The battle of stubbornness

Part 4 meeting time


Ash 15

David 13

 Mist 15

Brock 18

Yugi 17

Yami not known yet

Serentity 15

Joey 18

Tristan 18

Tea 17

Hey everybody it is finally come the part you’ve all been waiting 4 part 4 ok, ok I’ll shut up now enjoy and read thoroughly p.s. I don’t own these characters 


Part 4


In the land of yu-gi-oh

Yugi: “Hey guy’s the millennium puzzle has been glowing again I wonder why”. 


Joey: “hey don’t worry hopefully nothing bad is going to happen”.


Tea: “don’t we all hope that”?


Tristan: “yes we do yes we do”.


In the world of pokemon

David: “come on ash get up it’s time to go I’ve left a note so come on oh and don’t say anything till I introduce you to my friends just don’t start complaining your hungry till I’ve introduced you ok please”.


Ash: “fine whatever hey pikachu wake up were going so come on”.


Pikachu: “ash I’ve been awake for the last 45 minutes”


Ash: (thought) I fell like an idiot “ok then let’s go”


David/pikachu: “ok but get dressed first girls will be there and I doubt that they would want to see your race care boxes and bare stomach”


Ash: “awww but”


Pikachu: “if you don’t I’ll zap you ok”


Ash: “fine I was just joking man”


David: “meet us out side ok”


Ash: “whatever”  


5minutes later


David: “there you are ash were ready to begin come with me and close your eyes and step up and were away”


Ash: “what the”


Pikachu: “weeeee”


15seconds later


David: “were here if you would kindly get of me then I would gladly  introduce you to


Ash: ok”


David: “thank you the short one is yugi he also has a let’s just put it simply a shared sole yami, the tall blonde guy is Joey the idiot and second rate duellist to Everone but me the tall brown head girl is tea better looking than misty anyhow I shouldn’t have said that the short brown heard girl is serenity like me he he I wish and now I should start running cause Joey’s going to bash me (start’s running while joy chases him after a few minutes comes back) every one this is ash the annoying he reckons he has the works of a pokemon master and pikachu his pokemon”


Ash/pikachu: “hi peps”


Everone: “hi”


David: “yugi you look as sad as a soggy orange what’s up”


Yugi: “it’s nothing ok”  



 Well review ok thanks if you find it boring please email me and tell me I’ll take everything you can through at me because I know Andy from school he is psycho anyway review thanks and good luck