Hey, this is a new Fanfic and is going to take a while. It is only for mature audiences since there is cursing and violence. Well I plan for it to be anyway. So enjoy. Legal Disclaimer- I do not own pokemon, any new ideas or pokemon do belong to me so please ask first if you want to use it. **********************************Prologue************************************** The year is 2009, the once peaceful Indigo Island is now a place of no humans, while evil poke'mon are numerous. The pokemon have mutinied, leaving humans in captivity. Only one remains and he hasn't been seen in years. Ash Ketchum, the Poke'mon Master. **********************************Part 1**************************************** A cloaked ominous figure sat on his throne "General what is the crime of these, 'humans'" it demanded An electrabuzz walked up " they disobeyed their trainers, and then tried to escape." The figured laughed at the pair of humans looking up at him, then said "the same punishment every human gets if they try to escape, behead them." *It's good to be on top, no one can stop me* it thought as it watched the two humans being dragged away to their deathes. ******************************************************************************** A pair of slaves are running across the fields fearing about the punishment if they were caught, but desiring about the chance of freedom. A hitmonchan is slowly, but surely running after them. As the pair ran by a bush, they hear a whisper "Get down." They got down and looked over at the man who whispered at them. He was tall, with black hair, and strong. He wore simple jeans, black shirt, and a cap. "Wait here" was all he said before he jumped out to face the pokemon. "What are you doing" the hitmonchan demanded angrily "what's your serial number?" "I don't have one" the man said simply "What" the hitmonchan said confused "well you'll have one soon enough." The hitmonchan tried to punch the man. The man just simply blocked it then replied with a kick to the hitmonchan's chest. The hitmonchan then came after him with a fire punch. The man stepped to the side and stuck out his foot and tripped the pokemon. The man towered over the pokemon "Tell your master this" he said "the pokemon master is back and he wants revenge." The himonchan ran off to escape the wrath of the Pokemon Master, Ash Ketchum. **************************End Of Part 1************************************* Hope you all enjoyed. Just wait there are a few more surprises along the way. So until next time. Yes it is supposed to be short. To get your attention.