Ages: Ash, Misty, Ashley, Brent- 5 Nic- 6 Delia- 29 Michael- 30 The figure, pokemons- ??? Keys: *~*time elapsed*~* "speech" 'thoughts' *noises made by something* (my personal notes) @%$#!%$ something I just can't (and dont' want to) say Dedications- To Terri Shiavo, who's passing has inspired my to write this fiction. May you rest in peace (and bring a certain punishment to her "husband" Michael) and had a nice life. Pidgey Master, you will be in this part. Disclaimer- I think you know what I'm gonna say. I wish I owned pokemon, then I'd be @%$#!%$ rich. But I don't so therefore, you cannot sue me. ==================================================================== "Hey there, wait up!" A small high pitched voice shouted. "Oh, sorry. I didn't hear you. I'm Ash." Ash shook hands with the short black-haired boy. "I'm Brent. So, have any pokemons yet? I have only 3, but they are so cool." Brent confidently showed off his Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu. "Awesome. My mom won't let me have pokemon unless Mr. Oak says I'm ready." Ash pouted for a minute. He really had a passion for the creatures he's been around his whole life. "Oh, My dad convinced my mom to let me have all 3 of them. What's cool is they all evolve from each other." Brent informed, he may have one too many popsies. "Uhm, ok. I gotta go. My mom and dad are here. See you later." Ash waved as he got into his parents' van. "Bye, Ash!" Brent waved untill he couldn't see the van anymore. "So, Ashy, did you have a good day at school?" Delia questioned, turning around so she could see her son. "It's ok. This girl is really cute, she's in all of my classes. She just came here from Cellian." "Do you mean Cerulean?" Michael corrected. He's such a perfectionist. "Yes, she's so cute. She's the kid of those people we met last night." "Oh, that must have been little Misty you were talking about. Our Ashy has a crush." Delia teased. Her and Michael started singing, "Ashy's got a girlfriend!" over and over. "Parents." They all get home, and do their normal family things. Help Ash with homework, answer occasional phone calls here and there, Delia fixes dinner while Michael teaches Ash how to throw a football, they all eat dinner, they play a few games, then get ready for bed. But, not before Michael recieves a phone call. "Hello... hey colonel... again? But I just came back from a mission.... if you can't find no one..... oh, you've tried everyone else.......ok, when do you need me? TOMORROW?? But, I can't sir, I have....... Team Rocket.....I'll be ready by tomorrow. Good night sir." "Michael, what is it?" Delia asks sleepily. "Team Rocket's on the move. They just destroyed several towns, and they have a positive I.D on where they are. I gotta go with a group of men to get more information as to what they are doing. I need to leave tomorrow." "But, what about Ash? He won't handle his dad leaving on another trip again." Delia said, concerned as to how Ash will react this time. "He'll be ok. I'll tell him, you just get my stuff ready. I will write down a list of things I need. Be right back." Michael kisses his wife, and walks up the stairways. He takes a turn down a hallway, and goes into a blue room. He tip-toes over to Ash's bed, and shakes him slightly. "Daddy, is something wrong? I head a noise downstairs." Ash asks tiredly. "Son, what I'm about to tell you is not going to be easy... daddy's gotta leave again. The bad guys are up to omething and I need to find out what they are doing." Michael talks to his estranged son. "Well, at least you are going to stop the bad guys this time. Right, daddy?" Ash gleams at his father, ever so gallantly. "Of course I will. You go to sleep, I will see you when I get back." Michael bends down and kisses his son's forehead ever so slightly. "Bye bye daddy. Be sure to write." Ash lays his little head down and goes back to dreaming about the little girl that lives across the street. *~*the next morning*~* Ash wakes up feeling refreshed from his good night sleep. He puts on his clothes and makes his bed. He, then, rushes down the stairs to greet his parents. When he got to the kitchen, he only saw 2 plates set instead of 3. "Mom, you're forgetting daddy's plate." Ash points at the table. "Oh, dear. Honey, your daddy left on another trip." Delia bent down to make eye contact with her son, seeing the fear in his beaming eyes. "Oh, yeah. After breakfast, can I go play with the new girl, since it's Saturday?" Ash excitedly asks. "Ok. I can meet up with her mother, and we can go shopping." Delia finishes making the waffles. She and Ash sit down at the table, and start eating. They both stare quietly at the emtpy chair, both missing their loved one so much. *~*1 hour later*~* "Bye mom. Gonna go play with Misty." Ash runs out the door and across the street to Misty's house. He didn't take but a few steps when a car screeches in front of him. He saw 3 men come out of the car, wearing the same uniforms as his dad's, but these were black. "Excuse me, we are looking for Delia and Ash Ketchum. Do you know where to find them?" The first man asks, taking off his hat revealing a shiny head. "Yes, mommy's in the house, and Ash is me." Ash said, pointing his thumb at him. "Oh, we would like to tell you something you and your mother nee..........Hello, Ms. Ketchum?" The first man asked, seeing Delia come through the front door. "Yes, what do you want?" Delia demanded, holding her son close to her. "We have information you will not like. It's about Colonel Michael Cody Ketchum. We recieved word that he was assassinated. We couldn't believe it ourselves, knowing good ol' Michael. We arrived to his station, and found the information to be true. We saw a note sticking out of his shirt, and a different one out of his pants pocket. The shirt note read, "Pallet Military. This is what will happen to all your officers if you choose to interrupt our plans. We have birdies telling us every move your feet make. There is nothing you can do that will not reach our ears. We would be very pleased if you try to track us down. First, your other colonels, then your higher offices, then your general. If you choose do continue all military actions to stop us, your president will be taken out of the picture. Come and get us, if you dare." "Oh, that's horrible. Who would do su..........ASH GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!" Delia just saw her son take off down the street. Ash is running to the one place he feels peaceful. Shortly after taking off, he reaches a pond, and sits next to it. "Oh, this doesn't help. Let's see, what would help me put mysel....what kind of idiot would lay a rope next to this rock." Ash walks over to this rock, and tries to lift it up. He is able to, but it's mighty heavy. He ties the rope around the rock and ties the other end to his feet. He picks up the rock again, and waddles out to the water. He throws the rock toward the middle. It succeeds into taking Ash with him. He, then realizes he doesn't want to die, but he's tied the ropes really tight. He slowly loses strength. He has no idea how long it's been. Before he blanks, he sees a little girl diving into the water, and swim frantically toward him. Then nothing..... "Uhm, hey boy. Are you alive? Hello? Wake up! Please wake up! Come on, your scaring me!" Ash opens his eyes and sees a girl with red hair shaking him, and pounding his chest. *cough cough* "You're alive!" The girl bends down to give him a big hug. "How did I get here?" Ash questions. "Well, I saw you throw the rock in the pond, then you went with it. I dove in after you, untied the knots, and pulled you to the shore." "Oh, thank you. Hey, aren't you in my class? You're Misty!" Ash gets embarassed real quick. "Yes, I am. Do you need to go home?" Misty asks. "Oh, shoot! Momma's gonna be worried." Ash jumps up really fast and hops on Misty's bike. He rides away into the day, without hearing Misty shouting insults at him for stealing his bike. 'Man, that was close. Now what am I gonna do? Hey, I know a way for Misty to stay with me. I'll wreck her bike, she'll get mad, I'll suggest her coming with me, I can pretend I'm trying to earn money for the bike, and then we could fall in love. Only time can tell this story. Time after time I hear this phrase. Only time can tell this story. I'm sick of it now. My dad would say that. Misty sure looked good in a bathing suit.' =================================================================== Review for Time after Time: Part 2 "Ash, what are you gasping about? Oh you jerk!" Misty took one last look at the poster and ran toward the beach. "Misty, it wasn', now what am I gonna do Coyote?" "I don't know. Apologize to her, tell her it wasn't like that." "I just did that because I was excited about........" ==================================================================== What was Ash excited about? What was on the poster? Who the hell is Coyote? Read Part 2 to answer these questions. Please review, I want to know how I can improve the story line. Thanks.