"Happy birthday, brother!" Sally shouted as she danced around him with her own Tiller following her example and dancing around him. Kite was wearing his birthday gifts, his new cloak, his satchel full of supplies, two lighters and ten flares in his small emergency pack, he also wore a new headband with two small trinkets hanging down form the headband, and he proudly wore three Pokeballs and three empty Magic Balls around his waist. He also had a pair of headset binoculars on that were attached to his Poke gear Head set. "You are ready for doing something, brother." "Sally, your big brother's going on his journey." Sarah said as Sally stuck her tongue out at him and then realized that he was leaving and clung to his leg. "Remember, son use your magic only when you need to." Skye said to his son as he patted him on the head. "Tiller and Bulbasaur won't be there to protect you forever." "Don't worry, I can take care of myself and I have Scorpio with me." Kite joked as Nincada climbed up onto his shoulder and nodded. Skye knew that he son was right…. Flashback Skye waited as his son loaded up his two Tomahawk Pistols as the police men and S.W.A.T team people tried to enter in the Museum filled with criminals. Skye was going to take his son with him as a birthday present and to up hold the Angel way, his son calmed himself and took a few deep breaths to calm him self down. "Remember son, this is real, you will be using actual bullets, everything you do will have a consequence to it if you mess up. This is not only your present to see what I do for a living but what you are to be known as if you are to walk my path. Are you ready?" Skye asked as his aura of magic surfaced and he whipped out his special left-handed blaster. His eyes lit up as he felt the old feeling of his ancestor's magical might within his body. He knew how hard this test might be, it would also identify what Angel he was to be, Skye was the Angel of Death and Sarah was the Angel of Life. "Father, I'll make you proud." Skye smiled and wiped away a tear as Kite let out a deep breath and let his own magic surface. Sarah was on the scene with her arm in the metal sling, she was shouting orders to the S.W.A.T team when she felt the cold wind of magic, she took her arm out of the sling and let her own magic surface as well. One of the cadets was about to make a remark when Jake shook his head and Sarah took out the two light pistols she used and loaded them and she walked towards the entrance of the building. "Their Angels, Jones, they don't need backup or cover fire, their judgments." Skye easily got in and nodded to Sarah and they both used their magic to enhance their speed and cause them to move super fast, as fast as a sonic boom. Kite looked as if he might not get in with the barrier he had created but then he disappeared, Skye smiled at the fact that his son learned the Doppel technique to create copies of himself. Skye and Sarah were machines of death, killing criminals and gangsters with ease. Kite however wasn't dealing with regular idiots, Sarah and Skye encountered a pair of criminals that were also able to use magic as well. Kite was in the middle of what he considered a Mage gathering, he was surrounded by several mages all around him. Just as they thought they were going to incinerate this warrior without breaking a sweat when Kite suddenly used the same technique his parents had used, only even more detailed. Sarah drew in all her focus to channel all her magic into her broken arm as Skye unsheathed his old Masamune Katana, their opponents tried to kill them but Skye swiftly slew one of them with a few slashes as Sarah let loose her magically attack and the magic shoot out of her hand and incinerated the other opponent. "SCORPION!!!" shouted Kite as his magic was enhanced. Skye felt the symbol on his back and the knowledge of magic within his brain be copied and taught to his son and then it was locked away into Sally's and Sarah's minds as he felt the connection of his grandparents be remade and given to his new family. He wished as much as his wife that their children wouldn't have to deal with their troubles but he knew as well as she did that his family would also continue to be Angels… "Remember Kite, always know who you are, my little judgment," Skye replied as Kite replied back with the classic, stop embarrassing me. "Good luck Kite." "Be safe Kite," Sarah said as Kite hugged his family in one group hug and then waved goodbye and used his magic to enhance his speed to swiftly walk away from his home. "LATER, BIG BROTHER!!!" "Don't worry sis, I'll come back a Pokemon Master and Archangel!!!" Now Kite has begun his journey and will truly rise to his challenges. Later!