These * * * things in between the text mean different scenes.

‘ Italic’~ Peoples thoughts.


Ash/Duplica (17)

Misty (18)

Brock (20)

Nurse Wendy/Joy (25)


Chapter 3: Regrets.

Misty had been having these dreams ever since she had first regained consciousness. She had denied any help from her friends, especially Ash. The nightmares had become unbearable and they were scaring her tremendously. She my have thought that she were a strong person, but that was when she never had a worry in the world, travailing with Brock and Ash all those years ago, being the out going, head strong and mallet bearing fiery red head, that was always’ fit and healthy. Now she felt like a frightened little girl, who desperately needed shielding from the bad dreams that repeatedly obsessed her.

She needed help…





She needed to see her best friend, the only one who could help her with her anxiety…

She needed Ash.


Brock had arrived at the hospital as normal. He was sitting next to Misty talking to her about the usual, what had been happening in the news, latest updates on the league, updates from the doctors etc.
She had not really been listening to her older friend, she had been thinking about that dream she had a couple of night’s ago.

The dream that terrified her the most.




That was all she could see, blackness, silence, nothing.

“Hello, is any one there?” she shouted in to the nothingness around her. She was scared, she could feel her body start shaking, as she twisted and turned to see the darkness swirl around her.


“Go away!” she screamed toward the dark mist slowly making its way toward the scared and lonely girl. She held her arms around her waist, attempting to keep her self from danger, screaming as the mist started to swallow her.


“Help me! Aaaasssh!”

Her eyes darted open at first, she felt disorientated; she was shivering and could feel the wetness of her hair and nightshirt sticking to her body from the sweat. It was a dream, another nightmare.

She pushed her red hair out of her face; her aqua coloured eyes were moist from the tears that were threatening to leave them.

“ Help Me,” she whispered as she let the tears fall from her eyes.

“Please Help Me”, she sobbed. Eventually crying her self-back to an uneasy sleep. 



“So Dr.Travis, told me that you were responding well to the new medication; he said you were still having problems with your sleeping patterns, but had planned to do some more ‘Sleep recording’, he said that they wanted to test your…”

“Can I see Ash?” she interrupted him.

“Huh…did you just ask to see Ash?” Brock asked, a little surprised with her sudden change of mind. ‘Great, trust Ash not to be here. The only day he doesn’t come, is the day she wants to see him’ he thought to him self.


Duplica had asked Ash to come with her to the Pokemon Mart to get the daily positions and Pokemon chow.
Ash thought about saying no, but decided to go with her. Misty had refused to see him when ever he would visit, so he thought what would be different from any other day, it’s not like she wants to see me.

They had finished walking around the large Pokemon Mart and were making their way back to the Pokemon centre to drop things off and then go strait to the hospital before visiting hours were up.
They had been walking in silence, watching Pikachu and Togepi talking to the other.

When Duplica broke the silence, “Ash, umm…. Do you want to maybe go get something to eat? - I mean I need to tell you something.”

He turned from the two Pokemon, and looked at her, she was looking straight at him blushing a bit, which he just shrugged off, and replied to her request.

“ Well I am kind of hungry, but I really wanted to get to the hospital, just in case Mis….”

“Why? She doesn’t want to see you, so why even bother going?” she interrupted him.

Ash was taken aback a little with her sudden out burst. “Duplica?!” he asked. “What are you..”

”I…. I’m…. Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.” She interrupted him again.

Ash just stared at the girl in front of him a little confused, to say the least. Dr. Travis had told them both that Misty had been having trouble with trusting people. Therefore, it was understandable for her to act the way she was. So he thought.

Duplica had her own reasons.

“ I mean… she shouldn’t treat you like that!. You don’t deserve it. I mean you would do anything for her, you let her follow you for all these years, treat her as a friend, look out for her!. In addition, she just…. just treats you like crap! Like you don’t exist!. And you call her your best friend?, if that’s what you call friendship, then I would hate to see how your worse enemy treats you!?!.” She added a little sarcastically.

Ash didn’t know what to say, he was even more puzzled at the way Duplica had been talking. Misty was her best friend, so why would she say those things?.

”Wha… Duplica, I didn’t know you felt that way. I know Misty and I have had our differences, but we really do get on pretty good. I don’t take her acting this way personally.” He tried to explain to her.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and managed to crock out, ”I’m so sorry Ash. I didn’t mean to say those things about Misty, but I just don’t understand; I… what I’m trying to say is that I could never treat you like the way she is, because I think of you as a close friend, I care about you and I have….” Ash interrupted her when he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder; she looked up at him. He looked so sincere, and baffled from the words she had spoken.

”Duplica, thanks for your support, I understand…” it was his turn to be interrupted when he felt Duplica wrap her arms around his neck and touch his lips with hers. His eyes shoot wide open, ‘She’s kissing me!’ he continually repeated to him self. This was definitely not, what he had expected to happen.

When she realised that Ash was not returning the sign of affection, she pulled away from him, trying not to look at him in the eye. “I’m so sorry…- It didn’t mean anything…- I mean…- Oh God… Ash, please forgive me, I didn’t…- me… you…- sorry.” She managed to stammer out in a whisper.

Ash froze to the spot, not knowing what to say. ‘She kissed me!, how do I explain I don’t have the same feeling’s.’  He thought desperately to him self. His thoughts were quickly dismissed when he could hear her say something to him, although barely audible. He could tell she was trying to offer an apology.

While all this was happening, the two Pokemon, who were currently having their own discussion, had been stunned at the sudden scene that had happened in front of them. Togepi was the first to react out of the two, who started to bawl its eyes out. Pikachu who could see that Ash had been put in a very uneasy situation, tried to stop the young egg Pokemon from its sudden out burst of tears.

Duplica’s head shoot up at the sound of the young Pokemon crying, she tried to help calm the egg Pokemon down, by picking it up and hushing the distraught baby, but that only made the egg start to thrash and wail even loader. Ash at this point could hardly hear his own thoughts through the loud wails that were coming from Togepi. He rushed to Duplica’s side and took the little Pokemon out of her hands and it admittedly stopped its crying. She noticed the content look on the baby egg’s face as Ash spoke soft words to it.

“ I guess it wanted you.” She said to him with a little smile.

“ Yeah, Togepi can be a bit difficult at times when it comes to strangers… I mean… not that you’re a stranger, um.. I mean, it thinks I’m its Dad! So it's kind of a ‘Thing’ it's got for certain people, yea, that’s it.” He stammered.

”Oh, Okay, I think?” she replied a little uneasy.

Ash looked up from the egg in his arms to Duplica, who was staring at Togepi with a confused look on her face. He had to tell her, and now was the time to get it out in the open. “Um… Duplica, I hope you understand this, but I don’t… um… have the um… same feeling’s for you as you have for me, I think of you as a friend and…” he stuttered a bit more. “Please understand what I’m trying to say Duplica, but I can’t be any more than friends, I’m sorry.” He finished.

She looked up to Ash a little embarrassed and replied with a whisper, “I understand.” She could feel her heart break in two; she knew she had sounded disappointed by his honest feelings toward her. “It was a mistake, please forget it ever happened Ash, I wouldn’t want to lose our friendship over this.” She continued.

Ash smiled at her, hoping that it would make her feel a little better and replied reassuringly, “If that’s how you feel, then it's fine with me”.

They both gave each other a warm smile and left to go to the Pokemon centre.


Brock had left the hospital in search of Ash; he had arrived in the Pokemon centre hoping that he would find Ash and let him know about Misty’s change of mind. He entered their room that they were staying in and called for him. ‘Hmm…not here, Ash and Duplica must still be out’ he thought to him self with a sigh. He made his way to the sofa that he had been sleeping on for the last two ½ weeks, and sat down. ‘Great, the only day he’s not there, is the day she want’s to see him.’ He thought to him self again. He remembered the look on her face when he had told her that Ash had gone out to the Pokemon mart with Duplica. ‘You have probably blown it now Ash’ he leant back on the sofa and sighed again.

Misty had not seen Ash or Duplica since the accident, and only whished to see Brock, even though she hardly said two words to him, when he did see her. This one visit was different. When she had asked for Ash, he had been shocked to say the least and mentally cursed Ash for his absence.

So here, he was in their room waiting for Ash to return, to tell him to get down to the hospital ASAP.

He was starting to get board and decided to watch a little TV before they came back. As he reached for the TV remote, he took a glimpse out the window; they had a good view of the town from the third floor of the centre. He then noticed a couple of figures that looked like Ash and Duplica in the far end of the street.

That is when he noticed that Duplica was crying he was about to go see what was wrong when he saw her jump in to Ash’s arms and kiss him. ‘No…- this can’t be…’ he thought sadly, as he turned away from the view he whished he never set eyes on. ‘I thought she liked him, she always talked about him, stared at him… why… what is it that I am doing wrong?’ he sighed again and slumped down on the sofa to wait for them to arrive.


When Ash and Duplica had arrived at the centre, they had been surprised to see Brock sitting on the sofa looking at the TV.

”Hey Brock, I thought you were at the hospital?” asked Duplica.

“ Yeah I was, but Misty didn’t feel like listening to me today” he paused and turned to Ash. “Actually Ash, Misty asked for you this morning.”

Ash could not believe what had just been said to him; he nearly dropped Togepi in utter regret. Duplica saw the look on his face and felt even more guilty for the things that she had done and said.

“ Oh… she asked to see me?” he repeated Brock’s news. He nodded in reply. “Does she still want to see me?” he asked again.

Brock tried to reassure his disappointment. “Ash, you didn’t know she would ask to see you today, so don’t worry, I’m sure she may see you tomorrow.”

Duplica knew it was her fault, if she had not been so set to jump him, this would never have happened. All in all she had caused an accident, got Misty involved, nearly killed her Pokemon, ruined a perfectly sound friendship and to top it all off, caused Ash to miss an opportunity to see Misty.

”I’m sorry Ash, this is all my fault again”

”Um… no it’s Okay, Brock said she might want to see me again tomorrow…- I’m going for a walk Brock, I’ll see you later” he said a little uneasy.

He turned to head out the door, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Duplica, she was giving him a weak smile and a look that said ‘Are you Okay’ a cross her face. “I want to be alone for a while Duplica.” He told her. With that, he just left with Togepi and Pikachu.

She knew Ash had feelings for Misty, and always had been a little jealous of the red head, she envied Misty, she was lucky to have Ash. She sighed as the thoughts were whirling around her head.

Brock noticed her sigh. “ Give Ash some time Duplica, he really does care about Misty. In addition, missing seeing her, just made him a little depressed, I know he hasn’t been sleeping to well and it is getting to him. You and me both know he is worried about her and wants to help.”

”I know Brock, but I can't help but feel responsible for all that has happened. I wouldn’t blame Ash or Misty for not speaking to me ever again.” She replied sadly.

Brock looked up to her face and could see the sadness and guilt. He really liked Duplica and wanted to help comfort her in her time of need, but seeing her and Ash, had really stirred many emotions; and who was he to question either Ash or Duplica about their relationship. He decided there and then that when Misty had recovered from this whole ‘Sleeping Paralysis’ and depression ordeal, he would leave the group to continue his dreams.


Ash was sitting in silence under a near by tree behind the Pokemon centre. He was staring at the two Pokemon that were both in his lap; Pikachu could sense Ash’s depression and regret, Togepi, who was to young to actually realise that it's ‘Dad’ was unhappy, just sat in his lap, content with being with him. Ash sighed. “I can't believe I missed seeing Miyst today Pikachu, what am I going to do now, What happens if she thinks I’m not at all concerned or worried about her? It would be just my luck that she won’t want to see me tomorrow…”

”Pika-pi, pi pi ca, Pikachu pika” (Ash, I’m sure Misty, doesn’t think that.) reassured the little yellow mouse.

“ Thanks buddy, I’m being stupid and paranoid…” he managed a little side ways smile and stroked behind the Pokemon’s ear. “Pikachu, about this Duplica thing, let’s keep it our little secret. Okay?” he asked his best Pokemon friend. Pikachu thought about this for a minute before nodding in reply with a little reassuring smile.  “Great, I knew I could count on you agreeing with me. I didn’t really want to hurt her feelings or anything, but I have… you know…a thing for Miyst… so I want to be there for her, and not have any of these misunderstandings come out in the open.”

Pikachu could not help but worry a little about the way Duplica was acting and hopped for Ash’s sake that every thing would be all right. Jealousy was a very strong emotion, and Duplica could let it slip to Misty or Brock if she really wanted. He could see Ash starting to brighten up a little, and did not want to alarm him with any more worries. Let us just hope Togepi does’t spill anything! He silently wished.


If you were in the room with Misty you would of seen that she were tossing and turning in the hospital bed that she had resided in for the last few weeks. Her face looked pale and clammy, she had beads of sweat pouring down from her forehead, and her normally bright red hair was looking a dim shade of burnt rust.


”No… leave me alone!” she screamed at the mist, which was heading toward her at a top speed. She tried to run, but found her self-frozen to the spot.
She could see nothing, the ‘Darkness’ had appeared once more.
“ Leave me alone!” she cried once more.

Still the dark mist did not cease to be discouraged and kept up its pace. She could only wish she would awake from this nightmare, before the mist enveloped her. The ‘Darkness and shadows’ were also taking her, she screamed when she felt someone or something pull her down in to the black hole of this nightmarish world.

Her eyes flung wide open, still screaming a high blood curtailing shrill. The night nurse had heard the teenager scream and had come to her aid straight away.

Misty could not move; her legs and arms were being held down by the shadow that hovered above her. “Get away from me!” she screamed trying her best to grapple from its tight grasp on her body. “Let go of me!” in spite of everything, she found that any kind of fight was futile; she was paralysed to the spot.

The nurse was trying her hardest to calm the screaming girl, even though she was not moving, the nurse could not subside her. Misty constantly screamed and panicked through her deluded state.

Wendy had just arrived for her nightshift; when she heard screaming, she knew who it was straight away. She rushed to grab a hold of the Vidphone on the nursing desk and paged Dr Travis. With the message-received tone, she bolted toward Misty’s room at the end of the corridor.

When she got in the room, she could see the night nurse trying her hardest to calm Misty.
She shuddered at the girls’ present state of mind. Misty looked petrified, and was screaming all sorts of things, that unnerved the young nurse.

Dr Travis had entered the scene. This had to be one of the worst episodes that Misty had experienced. He could see her calming at the touch of Wendy, and took the opportunity to sedate the young teenager.

”What happened Dr?” Wendy asked.

“ I can only assume that Misty may have had an allergic reaction to the drugs she had been taking or the episode she experienced could be the side effects of her apparent depressed state of affairs. I can't be sure.” He replied. “I have managed to sedate her, for a few hours at least. Could you make sure you book her in for a blood screening first thing, Wendy?” he asked.

“ Yes, Dr. Travis.” With that, he left the room. Wendy turned to Misty, who was now sleeping soundly, and sighed, ‘Poor kid; she is so young. I hope she’s not going to have another one of those in a while or she will have to go through a lot of therapy’ she thought sadly.


It was 8.00am when Nurse Joy had received the phone call, about Misty’s episode that night. She was shocked a little; Brock had told her that Dr. Travis said Misty was responding well with the medication and would be able to leave soon. She headed to the room that Ash, Duplica, and Brock were sharing and knocked on the door.

Brock could faintly hear a soft knocking at the door; he did not have very much sleep that night, thinking about Duplica and Ash. He got up from the sofa and headed to the door his eyes still a little blurry.

”Coming…” he said with a yawn. He opened the door to a most beautiful site. Nurse Joy. “Hi… Nurse Joy. Is anything wrong?” he asked the Pokemon Nurse.

“ Brock, I just received a phone call from Wendy, from the hospital. She asked that you, Ash, and Duplica come straight away.”

Brock was starting to dread and become concerned about the news she brought to his awareness. “Is it Misty? Did something happen?” he panicked a little.

“ Brock, wake the others and go, I’m not to sure, but yes it is Misty.” He ran over to Duplica and gently woke her.
 Nurse joy walked over to Ash and shook him awake.

“ Nurse joy?” he asked a little bewildered.

”Ash, you have to get up and go to the hospital, its Misty.” She spoke softly. His eyes were now wide, his face pale ‘Oh God… please be Okay’ he thought, as he slipped out of his sleeping bag and put on his trainers.

When they were all ready; Nurse Joy noticed the looks on each of their faces. They were all displaying there own worry.

“ Are we all ready?” asked Brock. Duplica and Ash confirmed with a nod. “Good. Lets get going.” With that, they rushed out of the centre and ran down the dirt path toward the hospital, leaving a puzzled looking Togepi and Pikachu with Nurse Joy.

To be continued~