All My Way, On My Own By: Enja Ages: Ash: 14, Misty: 15, Brock: 19, Alec: 14, Kara: 9 Part: 10 The walk back was a long one. It took twice as much time to get back, which meant eight hours. Brock carried Misty, and he wouldn't let me near her. I think I know why, I lied to them! I told them I was a boy with blonde hair named Zac. But that wasn't true. I was Ash Ketchum from Pallet with the unruly black hair and the chocolate brown eyes. Alec and I took turns carrying Kara. Pikachu sat on my shoulder. WAIT A SEC! How did TR get Pikachu? Oh wait, they probably stole him from the Pokemon Centre. "How much further, Ash?" Alec complained. Was it just me or was Alec more hot- headed than I was? "I don't know Alec." I couldn't wait to see my Pokemon who were probably done healing hours ago. Nurse Joy is worried sick and I knew it. It was totally obvious. * * * After walking a very long time with taking only two breaks, we finally made it to the Pokemon Centre. We walked in. Misty had come to herself and Kara was still out. Misty was still a bit oozy, you could tell. "MY LORD! WHERE HAVE YOU KIDS BEEN?" Nurse Joy screamed. Everyone was silent. Even Brock. "Oh my, lets get you cleaned up!" She started tugging us into the backrooms. She gave all the boys one room and Misty one to herself. Kara was taken to a room where she would recover. Nurse Joy immeadiatly took Pikachu who had wasted his energy on trying to get free from TR. As soon as everybody was cleaned up we all sat on seperate beds. No one spoke, not even Alec who was one of the people who had motor mouths. After a few minutes someone spoke. "Why?" Brock looked at me, sorrowfully. I thought about this a minute. I knew why I left but I couldn't find the words. " found the note, didn't you?" Brock shook his head. "You didn't?!" Brock repeated his action from before. "No we didn't." Alec listened in on our conversation. "I left... because I was...umm...tired of being told...I couldn't make it on my own." My voice raised a bit. "I couldn't stand anymore of people telling that I won all my badges because the gym leaders pitied me! ALL OF IT CROSSED THE LINE, FORCING PIKACHU AND I TO LEAVE." Brocks face hardened. "YOU COULD HAVE... THAT WAS NO REASON TO LEAVE!" "LOOK I TRIED TO DEFEND MYSELF! IT DIDN'T WORK! YOU PEOPLE KEPT TELLING ME I WAS A FAILURE!" After that I stormed out of the room and out to the front porch. I got a glance of Brock's face when before I was totally out of the room. It had softened quite a bit. The cold night air surrounded me. A few tears leaked out of my eyes. Why was life like this? More depression ran through my body when I thought about what had recently happened. I heard footsteps behind me. It was Alec. "Hey Ash." He said emotionless. I looked at him trying to inform him I couldn't talk. I think he understood. "You know Ash..." A/n- so sorry that this chapter is pretty short. I am loaded with homework this weekend and I'm trying to get over it.