Another Day Goes By by: Enja Disclamier: I don't own any pokemon or the characters. ages: Ash: 13, Misty: 14, Tracey: 16, Team Rocket: 20 Part: 2 Misty’s P.O.V. I watched Ash and Pikachu wash away into the deep blue ocean. I jumped in after him, but Tracey pulled me back. He was the love of my life. Without him my life was useless. I followed him from day one. I was happy beyond all reason that he had destroyed my bike. I had used it for an excuse to follow him. Ash was no longer in sight, I was crying hard. I would search for him high and low for the rest of my life if I did not find him first. Tracey was comforting me. I had traveled Ash for three years. I did not like to fight with him at all. I fought because I was hiding my feelings toward him. I know he probably did not like me in that way. I wish he did. I heard a faint ‘help’ in the distance. I pointed Lapras in that direction. “Go Staryu, go starmie, and go seadra!” I called them out to help search for Ash and Pikachu. “Go see if you can find Ash and Pikachu!” I yelled. Ash was trying to win the Iash league. It was very similar to the Orange league except there were six gyms. Ash had already won four of them with great skill. I told him it was luck, no it was skill. My water Pokemon were now little dots in the distance. Ash had helped me train them and now they were pretty tough. The Pokemon had been searching for hours now. No luck. The ocean was now as calm as it was before the passing hurricane. Actually I really don’t think it was a hurricane, I think that was done by a passing Pokemon that was really strong. Maybe Lugia, Articuno, Mewtwo? I don’t know. We saw a island come into view. “Look Tracey, an island. Maybe Ash is there.” We started heading toward the island. I called back all of my pokemon that I brought out earlier. I had hope that Ash was maybe there. We hit the island about twenty minutes later. I saw a beach house at the middle of the beach, I wanted to check there. I mean if you were carried away by the ocean I would think that you would be very weak and couldn’t go to far. I ran up to the little house and knocked. No one answered. I didn’t think someone would live here. It is pretty far from town. Maybe 20 miles away. There were no roads near by nor boat docks. Tracey checked the doornob. It was open. We walked inside. It looked desearted. There was an old bed and a couch. “We might as well stay hear tonight. It is dark anyways, we’ll search for Ash in the morning.” Tracey explained. I nodded. A/n: please review my story. I want to know what people think of my stories.