All My Way, On My Own Ages: Ash: 14, Alec: 14, Kara: 9 part: 5 This whole story is Ash's P.O.V., unless I say othterwise. Now on with the story. I sat across Alec at a restraunt in Lasana City. I had agreed to let Alec travel with me. I had not told him my secret and I didn't plan to. Pikachu was demanding ketchup right now and it was getting a bit on my nerves. "PIKA PIK!" (KETCHUP NOW!) Pikachu continued yelling. All the guests in the restraunt were staring at us and I had to say it was quite embarassing. "Sir, if you can not control your Pikachu you will have to leave or put him in his pokeball!" The manager yelled. "Pika pik." (Ketchup now.) Pikachu lowered his voice to a whisper when he heard the word "Pokeball." "That's better," says the displeased manager as he walks away. "Is Pikachu always like that?" Alec asked confused. "No, only when he wants ketchup. He is obbsessed with Ketchup," I explain to Alec who had a very confused/wierd look on his face. "So are you on a Pokemon journey?" I ask. "Yeah, I was coming here to get my next badge." "Me too," I smiled. "Do you mind if we go to the Pokemon Centre, I need to get my picture updated in my pokedex?" I say. "Sure, but why?" Alec asked. "I recently dyed my hair so Br..." I relized my started mistake and shut my mouth. "What?" Alec asked curiously. "Nothing!" "What?!" Alec demanded. "Nothing!!!!" I almost yelled but from recent events that concerned Pikachu I decided not to. Alec finally shut up. "Look, it was just a bunch of bad experiences." "Oh," Alec sighed. "Here is your food, boys." A young waitress about the age of seventeen said. "Thanks." * * * "Hey give that back!" I yelled to Kara. Alec, Pikachu and I were trying to get my Ivysaur back from Kara. I was adjusting my belt and one of my pokeballs flew off and it happened that Kara was right behind us. I had to admit Kara was really fast. "Give it Kara!" Alec yelled. "Um let me!" She yelled back to us as she ran. I speeded up and tackled her to the ground. I was also a fast runner too, and she had just gotten a head start. I started tickling her and she burst out in laughter. Alec came running up and pryed Ivysaur out of her hand. "Not fair!" Kara pouted. "Oh beileve me, it is," I say as I grin. As Pikachu was watching from the side sighed. "Pikachu," (Finally) he says. "Bye Kara!" I say in a singsong voice as we head to the Pokemon Centre. * * * "Sure Ash, we'll update your picture of your pokedex." Nurse Joy exclaimed. I needed it badly since I hadn't had it updated since I was 11 and I was now 14. Plus I got my hair dyed. I stood in a corner where Nurse Joy would take my picture. As soon as she did she typed on the keyboard on the computer and watched the screen. Soon my recent picture came up beside my old one. I watched as she completed the process. "Your hair was black?" Alec asked. He knew I had it dyed but not what color it was before. "Yeah." "Why did you dye it?" Alec asked curiously again. I could tell he wanted to know so badly. I would't tell him though. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I say in that oh so annoying voice. "Uhh...not fair! Aren't I your friend?" Even though he was my friend I had only known him for a short while. "Alec, I have only known you for one day and a half." "Oh yeah. When will you tell me?" Alec pleaded. "Hmmm...I don't know." Nurse Joy finally finished her job. "Here you go Ash," Nurse Joy says as she hands me my pokedex. "Thanks." * * * As we headed out the Pokemon Centre we heard a loud crash. "What was that?" Alec asked. "I don't know," I say as I search the area of what ever it was. I finally set my eyes on... A/n- Hey how do you like it? I promise it will get more exciting as I go along. Please review. 3 reviews needed.