Hi everybody! Well, I thought that u guys would maybe like a small Christmas present! And here it is! A cozy, warm and fuzzy Christmas ficcie! (It's a one-shot by the way) Have fun and read on my friends! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DEDICATED TO PAULINA This cute little story is written especially for Paulina, thank u so much for everything! Luv, Gytha * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Christmas Story * dedicated to Paulina* Tiny flakes of immaculate snow slowly fluttered down on a beautiful white mansion surrounded by a lofty forest of pine-trees. The mansion stood on a cliff, overlooking a breath taking landscape of lush valley's and mountains. A slow cringle of smoke emerged from a big chimney situated on the top of the mansion's roof, making the whole scene look like a Christmas card. From the edge of the forest a young woman suddenly appeared, dragging along a lofty Christmas tree on a small sleigh. Her bright red hair hung down her back in a long braid and her blue eyes sparkled joyfully as she slowly made her way to the building's grotesque entrance. Reaching for the knob she quickly opened the door and dragged the tree inside the spacious hall. As soon as she closed the door behind her a voice suddenly rung through the building. "Oh, thank heavens! Miss Waterflower, you are back!" The young woman looked up, a rather guilty smile on her face as another woman in her late sixties quickly neared her, wearing a worried expression. "Miss Waterflower, where have you been? I've had everybody looking for you! Are you all right?" she questioned anxiously, helping her mistress out off her snowy coat. The woman laughed, the guilt disappearing from her face. "Oh Ivy, I've only gone for a walk in the forest! It's so beautiful out there, and look what I've brought with me!" The elderly woman looked at the tree soaking the expensive carpet in disbelief. "But my dear little mistress, don't tell me that you've been dragging along that dirty three all the way to here by yourself?" "Yes Ivy, isn't it a beautiful one?" "Well, yes, but…" "Could you ask James to bring it to the living room for me? I want to start decorating the house after my training!" "Well, of course darling… You go ahead to your pokémons and later I'll fix you up some nice hot cocoa, okay?" The young woman hugged her tightly. "Oh, Ivy, you're the best! See you later!" And with that she quickly made her way to the training room, cheerfully whistling a Christmas song on the way. The elderly woman smiled fondly at the retreating form of her young mistress. "Such a sweet girl…" she murmured softly "I only wished there could be a gentleman worthy of her affection." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Misty stood opposite her trainer, her blue eyes alert to his every move. The middle-aged man threw a pokéball in the air, shouting: "Victreebell, I chose you!" From streams of red energy a plant-like creature suddenly appeared, it's thick vein twitching as if ready for attack. Misty narrowed her eyes, her brains quickly analyzing her trainer's choice. ~Hmm, he's using a grass-type, which means he has an advantage… But type-advantage doesn't mean anything, I'll just use one of my pokémons which has a characteristic from other types, let's see… Ah! Got it! ~ From her belt she tossed a pokéball in the air herself, shouting in a clear voice: " Gyarados, I choose you!" A magnificent, blue dragon-like creature appeared, howling in excitement. "Gyarados!" The pokémon turned at its mistress obediently, waiting for her orders. "Gyarados, use hydro pump, now!" Streams of water lanced itself to the pokémon's opponent. It hit the grass-type creature full force, but didn't seem to have much effect. "Victreebell, use vinewhip!" "Dodge it, Gyarados!" Gyarados dodged the vine effortlessly and with practiced grace, showing it had been exceedingly well trained. "Gyarados, hyper beam now!" The dragon-like creature opened its it's huge jaw and a sparkling ball of energy started to form in the depth of its mouth. With a howl that seemed more like a war cry Gyarados lanced a perfect, well-aimed hyper beam at poor Victreebell, who never had a chance to escape. The middle-aged man stared at his defeated pokémon incredulously as he wiped his forehead with a tissue. "Well Miss Waterflower, nice job! That's the third time in a row that you have beaten me!" Misty smiled at her trainer and stated: "I couldn't allow myself to score less as a Water Pokémon Master, now could I?" The man smiled back, recalling his pokémon. "I think that's enough for today, Miss Waterflower. See you tomorrow!" "Goodbye Mr. Lance and thank you!" The middle-aged man smiled as he opened the door and emerged the training-room, turning just once to see Misty praise her Gyarados for a job well done. "Such a beautiful, spirited woman…" he breathed and then frowned, reminding his bruised and defeated pokémon, "And too strong!" he muttered grumpily. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Misty sighed as she took off her wet bathing suit and placed it into a basket. She then walked over to the already waiting hot bath and slid into the warm water. Misty closed her eyes to the soothing warmth, letting her slim body relax. ~That was one hell of a training ~ she thought, wriggling her toes in the soap bubbles. ~ Well, after this bath I'm going to take a cup of Ivy's hot cocoa and then I'm going to decorate the house for Christmas! ~ Misty smiled. Christmas was her favorite part of the year and the thing to do she enjoyed the most was decorating her house for the holidays. She closed her eyes again and suddenly, without any warning, an image of a young man formed in her mind. He had jet-black hair and dark brown eyes and he was smiling. Smiling at her. Ash. God, how she missed him. They had been best friends, buddies, and inseparable until… Misty shook her head violently, as if trying to shake away the memories flashing in front of her eyes. But it couldn't be stopped. Her mind automatically replayed what had happened to them six years ago, the last time she had seen him… *flashback* "Hey Myst, have you heard about the Christmas Ball yet?" A fifteen-year old Misty Waterflower looked up from her magazine to encounter a young boy around fourteen with black hair and brown eyes, wearing an Official Pokémon League cap. She smiled at him. "Yes, I have! With who are you going?" she questioned comfortably. Ash was blushing, she suddenly noticed in surprise. "Well…I..I-I thought that…well, that m-maybe…" he stammered. "That maybe what? Spit it out already!" "I thought that maybe… that maybe you'd want to go with me!" he blurted out. Misty totally started. "W-with you?" she repeated lamely. "Yeah…with me. Come to the Ball with me, Misty." The boy voiced, looking at her hopefully. Misty was still staring at him in disbelief and finally forced herself to say something, something that might hurt him but it had to be said. "Ash…I-I'm really sorry but…" "But WHAT?!" he growled, pain and anger already flashing in his dark eyes. "I'm…I'm already going with…with Gary…" she nearly whispered, hanging her head. There was a terrible silence. Misty didn't dare to look at him, so she kept her eyes fixed on the floor, waiting for him to say something. "Right, you're going with Gary. I should have known. Sorry to have bothered you, Misty." Misty's hart wrenched at how hurt he sounded. She looked up to see him turn coolly and walk away with quick strides. "Ash! Wait!" He paused, but didn't turn to look at her. She ran up to him and took his face in her hand, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Ash, don't do this. We have always been best friends, we understand each other…" He yanked away from her grasp and folded his arms over his chest, his face overshadowed by his cap. "Ash, please…" He suddenly looked up and Misty was surprised to see that tears were burning in his fierce eyes. "You know what Misty? I thought you cared about me, the way that I care about you. I love you, Myst." Misty's eyes widened in surprise as crystal tears started to well up. He loved her. She couldn't believe it. "But I was wrong, I guess you'll never see me more than as a friend, a little brother and I can't bare that thought..." He reached out his hand to caress her cheek tenderly and then turned and walked away. "Goodbye, Misty" Misty stood as if rooted to the floor, the magazine slowly slipping from her grasp. She winced at the sound of the door closing and at his retreating footsteps. A violent sob suddenly came up her throat and before she knew she was crying uncontrollably, sinking to the floor. Why did this happen? Why did she have to hurt Ash in this way? He loved her? But…that couldn't be...he never…he never showed…did he? Yes, he did…he always cared…did I? Did I care? Misty sobbed in the depths of her arms, her thoughts a chaotic jumble. What…what are my feelings for Ash? I…I love… I love him? She suddenly spoke those words out loud, as if to taste the sentence rolling from her tongue. I love him?! I love Ash… It tasted good. Suddenly she wiped the ridiculous tears from her face. She had to find him. She wanted to tell him that she loved him too. That she had always loved him. *end of flashback* The water in the hot bath had already turned lukewarm, but Misty was oblivious to it all. She had never found him. She had never told him how much she loved him. He didn't know. Misty had followed her own dream and after three years she achieved the title of Water Pokémon Master. Every magazine in the country bore her picture and she suddenly found herself with cash to burn. She had bought a beautiful mansion and had everything her heart desired, but she was always lonely, her heart yearning for the one person who could make her happy. Ash. It was only a couple of months ago that she had seen him on t.v., all grown up, but exactly as she remembered him. He had become a Pokémon Master, the one thing he always dreamed of, and she wasn't there to congratulate him. A gentle sob arose. Ash. Misty suddenly found herself crying again, the violent sobs shaking her fragile body. Oh, she could curse herself for her stupidity! Suddenly the door burst open and Ivy bolted into the bathroom, her face contorted with worry. She felt her heart wrench at the sight of her young mistress, looking so fragile and lonely as she was crying with her slender hands pressed against her face. Quickly the woman lifted her limp body up in her arms and wrapped her in a soft bathrobe. She then carried her sobbing mistress to her room and laid her on her bed. "Shhh, my little mistress, don't cry…please don't cry" the woman soothingly whispered, softly stroking Misty's wet hair. But the young woman couldn't stop the grief deep within her and more tears flowed uncontrollably. "Ash…" she whimpered, clutching the bed sheets. Ivy hesitated for a moment. She had heard that name before; often had her mistress whispered it so longingly in her sleep… She could half guess that this 'Ash' was someone really important to her, someone who had left her before she became a Water Pokémon Master. "Shhh, don't think about him anymore, Miss… Go to sleep now…" And so she continued to whisper soothing words and stroking Misty's bronze hair until her little mistress fell asleep, tired of her grief. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A young man with black hair and dark brown eyes stood in front of a mirror with an appalled look on his face. Gosh, he looked like a whimp in these fancy clothes. But he had to wear them. Tonight was the annual Christmas Ball and as the new Pokémon Master he was obliged to attend, although every part of him disgusted the idea. A Christmas Ball. Yeah, he remembered the last time he had wanted to go to one, six years ago… Ash shuddered. Even now, as a grown man of twenty, he still felt the pain and humiliation. He had wanted to ask his best friend Misty, but that goddam bastard Gary had already snared her away, just like everything else Ash had always wanted. Misty had felt so bad about it and because of his damn pride he had ended up losing her. Misty… Ash sighed, his handsome features softening. Sometimes he would dream about her as she stood before him that faithful day; her bright red hair drifting loose around her shoulders and her beautiful eyes dimmed with tears as she fought not to cry. He had hated himself for making her cry. He loved her then as he still did now, six years later. Ash violently shook his head, as if angry with himself. ~ Oh, knock it of Ketchum! Drooling over her isn't going to get you anywhere! She probably has a boyfriend now and has already forgotten about you years ago. So you just forget about her too and get a move on, dammit! ~ "Pika…" a little voice suddenly came from behind him as his loyal Pikachu jumped on his broad shoulder. Pikachu had grown bigger and stronger the past years, and it was mostly to him that Ash owed his recent victory. Ash smiled at the electric creature. "Hey Pikachu, what's up?" The pokémon gave his trainer a very pointed look and then shook his head disapprovingly. "I know Pikachu…I know…" He turned off the lights in his room and ignoring the elevator, he took the stairs instead. Due to his recent victory and successful training he was now one of the wealthiest man in Pokémon World, and he lived in a huge four-story mansion complete with swimming pool and a private training room. Servants stood ready on every turn, cash kept flowing in and everybody admired him. It was practically everything he ever wanted, except… Except for one thing. Or better said, one person… * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The doors of the limousines opened. Misty Waterflower quickly stepped out of the vehicle and was immediately greeted by a shower of questions and camera flashes. She offered them a sweet smile and a tiny wave, politely ignoring their persistent demands concerning her private life. Clutching her matching purse tightly she headed for the building's main entrance, a flash of old fear washing over her. A Christmas Ball. This just had to be her luck. If only she could be at home, decorating her Christmas tree and… Misty frowned at herself inwardly. ~ Genki thoughts, woman. Would you just quit overreacting and get in there!? Smile. There's nothing to worry about. ~ Forcing a fake smile that only half lightened up her charming face, she squared her shoulders bravely and entered the noisy ballroom. ~Here we go then…~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Waaaaah!" With frightened eyes Ash Ketchum, World's Greatest Pokémon Master, peered over Pikachu's fur to the many photographers lined up at the buildings entrance. "Calm down, Mr. Ketchum, this is something you have to get used to…" The addressed young man turned to another sitting comfortably next to him. He was and elderly and respectful man, one of great loyalty and wisdom. "Do they really have to be so many?" Ash mumbled, as he stared at the throng photographers through the dimmed window of his limousine. The other man, his manager, coughed in exasperation. "Sadly, yes." "What do they usually want?" "Well, pictures at any cost." "And…" "Well, most of the time they try to get information about your private life, on a rather disagreeable way, if I may say so." Ash gulped and buried his nails in Pikachu's fur. "PIKA!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gracefully and with practiced ease Misty made her way for the refreshments table, being watched by all the male eyes on the way. She sighed as she let her eyes wander around the room, familiarizing herself with a few faces in the huge ballroom. She could match a couple of them with the ones she had encountered in magazines and on TV, but further more they were all far too many. Her blue eyes suddenly fell on a young man in his early twenties, with brown hair and dark eyes. Suddenly she held her breath. ~Oh NO…not him…not now! ~ A couple of feet further from the refreshments table stood nobody less than the Earth Pokémon Master, Gary Oak. He was talking with a young female member of the Orange Crew, now and then slicking back his hair and smiling seductively at the young woman, who seemed smitten with him. Misty shuddered lightly and unconsciously tightened her grip on her purse, quickly looking away. He was exactly as she remembered him to be, turning on his sickening charming ways to manipulate an unsuspecting female and later take advantage of the situation. Misty briefly recalled him dumping his old fan club when he had hired a professional group of cheerleaders, breaking the poor girls' hearts. And… Misty's thoughts flew back to that faithful day when she had canceled her date with Gary to the Christmas Ball. He had been furious, steam literally coming from his ears. He had practically done everything that lay in his power to try and convince her to come with him, every one of his advances balancing on the very edge of rudeness and impertinence. But she hadn't cared; her mind was full enough with her grief for Ash. But obviously Gary DID care. He left her endless phone-messages, wrote long letters and posted flowers and candy's. But when he found she still refused his advances, his affection turned into bitter hatred. And he had been determined to let her know. Misty nervously fumbled with a lock of her hair as her eyes deliberately avoided his direction. ~ Oh God, why me… ~ She clumsily poured some punch for herself to avert her thoughts a bit. It didn't work. ~ I should have known, actually, that he would be here, being an Earth Pokémon Master and all…~ Throwing him a sneak peek she was horrified to notice that he was looking at her too. And at the way his piercing eyes widened she could tell he had recognized her. Misty hissed a sharp curse and quickly looked away. ~Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo! I have to get out of here, fast! ~ Leaving her cup untouched, she then swiftly headed for the lady's bathroom, never looking back. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gary Oak frowned at the retreating form of the young woman. Misty. His old heartache, the only woman who had ever refused him. She was also the only woman he dreamt about, every night. She was his obsession. He had desperately tried to contact her all those past years, but no avail. She had always deliberately kept her location a secret and with all those bodyguards it was difficult to near her. But not now. There were no bodyguards inside the building and being the fragile, slim thing that she was she wouldn't put up much of a fight. A grin overspread his face. Without greeting, he left the young Orange Crew member and slowly made his way towards the bathrooms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Misty sighed as she let the cool water gush over her trembling fingers. She then grabbed a paper towel and absently rubbed her hands dry, her thoughts flying far. ~ Gary Oak… Damn, he recognized me. But how couldn't he, when I was being so obvious?! I mean, the only thing I could have done that would have been MORE obvious would be going up to him and say 'Hi, I'm MISTY Waterflower, remember; the one who canceled our date six years ago???' Heck, I can see it now… ~ A low growl of dissatisfaction escaped her throat. ~ Waaaah, I wanna go HOME…~ She then grabbed her purse and stepped out of the lady's bathroom. As she headed towards the door that lead to the Ballroom she was vaguely aware of a weird noise coming from behind her, but she ignored it, meaning there were enough people needing to go the bathroom. Nothing to worry about. Her slender fingers closed themselves around the doorknob and turned it. Click. Misty blinked and turned the knob again. Click. Click. The door was locked. ~Weird. ~ She put down her purse and tried to turn the knob again, but this time with more force, meaning the door was maybe jammed or something likewise. A warm breath suddenly brushed her cheek. She was now fully aware of the cold sweat running down her back as the tension in the hall almost seemed to explode. She could tell that someone was in there with her, matching his breathing with hers and slowly approaching her from behind. A pair of rough hands suddenly gripped her shoulders and tugged her back against a hard chest none too gently. Misty yelped in surprise, stiffened, and shoved whoever this was back away from her, yanking herself free of the rough hands as she turned around. A glare appeared on her lovely face at the man standing there, grinning at her actions. " Don't you ever touch me again." Misty snapped at Gary Oak. " I was just giving you a warm welcome." He voiced, his eyes running over her almost hungrily. "What possibly made you believe I want anything of this? And especially coming from you." Gary frowned at the lithe woman standing in front of him. She still refused his advances. And he had hoped that she… Fire rose up in his dark eyes as he suddenly griped her arms again. " You haunt me, Misty. I have dreamt of you every night." Gary pinned her against one of the walls, not releasing her no matter how much she fought. " You have no idea how much I wanted you, every memory of you drove me insane. The way you move, the way you smile, your eyes, your body, your scent… Oh God, your scent…" and he buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply. She cried out in protest, desperately trying to reach for her purse and meanwhile pushing and hitting his shoulders to force him off of her any way she could. But Gary just wouldn't budge, nuzzling her ear in growing lust. She knew that if she didn't do something soon anything was liable to happen. She stiffened as Gary's hands found their way down her dress, bruising her soft skin with his rough actions. ~ Oh God… please, let somebody… let anybody come. ~ " I would get your hands off her, if you want to keep them." Both Gary and Misty turned in surprise at the sudden voice, their heads turning at the source. In the dim light of the hall stood a tall man with broad shoulders. His face was hard to make out, but Misty could easily spot a raging fire burning in his fierce eyes as he glared at Gary. Misty remembered those eyes. "Ash…" she gasped. Gary's eyes widened. " Ketchum?" he managed to choke out. " Oak." Ash returned simply. Misty felt Gary's grip loosen and took her golden opportunity. She then raised her knee up hard in a move as basic to a female as instinct was. Gary doubled over unceremoniously, clutching his crotch in excruciating pain as he dropped to the floor, a groan the only sound coming from his throat. Misty quickly yanked free from his grasp and ran towards her savior who surveyed the whole scene with a painful look on his face. "That has GOT to hurt." he stated. Misty laughed and hugged him, resting her head on his chest. " Thank you Ash…" she whispered, feeling the soothing warmth of his arms around her waist. " The least I could do, Myst." Her eyes sparkled joyfully at the sound of her old nickname coming from his lips. She then pulled away from him and grabbed her purse from the floor. " Shall we teach him a little lesson?" she voiced playfully, fingering a pokéball. He grinned in response. " Lady's first." Misty tossed the pokéball in the air; " Staryu, I choose you!" Staryu appeared, his jewel-like center shining brighter than ever. "Staryu, watergun, now!" "Hya!" " Aaargh---bluwupblub!" Gary was plummeted to the wall, the water soaking his expensive clothes. Ash clicked his tongue. "Not bad." He said with an air of self-confidence, grinning at a fuming Misty. Ash then turned to Gary, who was still clutching the floor and whimpering. " Oh Gaaaaary?" he sang. Gary looked up, a hint of fear flashing over his face. " Never do that again." "PikaCHUUUUUUU!!!!" "WAAAAAAAAAH!" "Pikachu!" Misty shouted happily. After Pikachu fried Gary he ran up to Misty and jumped in her arms. "Oh Pikachu, I've mist you so much!" she giggled as she stroked his fur. "Pikaaa" the electric mouse responded, closing his eyes in content. "C'mon Misty, let's get outta here" Ash said as he placed an arm around her shoulder. After Misty recalled Staryu, they both headed for the door, Misty careful to trod over Gary's head when they passed him. Ash laughed as he kicked the door open; "You never change." " Should I? " "Well…" "Ash Ketchum! You better watch your big mouth!" she fumed as she wacked him with her purse. THUNK. "Ow! Misty, that hurt!" "It had better!" Misty retorted as they entered the ballroom. "Actually, I only said that to console you cuz you can't even kill a damn FLIE with those little arms of yours!" "Why you…" Misty whirled her purse above her head and was ready to give him a death-strike when he suddenly picked her up in his arms. Misty yelped in surprise and clutched his neck. "Ash! Everybody is watching!" "And since when do you care?" he drawled smugly. "Since I'm the official Water Pokémon Master and you are the---" Ash deliberately silenced her by pulling her into a deep kiss. She went completely limp in his arms and never refused. After pulling away she stared at him dumbfounded. Ash grinned at her evilly. "Somehow, I got the idea you liked that" Misty blushed a deep crimson. "Ash, you pervert! Now you're gonna get it!" And jumping out of his arms, she chased him around the whole ballroom twice, before he picked her up again and rushed them outside. There he threw her on the backseat of his Ferrari and drove off in the starry night. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Misty woke up to a beautiful morning. She yawned and then suddenly found two strong arms wrapped around her waist tightly. Misty smiled and turned around. Laying next to her on the couch of her living room was Ash, sleeping soundly. She bent down and kissed him gently. "Merry Christmas Ash." His eyes slowly opened and he smiled back at her, sitting up straight. "Merry Christmas Myst" Misty snuggled back in his arms and closed her eyes in content, sighing blissfully. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he suddenly said. Misty opened her eyes and gazed fondly at her Christmas tree, memory's of last night returning. Ash had drove them back at her home and they had decorated her tree together, although Ash broke at least three balls. Later, he had lifted her up and she had set the beautiful golden star on top of the tree. Misty smiled. This was the best Christmas ever. "Yo Myst, you haven't opened your present yet." Misty's eyes widened in surprise as Ash handed her a small velvet box. "Merry Christmas, Beautiful" he grinned as he pecked her on her small nose. With trembling fingers she opened the box and gasped. There, laying in a cushion of white satin lay a beautiful silver ring. It had a sparkling diamond in the center surrounded by little blue sapphires which were carved to perfection. Ash stood up from the couch and sunk to one knee. "Misty Waterflower, will you marry me?" THE END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sooooo! What do you guys think?? How did you like it Paulina? Anyways, a very Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year! All my best wishes! Seasons greetings, Angel Kitten ( And NO Ash and Misty didn't do anything beyond PG! )