=This is not good.= Sundance announced as they neared Cherrygrove City. “What’s not good?” Jake asked as he continued to play with his Pokedex. =I dunno. I got an uneasy feeling.= Sundance replied. =I feel like there’s somethin’ runnin’ around loose, that shouldn’t be loose.= “What are you talking about?” Rose said after a long period of silence. =I feel like--= Sundance paused. =It’s gone!= He finally said with the Lugia equivalent of a shocked expression. Jake walked farther down the road and only stopped to exclaim “Awe, son of a…” =What is it Jake?= Sundance asked. “Where the hell is it?” Jake said staring down the other side of the hill. Rose ran to catch up with Jake. Sundance had taken flight, =Mother of god.= Jake switched mental gears. “Fly down, and look at the destruction. Tell me what you think.” “What is it Jake? What’s wrong…” The sight Rose saw, answered her questions. Cherrygrove City was in ruins. Many buildings had been knocked over. People were running around and screaming. Sundance flew over twice to get a good perspective. “Well does it look like Pewter City?” Jake asked as Sundance circled around for a third pass. =This is gonna sound crazy but this doesn’t look like Team Rocket did it.= Sundance said completing his third pass. =It looks like they were kicked over if you can believe it.= “What, (if any thing) can knock a building over?” Jake asked. “A Gyrados?” Rose said. “They don’t live in this area.” Jake answered =I told you. I had a bad feeling.= Sundance announced again. =I’m gonna put you back in the pokeball. If there’s any Rockets around here, I don’t want ‘em gettin’ their sticky hands on you.= Jake let the thought echo in Sundance’s mind. Sundance nodded in agreement. Jake took out the gold and silver pokeball and shouted “Sundance, Return.” A red beam of light covered the hundred and eighty yards that separated Jake and Sundance. Sundance turned bright red and disappeared. As Jake clipped the ball to his waist, Rose looked at the city with utter disbelief. “But who would do such a thing?” Orange Islands “Master Kruschev!” A voice echoed across the laboratory. Nikolai turned around. “Our double O’s have reported in sir.” A grunt reported to Nikolai. “They say Giovanni is up to 97% on the resurrection process. At this rate he will have resurrected Ho-oh before you can fully clone Lugia.” “I know what it means!” Nikolai snapped at the grunt. He took a few deep breaths and said, “And what about the boy and his Lugia? Have you located them yet?” “No sir.” The grunt looked down at his feet. “Our reports are sketchy at best. He’s been sighted in Olivine, New Bark Town, and there was even a report that he was in Viridian City.” Nikolai stroked his goatee. “My, the boy certainly does get around.” He realized that the grunt was staring at him. “You’re dismissed.” Jake was in a warehouse in the harbor district. He stared coldly into the darkness of the warehouse. Sundance landed behind him. Jake pointed to a part of the warehouse and muttered “Aeroblast.” Sundance charged up a ball of energy and fired it, destroying the entire south wall. Nikolai Kruschev cowered at the end of the warehouse. “Please, have mercy on me! I didn’t mean it!” He croaked. “I’m fresh out of mercy.” Jake replied, as he pointed at the old man. “Aeroblast.” Jake said with a cold look in his eyes. Sundance fired without hesitation or remorse. Kruschev was down instantly. Jake strode up to the lifeless form and nudged it with his boot. This time the body didn’t roll over. Instead it dematerialized before Jake’s eyes. A bony finger tapped Jake on the shoulder. He whirled around and found himself face to face with Kruschev. He was accompanied by a Lugia, which looked liked a negative image of Sundance. Jake could see that it wasn’t Sundance though. “You see Jake? I believe in an eye for an eye.” The old man said as he pointed his bony finger at Jake. “Blackheart, use Aeroblast.” He commanded. Jake was overcome by fear. As he opened his mouth, the Lugia fired his Aeroblast. “Jake!” Rose splashed water on Jake. “Quit sleeping; it’s the middle of the day!” “How long have I been out?” Jake said looking around to make sure it was all a dream. “About an hour.” Rose answered as she washed her hands in a pale of water. =Another nightmare?= Sundance asked knowingly. =Yeah, but this time Kruschev killed Me.= Jake looked at his hands. =I think it was a premonition. He was in the company of another Lugia. One that he called Blackheart.= =Hmm, an evil name for an evil clone.= Sundance said from inside of his pokeball. Rose who had been oblivious to the conversation that Sundance and Jake were having, stood up and said, “Let’s get back to work!” They had been helping the citizens clean up debris, and the like. Jake stood up, “I haven’t been gettin’ enough sleep lately.” “Oh, I wonder if that trip to Veridian City at one in the morning could have anything to do with it.” Rose said sarcastically. Jake turned and started towards the city, but he stopped when Rose said, “Jake is everything alright?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Jake said indignantly. “You were talking in your sleep. It sounded like you were having a battle. You said ‘I’m fresh out of mercy.’” She continued. Jake started walking again, as if he didn’t hear Rose. Rose looked at Rascal. “I’m worried about him Rascal.” Jake walked down the hill towards Cherrygrove City. He worried about himself. What if his rage took over like it did four years ago? There would be no one to stop him. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself. As he walked through the streets of Cherrygrove, he saw the destruction that had been caused. Memories returned to him. Memories that he wanted to keep buried. =Jake are you all right?= Sundance asked. =No, I’m far from it.= Jake replied. =What if there’s a repeat incident like in Slateport City?= =Why are you so worried about that? Kruschev isn’t dead so you have no reason to feel guilty.= Sundance tried to rationalize Jake’s actions. =Besides, you didn’t destroy the harbor. I did.= “But I told you to do it!” Jake shouted. People that were walking by had stopped and stared at Jake. “Mind your own business!” He commanded. “Well if it isn’t the Mauville Kid, all grown up!” A loud but familiar voice shouted over the clean-up crews. Jake wheeled around to see someone standing in the doorway of a nearby building. He had cold gray eyes like Jake’s and wore a black leather jacket. His solid black ball cap didn’t hide his hair, which was also solid black. It was Jake’s older brother, Cable. “So you’ve heard about my time in the Hoenn League then huh?” Jake said to the twenty year-old trainer. Cable nodded. “I watched every battle, all the way up until you got beat out of the third round.” He walked up to Jake. “It’s good to see ya kid.” “It’s good to see you too.” Jake said. “It’s been a while.” “Yep.” Mauville Kid was the nick name that the Hoenn public knew Jake by. No one knew Jake Brooks and that was the way Jake wanted it. “I heard you were runnin’ with Team Rocket.” Jake said incredulously. “Yeah five years ago.” His gaze was fixed on the sky. “But that’s all behind me now.” “I’m glad to hear it.” Jake was happy to hear that his brother wasn’t a criminal anymore. “So, besides not being able to cut it in the Hoenn League, what have you been doing with yourself lately?” Cable asked as he pushed Jake’s hat down over his eyes. Jake tilted the hat back to the way he had it. “Well, after I got beat out of the Hoenn League, I couldn’t bare to look Dad or Bonnie in the eyes, so I started driftin’. Town to town, battle after battle until eventually I quit losin’. And what about you?” “Oh, I ran with Team Rocket for a while, and then one day I just decided that I was on the wrong side of the law. I’ve been on the move ever since.” Cable paused for a moment. “You know, Bonnie joined Team Rocket too?” “Yeah, I saw her in New Bark Town, yesterday afternoon. She acted like she didn’t recognize me.” Jake looked down at his feet. “Yeah well after you disappeared, she came up to Team Rocket HQ one day, crying her eyes out, ‘cause she thought you didn’t love her anymore.” Cable had confirmed Jake’s fears. “I didn’t think she’d love me anymore if I was a loser.” Jake said sadly remembering his defeat in Ever Grande City. “Well, that goes to show how much you know.” Cable turned and walked to the nearly destroyed Pokemon Center. Jake walked with him, looking around as they went. “So, what caused all of this? I asked some other people but they wouldn’t tell me.” Jake said as they entered into the lobby. “I don’t know what it was. I wasn’t even awake, when it decided to use my hotel room as a rug.” Cable stepped up to the counter. “Nurse Joy, have my pokemon been healed yet?” He asked. “Yes they are.” She replied with a smile. Outside of Cherrygrove City Rascal had wandered away from where Rose had been washing her hands. He had picked up a new scent and was following it. Rascal knew his infamous sense of curiosity would one day get him killed, but just the same he followed his nose. It smelled like a Manectric, and maybe a human. The human was probably his/her trainer, or the Manectric was probably hungry for a mid afternoon snack. Rascal wound through the trees as the scent got stronger. When he heard noise on the other side of the bushes he used his X-ray vision to see through them. It was definitely a Manectric standing over an unconscious girl. He prepared to jump out of the bushes, but the girl sat up, and the Manectric came through the bushes. Suddenly he was nose to nose with the Manectric. The Manectric jumped back, with his fur bristled as he bore his fangs. Rascal jumped out and followed suit by extending his four inch claws, and allowing his own fangs to show, but became distracted when he heard Jake coming up the trail that Rascal had just followed. “H-Hello?” The girl stammered as Rascal looked back to see his friend. When he looked back to the girl, they were both gone. “Rascal, what are you doin’ out here?” Jake said. Rascal looked around sheepishly as if to say he had no excuse. But as Jake moved forward a branch swung out of the bushes and hit Jake in the back of the head. He dropped to his knees, and his hat rolled across the ground. Rascal charged up to use Thunder Wave but, before he could react, Jake stood up and disarmed the girl. 10 miles outside of Celadon City “General, we’re ready to begin the invasion of Celadon City.” The Rocket Executive said as he saluted. “Excellent, send in the ground forces.” General Trent said returning the salute. “The gym leader is to be taken alive. I’ll not have another embarrassment, like the one we suffered in Saffron City.” The executive turned and ran back to the mass of black uniforms and pokemon that was forming behind the ridge. General Trent marveled at the 13 foot tall robots that would grab any pokemon that happened to be roaming around, when the invasion started. When they came within five miles of the city, hundreds of Executor would bomb the city with their egg bombs. The plan was fool proof.