First off, I'll like to deticate this 2nd to last chapter to Jolt, if it was't for him, I would not of had this fanfic. Well, I WILL make more fanfics. Well, here it is... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Wato! H-How did you...!" Mark yelled in horror. "It's a simple recovery trick, try to keep up, DUNCE!*Memo to myself, WHA HA HA HA HA*!" Wato declared. When Mark heared that, he ran at Wato, and he tried to hit him with his sword, but missed! Wato came from behind and countered attacked. Mark, with all his internal injuries, yelled in pain. "Now, the time has come to end life itself. I'll create a energy so negitive that when I launch it, it will split up to the exact amount of life on this planet, and destroy the life sorce!" Wato yelled as a huge grey ball of energy appeared out of Wato's hands. Mark froze at the site. He stared into space. A image of Earth appeared in his mind, then billions of people flashed too. "The world is in my hands." Mark said in disbelif "THIS ENDS NOW!" Wato declaired. "No it isn't!" Ash yelled. Ash came from the group and jumped above the energy bomb. Wato launched the bomb. CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKK BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mark and the group yelled in horror. Mark raced to Ash's fall and caught him. Mark cried as he remembered him letting him into Ash and Co. *Mark, feel the anger and countrol it, and use your greatist attack, my son.* Mark came out of his trance with shock and anger. "Ash... saved the world... risking his life... for mine? No...!" Mark then yelled in rage, "For Ash's efforts, I'll finish you off with my greatist attack!" "What foolishness do you speek of." Wato asked. "Do you know what a Super Master Trainer is. It is UNITY!" Mark explained. "Unity!?" Wato yelled. "And that is exsactly what your going to die from." Mark said evily. Mark then took his sword and held it above his head. The sword quickly changed and energy went in side it. Energy from May, Misty, Ash, and Mark turned the sword more decerative. The blade was bigger and was rainbow coloring and the handle was 2 ft. long. "Unity Slash!!" Mark yelled in rage. Mark jumped into the air. The sword blade turned into a huge blade of energy. Mark then sliced Wato in half like a hot knife trough butter. to be concluded... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ OHHHH YEAH! Mark is... oh... better not say anything, I might spoil the ending. Anyway, read the ending and keep reading... oh you know what I'm going to say next!^_^