Hello folks! Angel X Productions are pround to present, The Crusader! This fanfic is about a pokemon trainer searching for adventure and love. His most treasured dream is to be a pokemon Rurouni (a wandering warrior) and meet up with his true love. He gets more than he bargained for when a super high tech game called Tozoku(thief) Paradox, that puts his life, and the Pokemon world, in grave danger. He gets sucked into the game and ends up looking like Megaman Zero!(for the GBA, I hate the one for Playstation) He has to fight many enemys and save the world, even if it kills him, literuly! But he is not alone. Many other claim to fame characters join in for the fight for their Manga and Anime worlds. And one more thing, the pokemon trainer meets a girl that he falls in love with and finds out her true identity... @PART 1 OF TOZOKU PARADOX, CONFIRMED@ @location: Underground Lab, Calafornia, Real World@ "So... is the weapon finished?" a voice asked a computer genious. "Yes, Mr. Ryu. The only thing left to do is to sell it." the boy replied with aproval. "Perfect. All anime and manga will cower in fear when mention of my name!" Mr. Ryu announced. "But Ryu, there is a good 50% that it could backfire and..." the scientist started to explained but Ryu grabbed his throat. The other scientist still went on with their work. "You want to hold a grudge against my plan, I don't think so." Ryu growled and slamed the cheif scientist to the ground. "No! I'm leaving! I had put up with your crap long enough! I made the weapon I can surly destro...!"BAM! The scientist explained before he got shot. "Anybody else want to do a stunt like this?! Huh?!" Ryu asked the other scientists, but they only shivered and kept quiet. "Good. Still countinue the weapon for shipping around the world! Make the price $1.00 with free shipping and handling. The world of Anime and Manga will come to a end." Ryu ordered and left the room. "Oh yeah, just to tell you all... your just the players in my master plan." Ryu annouced and left. @location: Pallet town, Pokemon World@ "Hikaru Hotta! Wake up, you'll be late for the Pokemon Leage!" Hikaru's mother yelled up stairs. "I'm up, I'm up, sheeesh!" Hikaru mumbled sleeply. Hikaru Hotta was a 16 year old pokemon trainer. His mission, be a pokemon Rurouni, or wandering warrior, so he can explore, maybe, an new pokemon world! His trademark outfit, a yellow T- shirt with a black 5 on it, a long sleaved black shirt underneath, and jeans. His hair style is very spiked up blond bangs, and the rest is flat, jet black hair. But in the real world, Hikaru is a reagular boy, and he has his head stuck in his GBA SP. He just got a new game, Tozoku Paradox, which could enhance the anime or manga game feature. Just plug the TP (Tozoku Paradox) game pak into the GBA port and the selected game and the game is on. But little did Hikaru know that it was a game for his life. He, and many other kids, who had a game system with an anime or manga game could go in it by pressing a code. "I'm leaving for the leage championship mom." Hikaru said before he left. Hikaru looked all around to see children playing and having fun. He didn't mind, though. Suddenly, the program of the game started to go haywire. The sky turned to what a TV looks like when the screen is snowy. The thing Hikaru remembered was falling into abyse. @Real World@ On that day, millions of children fell at the hands of Ryu's weapon. They fell in a hyperbolic sleep, and many of them went to a hosiptal. Hikaru, on the other hand, had to be put on a new life support, L.O.D (Life Or Death). He could not log out of the game, or he will die. And thats when our story begins... @TP World, T- 1 year until total Inhalation@ "Huh...where am I?" Hikaru asked himself as he got up. He was in a artificial world and thats all he realy knew. He looked around at his surondings. He was in a vally, with lots of green grass and beautiful trees. "Unit 54367, give me quordnets on where I am." Hikaru asked his GBA system. "Unit 54367?" Hikaru asked again. "Hello, Mr. Hotta!" A evil voice greeted from somewhere. "What, who are you and how do you know my name?" Hikaru asked impationtly. "I am Ryu Kenshiy, the creater of this world. And I know you because of the game you play." Ryu answered. "But, why do you send me here?" Hikaru asked again, "And how many more people are here?" "Anyone who plays manga or anime related games and all of them are here, in my world. Only one person can change it but it could be anyone. That someone is the Crusader!" "But the original games have Crusaders. Ever sence Bill Gates created the new GBA SP's, a Crusader could transport to any game he would like, but not cause havok, of course." Hikaru explained. "But thats not the reason why I'm afriad of them. The Crusader has incredible power." Ryu exclaimed. "But, I don't have anything to defend with." Hikaru said. But look at you. You look just like Megaman Zero!" And Ryu left in a flash... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So how do you like the begining! You hate it, love it, I don't care! Just keep readin' folks!