy all the time and then she said: This is so nice and warm. And then she blushed even more.

Ash: This is really comfortable. He said while blushing crazy

Misty began pressed her body against Ash’s, and Ash did the same and hugged her. They both blushed crazy!

Ash: I love you.

Misty didn’t answer she just turned around and gave him a deep long amazing kiss, this kiss wasn’t like before, no, this was way different and way more passionate. She kissed him so he almost lost his breath.

Ash: Wow… that was… wow!

Misty just giggled.

Ash: Where have you learned to kiss like that?

Misty: I don’t know you gave me my first kiss yesterday. Giggles*

Ash: Do that again!

And she did it even more passionate this time. Then they fell asleep cuddling and kissing.

When they woke up the next morning they ate their breakfast as quick as they could, then they all started to walk towards the league directly. Later that afternoon they finally got to the Jhoto League! And the first thing Ash and Gary did when they saw the League was run to the pokemon center and register themselves for the competition.

Nurse Joy: You got lucky there kids, there’s only 1h and 20…23 minutes left until were closing the registration desk.

Ash and Gary: Yea! We made it.

Joy: Ok here’s your room keys it’s room 2 and 4. Room 2 has 1 bed and room 4 has 2 beds.

Ash: Ok I’ll take room 2.

Gary: Sure, here you go.

Ash ran over to Misty picked her up and carried her up the stairs into the room. While Misty was laughing she said to Brock and Gary: Cya tomorrow!

Gary and Brock was stunned, after a couple of minutes they went to their room to sleep.

When Ash and Misty got into their room Ash threw her on the bed, and then he said: I love you Mist, but I have to do this.

Misty: No Ash please no… She started to scream-laugh a little

Ash held her down in the bed, kissed her quick and then he started to tickle her has fast as he could. (A/N: Haha got ya there some of you probably thought they would… you know… haha!) She was screaming and laughing but he continued to tickle her.

Brock and Gary heard them. And Brock said: Well, It sounds like they are having fun, right.

Gary answered sarcastic: Really!

Then Brock and Gary fell asleep.

Ash and Misty was lying in the bed under the cover kissing and cuddling when Pikachu asked: pika pi pika? (What are you doing?) (Pikachu hadn’t seen them kissing before.)

Ash: Oh hey Pikachu, we’re together now you know that right?

Pikachu: pika, pi pikachu pika pi chuu pi pika? (Yes, I know but you don’t fight anymore and you’re doing that thing with each other?)

Misty: Ash, what did he say?

Ash: He asked why we don’t fight anymore and what this thing we do is called.

Misty: Oh Pikachu, we were only fighting all these years to hide our true feelings for each other, and that thing we’re doin’ is called kissing.

Pikachu: pika? Pi pika pi pikachu chuu pika pikachu pi pika chuu (Kissing? I have heard about that. But I still can’t understand humans and their love.)

Ash: It’s ok Pikachu it’s just like before just that Misty and I have admitted our feelings for each other so we won’t be fighting anymore and we’ll do more stuff together and this kissing thing is something you’ll have to get used to. We love each other.

Pikachu: pika pikachu pi pika chuu. Pikachu pi pika pikachu pi pika chuu (If you say so Ash I’m just glad you finally got together and you’re happy again. And if you’re happy I’m happy.)

Misty: What did he say?

Ash: He said if we’re happy he’s happy.

Misty: Thank you Pikachu that’s very sweet of you.

Then they fell asleep cuddling with each other.

The next day Ash woke up earlier than everybody else. He put on his clothes and went to the market. He was looking for a gift to give Misty. He looked in all the stores and stands but he didn’t find anything. A little later he walked by some store-windows and in one store he saw a necklace with a silver chain and a sapphire Starmie with a ruby in the middle of it. It was the only thing he found in the whole market that he really thought would be the perfect gift. But sad enough the price, 350$!!! He thought for awhile then he saw the clock and realized he had to get back for the competition. So he just ran into the store said he wanted the sapphire Starmie and a box for it. Then he took 370$ (20 for the box) put them on the desk, took the box and ran away. He got back just in time for the competition.

Gary, Brock and Misty: Ash!

Brock: Where were you?

Ash: I was in the market but I didn’t find what I was looking for.

Misty: Well that’s bad. But you’re up next so you got lucky you got here in time.

The day’s two competitions was first for the 32 trainers who made it into the League (A/N: I know it’s just a few people but it would only take unnecessary place to make more rounds.) and they all was competing about a place in the next round who only 16 made it to and both Ash and Gary made it easy. The next round was a lot harder but they both made it. And because both Ash and Gary made it through both rounds this night they were celebrating! They were going to a festival held there. On their way to the festival someone came yelling: ASH!

They all turned around and saw Ash’s mother, Professor Oak and Tracey running towards them.

Ash: Mom! He said while he ran up to her and hugged her.

Ash’s Mom: Hey Ash, how are you doing?

Ash: Never been better.

Mom: You have grown up so much. I don’t even recognize my son.

Ash: I haven’t grown that much.

Mom: I guess you’re right, I’m just so proud of you.

Gary: Hey grandpa.

Prof. Oak: Oh Gary what are you doing here with Ash? Aren’t you rivals?

Gary: Haven’t we told ya? Ash and I aren’t rivals anymore we are friends now and we travel together.

Prof. Oak: Have you and Ash become friends? He said surprised.

Mom: Well I think it’s wonderful that you two finally are friends again.

Misty: Well that’s not the only thing that is new…

Ash whispered in Misty’s ear: No Misty, don’t tell her! We can tell her after the League is over.

Misty whispered back: Ok.

(A/N: I know her name is Delia but it’s easier to write mom.)Mom: Yea… What else is new?

Misty panicked: Ehh…??

Ash whispered to Misty: Show them Corsola.

Misty: Go Corsola! I’ve caught a Corsola.

Prof. Oak: That’s great, good for you Misty.

Tracey yelled out from nowhere: Does anybody here even care that I’m here too!!

Ash: Sorry Tracey, I’m really happy you got here.

Tracey: Thanks Ash.

Brock: But Prof. Oak who is taking care of the lab?

Prof. Oak: Oh it’s ok, an old top student of mine came to look after my lab.

They all got together and now they were on the festival, sitting at a table eating and talking.

Ash: Brock and Gary can I talk to you a little?

Brock: Sure thing Ash.

Gary: Sure

They walked away from the table so the others couldn’t hear.

Ash: Brock, Gary, don’t even mention to the other’s that Misty and I are together ok.

Gary: Ok Ash.

Brock: Ok sure. But I gotta ask, why can’t we say anything?

Ash: Because they don’t know anything yet and Misty and I want to surprise them after the League.

Gary and Brock: Ok!

Ash: Misty and I are going to look if it’s anything to do over there. He said pointing at some lottery stands.

Misty: We’ll be back later.

Mom: Ok but don’t cause any trouble.

Ash and Misty walked away and when the other couldn’t see them anymore they ran off towards the river. When they got there they sat on a bench and looked at the moon.

Misty: This is so beautiful.

Ash: Yes it is… and so are you.

Misty: Oh Ash, you’re always so sweet. She said while giving him a small kiss on the lips.

Ash: Misty Waterflower I love you so much, if something happened to you I couldn’t keep on living. You’re my best friend, my Soul-Mate and my love. To see your smiling face on the morning is what makes my day worth living. He brought out the box and opened it.

She was so touched of what he said she just sat there and looked at the necklace and then she began to cry and hugged Ash. Ash hugged her back and asked: What is it Mist? Is something wrong?

Misty: No, not at all, I love you too Ash and of course you’re my Soul-Mate too. I love you so much, but… I can’t accept this necklace. It’s just too much.

Ash: No it isn’t. I bought it because I wanted you to have it.

Misty picked up the necklace looked at it and then she started to cry again she hugged him as hard as she could and he hugged her back. Ash broke the hug and took the necklace and said: Mist, it‘s ok, turn around. She turned around and he put the necklace around her neck. When she turned around she looked at the necklace and said: Ash I’m not worth something this beautiful, this thing is more beautiful than I can ever get.

Ash: Do you think I think this necklace is more beautiful than you?

Misty: No. But I think so.

Ash: Misty you’re the most beautiful person I know and I love you but you got to love yourself too. Maybe you don’t think so but I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.

Misty: Thank you Ash. How could I not love you? You’re the most amazing guy I know and I couldn’t live without you either.

Misty lay down on the bench, took a grip on Ash’s shirt, pulled him towards herself and started to kiss him. They kept on kissing a little longer, but then Tracey saw them.

Tracey: What the…!?

Misty: Huh?

Ash: Tracey?

Tracey: I was just gonna go look for you because you have been gone for 3 & ½ hours and I see this!

Misty: Tracey, we were gonna tell everybody… we just wanted to surprise you after the League.

Tracey: How long have you been together now?

Ash: 3 days. But we have been in love for 2 & ½ years.

Tracey: Brock and Gary? Do they know?

Misty: Yepp they where there when Ash saved me from Team Rocket. We got together after that.

Tracey: Wow… Hey where did you get that necklace Misty, It looks really expensive.

Misty: Ash just gave it to me.

Tracey: Wow Ash, where did you get the money for that?

Ash: If you have to know, I took all my own money and the rest from the money I was saving for your bike. Sorry Mist, I just really wanted to give you this.

Misty: It’s ok… I really don’t care about that bike so much anymore. I love you.

Ash: I love you too Mist.

They started to kiss again. And Tracey just sat there a little stunned, after awhile Tracey made this fake cough for them to know they had to stop but they didn’t so he did it again as loud as he could but they didn’t stop so he yelled: Hello!!!!

They stopped and asked: What’s wrong?

Tracey: It’s been over 3 hours now, we should get back.

Ash & Misty: Ok.

Ash: But Tracey promise not to tell Mom or Prof. Oak, don’t even talk about this ok.

Tracey: Ok sure.

They went back to the table and sat down they explained that they forgot the time and gave some lame excuses that weird enough worked, and then they all talked for awhile. A little later music started playing and people began to dance Ash and Misty danced and Ash’s Mom and Prof. Oak started to dance too. (But just as friends of course.)

It was very late and everybody was tired so they started to walk back to the pokemon center, on their way back Ash’s Mom asked: Where is your friend Brock?

Everybody: What! Brock’s gone?!

They were all starting to call for him: Brock?! Brock where are you?! They were all looking and they started to get worried when he came walking towards them with his head down.

Ash: Hey Brock!

Misty: What’s wrong?

Brock: I almost got a girl.

Ash: How many girls dumped you tonight?

Brock: If you count with Nurse Joy… 18.

Misty: Brock sheer up, as always you will try again tomorrow.

Brock: Guess you’re right… let’s get back to the pokemon center.

They all got back to the pokemon center to get some sleep.

The next day Ash woke up first again, but today he just laid there and looked at Misty. When she woke up she saw him laying there looking at her so she said: Good morning sweetie.

Ash: Good morning, slept well?

Misty: Amazing.

Ash: Good… so did you have fun last night?

Misty: Fun all night… My favorite part was at the lake.

Ash: Mine too.

Misty: I’m still admiring the necklace you gave me.

Ash: I’m happy you like it.

Misty gave Ash a kiss and both of them got dressed. Then they went downstairs, everybody was already down eating breakfast.

Ash: Morning guys.

Misty: Good morning.

Ash and Misty got to the table and began to eat. They heard the speakers say: In the first match Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town vs. Gary Oak also from Pallet Town! Both Ash and Gary spit out their food when they heard that.

Gary: Ok Ash I guess we’ll have to face each other one more time, and don’t expect me to be nice just because we’re friends now.

Ash: I don’t want you to.

Ash and Gary shaked hands and Ash said: May the best man win.

Gary: See you on the battlefield.

Later the match begun and they both battled hard… but the winner was Ash and Gary just walked away.

And the winner of this match is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!

Ash was a little stunned that he won but still he ran after Gary and yelled: Gary wait!

Gary: Huh?

Ash ran up to him and said: Don’t think I’m gonna let you run away! We’re friends now and I just wanted to say that it was a great battle and if you still want to travel with us I would really want you to.

Gary: Yea I will still travel with you but next time we battle I’m gonna win! I’ll sheer for you Ash good luck! Win for Pallet!

Ash: Thanks Gary. And I’ll do my best.

They shaked hands and they both walked away from the battlefield.

Ash kept on battling the rest of the day. He won against Gary in the 3rd round which only 8 people made it into and then he battled in the semi-final who only 4 people made it into and he actually won! (A/N: I’m writing it this way because I don’t want to describe every battle that would only take place and be boring.) After Ash’s last battle it was a little late and they went to eat dinner. After dinner Ash, Misty and everybody else went to their rooms to get some sleep. Ash and Misty were lying in their bed cuddling and talking.

Misty: Congratulations Ash… you won against Gary and you got yourself into the final.

Ash: Yea, only hope I win.

Misty: I know you will win! You can do anything Ash… I believe in you.

Ash: But what if I lose?

Misty: You know it isn’t enough that I believe in you, Ash you gotta believe in yourself too.

Ash: I know that Mist, but I don’t know if I have what it takes to be the best.

Misty: Do it not only for you, do it for me and I know you’ll make it.

Ash: Yea, I will not only win for me, I’ll win for you Misty and for Pallet! I’m gonna prove to the world that I can be the very best!

Misty: Well that’s the Ash I know!

Ash: Thank you Misty, I love you… you’re my whole world.

Misty: Oh Ash… I love you too.

They kissed a long passionate kiss and fell asleep together.

The next morning Misty woke up first she looked at Ash who was still in deep sleep she checked the clock and they both had overslept she woke Ash up and told him they had overslept. Ash jumped out of the bed, got dressed and said: Thanks for waking me up, love you. And ran over to Nurse Joy, picked up his pokemon fully healed and ran towards the battling arena with Pikachu and Misty right behind him. When he got there everybody was already outside waiting for him.

Tracey: Oh thank god there they are.

Gary: Finally.

When Ash got there he said: Sorry I’m late, I overslept.

Brock: Yea, we noticed that!

Prof. Oak: Get in there, they are waiting for you.

Ash: Brock, Misty, coming?

Misty: Why wouldn’t we.

He got into the battlefield and his opponent was standing there ready to battle! Just as the battle was about to begin a balloon came down.

Jessie: We’re not here for trouble we’re here to cheer.

James: Don’t make it double I’m here as a volunteer.

Meowth: We’ll cut it short there!

Ash: Team Rocket! I thought you had stopped following us!

James: We have but today we’re here to cheer for you Ash!

Misty: Ash, it’s the first time they have called you your name.

Jessie: Maybe because we’re not gonna steal from you anymore!

James: We are still Team Rocket but we’re stealing from other people from now on.

Meowth: And today we’re not gonna steal at all we’re just gonna cheer for you.

Officer Jenny: Stop right there thieves!

Brock in gaga mode: Officer Jenny I think you look very pretty today, would you like to go on a date with me?

Misty grabbed his ear and threw him to the ground: This is not time for picking up girls!

Ash: Wait!

Officer Jenny: What?

Ash: I know it’s weird but I actually do believe them.

Misty: Are you nuts! How can you do that!?

Ash: Just look at them they look really sorry.

Jessie: Today we’re just gonna cheer, nothing else.

Ash: Ok, get on your seats and cheer if you want to but if you try anything you’re gonna get shocked and blown away!

James: Ok.

Team Rocket sat in the public just to cheer for Ash. The match begun and Ash was fighting hard… now they both were down to only one pokemon each. Ash with Bayleef and his opponent with an Elektrabuzz!

Opponent: Elektrabuzz Thunderbolt!

Ash: Bayleef use your Vine Whip to jump and dodge then use Body Slam!

Bayleef jumped, dodged and got a direct hit on Elektrabuzz.

Opponent: Elektrabuzz! No! Please stand up!

Elektrabuzz tried to get up but fell to the ground and fainted… Ash was the winner.

Ash: I won…???

His Opponent returned his Elektrabuzz and walked away.


Ash just stood there with Pikachu on his shoulder totally stunned. Then he heard Misty’s voice: Ash! And he got back to reality. He started to walk up the stairs to accept the trophy and the title Pokemon Master! When he got up, the man said: Here we have our new Pokemon Master Ash Ketchum form Pallet! He gave Ash the trophy and Ash finally reacted and screamed: YES!!!! I WON!!!! YEA!!!! The man gave him the microphone so he could say something.

Ash began to talk: Ever since I was a little boy I have dreamed of becoming a pokemon master and now I have been traveling for 5 years trying to fulfill my dream and I finally did it! Ash began to tear up in happiness but kept on talking: First of I want to thank my Mom for allowed me to go on this journey and supported me all the way, I want to thank Professor Oak for giving me my friend Pikachu and my poke-dex, he has become a great friend of mine and he has been taking care of all my pokemon. Next up my ex rival now my friend Gary for being there when no one else was! And of course my friend The Pokemon Watcher Tracey who has been traveling with me for 1 year through the Orange Islands and is now Prof. Oak’s assistant! And of course my friend The Pokemon Breeder Brock he has been kinda like my dad through the years, he have been taking care of me and I’m very thankful to him… and last but not least the only girl who’s making my day worth living, the girl who has been by my side all these years, yes we have been fighting but that doesn’t matter because she means everything to me, I can’t live without her she’s my best friend, my Soul-Mate and my love… The only one I want to share this trophy with is the amazing water pokemon trainer from Cerulean City, Misty Waterflower! Misty was so touched by he’s speech she began to cry but she managed to walk up to Ash. Ash grabbed her, leaned over her and kissed her passionately in front of his mother, friends and all fans. Everybody applauding except for Ash’s mom and Prof. Oak they just sat there stunned from the kiss.

Ash: Thank you very much!

The man took the microphone from him and said: That was just beautiful… here is our new Pokemon Master, Ash Ketchum from Pallet with his girlfriend Misty!!!

Ash and Misty walked down from the steps and up to Brock who was still a little stunned but he managed to say: That… Was… So… …Beautiful! He said with tears in his eyes and gave Ash a quick friendly hug then he said: Now I’m going to get so many girls! Now when the girls have found out that I’m a great friend of Ash Ketchum the Pokemon Master they are gonna be all over me! Yes! Thanks for that Ash! Now I can take all your fan-girls!

Misty gripped his ear and threw him to the ground: Ash doesn’t have any fan-girls.

Ash: It’s ok you can take all the fan-girls, if I get any of course, I’m happy with the girl I have right here.

Misty: Oh Ash, I love you. Then she kissed him.

When they had walked out from the stadium they met up with everyone else at the backside of the building.

Tracey: Congratulations Ash, you have finally become a Pokemon Master.

Ash’s mom just walked up to him and yelled: Ash Ketchum! Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend! And you’re too young to kiss a girl like that!

Ash: Mom, stop it! I love Misty and I can kiss her if I want to… and if she wants it too of course.

Prof. Oak: I think it’s great that you two finally have found each other, I just got a little stunned when you kissed her like that in front of all those people!

Ash: I don’t care if they know we’re together, I’m just proud that I have a girl like Misty by my side.

Misty: Oh Ash. She said while giving him a kiss.

Mom: Don’t you kiss him like that!

Ash: Mom, take it easy!

Mom: You’re too young for that you’re only 12 years old.

Ash: Huh? Ehh… Mom I’m 15.

Mom: What!? You can’t be 15?!

Ash: Yes Mom, I’m 15 years old and even if I only was 12 years old but loved Misty I would have kissed her then too.

Mom: Oh my god… you are 15… She began to cry and sat down on the ground.

Ash: Mom what is it?

Mom: Oh nothing, you’re just growing up so fast and I almost never get the chance see you. I even forgot how old you are…

Ash: It’s ok Mom, I will see you much more often now when I’m not gonna travel as much. The only thing I’m asking you for is that you won’t insult Misty like that again, I love her and I want to have a relationship with her.

Mom: I’m sorry… well, we should get back to the pokemon center now.

Misty: It’s ok Mrs. Ketchum I understand that you’re missing Ash when his gone… I couldn’t even stand 3 days without him.

Mom: Thank you Misty and I’m sorry I got angry.

They all calmed down and it was back to normal, they started to head back to the pokemon center when Prof. Oak asked: How long have you two been together now?

Misty: Only 5 days but we have been in secret love for 2 & ½ years.

Prof. Oak: Oh my, 2 & ½ years is a long time to hold your love in, I’m surprised that you didn’t kill each other.

Ash: But we almost did, we was fighting all the time…

Misty: …but just to keep our real love in secret.

Mom: Well I’m just glad you have found the perfect girl for you Ash.

Ash & Misty: Thanks. They said at the same time then they kissed.

Tracey: Why are we going back to the pokemon center, we should be celebrating!

Ash: No Tracey, I don’t want to celebrate today. We’re all going home to Pallet tomorrow and then we can celebrate at home!

Tracey: Ok then.

Mom: But why didn’t you tell us earlier about your relationship?

Ash: Oh, I wanted to surprise you after the competition, but I won and did it another way.

Misty: Well, I think it was a beautiful speech and that you kissed me in front of all those people, you really do love me.

Ash: Why wouldn’t I love you? Then they smiled at each other and kissed passionately.

When they were on their way back, Team Rocket came running towards them and they all said: Congratulations to the Pokemon Master title Ash!

Ash: Thanks…

Jessie: This is probably the most stupid question ever but as we said we’re still Team Rocket but we’re not gonna steal from you guys anymore.

Misty: Yes?

James: We still have to steal from other people but…

Meowth: …but you’ll never see us again if you just shock us away from this town.

Ash: Wait, you want Pikachu to shock you?

Team Rocket: Yes!

James: You two have finally found each other so have a great life and good luck with being a pokemon master.

Ash: Thanks but why do you just stop following us from nowhere?

Meowth: Because we don’t have what it takes to beat you guys!

Brock: So, you have finally realized it, huh?

Ash: Actually I never thought I would say this but hope I’ll see you again sometime in the future.

Team Rocket: Thanks.

Jessie: But just shock us now, quickly!

Ash: Pikachu Thunderbolt ‘em and this is the last time you get to shock Team Rocket so give it all you’ve got!

Jessie: What?!

James: Don’t be heartless!

Pikachu: Piiiikaaaachhuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!


James (In the air): It hurts!


Everybody: Bye, bye Team Rocket!!

They all went to the pokemon center to get some sleep and then they where all taking a car home to Pallet early in the next morning. Ash and Misty were in their bed ready to sleep.

Misty: Well… Ash Ketchum you’ve finally done it! 5 years of hard training and you have finally become a Pokemon Master!

Ash: That’s not the only price I got. He said while giving her a passionate kiss.

Misty: Oh Ash, I love you and I’m never getting tired of saying those words.

They cuddled and kissed for a while but then they fell asleep. The next morning they all woke up early and went down to eat breakfast. After the breakfast a car came to pick them up and they all got their bags & stuff and got in the car. When they got home to Pallet a couple of hours later they all got out of the car and all the people from pallet was standing there and screamed: CONGRATULATIONS ASH!!!!!!!

Ash was stunned but he said: What? All of you are here for me? Thank you everybody.

Random guy at party: Don’t thank us. Thank your mother for inviting us all, she made this party just for you.

Ash: Mom did you do all this for me?

Mom: Why wouldn’t I, I’m so proud of you and you won the whole competition! And even if you didn’t win I would still have made a party for you.

Ash gave her a huge hug and thanked her. As the party went on the rest of the day he went around and talked to all the people, thanked everybody for coming, he talked to Tracey, Brock, Gary and everybody else. But when the party ended around dinner time, it was only; Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey, Gary, Ash’s Mom & Prof. Oak left and they all sat down at the dinner table to eat.

Prof. Oak: Cheers to Ash!

Everybody: Cheers!

After the dinner Prof. Oak, Gary & Tracey got home, Brock & Ash’s Mom got to bed, now Ash & Misty was sitting together on the couch cuddling and they was watching a movie.

Ash: I’m so lucky to have you. Why would you choose be together with me of all people?

Misty: What do you think… because you’re a loving, caring, beautiful amazing guy!

Ash: Misty, you always have the right thing to say, I love you with all my heart more than anything in the world and I always have.

Misty: Oh Ash, I love you too, you are the most amazing guy I know and the way you care for your pokemon has always amazed me.

Ash: I care for you just as much Mist, even more. I can’t live without you and I never want to lose you.

They began to kiss while they walked up to ash’s room they laid down on ash’s bed and cuddled. Ash: I love you. Misty: I love you too. Then they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


The End! (Lame ending)


Ok it’s finally done! Hope it didn’t become boring at the end. It took me awhile and it got much longer than I thought it would be. Hope you had the patience to read the whole thing and it didn’t become boring. I’m still only a teenager, I live in Sweden and this was my first fanfic ever so don’t be too hard on the reviews. But thanks for reading, hope you liked it and have a great time! Cya!

Reviews please send them to my e-mail at keeviiin(a)