Chapter 4: Training with Check Stealth took three Pokeballs from her waist and tossed them into the air. Three flashes of black light shone momentarily then cleared. Rayten, Aronato, and Zephyr stood staring expectantly at her. She could never figure out how they knew what she planned to do before she told them. They must pay good attention to their surroundings. She was in the Trainer Arena after all, and what else do you do in a training arena than trainer? “All right guys,” she said, looking at each of her Pokemon’s expressions to see what kind of mood they were in before continuing, “as you’ve already guessed, you’re going to be doing some trainer. Aronato, you will go against Rayten. Alalia, you and Zephyr will have to train solo if you still want to train.” ‘How rude,’ Alalia said in a mortified tone. ‘I think I just won’t train at all if you’re going to be like that.’ She flicked her ears and marched over to a bench that sat near the wall. Zephyr shrugged and said, ‘Well if Alalia’s not gonna train I might as well take it easy too.’ He ruffled his feathers and walked over to sit beside Alalia. “Lazy,” Stealth muttered, turned to face Rayten and Aronato. ‘I heard that!’ Came Alalia’s voice from the bench. Stealth merely shrugged and spoke to the two Pokemon she had chosen to trainer. “Ok, I think we should start off by working on your agility, Aronato. Rayten does much better at maneuvering at high speeds than you and that gives him a real advantage.” Aronato nodded his horned head and replied, ‘Sounds good to me. But ya gotta remember not to let me hit Rayten with any of my attacks. I wouldn’t want to hurt him.’ Rayten snorted. “Yeah, like I’m really worried about your attacks. I can’t even feel them, not usually anyway. The only exception is when Zephyr dropped you because you were annoying him so much.’ ‘That was a strategical move designed to catch the opponent off guard. He didn’t drop me.’ ‘Riiight.’ “That’s enough you two, you’re supposed to be getting ready to train, not bickering about the time Zephyr dumped Aro off his back.” Rayten gave Aronato a smug grin as he moved into a fighting position. Aronato grunted and moved backwards a bit to put some distance between him and Rayten. “Right, now, Rayten, I want you to fire weak jolts of electricity at Aronato. Make your aim random, just do your best to hit him. Aronato, you try to predict what Rayten is going to and dodge. Even if you can’t predict his move, do your best to dodge. A sloppy move is better than a hit.” Both Pokemon nodded. Rayten stared unblinking at Aronato, waiting for the right chance to move. Aronato was becoming edgy. He never had much patience and standing still long enough to anticipate an attack was not something he usually did. It was one of the things that made it so hard for him to turn jump when he was running at high speeds. It took concentration and patience to learn to do something like that so well that you didn’t have to think about it. Aronato could concentrate if he had to, but not for long periods of time and he had very little patience. Just as he was beginning to fidget from the anticipation, Rayten fired a small bolt of electricity. Aronato yelped and rolled out of the way just as Rayten fired the second. This happened three times before one hit. After that, Aronato’s movements were just as random as Rayten’s attacks. The only difference was, Rayten knew where he was going to fire and Aronato didn’t. This made it twice as hard for the Houndoom to move out of the way. Finally Stealth called for them to stop. “Aro, you’re not anticipating his moves. You’re waiting until he launches an attack to decide which way your going to move. You have to watch him and move before he attacks. Otherwise your just going to tire yourself out and leave yourself wide open.” ‘I know, but you said it yourself, he’s faster than me. And how am I supposed to predict his attack? I’m not a psychic type.’ “Read his movements, watch him when he’s about to attack. No matter how subtle, there is always a sign that he’s about to attack. Now get ready to try again.” Aronato made a disgruntled sound in his throat but moved into a fighting stance. Rayten stood straight, not moving a muscle. Stealth watched him closely, studying him. From the corner of her eye she saw Aronato shift slightly. She hissed at him and he stopped. Then she saw Rayten’s muscles tense ever so slightly. A second later a bolt of electricity zoomed its way towards Aronato. The Houndoom was slow to move and by the time he recovered his balance Rayten had fired another attack. Stealth sighed as the fire type leaped and dodged, unable to see the warning sign that meant Rayten was about to attack but also not paying enough attention to his opponent to discover it. After five minutes she called a halt to the exercise again. ‘I can’t do it, Atra!’ Aronato said, panting heavily. “Yes you can, you just have to concentrate. You’re letting the anticipation of the attack cloud your ability to focus on your opponent. Don’t worry about being hit, worry about seeing the attack. It’s not going to hurt you, just a little sting. Calm yourself and relax your mind. Look past what’s going to happen and focus on what is happening.” Aronato shook his head and sat down. ‘I don’t have the patience, Atra. I never have.’ He looked hopelessly up at her. Stealth sighed and walked over to her Pokemon. She knelt beside him and placed a gentle hand on his head. “You just need to practice. Everything takes practice. Nobody is born with patience, Aro. Some people find it easier to obtain, true, but they still have to learn it. Do you think I was always able to concentrate for long periods of time or see my opponents attack before they made it? You’re young, but you’ll grow out of it eventually.” ‘I guess so. I mean, I’m the only one of us who doesn’t know what out world looks like. I’ve never been able to smell the air in a place where I’m accepted. It’s just so much that I find it impossible to…’ “Hey, Stealth, how’s the training going?” “Hey, Check,” said Stealth, standing up and turning around to face the man who had just entered. “Not bad, I’m trying to teach Aronato to see attacks before they happen. Or something like that anyway.” “Interesting. It’s a handy technique I’m sure, though I’ve never tried it.” He smiled as she walked forward. He was a tall man of about twenty with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He usually dressed in official looking clothes because he was a high ranking member of the Resistance. You had to be high ranking to get the job of guard duty, or at least someone who was trusted. Today he had on black pants, a white shirt, and a black jacket. Though he liked to look official and important, he often spoiled the effect by not brushing his hair, not wearing a tie, or wearing very odd shoes. Today they were bright green and red. “I’m guessing you don’t have guard duty today,” Stealth commented lightly after tearing her eyes away from Check’s odd footwear. “Nope,” he replied cheerfully. “I thought I’d come down here and train my Pokemon a bit. I don’t want to get rusty.” Stealth laughed softly. “I doubt that’ll happen. But I supposed it never hurts to be on the safe side.” She paused for a moment then asked, “How about a battle? I haven’t a match with anyone for a while. On my last mission I almost hoped I’d run into a member of one of the gangs.” Check nodded. “I know the feeling. It’s actually worse for me because I so rarely leave the base. There have been times when I longed for an attack to happen. Don’t tell Boss that though. He’ll probably fire me.” He pondered something for a moment then added, “That might not be such a bad idea. Maybe he’d send me on some missions if I weren’t a guard. Anyway, does a two on two battle sound good to you?” “Yep,” Stealth replied cheerfully. She nodded to Aronato and Rayten. The two Pokemon nodded and followed Stealth and Check over to a large area of the room marked off with lines. It was about half the size of a football field with another line through the center. A Pokeball was painted in the middle of this. Even though the items and training conditions were nothing like those from the Pokemon’s world, the Resistance had still wanted to make the battles similar. They even held tournaments sometimes, just for fun. Stealth had competed in one of these but missed the other two because she had been away on missions. There hadn’t been a new tournament for ages though and the rumor was there wouldn’t be one ever again. This was because three people had reported that they had come into the base and discovered that there was no guard on duty. The guy had skipped off to watch the battles. Boss had been very unhappy about this and every member had to line up to have their tattoos checked. “So you’re going to use Ray and Aro, eh? Ok, let’s see here…” He reached into a pocket and drew out two Pokeballs. The thought of how different these Pokeballs looked from the ones in the Pokemon world flashed through Stealth’s mind for a moment. Pure black with a dark grey button in the middle. They could be easily hidden and Stealth liked the look of them, but she remembered that she had once wished they were red and white. It would just seem more official than these. Check tossed the two balls into the air and watched as first an Alakazam then a Pupitar appeared. “You can make the first move.” “Nice choice,” Stealth commented, gazing at the two Pokemon. Her mind zipped into action as she considered her options. Pupitar was a rock type so Rayten would have no effect. It also meant that Aronato’s attacks wouldn’t be very useful either. Physical attacks did little damage as well. She’d have to think carefully on that one. Alakazam was easier. She would take it out first. “All right, Rayten start off with Howl and Aronato, start off with Leer!” Rayten raised his head and let out a deep howl that appeared useless but actually caused his attack strength to rise. Aronato turned his head swiftly to stare Alakazam in the eyes. His eyes glowed eerily but it didn’t seem to do anything. Stealth knew that Alakazam’s defense was lower, though. “Howl and Leer? Well, it’s your choice. Alakazam use Psybeam on Houndoom, Pupitar use Rock Slide on Manectric!” Alakazam lifted the two spoons it held. They glowed for a moment then a rainbow swirl of lights shot out of them towards Aronato. At the same time, Pupitar began to spin. Whatever it was doing caused large rocks to form that shot, one after the other, at Rayten. “Aronato use Smog and Rayten use Charge!” Aronato opened his mouth and shot a cloud of toxic gas into the air. It swirled as it flew towards Alakazam, blocking the two Pokemon from each other’s view and ensuring that Alakazam would become steadily weaker from the poison. Another effect of the attack was that Aronato only had to duck for the Psybeam attack to miss. Rayten howled again, but this was a battle cry, not an attack. His body was charged with electricity and the powerful jolts surrounded him, leaping through the air before returning to his body. The affect of this was to raise Rayten’s attack power while at the same time preventing the rocks from hitting their target. Check seemed uneasy now. He had battled several members of the Resistance but most were like him. They wanted to cause as much damage as they could as fast as they could to end the battle quickly. He had never battled Stealth nor seen her battle before. She had a completely different strategy and he knew that he’d have to think of something to counter it with. But, on the bright side, she seemed to think that the best offense was defense which meant she wouldn’t use many attacks that caused direct damage. “Alakazam use Confusion on Houndoom! Pupitar use Earthquake!” Alakazam once again lifted the two spoons it held. It’s whole body glowed this time, then a blast of multi-colored light zoomed through the air towards Aronato. Pupitar seemed to be charging its strength. Its eyes were closed and it was concentrating hard on something. Then its eyes snapped open and it leapt into the air, coming back down with enough force the cause the entire battle field to shake horribly. Stealth gave Check an irritated look as she braced her legs and hoped the ceiling wouldn’t collapse. Aronato and Rayten moved towards each other and leaned up against each other to steady themselves. The attack was so jarring that it knocked Check and Alakazam off their feet. There were shouts from outside the room then three people appeared in the doorway. One was a girl with silvery blonde hair and green eyes who was wearing a red long sleeved shirt and tight fitting jeans. The other two were boys who were about five years younger than Stealth and looked almost exactly alike. They bother had black hair and brown eyes and bother were wearing black shirts with Typhlosion on the front and khaki pants. Stealth recognized the girl as Koko and the boys as Ritch and Ric. “What on earth are you two doing?!” The girl named Koko shouted angrily. “You nearly sent us into a pile of glass!” “A pile of glass?” Said a very red Check in a sheepish tone. “Where did a pile of glass come from?” “It came from a window that shattered when you used that Earthquake attack!” Shouted Ritch and Ric together. “Umm, sorry,” said Check, standing up and rubbing the back of his head in an embarrassed way. ‘I think I’m gonna be sick,’ said Aronato, staggering drunkenly across the room towards Stealth. ‘Me too,’ said Rayten who’s legs were planted firmly apart with his head swaying from side to side. “I don’t feel too great myself,” agreed Stealth, who, like Rayten, was standing with her legs slightly apart and her head spinning. ‘Well I feel all right,’ said a cheerful voice from above. Everyone looked up and saw Alalia riding atop Zephyr who was hovering near the ceiling. ‘Me too,’ said Zephyr just as cheerfully. “Think how we feel,” said Check who was having to hold onto to Alakazam to stay standing. He glanced around and saw that no one had any sympathy for him. He sighed and said, “Alakazam can fix all the windows that were damaged by Pupitar’s attacks. Don’t worry.” “Well he better do it fast. I’m sure Boss won’t be happy if he comes down here and finds everything broke.” Check winced and nodded hastily. “Come on Kaz, let’s hurry up and fix those windows. Pupitar, you should go back in your Pokeball.” The rock Pokemon nodded and allowed himself to be recalled. Check then gave Stealth an apologetic grin and staggered as fast as he could out of the arena with Alakazam behind him. “That idiot’s gonna be in trouble. Using Earthquake inside. Who in their right mind does that?” “No one, but then, Check has never been in his right mind.” Stealth grinned and placed a hand on Aronato’s head. Koko, Ritch, and Ric all nodded in agreement then turned and left to see if anything else had been damaged by the earthquake. ‘Well that was fun. I trust you learning something from that battle?’ “As a matter of fact I did, Rayten. I learned that battling Check is quite an interesting experience.”