Chapter 1 ~A Good Bad Decision~ Misty frowned at the phone, "Who is this? I'm going to hang up..." the screen was black, but a male voice spoke suddenly. "Hello Miss." Misty glared at the screen, "And who is this, someone for one of my sisters?" There was a pause, before the voice spoke again, "I don't need to tell you who I am. And the only person I want to speak to is you." Misty frowned again, staring warily at the phone. "Then what do you want.... do I know you?" There was a laugh, "No, you don't know me. Well, not formally. We've been together for a long time, Misty Waterflower." "What do you mean?" She said quietly, starting to get angry. But even more than that was a strange, unfamiliar feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. She glanced at the room around her nervously. "Tell me what you mean by that!" she shouted into the phone. "Now, now. No need to get so angry. I just want to talk to-" She slammed the phone back onto it's holder, and frowned worriedly for a moment.. Then she shook her head. "Stupid prank caller..." She muttered, turning away from the phone and heading up the stairs to her room. Still, she couldn't shake that strange feeling that had grown in the pit of her stomach, and was now creeping steadily up her spine. Pausing halfway up the staircase, she stared thoughtfully at the front door. It was unlocked... she always left it unlocked. Nobody locked their doors, there wasn't anything to be afraid of. Misty took a few shaky steps down the stairs, before mentally slapping herself. "What am I thinking?" she said, laughing at herself. "It was just a prank call, nothing to get all worried about.!" But that strange feeling wouldn't go away, and it was tingling in her fingers now. Feeling strangely tired, she headed off to bed. And unfortunately, she had just made the worst decision of her life. *** AN: Okay, sorry for the shortness >.< And I PROMISE it gets better, so hang in there ^^; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 ~An Expert Criminal~ The boy slipped silently through the night. He looked to be around the age of 14, though in reality he was a year older than that. Dressed in black, he easily blended in, and unless you looked closely, he could probably pass right by you without you noticing. Unless he did something stupid like trip. "Oof." He cried, falling in a heap to the ground. The boy glared at the rock he had tripped on, "Stupid thing." Standing up, he smoothed out his clothes and flattened himself against the wall of the house. Which totally blew his cover because someone dressed in black doesn't blend in so well when they're creaping next to a large white house. Humming the Mission Impossible theme in his head, he worked his way around the house to the back door. only to find it was locked. Time for my handy lock- picking skills. he thought, whipping a bobby pin out of his pocket. After spending a good half hour trying to pick the lock, he gave up with a defeated sigh. 'But I've gotta get in!' he thought desperately. On a sudden impulse, he snuck around to the front of the house and tried the front door. "It's. open." he said incredulously, as the front door swung wide open. 'What kind of person locks the back door and not the front?' he thought, not believing his luck. Dismissing the lucky miracle, he crept silently into the house, tiptoeing carefully in his 'ninja' shoes. Ascending the staircase he knew led to the bedrooms, the boy was careful not to make the slightest noise. There were two hallways to chose from once he made it to the top of the stairs. He instinctively went to the right, opening the first door. It was a girls room, and walking further into it, he crept slowly up to the bed. A young girl, roughly his age, was asleep under the covers. 'Wow, she's pretty.' he caught himself thinking, before he mentally slapped himself and kept his mind on the task at hand. Slipping the black ski-mask over his face, the boy studied her a moment, unsure of what to do. I. can't do this. he frowned, what did she ever do to deserve this anyway. he thought. Shaking his head, he swallowed any reservations and pulled the blanket off of her, holding his breath and jamming his eyes shut. When it seemed like she was still asleep, he peeked open one eye, and immediately blushed. 'At least she's not naked.' he thought. Though. her nightie wasn't much better. It was very simple, a loose, short orange top, and orange cotton short-shorts. Ignoring the fact that his face must have gone 20 shades of red at that moment, he grabbed hold of her shoulders. 'Oh god oh god oh god. Please don't wake up.' he thought frantically, easing the girl slowly toward the edge of the bed. He awkwardly fumbled for a moment, wondering how to pick her up, before deciding bridal style would be the least likely to wake her. Still horribly flushed, he picked her up and headed out the door and down the hallway to the stairs. That was where he made his first major mistake. The sad fact about 'ninja' shoes, is that they're really nothing more than socks. And if you've ever had a sock fall down and get too loose, you'll understand what happened next. Just as the boy reached the top of the staircase, his right 'ninja' shoe had come loose, and unfortunately for him, he wasn't the most coordinated person in the world. Just as his left foot went down to the first step, he lifted his right foot, only to have the 'ninja' shoe get caught on a loose nail. Damn. was all he had the time to think before he tumbled head over foot down the staircase. The girl went flying out of his arms, and he winced as she rolled down the stairs. Of course, he wasn't doing much better, in fact, the only thing that saved him from breaking his neck was that he seemed to have landed on something rather soft down at the bottom. 'Oh n-no.' he thought, scrambling up off of the girl and away. "P-please don't be dead." He said quietly, afraid to even move. She wasn't opening her eyes, and he felt like sobbing. 'Oh my god I killed her. she's dead. there's a dead woman right next to me and I killed her.. I'm a murderer. I'm a no good wannabe kidnapper murderer and now-' His thought process (if it could be called that) was interrupted as the girl shifted over on the floor. His mouth dropped open. 'She's alive! She. she's not dead! I'm not dead! And she's. still. asleep.?' he thought, staring at the sleeping girl disbelievingly. 'What kind of girl falls down a staircase and doesn't wake up?!?!' Shaking his head and just grateful that the plan was. er. 'working', the boy picked her back up and left the house. *** AN: Okay, I know not much happened in this chapter, but the plot is really going to develop in the next one, which should be done very soon ^^