Cerulean Woman originally Life's Zenith by AideenCato004 PART ONE It was a long day at work and Ash Ketchum is as eager as ever to get home. Little does he know that his life was about to change forever. He had no idea that today marked the beginning of many changes. "Guess who called today, Ash?" Ash's mother met him in the livingroom when he finally arrived home. "I'm not so good at guessing games. Do you think you could just tell me?" Ash laughed while he walked passed her, setting his briefcase on the stairs. "It was Misty." "Misty? Misty Waterflower?" "Of course! Who else?" "So many years... I wonder how she's been." Ash replied as he took off his blazer and hung it on the coat rack by the door. "She sounded like she was doing well." "What did she call for?" "She was wondering if she could come out and stay with us for a while." "Did she say how long?" "As long as you can stand her, she says." "Sounds like a plan to me..." He chuckled as he undid his tie. "When is she coming?" "She said she'd be here by tomorrow. YouÕll be working of course so when you get here Misty will already be settled in." Delia chirped. "Your father and I are going out tomorrow night, so you and Misty can catch up on things while we're away. After that, we'll be heading out to the islands with a few friends. We'll be gone for days." "You don't have to go out tonight, but thanks anyway, Mom." Ash smiled and headed upstairs to his room, grabbing his briefcase on the way up. "Oh! Brock called and said he wanted to speak with you." Delia added. "You should probably call him back as soon as you can." Ash ran into his room. He sat at his desk and dialed Brock on his regular phone. While Ash waited for Brock to pick up, he grabbed a few papers from his briefcase and started to read them. [Ash?] Brock's voice sounded in his ear. "Yeah, it's me. How are ya doing?" [I'm good. Actually, I've married since you last saw me.] "Wow! It's been too long. So, who's the lucky girl?" [Remember Suzie from Scissors Street?] "Yeah..." [Well, after I left your house I went back to Scissors Street and started to work with her. I learned a lot about pokemon breeding from Suzie, but as it turned out I was learning even more about her other assisstant, Melissa, whom I worked closely with. After a few months of working together, Melissa and I really hit it off. Eventually, I asked her out and we dated until two years ago when I asked her to marry me. Now, here I am a married man.] "I'm glad to hear you've been doing well these past few years." [What about you? Meet anyone special?] "No, and I do not plan to anytime soon." [You're a good guy, Ash. Just try not to let it go to waist.] "Don't worry about me. So, when are you and Melissa going to visit?" [I dunno. Maybe after the baby is born-] "You're having a baby too?!" Ash exclaimed. [Yeah... isn't that great?] "That's wonderful! Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" [Melissa wanted it to be a surprise.] "Well, that's really terrific news. I'm happy for you, Pal." Ash paused. "Well, was there anything else you wanted me to know? You called earlier today..." [Nah... I just realized that I hadn't talked to you in ages.] "Glad you called. Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you... Misty called today." [Really? What'd she want?] "She's going to stay with us for a while. I dunno how long though." [Well, we'll have to visit as soon as we can. Baby or no baby.] "Great. Well, I'll talk to you soon, then." [Bye, Ash.] Ash hung up and turned back to his papers. There was still a lot of work to be done. The next morning, Ash whistled as he made his way into the kitchen, where his parents were already having breakfast. "Good morning!" Ash sang as he entered the kitchen. "My, youÕre happy today, Ash!" Ash's father replied, as he scratched his sleepy blonde head. "ThatÕs because his friend Misty is coming over today, Dan." Delia told her husband. "ThatÕs right!" Dan's green eyes flashed mischievously. "She an old girlfriend, Ash?" Ash inhaled sharply at the remark and began to choke a little on his food. "N-not exactly..." He dislodged the food. "Could you wait until I've finished a bite, before asking something like that?" "I didn't think you'd react in such a way, Ash. Why would you inhale your food over that?" "Well, itÕs just that no one has ever asked me anything like that before. I wouldn't stand a chance with her. She's too..." "Gorgeous?" Dan grinned slyly. "Aw, c'mon!" Ash blushed furiously. "Nonsense, Ash! You and Misty would make a cute couple." "So, who is this Misty? What does she look like?" Ash's father asked Delia. "A cute little redhead from Cerulean City. She's one of the Gym Leaders in the Cerulean Gym." "Way to go, Ash!" His father winked. "It's not like that, Dan..." "Oh, youÕre going to be late for work, Ash!" Delia fussed after glancing up at the clock. "See you later!" Ash exclaimed already at the door, pulling on his blazer. Ash sat in his office writing a report on his computer. He paused to take a break and sipped some of his now cold expresso. "(Whew! IÕve been working and worrying about Misty all day! I wonder what she looks like? ItÕs been so long she must look really different.)" He thought as he turned his chair around and looked out the window. "(I miss her so much.)" he sighed. "(I hope she misses me too...)" Back at Ash's house, a taxi pulled up in the driveway and a woman emerged, adjusting her bulging bag at her side. Her flaming red hair flowed behind her as she walked to the driver's window to pay him. Delia ran out and greeted the woman with a hug. They thanked the driver and he pulled away as they walked up to the house. "Dan! Dan! AshÕs friend is here!" Delia called for her husband. "Ah, is this the young woman I've been hearing so much about?!" He exclaimed as he entered the room. "Misty, this is my husband, Daniel." Delia explained. "I am honored to meet you, Misty." "Thank you, Sir!" Misty smiled. "I am honored to meet you as well." "Enough with the formalities, you're practically family. Just call me Dan." "Oh! Ash will be so happy when he gets home!" Delia squealed with delight. "Where is he?" Misty asked. "Oh heÕs at that big research building in Goldenrod City, he works there." Dan told her. "That boy couldn't stay in the house anyway. All that traveling has left him restless." "Well, Misty, let's get you settled in." Delia replied as she took Misty's hand and led her upstairs to the guestroom. Misty and Delia talked for hours. Misty hadn't realized just how fun and interesting Ash's mother was. She seemed much more alive now than she remembered. She used to be such a strong, quiet woman; now she was always smiling and seemed very lively and talkative. Misty could get used to it. "I'm not planning on staying too long. I just need somewhere to crash for now. I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible, I promise!" "Misty, you are always welcome in our home. If you ever need us, we'll be there for you. Ash too." Delia told her young friend. "I'm glad that you feel that way but is Ash really okay with me staying for a while?" "He doesn't mind, really! Ash is always talking about how he wishes his friends would drop by, but everyone's so busy these days." The front door opened. "I'm home!" A deep voice echoed from the livingroom. Then a tall, dark haired, man entered the kitchen. He rubbed his hands together and shoved them in his pockets. "It's pretty nippy out there..." As the man glanced up his eyes shot over to the third figure in the room. "Welcome home, Honey!" Delia exclaimed as she stood. "Misty's finally here, as you can see." "H-hi..." "Hey." Misty replied back and looked him over. Ash's hair wasnÕt as wild as it used to be and his face was much older than she had remembered, but his eyes and smile were the very same. His black business suit brought out his confident brown eyes while also complimenting his wide shoulders. Misty stood and walked up to him. "You're so short..." Ash laughed. "Or is it that you're so tall?" Misty threw back playfully. Sensing she was playful, Ash grinned and prepared for an interesting evening. He looked over Misty as she stood before him with her hands on her hips. She had changed so much since the last time he had seen her. Misty's hair had gotten so long that she had to pull some of it back with a barrette; how alive her hair seemed flowing down her back, a fiery waterfall. She wasn't as scrawny as she was shapely and her face was much fuller than it used to be. Her attire suggested that Misty prefered comfort to style, though she mixed the two opposites rather well. The blue jean jacket tied around her waist hung loosly as it brought her hips to attention. The black tank top she wore, though simple it was, accented her curves and complexion rather well. Just below her shirt Misty's light skin peeped through the single inch that her pants would allow, making her appear at once both innocent and reproachable. Her eyes hadn't helped, as they were wild with excitment; blues and greens clashed in an everlasting war within her soul. Ash could feel the internal rage and zest she withheld; his heart pounded hard against his chest as he absorbed her emotions. His heart leapt with anticipation. "Well," Delia broke the silence. "We have our night planned, so, weÕll be leaving now." Ash peeled his eyes reluctantly from Misty and followed his parents to the front door. How could they do this to him--and now?! What would he do with Misty after they had gone? He didn't plan the night at all. He had assumed his mother had done so already and did not bother planning it himself. "How long will you be gone?" He asked. "(Please tell me this is a horribly cruel joke.)" "Oh, Honey, I already told you. We're going out tonight and then later heading out to the Sea Foam Islands with a some friends for a few days." "Oh, yeah..." Ash remembered. "(Damn of all damns...)" "Take care, you two!" His father added as they walked out to the car. They waved as Ash's parents backed out of the drvieway and left.