The Child’s Duplicate


By: Aki Akito

Ages: Ash: 13, Misty: 14, Brock 18, Ashu: 13


            That had been one of the worst sleeps I had ever had… I had that feeling where I was cold but hot. I hate that feeling. I opened my eyes to be welcomed to the bright sun. I looked up to Ashu’s bunk but he wasn’t there, I bet he was up already.


            I took a look at the clock; it’s 11:37. I lolled out of the bunk and stretched out. I made my way down the stairs to find that everybody was in the kitchen already eating breakfast, without me.


            I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the empty chair.


            “Good morning, honey. Sleep well?” My mom said as I took a grab for some pancakes.


            “No.” I grumbled. “Will you pass the pancakes, Misty?”


            Misty gave me a concerned look whereas she pushed the plate of pancakes over to me.  “What’s wrong, Ash? Ever since we got here, you’ve well…haven’t been yourself.”


            “It’s nothing.”


            “Whatever Ashy boy. Hey, how about you and me have a battle today?”


            “No thanks, Ashu. I’d rather go on a walk and train by myself.”


            “Come on Ashy boy, it’ll be fun!”


            “STOP CALLING ME ‘ASHY’ AND ‘ASHY BOY’! I really don’t like it!” I yelled making everybody look up from their plate of food.


            “Ash! You could just ask him to stop politely!”


            “Fine! Please stop, Ashu.” I said harshly.


            “Whatever Asho.” I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh as I stood up from my empty breakfast plate.


            “I’m going to get dressed and go on a walk to train.” I said calmly as I headed upstairs to my room to get dressed. 


A/n- Well, it’s kind of a boring chapter but I’ve got a good idea for the next one so hang in there.