Recharged, began cycle. Draven881 here, my apologies, Draven Knight here, the upgrade was a success. The revolution is really quite relaxing for my computer link, though I am still weird, and yes, Clefairy are from an alternate universe, read forth. Raver woke up pretty early, he remembered he let his sister take his bed while Ash slept on the floor too. He yawned and he reliased his right arm had finally healed, but he couldn’t seem to unwrap. He struggled for a while until Misty woke up, she stretched and turned to see Raver tangled up in gauze. “You can take out enemies without a second thought but you can’t even use first aid,” she snickered as she unwrapped his bandages. She bandaged his left leg back up since it hadn’t quite healed, he took of his shirt and she unwrapped his chest bandages. “I’m lucky that AMSP can help heal my wounds better,” he replied as she smiled as he put his shirt back on. He put his piloting gloves back on and he went downstairs and outside. He was about to go back inside but he saw someone on a nearby roof, they were apparently asleep but Raver’s gut told him otherwise. He was about to go and find out what they were doing over there but he decided not to. “You have 1 new message.” Ash checked it and he quickly woke up. He burned it to a dvd and he quickly put it away as Misty got out of the shower. “So where do we go now?” she asked as Ash shrugged, she noticed the dvd hanging out of his pocket. “Or did this mysterious person who sent you that e-mail tell you,” “When I get my hands on Harino,” Ash growled as Misty laughed herself silly. When she had suppressed it down to a giggle, Ash put the DVD in Raver’s portable DVD player. “By now, you will be watching this with your friend, Misty Waterflower. If I’m not mistaken, you will be wanting to find me.” Raver walked in and sat on his bed to watch. “In the U.S.W.L there is a special event where you can each battle the remaining gym leader for the rest of the badges. I will be waiting for you to win.” “Looks like were headed west then,” Ash stated as Kat turned her wheel chair around and carefully went back up to her room. She picked up her phone and started dialing. “Devin, this is Kat, I think you should look at the files again,” “Man, I hate going around and battling for more badges.” Chaka groaned. The five of them were headed to Californa to get the last badges and to find out who had helped them find Raver and Misty’s past. “You don’t really have to battle,” Harino snickered as Eclipse swiftly jumped from treetop to treetop. Raver was about to suggest them to shut up when they finally reached New Mexico, Raver sighed and took out his cellphone. “Hey D-Ray, time to cash in that favor you owe me. Send the Burster over here and make sure you load it up with full ammo, I don’t want to get caught in a firefight without ammo.” He turned the cellphone off and put it in his pocket. About one second after he made the call, four huge 747s flew over them with a huge cargo hold tied to the bottoms of them. “Thanks!!!” shouted Raver as the four planes left. He lifted the cargo door and everyone else gasped, the Burster lay in there, Raver took out his I- Link headset and turned it on as he opened the cockpit. “He’s a good friend,” stated Ash. “Yeah right,” Raver muttered as he had to clean it out. He turned on the I-Link Room, he closed the door to the cockpit. “So, whats going on?” asked Sentinal, as Raver linked with it and he/ the Burster crawled out. “Ah nothing much, found part of my past, my sister, her boyfriend Ash has someone e-mailing him. Just the usual.” Mumbled as the computer gave him the old whatever sign. He picked up his friends and he was about to walk forward when something hit him. “Our left gyro system is frozen, the arm cannons are complety fried!” reported Sentinal, Raver was about to use one of his Unown tablets when another gyro system froze up. “Finally we can actually get the twerp’s Pikachu!” laughed James as Meowth smacked him. “Who cares about that, we could get,” Meowth started to say when something hit their balloon basket, they managed to fire at the thing before it unleashed a Hyper Beam attack, knocking them out of the air. Meowth managed to jump out of the balloon and land on its feet when something grabbed him and threw him against the wall. “TALK, WHERE IS,” the creature started to say when is stopped, it threw Meowth down on the ground and then it ran away on all four legs. “Computer, redirect the power from the rifle into the systems.” Ordered Raver and then they were off. “Excellent once we are done with these gym leaders, we can find the mystery person!” hissed Harino as he ducked Chaka’s huge sledgehammer. “Besides, I’m curious too, the only person who could’ve done this is probably my father,” “I think not,” Raver said as he pulled out a electronic scope, he searched through the area and he put them up. “There has to be a point, I mean, your dad would’ve already shown himself, yet this man hasn’t.” “You know, this is starting to piece together,” Brock said, they all stopped to listen. “We know this person is male, and he is exceptionally smart. And he also knows a lot about us, stuff we don’t even know.” “Yeah, this person also seems to have an interest in one of us. I mean, he could’ve done this for anyone.” Chaka replied. “I think I know who, there is only one connection I can think of, you- ” “Get down!!!” shouted Raver as he ran forward, he pushed Richie down as someone leapt up from out of the sand. Raver tried to kick the person but his leg was still injured, the person grabbed his leg and tried to do the old flip the person on the ground trick, but Raver twisted his leg to the right, bringing the person off balance. The person rolled to the side and they were about to strike again but Harino had carefully sent out a ESP wave to knock them out, it seemed to hit them but the person ran off. “Weird, but I think we should- “You have made it at last.” Ash took out the Vid Chip, it seemed to playing by itself. “If Ash, Harino, and Misty call their parents, please tell them to come, this matter consorns all of them. Please wait for them where you are, the map will be sent to you by then and downloaded.” “Okay, this is starting to freak me out,” Harino said aloud, they were in a huge mansion with all sorts of stuff, Raver’s academy photos, all sorts of stuff from their past, especially Ash’s, Harino’s, and Chaka. “Where’d did he get this stuff, I mean, I don’t even have some of this in my room, especially some of these really old ones.” “Yeah, me too…” Ash trailed off, Misty was worried about him, she knew that this person knew them, but how did he know all this? Even weirder, was that he knew their parents too, this guy was creepy. Raver was still peiceing the whole thing to try and figure out who it was when it suddenly hit him, Misty telling him about Ash’s dark past, how he lost tow family members in the same fire that hit his own home town. “I must ask only that Harino, Rikari, Raver, Ash, Misty, and Chaka step forward with their parents.” A voice boomed from the rafters. Misty gripped Ash’s hand as they stepped forward, Mewtwo leapt down form the rafters. “I take it you have already figured this out young Raver,” “Yes, though, I’m shocked that it is true,” Raver replied, Mewtwo made a small connection to them by his mind and he spread his arms, like a movie, everyone saw the memories, each one was a part of a gaint puzzle. Then, it stopped the doors before them opened as Mewtwo severed the link, Ash, stood real rigid, Misty and Mrs. Ketchum gasped as Harino stepped back with Chaka, Raver just gripped his dogtags tightily. Ash was the son of Devin’s brother, making him Harino’s and Rikari’s cousin, and the nephew of Devin and Mrs. Guarino. Adam James Ketchum stood right before them, wearing a long coat similar to Ash’s vest, wearing a pair of goggles, and two black gloves, Cass Ketchum, Ash’s sister who had supposedly died at the age of 2, when he was 5, now stood before him, at the age of ten. Ash still stood there, tears starting to come down his cheek. “I’ve had a lot of time but I couldn’t think of anything to say,” Adam spoke, tears also coming down his cheek. “Next time, don’t wait for 8 years to find me a birthday gift on my birthday,” Ash replied as he ran into his dad’s arm, Misty and Mrs. Ketchum also joined up in this teary and complicated reunion. Cass looked outside, a pair of odd eyes looked back at her and she nodded to him, the boy waited as the information was written into his mind, he ran off with his Metang. “The waiting is over, I have found the rest of my family,” Cass whispered to herself as she walked over to Raver. “I’m sorry about attacking you in the desert…” After the reunion, Adam was talking with the other adults while the kids played a game of hide an seek. “You didn’t give up on me brother,” Adam laughed as Mrs. Ketchum sipped her juice. “There wasn’t a way that you would go down easy, besides we still haven’t built that old thing.” “If I remember correctly,” Kat said as they all turned to her. “You did say that there was more to life than just death.” “Yes, but for the kids, that will learn it soon,” laughed Adam as they all joined in the joke. But in the back of his mind, Delaih’s, Devin’s and Eclipse’s, they all thought this one thing, I hope they can learn what they might have to do in time… The end of another story, alas I have a few regards to say.I would like to send my apologies to anyone that I have copied off from. I had to do some of this story because of Raver and that it would add some twists. I also had to do it otherwise it would ruin the delicate, okay, screwed up story line. If I have offened anyone, my deepest apologies from my heart, I am truly sorry if I have hurt your honor. You may flame me if desired of your honor offense, I might deserve it. I did have this inspiration from your works, thank you for the help. Draven Knight, recharging and logging out.