Here it is, part ten. I hope you enjoy it lots! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Wato looked in horror at his own body departing into two places. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed in in horror. Mark, too injured to run, couldn't run from the energy blast. @2 hours later@ The gang woke up, even Ash, who everybody thought was surly dead. Mark, though, was nowhere to be seen. Everybody started to dig in many places where there was a heap of charcoaled wood. The gang looked away as they came across dead,burned bodies. Most of them had either pichforks, revolvers, 9mm's, and even Pro. Elm, which was hardly able to be reconized, had a shotgun in his left hand, to deffend the town. "MARK!!!" Ash called out. "It is no use. Mark is either dead...or he vanished in thin air." Misty told Ash in a negitive tone. "Actualy, I would mostly prefer dead." A familer voice said. It was Mark! He survived the energy blast. Even though he had a ton of scraches and blood that covered his body, he still smiled his brightest smile. Everybody in the gang, even Pikachu and Marawak, had a group hug. Suddenly, Mark looked sad. "We beat Wato, but my mom is still dead and so is the rest of the town. Soon, Johto will make a new town over this one, or even a city, and New Bark will be lost only in my memories will it live. Only my aunt and uncle live in Kanto, and they are both 65 years old. I'll be a homeless child." Mark sadly said, walking away, looking down. Suddenly, Mark flicked his head up. He could sense a powerful evil sorce nearby. "Wato!" He growled. Ash and the others gasped and Misty and May started to run. Ash just frozed and looked up at the sky in horror. Marked looked up too, to see a spritual figure of Wato, with the Negitive Energy Bomb above his head. Wato evily grined, and launch the bomb. With Wato's final breath, he was able to launch billions of energy missles around the world. "MISTY! MAY!" Ash yelled as 2 missles came at them. They were too late. Misty and May both lit up like light bulbs, then land on the ground in a heap. As 2 mor missles came at Ash and Mark. "I'm not going without a fight!!" Mark yelled as he defflected the missle that hit a near by hill. Ash did the same. But the last thing that Mark and Ash, or anybody who had Pokemon wanted to see, was Marawak and Pikachu fighting off the missle. The duo of Pokemon then cmbined their attack to deflect the missles back in the same hill. But soon, the whole world started to become a dead planet. Many people and Pokemon tried to deffend themselves, died and left their body in a heap. "We are the only ones left." Mark said as he checked if the girls were still alive. Ash just nodded and paced around, and being nervice. Mark sat down and sighed. Marawak and Pikachu tried to comfurt their respected masters. "Marawak wak (I love you,master.)." Marawak said to Mark. "Pika Pika chu (I'm so sorry that the girls died.)." Pikach said to Ash. Suddenly, Marawak looked like he was releasing energy. Mark then felt his heart go into his throte. His dad's spirit loomed above Mark's Pokemon. "Dad!" Mark exclaimed in a happy tone. *Son, I am dissipointed in you. Your giving up just because you are low in power. Ashy boy here can go Super Master Trainer too.* Mark's dad critizized. "What! I'm sorry Mr. Skech, but if I knew I could turn into a Pokemon warrior, then I would of helped Mark fight Wato." Ash debated. *Well, if you don't even try, you won't be able to save the world.* Mr. Skech told the duo. "WHAT!" The duo telled in total denile. to be councluded(finaly)... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I know, I bet your thinking that this is like Superman or somethin', but I asure you that I am copying something. Come on! I'm not evil (well, maybe I am. Heh Heh). Well readers, another chapter accomplished and I'm going to enjoy this horroble, ugly, raining day, but I'll endure it . Anyways, have a good day and keep reading nerds, OOPS! Imean folks!^,^ P.S - I'm geting my money for my comics to day!$_$(Did I mention that I'm a comic book artist... and I'm only 12!)