Misty's P.O.V. It starts right after she left Ash and Brock at the clearing. And '' are translated poke'mon language, talk…What ever you want to call it. Onyx tracks below! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() I pulled off the hat that had concealed my hair, and pulled it back into a ponytail once we got to a stream about a mile away from Ash and Brock. 'I admire you for doing what you are doing,' houndour said from the rock he was basking on. 'She always has been the one to do what others don't,' psyduck said from the waters edge where he was looking for a fish to catch. Eevee was pouting on the other side with her back to us. I slipped into the water and swam over to her. "What's wrong?" I asked, turning her so she looked towards me. She tried to turn the other way and both of us fell into the water. She swam out to the other side and shook herself of in front of houndour. 'What was that for?' he asked, standing up abruptly, shaking off the water that had gotten on him. 'Common case of jealousy. Misty gets them all the time,' psyduck said from the water. "I do not. Just because Violet, Daisy and Lily always get everything doesn't mean I'm jealous. So maybe I do want a few things they have doesn't mean I'm jealous. And because the guys get to do this with out lying, doesn't mean…Okay, so maybe I am a little," I said, splashing psyduck. He responded by splashing me back. 'Be that way,' he said, resuming his fishing. "Prepare for trouble," said someone from a tree behind me. I turned around, my hair slapping my back loudly. "And make it double trouble," another voice, this one obviously male said from the tree I had just been facing. "To protect the world from devastation," this time from a tree to my left. "To unite all peoples within our nation," opposite side again. I decided to just sit down and wait it out. "Jessie," said a girl about three years older than me with magenta hair while she jumped down from the tree landing in front of me. "James," said a boy the same age as Jessie with purple hair down to his chin while he landed next to her. "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light," "Or prepare to fight," "Meowth, that's right!" said a meowth, landing with almost exact precision. I saw almost because he fell off a second later. "Meowth, that hurt!" "That's what usually happens when you fall," Jessie said, rubbing her temples. "Well, not really. Remember when I fell off that chair? That didn't hurt," James said before getting hit with Jessie's fan. I raised an eyebrow and cleared my throat, hoping to get their attention. "What do you want?" Jessie said, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm not the one who just dropped in from the trees," I replied, grabbing a towel from my bag. "Oh yeah. Um… .James, do you remember what we were supposed to do?" Jessie said, turning from James. "No, not really. Meowth? Meowth?" He said, looking behind him for the cat. "I'm up here! Now get this dog away from me!" he said, stuck up a tree. Houndour had chased him up the tree after Meowth had fallen down. Houndour was just sitting at the base of the tree with his tongue hanging out, waiting for Meowth to come down. "Oh, yeah! I remember now. Give us your poke'mon or," "Or what?" I asked pulling a shirt on over my head. "We'll have to take them by force," Jessie said, pulling up a poke'ball. "All right, but don't you know two against one isn't fair? Besides that it's against league rules." "Team Rocket doesn't play fair little girl. Little girl?" James asked standing back up. "Girl?" all three said, including Meowth who was still up the tree. "Yup. So do you still want to battle?" I asked, calling houndour away from the tree. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure you'll get plenty more time to chase him again." "Your not part of Team Rocket are you, uh…" "Misty, while I'm a girl, Mike while I'm a guy and no," I supplied for him. They exchanged glances. "How can we say this politely," "Without hurting your feelings, she means," "But, what the heck do you think your doing?" Jessie said. "Um…Well, you don't know how my life's been," I said, sitting down on the rock with houndour's head on my lap. "So tell us," James said gently. "I'm sure we will understand. James had to leave his home to get out of an engagement and I had nowhere to go after quite a lot of foster homes," Jessie said, pulling Meowth onto her own lap. So I went into my life story. They didn't interrupt, but Jessie would sometimes click her tongue or James would raise an eyebrow once in a while. "And that's how I got here. With that stupid law that 'little, weak and pathetic girls who can't do anything worthwhile but keep up our supply of boys' can't own poke'mon this is the only way to get away from my house." To my surprise, Jessie and James laughed. "Did I say something wrong?" "No, not at all Misty. It's just that those words are almost the exact same thing that I said when I joined Team Rocket," Jessie said with a grin on her face. "I was there, and she did. But I think we can help you with your little 'problem'," James said, standing up and stretching. "What problem? Are you going to tell Officer Jenny (which one? ^_^;)?" I asked fearfully, my eyes pleading. "No, of course not. If you haven't noticed they're in uniform. Before they even got a word out, they'd be thrown in jail. And then I'd have to break them out again," Meowth said jumping down and walking over to the water where psyduck was. "And it was your fault we got put in there. If you hadn't swatted that growlithe we would have gotten away with the masterball prototype," James snapped, pushing the cat in the water. While Meowth was screaming bloody murder and how he'd get back at James, Jessie explained to me that Team Rocket never did anything that the media claimed. They merely got poke'mon whose masters weren't treating them right and took them from them, giving them to the headquarters to be released back into the wild. "But how do you know that they aren't being treated right?" I asked, still wondering what James had meant when he said they'd help me with my little problem. "Each team is assigned a psychic poke'mon which reads the target poke'mon's mind and sees if they're being treated fairly. If not, we let the person win the battle. But if they are treating them badly, we ask for the poke'mon, and if we don't get them we take them by force," Jessie explained, pulling out a poke'ball. "And this is Happy, our psychic poke'mon. It's a venomoth. "And why I'm allowed to have poke'mon is because the boss sees girls and women for their potential, not that they're slow and cowardly. Team Rocket's much more lenient," she said gently. She sighed and had a far away look in her eyes like she was remembering something. Or someone. "Now, onto the problem at hand," James said, putting a hand on her shoulder, breaking her from her trance. "What problem would that be, sir?" I asked, not knowing what to call him. "Just call me James. Sir is too formal. And the fact that you act too much like a girl, or a very wimpy guy," he said. "Look who's talking," Meowth said, clinging to a water reed, trying to get out. Suddenly, it broke, landing him back into the water. "Psyduck, can you try to get him out of the water?" I asked, trying to get the cat poke'mon away from it's greatest fear. "Okay, first things first. The way you talk," Jessie said. "Why do I get the feeling you're going to enjoy this too much?" I said dryly. "Probably because your right. Now let's here you say, James is the ultimate male being in the world," he said, gesturing for me to follow. "James is the ultimate male being in the world," I said, wondering how this would help me. "No, you'd say James is the lowest ultimate male being in the world," he said. "But you told me to say that you were the ultimate male being in the world," I argued. "This is going to take a lot of work," James said, hanging his head. Needless to say, this went on 'till dusk. "Well, we've made some progress," James said. "How long does it take to get to Pewter from Viridian?" I asked, remembering Brock and Ash. "About a half days walk," Jessie said, looking up from the stew she was stirring. "Why?" "Because the people I'm traveling with are expecting me there. I've got to go, and thanks!" I yelled behind my shoulder as I ran off. Houndour and psyduck were in there poke'balls, and eevee was running after me, not angry enough at me and houndour to stay behind. "Hope you get there in time," Meowth yelled back. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Back at the campsite…. "Think she bought it?" James asked Jessie. "What? The bit about the media talking bad about us?" she asked. "I'm sure she did. But I still think we ought to help her. Besides, she said she'd be traveling about so if we follow her and her companions then we can capture poke'mon along the way." "That would work, but I don't think the boss would like that. Not after all the trouble it took for us to find that houndour. But we'll ask him about it when we give him the report tomorrow." "You do gotta admit she does have guts," Meowth said at his place by the fire. "Yeah, she does. I just hope she doesn't get in too much trouble," Jessie said, staring into the fire. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ And the plot thickens! Lop-sided porygon tracks(see above). I decided, instead of having Team Rocket all nice like I was thinking, make them the dirty, underhanded thieves they are. But Jessie, James, and Meowth are still pretty cool characters! Send reviews, whether they good or bad, I'll be happy to except them! Here's the little questionnaire I usually have. Should I go by the episodes or no? And for the future, what's your favorite eon? Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, or just plain Eevee?