Another Day Goes By By: Enja Part: 9 Ages: Ash: 13, Misty: 14, Tracey: 16, TR: 20 Ash’s P.O.V. I had been sitting in the waiting room for a while now. Tracey had been in the ER and was now in the ICU. The man who was driving the truck was really unhappy about this. He was now sitting in the corner with desperate eyes and Pikachu was trying to comfort him. We had heard no news from the doctor and it was now getting dark. I needed some fresh air and was about to leave when the doctor came running up to me. “Are you Ash Ketchum?” “Yeah,” I replied. “Well, come to my office with me.” I did so. We were now in the doctor’s office. “My name is Dr. Garetty and I am taking care of Tracey,” He said as he sat down across from me. “How is he?” I asked. “Well…not to good. He was hit pretty hard, he will survive but he has a serious concussion and is partly retarded.” At this I groaned. My buddy was no longer with me. Oh and his dream, his dream. His dream was now destroyed and it was my fault! Tears started to creep out of my eyes. The doctor sighed and left. I got up and ran out of the hospital. I ran for what seemed like forever. I was about to slow down when I rammed into something. I got up quickly and called to who ever it was. “SORRY!” “Ash…” The figure said. I turned around and saw “MISTY!” I called. I jumped into her arms and sobbed. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “Tracey…he’s…” “He’s what?” Misty interrupted. “Retarded…” I say and trail off. I heard Misty start to sob. A/n- R/R! (Sorry, getting a little demanding right now.)