I'm back, and school is getting totaled by me, I will pass my classes. On a lighter note, I'm working on multiple projects so I'm going through total organization. I'll keep typing. "So, your just here to welcome new Masters, Captain Jack?" asked Harino who was staring at him oddly. Ash was snoring away as the pilot; Capt. Jack was flying them to Ash's house. "That and to offer my assistance when needed, just call me and I promise to offer any help." "Your sure going out of your way," "We in the U.S.L.A owe the Sword members everything, including your dad." Jack replied as Harino looked at him, questionily, Ash continued snoring as Misty curled up closer to him. Rikari was fast asleep in Richie's arms, his vest was laid over her back. Chaka was asleep in the seat behind Harino, his uniform jacket was laid across her chest. "Before you were born, a group in North America called the Raiders declared war on the U.S.L.A and the Region Leagues, the leagues you have been in, and so we fought them. We did defeat them, and then we learned that a group called the Ravens were the ones who had organized the war. Luckily, the ESP group known as the Swords helped to fight with us and fix the problems after it. Some of the middle states suffered ground damage and unstable ground, even worse; some of the Swords were assassinated by some of the remaining Ravens." "Lucky for us again, your dad was able to find the base. He was one of the few Swords to live to see his children," he finished as Harino released where his dad had gone, to hide so they wouldn't die. Harino was starting to realize what he hadn't seen before, his father had to leave for their sakes, he shed a few tears but he quickly wiped them off as Chaka started to wake up. She yawned softly and stretched and then she noticed Harion's vest lay atop her chest and she turned to him. He was still awake and he was only staring ahead, he had taken no notice of her at all. She knew that he had to be real strong and tough to protect his sister since there dad was gone, but they only knew that he had to fight, nothing else. "So explain to me why we're having a personal escort?" asked Chaka. Harino, Ash, Brock, Richie, Misty, and Rikari wanted to go to the U.S.L.A to see some sights, get some Pokemon, yadda yadda. But Ash also wanted to go because when he checked his e-mail, he found that it had originated from the U.S.L.A somewhere, but the person had known his name and his friend's names, especially Misty's. Harino was worried about Ash since last night so he went over to Ash with no one looking at them. "What's the matter, what was on the e-mail?" Harino asked, Ash walked outside with Harino following him. "The person says that they know something about my past. They say they know something real important, but I'm worried, I don't know who they are." "Listen, how about this, you tell Misty that first. You know she really cares for you, you know she loves you. Then we should try to find who sent the e-mail, then we find out what they know." Harino replied as Ash nodded and they both walked to the jet. Ash got seated and he started to drift off when he felt something brush him, Misty blushed and said sorry and he got back into his position and drifted into sleep. He felt something hit his neck, he turned and saw Harino with a straw in his mouth, pointing to Misty and he mimed for him to tell her. Ash sighed and he went back to sleep when suddenly they started to experience turbulence. "Hang on folks, we got some problems." Jack shouted over the intercom, Misty scooted over to the window and looked out of it. She saw three U.S.L.A mechas in a firefight with ten Raider Flyers. One of the Raiders was taken out but only one of the remaining mechas was still in flight, but it was almost shot down repeatedly. "Captain Shane I need backup, what? You mean, shit!" Raver said as he turned off his I-link intercom. He tried to keep the Supernova Mecha in the air but the Raiders kept aiming at him. I can't use any of the two Unown tablets, wait if Captain Jack is the pilot, then I think I left the Burster in there! Raver thought as he ejected and he quickly turned his intercom on. "Captain Jack, open cargo bay 3 and eject my Burster!" "You got it!" The cargo bay opened and the Burster fell out and into the air, one of the Raiders flew into the Supernova, causing the core to explode, taking out two more! Raver carefully aimed himself and he managed to reach the Burster's cockpit, he got in and turned on Sentinettanil. "Activation code: Raver Waterflower, time to kill," he roared as he turned on the I-Room and turned on the boosters on. He turned to the closest Raider and he blew it out of the sky, the light spiraled around him as the targeting systems turned, clicked and whirred as he aimed at the remaining Raiders, he armed his missiles, his bombs, and his warheads as he took out the remaining Raiders. He sighed and turned on the autopilot, he had hurt himself when he was fighting so he had to use his hover board to get to the jet. He managed to get to the jet's door when he gasped in pain as he grasped his left leg and then his right arm, he lost concentration and he started to lost altitude. He was about to lose power when Misty quickly grabbed his jacket and pulled him into the jet. "Thanks," Raver said as he looked at Misty, he faintly remembered seeing her before but he couldn't remember where. "Could you hand me some gauze please?" "Here," she replied as she handed him two rolls. He seemed about 10 ˝ or 11, but she seemed to have known him before now, she shook her head and introduced himself. "My name is-" "Hey Misty, oh there you are," Ash said as he turned around and saw Raver, he wasn't jealous or anything, but Raver seemed familiar. "Oh hey Ash," Misty replied as Raver tried to bandage his wounds. Ash saw Raver and he went over and helped Raver onto the counter, Raver took his shirt off and he tried to wrap his right arm. "Here, let me help," Misty took the gauze and wrapped his chest and arm, she put his leg into a splint. "You should be okay now, how old are you, in fact, what is your name?" "I'm 11 years old. Sorry that I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lt. Raver," Raver said as he got down. He put his shirt back on and Misty helped him to the pilot's seat. "Captain Jack, on behalf of the Red Ravens, thank you for helping Lt. Colonel Raver." "Its nothing Captain Shane." "Captain Shane, permission to take a leave of absence?" Shane looked at Misty and then at Raver and she could see the resemblance. "Granted, take care Lt. Colonel." Shane said saluting him as Raver saluted back and he waved goodbye. "Come on guys, I think we should stay at a hotel or something," Brock suggested, he had started to act really strange since they arrived, he didn't go gaga over Captain Shane. "You probably couldn't, with the prices of the rooms and the amount of people, you'd be better off camping," Raver said as something in his pack started to come to life. "Trillian, trill?" a pair of cute eyes looked around. Then a Pokemon that looked like a porcupine crossed with a cat climbed onto Raver's head and plopping down onto his hair. "Do you mind if I travel with you, I got to head back to my home in Texas." "Nah, we could actually use some help getting to a gym," Ash replied as he stretched, Raver saw his badges. "Are you here to get the U.S.L.A badges?" "Since Ash here knows about it, yeah!" Misty snickered as Ash blushed, Raver could see the romance in between them so he silently giggled. Raver asked them to go ahead so he could tell Shane to transport his Burster. "So, how many Gyms in the U.S.L.A?" asked Misty. "There are four individual leagues that make it up, the four basic directions of a compass. And there are exactly four gyms all together." Raver replied as he walked with them. They chose a good spot for them to camp and they all went to sleep. (Stupid, but I'm not sticking to my rough draft am I?) "Hey, where's Raver?" asked Brock as everyone looked around. "He left before you all woke up," replied Eclipse. Misty scratched her head since Raver had looked so familiar. They all packed up and they finally reached the U.S.S.L capital state, Texas. "Let's go and find the Gym!" suggested Ash. "I don't know about you guys, but me and Richie are gonna find a place to stay, we don't need any more badges," replied Rikari as Harino turned to Brock who went after the two to chaperone them. "Guess it's just us four," sighed Harino as they all headed to a huge dome shaped stadium. "Hello, anyone here?" "You came to earn the Alpha Badge?" a person shouted, he wore a cloak over his body and a scarf over his mouth and a U.S.S.L outfit. "All four of us did!" replied Ash. "You chose who will fight me first, it will be a two on two match." The boy said as he took out his Pokeball, and an Unown popped out, try imagining all the letters in the alphabet in one, that would be Unown Alpha. "You will be facing me, Damin Gunner!" "Since he's using and Unown, I say we go in alphabetic order." Ash said as he stepped forward and he sent out his Charizard. "Use Dragon Rage!" shouted Ash. "Counter with Omega Bell!" replied Damin, a huge bell tolled and then a shield went over Alpha and the attack was swallowed up. Before Damin could order an attack, three familiar figures jumped out of the shadows! "You're interrupting a gym battle!" Damin shouted. "Who cares, we're here to steal-" "We know, Pikachu, we already know, get a real job." Laughed Harino as Eclipse fell down laughing. "Shut up, we're here for the other twerpette!" laughed James as he grabbed Misty. Ash was about to run forward but Jesse took out two M-16s and cocked them. "SKY SHADE!!!" Damin shouted as a tablet flew out of his pocket and one of his Pokeballs glowed as he suddenly disappeared. "Arbok, use Acid!" Jesse shouted as an acid attack flew at Misty, but it just splattered on something, Damien's scarf fluttered and dissengrated as he appeared right in front of James. "Shot Snipe!" he shouted as another tablet glowed from inside his pocket and another Pokeball glowed, he partially cupped his hands and he blasted James away. "Damin has AMSP, abnormal mental spiritual powers, sort of like ESP but very different, I would explain but he might need help," whispered Harino as he focused his ESP. "Apocalypse Crash!" Damin shouted again, no tablet glowed and neither did a Pokeball but his hands did and he threw a huge wave of energy at Jesse and Meowth, knocking them over with James. He focused a lot of AMSP into his hands and he started to channel into Alpha. Suddenly, Misty pushed him out of the way before a missile hit the spot that they were on. Butch held a missile launcher while Cassidy held a sniper rifle, Ash grabbed Harino's pistol while Butch took aim at Damin, he fired and hit Butch in his trigger and aiming arms. "Take this too Cassidy," snickered Harino as he threw her into a pile with a strong pulse of ESP. Chaka waited until Raticate was three feet from her when she skillfully kicked it into the loser pile. "Shocker, Eclipse…" "Pikachu…." "Chain Lightning!" Ash and Harino ordered as their Pokemon blasted Team Rocket out of the Gym. "Hey, Raver Water-" "Richie, we promised him we wouldn't say his full name, you know: Raver Damin Gunner Waterflower, whoops!" Rikari gasped as Raver got up, and he took off the cloak since he didn't have to hide it. "But isn't, wait, wouldn't that make them?" Harino stammered as Ash slowly nodded. Raver gave Alpha something wrapped in paper and Alpha gave it to Misty, the paper was Raver's family tree, and Misty noticed her, her sister's, and her father's names, two dog tags were wrapped, one had Raver's name and the other was his blood test. "Little brother," Misty whispered as she dug into her pockets, she took out a card with the same blood test on it. Raver ran forward and hugged Misty, he cried as she gently hugged him back. "I didn't believe it either, but it's true, mom said that we had moved from the Kanto Region." He sniffed and wiped his tears with his good arm and stood up. "I'm the gym leader of the Alpha Gym, I just couldn't handle battling my big sister." "It's okay, I guess we'll just skip this league," sighed Ash as he walked over to Misty, making sure she wasn't hurt. "No, you all did more than you wanted to, here." Raver replied, he gave each of them a badge in the shape of Unown Alpha. "It's okay, really, besides, I only have four of my Pokemon." "But we still have one problem, where to stay, I mean, the Pokemon Center only has two rooms, we all can't fit in them," Richie said as Raver had an idea. "How about you stay at my house?" "No, we couldn't, really. We don't want to-" Brock whimpered as Misty gave him an evil glare, after all, she wanted to see her mother. Richie and Rikari would stay at the Center, Brock would go with them, and the others would go with Raver. He led them down some streets, finally he led them to a two story house, and he knocked on the door. A small scuffling of feet and then a small boy, about three, opened the door, he must've been sleeping because he was rubbing his eyes. "Hey Sam, where's Voz?" Sam handed a note to him and Raver held it in his good arm. "So she went out to her job." "Who dem?' Sam asked as he scooped up a small Staryu, he pointed to Ash and the others. "Remember the e-mail?" asked Raver as Sam jumped up an inch and nodded. Sam held the door open as Ash, Harino, Raver, Misty and Chaka walked in, Harino went into the kitchen as Chaka had to go get some groceries from his motorcycle. Raver led Misty upstairs with Ash behind her, Raver stopped in front of the first door and knocked on it. "Mom it's me, Raver." Ash opened the door, a woman sat in a wheelchair, facing the window. Misty rushed over and hugged her long lost mother, Ash smiled and went downstairs and outside. "Looks like the first phase of your father's plan is a success Miss Crow." An Unown said. The girl wore nothing to show that she was girly, she wore short jeans that came up to her knees, and she had on a gray jacket over her black sparring shirt. She had seven Pokeballs around her waist, she had black short hair with a few strands of red here and there. Her green eyes showed only loneliness as she took out her binoculars, she spotted Misty talking outside. "Yes, we should hope they don't take the end result wrong." She spoke as she turned and walked away. Okay, that one is done, and I have a few things to say; Rest, relaxation, and upgrader. Time for a little R & R, and temper management, later for now and time to get some people off my back. Draven881logging out and recharging.