Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, just my character; Comet, and the pokemon Sparx, Electial, Illushun and Shadesor. "Timmy the Squirtle" is really the song "Timmy the Turtle" by NOFX, I just changed the one word to fit pokemon better. Either way, I don't own it. Rating: PG-13 for language, pokemon violence. A pokemon journey from a teenager's point of view. "Tales for the Road" by A.C Chapter Four A Real Brush with Danger ~ ~ ~ "Waaaaaake up! Wakey wakey! The sun's bright, the birds are singing, life is grand and YOUR missing it! C'mon, wake up!" What was that loud and obnoxiously cheerful sound ripping into my ears at four in the morning? My first reaction was to hunt it down and destroy it, but that required waking up so I was satisfied with ignoring it as best as I could and falling back asleep. "Comet! C'mon, you're hopeless! Don't you wanna get started early?" Had my brain been awake, the answer would be an abrupt; "Do I LOOK like I wanna get started early!?" I mean, c'mon, I was a winner here, and I couldn't even earn a morning to sleep in! But mornings were only opportunities to wake up earlier to Skye, and since we had unofficially agreed to travel together, she wasn't satisfied until I was awake as well. Something furry brushed my hand, and my soggy brain registered; Thundari. Apparently my Pichu was smart enough for her own good and liked to sleep in as well. Good. But Skye's Sparx was just like its trainer, and the earlier everyone was up, the happier it was. "Spaaaaaaaaaaaaarx!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed as something warm, bouncy and smooth jumped on my face. I could feel my hair prickle as it jumped back off, something long and skinny thwapping me in the face. Still yelling and scrambling, I tried to grab my attacker, but failed. Instead, I grabbed Thundari. "Pi pichu!!" I heard her yelp, right before she struck. "CHUUUUUU!" "AAAAAH!" I screamed again, this time as I was electrocuted. I leapt out of my sleeping bag, arms flailing, and grabbed something smooth and something furry. When I opened my eyes, Thundari had finally stopped the attack upon realizing who it was, and in my other hand I held Skye's Sparx by its long, skinny tail. It was upside down, but grinning at me. "Spar spar spar!" it laughed, not seeming to care I was holding it upside down and swinging joyfully, like this was a game or something. "Skye!" I roared, dropping her Sparx to the ground - it landed with a disgruntled "Arx!" - "Keep this thing in its damn pokeball!" "Well, I was," came her innocent reply as I looked blearily around, trying to focus, "But you just insisted on going back to sleep, didn't you? So I broke out the big guns." I saw a flash of red light and managed to squint out Skye's form recalling the electric dragon to its pokeball. "More like the obnoxious guns," I murmured, finally seeing my surroundings. It was the morning of the second day upon leaving Chestnut City. We had left the morning after our Gym victories and after one last stop at the PokeCenter; which wasn't as crowded this time, so I didn't have to break out the 'big guns' of my own. We had spent all day yesterday traveling and battling wild pokemon, but there were also 'wild trainers' along this route as well, so the pokemon battles were numerous. Thundari was on a winning streak, my new Metapod wasn't too shabby and it had become a contest between Whirlpool and Everglade of who could beat their opponent the fastest. So far, Whirlpool was winning. "Are you ready to go?" Skye asked. I looked up at her, scowling, but grumbled a "Yes," and rolled up my sleeping bag. Skye was one of those early-bird-optimists who didn't like to waste time eating breakfast, but we ate as we walked. I didn't care; as long as eating was involved, I was fine and dandy. It was just the waking up part that got to me. Once I had all my junk packed up, and Thundari perched in her usual position on my shoulder, we set off - my mind already racing with how I could steel-enforce the latch on Sparx's pokeball. ~ ~ ~ "Alpha Raticate, this is Control Center. Come in, Alpha Raticate. Do you copy?" Buried within the bushes that bordered the path, two figures crouched, still and silent. They were hidden perfectly from passerby and undisturbed. Overhead, in the branches of a tall oak, the dark shadow of a pokemon could just be seen. When it turned its head ever so often, there came a glint of sunlight. "Control Center, we read you. What is it now?" One of the figures, which had been staring so intently at the small black walkee-talkee the other held, raised its head gently to glance up at the shadow. The pokemon shifted, there came a sound of rustling and then an echoing "Caw!!" "State your position, Alpha Raticate. You haven't reported in over three hours." "Midway point of Chestnut City and Carnation City. We're on the alert; Murkrow's on sentry." The shadow shifted again at the word "Murkrow", moving slightly into a patch of sunlight. It was a dark feathered crow-like bird, with large eyes and a sharp yellow beak. The pokemon remained staring fixedly at the path, rustling its wings slightly. Below, the same figure as before looked up again. "Quit moving, Murkrow! Do you WANT to give away your position!?" The voice was feminine, yet very clear and very angry. The other figure stirred, and this time a masculine voice spoke up. "I'll send Scizor to do it, you know HE won't make any noise..." "Shut up, Andrew, Murkrow can do it just fine!" The woman turned and snatched the walkee-talkee away from the man, and held it up to her mouth. "Control Center, we're on the lookout for her. Once we have her, we'll report back to you. Over and out." Without waiting for a confirmation, she clicked off the machine and tossed it away. "Now, Jacklyn," came the masculine voice again, sounding bored, "Tell me exactly how we're going to do this again?" "It's simple, you moron, you send out a pokemon and I send out a pokemon; we beat the brat down, steal HER pokemon and see what the Boss wants to do with her. Maybe he'll be satisfied with stealing her pokemon, maybe he'll wanna keep her prisoner or something." "And what if she retaliates and BEATS us, hmm? Then what?" A paper fan materialized out of nowhere and shot through the air, hitting its target at the base of the man's spiky brown hair. He yelped and doubled over, clutching the back of his head. The woman, dark green hair swaying, was standing over him and glaring at him, clutching the fan. "Don't take that tone with me, you idiot! She can't beat us, she's only a beginning trainer! At most, she'll have just the one badge. She only managed to defeat Sam and Vince because they were weak, incompetent and JUST PLAIN STUPID!!!!!" Andrew looked up at his partner, rubbing the back of his neck with an annoyed look on her face. "Fine, fine. I get the point already, sit down before someone sees you!" She did sit down, tucking her black dress under her neatly as she did so. "Remember, Andrew. We're Elites. We can pull this job, no sweat." The man nodded feverishly, gazing back out onto the path as they both fell silent and still, waiting for their prey to come. ~ ~ ~ "Timmy the Squir-tle, You know him as Tim, Timmy the Squir-tle, He sang for the grim. Timmy the Squir-tle, You know him as Tim, Timmy the Squir-taaaaaaaaal! Too slow... is how that Squirtle go! Timmy the Squir-tle, He's givin' 'em Hell, Timmy the Squir-tle, He's out of his shell, Timmy the -" "Comet!!! Is that the only song you know!? This is the eighth time you've sang it! I FORBID you to sing that song all the way to Carnation City!!" I grinned in my smart-aleck way, never pausing in my stride. Skye and I were continuing steadily down the path, but I had found a brand new way to pass the time. Well, I guess it wasn't so brand new anymore, but an hour ago it was! "Why, Skye, I think I found something you can't be so happy about!" She walked slightly ahead of me, and I could almost see the vein twitching in her forehead. She was tense, teeth gritted, and her steps were jerky. Thundari, who had gone once again into my backpack when I began the third time of singing one of the greatest songs I had ever heard, poked her head up, ears twitching hopefully. Skye didn't answer, so I piped up with a question. "If I can't sing 'Timmy the Squirtle', how about '99 Bottles of Beer'?" "No!" - "Pi!" came the unanimous reply. Unable to think of any other super super annoying songs at the moment (and because my throat was dry, after all), I folded my arms and huffed. "You two are no fun! I almost wish Sparx was here to sing with me." Skye glanced back at me, raising her eyebrows. As she reached for the pokeball, I spotted her movement instantly and snapped; "I said ALMOST! Almost being the key word here!!!" I fell silent, and as if speaking would bring my singing back, Skye and Thundari also remained quiet as we continued down the path. I contented myself with staring at various trees and clouds and peering around for more pokemon to challenge, capture... whatever. Now was about the time when I was in the mood for a trainer to pop out and challenge us. And the idea had hit me about a half hour ago that, if I got terribly bored, I could always challenge Skye and see just how well she was coming along in her goal to become a Dragon Master. We were walking past a particular clump of bushes, when I got the odd feeling that there was something about this point in the path. I paused, looking around, as Skye kept walking. She didn't realize we had stopped until she was a good seven feet ahead, and by then I noticed what was wrong. "Stop right there, trainers! Either be good and just hand over the pokemon, and we won't have to whip you too badly." I narrowed my eyes, hurrying forward to Skye as two people emerged from the bushes on either side of the path. They were older than us, about early twenties or so, and it was obvious at a glance they were part of Team Rocket. The girl had dark green hair, much darker than Skye's, and haughty hazel eyes. Her hair was drawn up in an Officer Jenny hairstyle, with the messy ponytail at the nape of the neck. She was dressed in a black skirt that reached her knees, short white boots, white gloves and a white turtleneck under the black polo top, complete with the red R. Her partner, with long spiky brown hair and brown eyes, was dressed in the equivalent with long black pants, white boots, white gloves and white turtleneck under the black polo and, of course, not forgetting the red R. The girl also had a black crow-like pokemon perched on her shoulder, and after one or two moments I recognized the Murkrow. "More Team Rocket clowns?" I demanded, taking an apprehensive step back. True, the last Rockets I had dealt with were - how do I put this lightly? - BRAIN DEAD, but these two were different. Not only in appearance, but... there was something else. I was actually slightly nervous. Skye? Forget slightly - she was scared, staring at the two of them. "We aren't just clowns, Comet," spoke up the guy, "We're Team Rocket Elites." "E-elites?" stammered Skye, but I narrowed my eyes. I had more important things on my mind. Okay, so maybe LESS important, but still... "How do you know my name?" I asked slowly, preparing to grab Everglade's pokeball. The two of them laughed in response; something I knew I would quickly grow to loathe. The woman's laughter was haughty and high pitched, while the man's was more like the quiet, evil chuckle. "We know a lot about you, Miss Heavens," retorted the woman, "Team Rocket intelligence is very -" "Whoa, wait a minute!" I cried, interrupting her and backing up, my arms up; "Team Rocket intelligence!? That's the best Oxymoron I've ever heard!" Aha, I had 'em. I was quickly learning that, with Team Rocket, either insults or sarcasm was the best weapon. Both scowled angrily, and the Murkrow on the woman's shoulder gave a furious caw. I lowered my arms to fold them across my chest, waiting to see if they'd attack or something. But they didn't, and finally the woman snapped; "I'm Jacklyn and this is Andrew. Now that everyone knows who everyone is, hand over the pokemon! Last chance!" "And a fat one at that," I growled, grabbing Everglade's pokeball and whipping it out, "Everglade! Razor Leaf, now!" "Chiko!" the Chikorita's cry came before the air was filled with spinning leaves. I scrambled back, wondering if we could take our chances to run for it, before I heard Jacklyn respond. "Murkrow, Faint Attack! Get the girl!" A shadow moved on the left side of the path, stretching out at me. I whipped around to stare at it in shock as it stretched grotesquely, morphing into the shape of the crow, its black wings spread wide, aiming right at my face. I snapped back to my senses just in time to scream; "THUNDARI!!" The black demon flying at me was blocked by a blur of yellow and a furious cry of "Chuuuuuu!" I felt rather than heard or saw the crack of electricity, and could only stare as my Pichu fought against the Murkrow's offending claws and beak. There was another snap of electricity, an angry squawk and Thundari leapt back at my feet. "Chikoooooo!" "Everglade!" I echoed, whipping back around to where I had left my Chikorita. I saw the Dodrio just in time as it appeared, its three heads taking turn to slam into the ground, as Everglade dodged left and right, avoiding their sharp beaks as they attempted to skewer her. I held out my left arm as Thundari ran down it, and threw her at the roadrunner pokemon. In the meantime, I turned frantically to Skye. "Skye!" I shouted, jolting her out of the stupor she had fallen in. Wide brown eyes stared back at me as she turned, paler than ever. "Don't just stand there - send out someone!" I barely caught her frantic nod as I turned back to the action, snatching up pokeballs from my belt as I did so. Just as her Charmander and Sparx appeared on the forest path, Whirlpool and Sunflash also made the scene. "Water Gun and Tackle!" I yelled, ignoring Skye as she began yelling out commands as well, "Sunflash, Harden whenever you can! Don't let the Dodrio's beak get you!" "Chikorita!" Everglade cried, leaping cleanly out of the range of fire and withdrawing both vines as she did so. She thrusted them forward, snapping angrily on the Dodrio's breast. I instantly saw where I could go with this attack, and raised my voice above the clamor; "Thundari, get to the heads! Everglade, wrap around the necks!" My sentence was drowned out in a furious caw as Jacklyn's Murkrow came flying back, and Skye's Sparx took to the air clumsily after it, flapping leathery wings and emitting electric sparks at random intervals. Everglade's vines wrapped smoothly around the Dodrio's necks, tying all three heads together. Just as Thundari leapt atop the middle head, the Dodrio stumbled and toppled over. "Release!" I cried. Everglade withdrew her vines just as my Pichu struck with a Thundershock. The bird squawked in pain. But what happened next was completely unexpected, and I would have been a lot happier if it hadn't happened. Dodrio began kicking as the electricity poured into it, and, unfortunately, Everglade was in range of its feet. I heard her cries and the meaty thud as she slammed into a tree behind me, but I barely caught the movement. "Everglade!" I cried, whipping around to watch as she slid to the ground, still. "Return! We'll get you healed, I promise," I whispered to the pokeball, before setting my sights on the Rockets. Andrew had recalled his Dodrio, and just as he released a gigantic Typholosion, a scratchy, pain-ridden squawk filled the air. We all looked around to see Jacklyn's Murkrow crash back to earth. Skye's Sparx fluttered down weakly after it, murmuring and stumbling. "Whirlpool, Water Gun!" I cried. The Typholosion roared, its eyes settling on Thundari, still crouching by the Dodrio's heads. She looked up, growling, but the fire type was suddenly hit from behind by a blast of water. Roaring, more in annoyance than pain, I realized, it whipped around and responded with an equally powerful blast of fire. Squeaking angrily, Whirlpool leapt out of the way, but... Sunflash didn't make it. I squeaked, spotting the flames rushing towards my Metapod, and only managed to recall him after the fire struck. Only Thundari, Whirlpool and Skye's Charmander were left. Jacklyn sent out a huge Granbull in place of her Murkrow. I was alerted to its presence with its guttural bellow. "Aw shit!" I cursed, turning back to my fight. "Thundari, Whirlpool, attack at once! Thunderwave, Bubblebeam!" It worked... halfway. Thundari flung herself at the Typholosion's feet, wrapping herself around the leg and releasing a powerful jolt of electricity. Right as the fire type roared in pain, its entire body coursing with electricity, Whirlpool spat out the beam of bubbles, which slammed right into the fire beast's back. It roared again, stumbling and slashing wildly with its front paws. Thundari delivered another Thundershock before leaping away, but the Typholosion stopped slashing and began spitting - spitting fire. And, by pure dumb luck, it got Whirlpool. "Whirlpool!" I yelped. But I knew he was down as the Poliwag rolled to a stop, eyes spinning. Chewing my lower lip, I recalled him. I had no clue how Skye was doing. All I knew was that Thundari was left, against that flaming monstrosity. "Pi pichu!" Thundari shouted, but whether it was to me or to her opponent, I didn't know. I could only watch apprehensively as the Typholosion recovered and rounded on its target, snarling and grinning through pointed teeth. Thundari was panting, only as big as its front paw, and standing no chance. And then all of Hell broke loose. Something blue, small and VERY fast pounced on the Typholosion, spitting water like a hose. The fire type roared, momentarily distracted from its prey, and rounded on this new menace, when a spiky yellow blur crashed into it from the left so hard that the fire type actually stumbled. Thundari perked up, ears twitching as she watched curiously. My reaction was similar. The Typholosion didn't last long after that. I couldn't see which two pokemon were attacking, but whatever they were, they were strong. The fire type was soon down after a shimmering Aurora Beam from the blue streak, and only then did the duo pause. I recognized a Vaporeon and a Jolteon. Andrew wasn't even paying attention. He had turned and was staring at something behind him. I looked over at Skye, bewildered, to see something similar happen. Her Charmander was crouching in front of her, panting and injured, while red and black blurs attacked the Granbull before her. Eventually that, too, was down. And an eerie silence fell over the clearing. I looked up and around, creeping forward to scoop up an exhausted Pichu into my arms. It was then that I heard a new voice. A boy's. "Go. Get out of here before I physically beat you mySELF." Four unanimous growls, all varying in tones, echoed him. The Rockets whirled around to see my savior Vaporeon and Jolteon glaring at them - and in front of Skye, the red and black blur revealed themselves as a Flareon and an Umbreon. Curious, Skye and I leaned around to see past them. Standing in front of the Rockets, hands in the pockets of his black jacket, a boy stood. He looked a little older than us; sixteen, perhaps. With long, spiky black hair that fell in his icy blue eyes. The curious thing about his hair was that the top of it, as if roots growing out, was a mop of snow white. The rest of his hair beneath that was black. He wore all black, save for the six red and white pokeballs at his waist. Jacklyn and Andrew ignored him for now, glaring once again at Skye and me... wait, scratch that. Glaring mainly at me. I stared blankly back as Jacklyn snapped; "We'll be back. And this time, you won't be quite so fortunate." "Scizor, smoke screen!" A flash of white, and a cloud of smoke erupted in the center of the path, engulfing all five of us and the pokemon. I instantly covered my mouth as Skye began coughing, and stumbled blindly through the smoke, trying to find the Rockets. When it cleared, however, they were gone. And they had taken their Typholosion and Granbull with them. Skye recovered before I did. I was staring around, utterly confused at what had happened and if we were okay or not. "Thank you so much," she was saying graciously to the mystery boy, "If you hadn't come, they would have beaten us and taken our pokemon!" He grunted in response, eyes flickering over to me. I stopped staring at the trees as if they were about to explain to me what had happened and looked back at him. He pulled a hand from his pocket to snap his fingers, and the four Eeveelutions lined up at his side. As I walked over to join them, I realized that it wasn't a Charmander that was limping after Skye, but a Charmeleon. It must have evolved. "So, uh, yeah, thanks," I stammered, rubbing my temples. "Who are you, now?" He paused, as if contemplating whether we were worthy or not enough to know his name. I guess we passed. "Blake." "Well, Blake, thanks," I said again, cradling Thundari. "Tell me, are we near Carnation City, by any chance?" "No," he responded, "I've been hiking for a day when I came upon you two. The Rockets ambushed you?" "Yeah," Skye replied, "How is your pokemon got so strong? We were no match for Team Rocket!" A faint smirk came to his face. "Obviously." I narrowed my eyes. So, our supposed savior wanted to be little Mr. I'm-better- than-you-so-you-might-as-well-admit-it, hn? I could play along with that... not. With a faint snort, I looked past him down the path, and then spoke to Skye. "C'mon, Skye, we'd better get going. If we're far from Carnation, we'll want to get moving as soon as possible." "Might I suggest otherwise?" Ego-boy spoke up, his voice dripping - positively DRIPPING in mockery, "It'll be dark before you know it, and I doubt you two could handle another Rocket attack... or even an attack from a wild pokemon..." I glared at him; "I think we can take care of a few SENTRETS, thank you very much! It doesn't look like you've had much trouble!" He smiled lightly. The first smile I had seen out of him (that faint, evil, slightly-creepy smirk didn't count). "There are much worse creatures than Sentrets to be found around these forests. And I never have trouble." He emphasized 'never' with a casual, barely-noticeable gesture to his four eeveelutions, still standing in a strict army lineup. A bit creepy, really. I grumbled a few obscenities, rolled my eyes, and merely began to go past him. Skye's protests piped up. "Comet, I dunno, he could really heLP US!" he voice raised quickly to yelp as I grabbed her arm, dragging her onward past him. Blake turned as we passed, and I caught an icy glare graze the side of my cheek, but ignored it. I didn't say another word, but Skye - still facing backwards as I pulled her on - waved and called back; "Thanks! Bye!" We soon left Blake behind and I pushed him from my memory, my embarrassment and humiliation also webbing away. We walked on for about fifteen minutes of silence (Skye was walking forwards again) when I grinned. "Hey Skye, how about a song?" "NO!!" "PI!!!" ~ ~ ~ FINALLY! AH! I'm so sorry... >< Writer's block was eaaaating awaaaaay at me... but I managed to finish this, and Chapter Five is comin' very very soon, I PROMISE!!! Dun leave me! R&R!! ::waves banners frantically::