I unfortunately don’t own Pokémon, except for the plot.

This is an AAMRN, rated for everybody. Hope you enjoy it. J

Italic means people’s thoughts.

Characters in this chapter:

"When hearts are aglow"

By A Crazy Girl

Chapter 3

Misty’s heart was jumping joyfully, waiting for that special kiss, but suddenly, her mind was telling her she shouldn’t do it because of a very important reason. She avoided Ash’s kiss just in time and went directly to his ear to whisper something.

Misty arrived home feeling really sad, and cursed the phone, which was ringing again.

Misty wasn’t fine yet, so she went to her room to calm down a bit, and fell asleep. When Ash arrived, it was already dark, and made some noise waking Misty up. He has felt rejected, but somehow he wanted to understand her. So he went to see if she had any motive to leave him like that. Ash opened the room’s door and found her lying on her bed, drying her tears.

Misty stood in the bedroom all the time while Ash was getting ready to leave. Once he finished, he put the bag next to the main door, and went to say goodbye to her. But when he turned around, he saw Misty was already there, staring at him. Ash could feel deeply inside her sadness.

Unexpectedly, she ran up to Ash and gave him a very big never-letting-go embrace.

They looked for two pens and a paper and played for a minute. Ash won.

Misty was still thinking about what happened just a few hours ago, and that comment of Ash showing his sadness when she didn't kiss him. But she thought it would be good to distract her mind with something else, so she accepted.


To be continued...


So? Did you like it? Well, again. If you want to contact me, tell me your opinion, ask me anything, or whatever, just e-mail me at crazy_girl_88@terra.com. Don't forget I love reviews. See you. Love...

A Crazy Girl Y