Reharge complete, online. The knight in a new age is present, this little one I made up when I was emailing some really talented writers, I keep on remembering who people always have put themselves in their own stories with different names. This little piece is a insipiation I got form the talented works of both zapdos1alpha and charmander and pichu, who have insipired me by just responding to small emails a sent and their stories, they have indirectly helped him. Ash and Misty were just lying on the ground and looking up at the sky, reviewing what had happened… They had both found lost family members but this didn't affect their relationship at all. They were relaxing when someone shouted, Pikachu pointed out to a boy who was caught in some vines, his Ninjask was having a hard time getting him out because a group of Beedrill were picking on him. "Come on, lets help him, we were caught in several situations like that." Misty pointed out, Ash was just agreeing when Pikachu ran forward, one of the vines suddenly grabbed Pikachu and then the boy started to look sad, the vines were actually Tangela vines. "Yeah, now we have enough Pokemon!!!" a voice shouted, two trainers jumped out of a group of nearby bushes, one wore a R on their shirt, one pokeball in her hand, while the other girl just went over and helped the boy out of Tangela's vines, she didn't really like this idea. The boy had black hair with a red shine, stood pretty tall, brown eyes with a green and red speck in each eye, really small, the girl had brown hair and blue and green eyes, a bit shorter than the boy. "Now we can go up a rank." "No, give back his Pikachu, Beth," the girl replied as Beth frowned and turned to her and the boy. "Aw, feeling sorry for your boyfriend!" Beth laughed as the girl blushed and stepped back but the boy stepped forward with his Ninjask beside him. "Scorpion, use Stinger Strike!" the boy shouted as Ninjask flew forward and hit Beth in the neck, knocking her out. It left a small bruise, the boy took the Pokeball and released Pikachu who angrly shocked the boy, his gloves must've been rubber insulated because he didn't flinch. "I'm sorry that Beth stole your Pikachu, she has been wanting to get up in rank in this Team Rocket group. I just followed Relign here, and since Beth needed some help, well, I just felt like I had to," "Yeah, I'll call the Police, some hard time might do Beth some good." Relign suggested as she took out a cell phone, dialing 911, soon the police came, asked Relign and the boy a few questions and they took the knocked out Beth to jail. "We're sorry about the trouble we caused." "It's okay, no one got hurt that isn't here," Ash replied and everyone started to laugh. When they stopped laughing they all just went back up the hill and looked at the clouds, Relign started to play with Togipi. "So what's your name?" "Oh, my name is Tank," the boy replied, though it was an odd name for him, Ash didn't say a thing. The sky was really clear and Ash started to drift to sleep while Misty lay out on the grass, Tank, however seemed to have disappeared. Ash woke up form his short nap because of some small shouts, he got up and walked into that direction, he saw Tank hitting a crude punching bag really hard, Tank kept on hitting it until he got tired, he took the punching bag down, it was full of Lum berries, he had been hitting them so that they could be eaten easily, he must've had really hard knuckles. Tank whistled highly and some Pokemon ran out of the bushes, they started to eat the Lum berries, Ash was quite impressed that a kid like this had hard knuckles. Tank gave a few sharp whistles and some Pokemon came out of the forest, he gave each one five berries and they ran off after eating a few of the berries. Pikachu ran to Tank's backpack, rummaged through it and it produced a journal and a drawing pad, reminding Ash of Sam, Pikachu presented Ash with it and he looked through it, he read something about a Lum Berry planting system but he stopped at one page, there was a sketch of an awesome Pokemon, apparently, it had been done rather fast since Ash could barely see it. "That Pokemon is unknown." Ash screamed as he turned around, Tank was stuffing the Lum Berries into his small satchel, Pikachu was nibbling on a few of his berries. "I found it when I was traveling, it disappeared as soon as it crept close to me, I managed to sketch it before it left." "You know you remind me of a friend I knew, his name was Sam." Replied Ash. "I don't know what happened to him." "He might not of told you his last name, just like Professor Sameul Oak to do that, too bad I had to tell you it." Tank answered him as Ash fell down. "I studied his works and I noticed that he had taken a shine to you, and from some of the stories I heard from you, at least from Pallet town, well it was easy." "Well, it would make sense, oh man," the sky grew dark and it started to get all cloudy. Ash grumbled as Tank took out a rainslicker that covered him to his pants, he rummaged through the pack and he pulled out two more, giving one to Ash and the other one to Pikachu who gave a brisk purr. "My house is close by, we should go there," "Come on Ashy, we'd better go before it starts to really rain!" Misty shouted as Relign laughed from under her umbrella, Tank looked to Ash who sighed, well, at least his new friend was sympathetic. Well, he just guessed that it was just another day, oh well, Ash ran after Tank as Ninjask followed. Low battery. Well, that part was a bit choicy, didn't stick to the rough draft. I would like to thank zapdos1aplha for sending my first review, and for writing his stories. Well, farewell for now, The cyber knight, Draven Knight. Recharge commencing, offline.