Kite was really happy, he was on the adventure he always dreamed of having and he knew that he was going to be great. His Nincada followed behind him as they walked out of the valley that he had called his home for so long, he let a few tears of sadness and joy fall down his cheeks as his Nincada suddenly started to point. Kite let the magic within himself rise up and he could sense a magic within a person as strong as his close by. "You aren't slipping through my fingers you little-"the man was cut off as Kite unleashed a fierce barrage of rapid kicks that knocked the man down to the ground. The man got back up and he wore a blue T on his red outfit and he headed to the girl again but Kite focused his magic into a fireball as the girl watched Kite. Kite gained up his magic and then threw a flaming fireball at the man and it exploded on contact, blowing the man away. Kite dusted off his ash covered hands as the girl continued to stare at him as he shook off the dust from his cloak. "You can use magic too?" she asked, Kite turned to answer her only to be stunned by her beauty. She had red hair that must be long at one point in time because she had it done up in a small ponytail. She had beautiful green eyes and she wore a blue shirt and jeans with a yellow vest on and she was the exact age as Kite and four inches shorter than him. "Yep, my whole family and my ancestors could use magic." Kite replied as his Nincada crawled out and fell asleep his shoulder. She was surprised at the fact that he, a boy as old as her was able to take out a man at least in his twenties without a scratch. "Thanks for sending that man away, he was peeved that I beat him in a battle." She replied and she smiled cheerfully, Kite was in awe at how beautiful she smiled and looked. She noticed that he had a symbol on his hand like that of the Angels that many families of magic knew of and feared and admired even. "My name is Sarah O'Reilly." "Kite Angel," he replied as they shook hands, Nincada woke up and scratched its head and then fell asleep again. Kite was impressed on the inside because she took his name seriously. "Your Irish aren't you?" "Yep, are you part of the Angel family?" she questioned as Kite sighed, he nodded and she gasped in surprise, she knew of his family but she was amazed to find out that he was the 132nd generation angel. "I always wanted to be one of you but I guess I couldn't stand the pressure you faced." "Yeah, it would be too hard on a girl like you, my sister can take it because she takes after dad more than I do." He laughed as Sarah snickered then laughed along with him. Sarah didn't fear the Angels as others did, but she felt more of pity for them and longing to feel like she belonged to a family because she didn't exactly feel like she was an O'Reilly, she always had favored the Angel's type of magic; fire, holy, and wind. "You know, you seem a bit young to know magic?" "Yeah well, you seem too young to be so handsome!" she replied as she barely was able to cover her mouth before she finished her sentence. She couldn't believe that she had said it out loud to him and she was surprised that she DID like him. She blushed at saying such an awkward thing to a member of the Angel family. He smiled and then blushed himself, aware that he shouldn't have smiled at her embarrassment. "I'm so sorry that I'm- "Brave enough to be blunt? Well, it's surprising but you can't be blamed for being blunt." He smiled as she looked down at the ground. "I'm heading to Cincitu town, how about you?" "Same here, but aren't you going to tease me?" "Nope, I can't blame you, my mom says that you can't blame someone for something they are." He replied. "You really are something you know that!?!" "Yep." He replied cheerfully as he felt happy and even looked happy, he didn't have to worry about hiding his secret. She noticed that he was starting to twirl around four fireballs and four water spheres, she immediately tried to bring up four omni or tri element spheres but she only made herself go red. "Don't force yourself, just find your magic and let it flow," "I forgot that magic attracts dark creatures of magic within this forest!" She gasped as the trees seemed to grow darker, twisted, bent, and old. She looked a little shook up when the creature, the creature appeared, with the good of magic and pokemon, comes the evil to balance it out, including the Grake. The Grake was sort of a magic equivalent of the bogey man, but with more truth and horror to bring one to reality, it appeared in out of the flames of a tree that had been struck with lightning. Sarah threw a Pokeball and a Charmelon appeared, yet as fierce as her Charmelon was, the Grake was fiercer, with huge spikes on its shoulders, huge claws on its fingers, towering over both of them. Kite showed no fear as he threw all of his Pokeballs and his Tiller and Bulbasuar appeared, glaring at the Grake. "You dare to show magic you inexperienced brats. You should have stayed home and you might have lived. But know you shall join the other young mages in my realm." The Grake laughed as blood started to drip from its teeth, just as it was preparing for a Hyper Beam, Kite charged up his magic into a single orb and he countered the Hyper Beam. "Like all the others before you, if you can win you might free the others but it has and never will happen." "I am Kite James Angel, the Angel of Judgment and I will become a Arch Angel and I could not become one if I let evil like you continue to exist!" he shouted as the Grake nailed him with a Hyper Beam but he still stood there, no scratches, no bruises, not even a mark on him. He called up lightning, fire, and ice and he started to concentrate it into a single orb of magic as the Grake tried to finish them both off with a magic attack known as the Eclipsing Ray. "Let the magic of my ancestors grant us strength," he shouted as the winds kicked up and Sarah realized what he was doing. Kite was using his magic to create an elemental, a form of nature that is from a Pokemon and acts as one too. "I call upon the elemental of Death!" "And I call upon the elemental of Fire!" she shouted as she felt her Charmelon give her energy and a flame sphere appeared and took the shape of a fireball with two hands. The Death Elemental must've failed or there was really no such thing and Sarah could feel her Elemental starting to die when Nincada suddenly up the whole forest with light. Kite flipped up on his CD player and put his headphones on and let himself be absorbed in the music, letting his magic do what was needed. The Grake and its controller felt scared for the first time, through all they had done, all the kids they had scared and kidnapped, this boy was the only one who showed no fear, no worries. Sarah suddenly knew why the Angels were so admired and feared, they were a people who knew what could be done and knew what was the right thing to do, being able to give hope to those who need it. His Nincada let out a high pitch Screech and an elemental appeared, looking like a winged petite warrior, it had black eyes and hair yet it seemed to represent what Nincada was. The Elemental started to glow as Kite drew back his hands, calling up all the magic within his body and all his magical knowledge to use the move that he would be known for. His hands glowed with light, burned with fire, shook with lightning and trembled in darkness as those three elements started to change into another orb. He whipped out both lighters as light emmited from his hands he closed his hands around the lighters as he felt his back burn with fire as wings silently came out of his back. "BURNING CRESCENT!!!" The two spheres combined into a beam of searing heat, energy, and light that pierced through the Grake's body. Now it's time for the puppetter to play… Wonder what's going to happen next.