Chapter 3- A place of hiding Ash stared in shock; he was pleasantly surprised “you do that’s great!” Brock smiled proudly and stood up tall. “We actually have more that one hideout!” We have one hear that I am in charge of, along with Sabrina, one in Goldenrod at the radio tower, and our main one is under Lance’s house.” “L-Lances HOUSE?” “Well” Brock explained “Lance being a master has large sums of money and with those large sums of money he has bought a rather large and imposing mansion.” Ash nodded, he had seen that mansion on TV and in magazines, and he had assumed that it was being watched now though, for signs of Lances return. “Isn’t it being watched?” Brock shook his head “Team Rocket was watching it for about a year. They completely ransacked it, stripping it of anything valuable or nice, before declaring that Lance would never return. About once a month someone will be sent to search it, see if anything has happened. They never find us though. Ash struggled to understand “but how” he ventured “can they not find you, if they check once a month? I mean you can hardly hide fifty people and training facilities.” “I told you” Brock was getting excited now “they can’t find us because were underground.” That still made no sense to Ash “what?” “Well, Lance used some of his money to build an underground hideout. He had no way of knowing this would happen, but he had an idea. So in case we ever went to war he had underground tunnels built. Lance’s house is in a very isolated area outside the Safari Zone. The woods have long since overgrown, making the house and the area surrounding it impossible to see. This enables the volunteers to go safely to and from the house.” Ash frowned “it can’t possibly be big enough.” “Well” explained Brock “at the beginning it wasn’t. It was just a few small rooms, but with the help of many Machokes and other Pokemon we managed to expand the tunnels. It is now about five miles in radius.” Wow was the word that popped into his mind and he would have said it but he was speechless. “There’s even a Pokemon gym under there and some rooms for some people who have no where to go.” Ash grinned “C’mon.” “Um where exactly are we going?” Ash looked at Brock “we are going to the hideout duh.” Brock looked right back at him “and how do you expect to get out of the city?” Ashes mouth hung open. He had forgotten that once you were in there was no way out. The Rockets guarded the city very closely and even had random house checks, to make sure nothing suspicious was going on. He began to moan “were stuck, were never getting to the hideout. Never, never, never. How can we help the world if were stuck in here forever.” “Now hold it” Brock interrupted “don’t ya remember me telling you we had three hideouts?” Ash looked at him confused “no.” “You have too; I just told you 5 minutes ago.” Ash could feel his face heating up. He did recall Brock saying that but in the heat of the moment he had forgotten, and he didn’t have the best memory in the world. “We have one in Saffron City?” Brock nodded “me and Sabrina started it. It’s not underground but it’s still pretty secretive.” “Can we go?” “No!” “What” Ash was surprised and Brocks blunt answer. “Use your brain Ash; we can’t go sneaking around in the middle of the day. We have to wait until tonight.” “Tonight?” “Tonight!” Ash slumped down on the couch defeated it had been a long day. All he was ready to do know was sleep, his eyes started to close and he saw Brocks concerned face before drifting off into dreamland. Thud, thud, thud, something was pounding on Ash’s head. “Stop” he mumbled still asleep. The nudging continued and Ash opened his eyes. It was one of Brocks brothers. He had somehow ended up in Brocks bed. “What is it?” he managed to spit out. The young boy had fear in his eyes “it a random check! You have to hide.” Ash sat up wide awake “where?” The boy motioned under the bed and Ash crawled under it. It was a very tight fit and very uncomfortable but Ash didn’t notice because heavy, black boots had just appeared. “Boy” snapped a vile voice “what are you doing in her?” It was obviously a Rocket and Ash willed himself to stay quiet. “Nothing!” “Nothing is always something” hissed the Rocket. “I w-was looking for a pen.” That was lame, thought Ash. There is no way that he will buy that. The Rocket however seemed to be satisfied because he left the room. What seemed like hours later the door opened and shut and Brock came over. “You can come out now.” Ash took a deep breath and inched out. He stood up and stretched, it was hard on his back being crammed under that bed. “Does that happen often?” “No” whispered Brock “they suspect me. Tonight as soon as possible we need to get you to the hideout so you will be safe. This is bad. If they find you the whole rebellion is in jeopardy.” Ash had never heard a voice filled with fear like Brocks was. The fear and pain in his eyes seemed to have multiplied in the last few minutes. “Brock… I need to live. I cannot put you and your sibling’s lives in danger.” Brock smiled sadly “Ash you aren’t putting them in danger, your helping us stay safe.” And with those words Brock left the room, leaving Ash lost in his own thoughts. A little later Ash was back in Brock’s room trying to get back to sleep when he heard a knock on the door. He kept quiet in case of a trick. When the soft knocking persisted Ash got up to open the door. If it was a Rocket, he reasoned with himself they would have just broken down the door by now. Outside the door was one of Brock’s siblings. What was her name Kara? “Ash” the girl whispered “can I talk to you?” Ash nodded and shut the door behind her. The girl sat down on the dark green comforter and looked down. Ash sat down next to her and smiled. This appeared to give her courage and she began to speak “thank you.” “For what” Ash asked gently. “For helping us, you could get hurt or, or scared but you don’t care. You really are as brave and selfless as Brock said you were.” Ash was stunned; he had never had a compliment like that. Brave and Selfless? That this little girl really meant it was what made the compliment great. He was flattered. “I’m just doing what I can” he modestly said.” She smiled “you really are a hero.” Ash stood tall and stuck out his chest, a hero yup that was him all right, a hero. The girl (Kiara, the name finally came to him) still looked like something was on her mind, he tenderly asked her what it was. When her words came he was shocked. “I’m scared” Ash hadn’t thought of that before, he was scared as a 19 year old. But, he had never before considered what this must be like for a child. More than anything he hated Team Rocket. Ash looked Kiara in her dark brown eyes and said “I won’t let you get hurt.” She looked at him and nodded her head, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. Than she jumped up and raced out of the room. Ash was a bit surprised but he didn’t mind. He only wondered why Kiara had chosen to speak to him and not to Brock. “Hey, Ash, I’m going for dinner” called Brock. Ash heard the door open and Brock left. He was a bit nervous about staying home alone. What if a Rocket came? But Brock was quick and he arrived back with plenty of food. They ate and talked and for a while it felt just like old times. After dinner all Brock’s siblings got ready for bed and then they all watched TV. The clock struck 10:00pm and Brock ordered all the kids to line up. At about 10:15pm there was a knock on the door. Ash jumped behind the couch and in came a Rocket. The Rocket held a list in his hands. He began to read off of it: Brock, Scott, Kiara, Mary-Jane, Slate, and Suzy. He looked around a bit and then looked at Suzy. He smirked and leaned down “Little Suzy” Brock stiffened noticeably as he took the young girls face in his hand. “Has anyone been here today?” he questioned. Suzy tried to open her mouth but she was obviously much to scared. “Answer me you little brat” snapped the Rocket squeezing her face. She began to sob and Brock jumped up “hey, leave her alone!” The Rocket stared at Brock for a moment before raising his hand and slapping him across the face “don’t you ever use that voice with me again!” Brock stumbled back from the force of the slap and fell to the ground where the Rocket proceeded to kick him. When he was satisfied he turned promptly and marched out the door. As soon as the Rocket left Ash rushed out from behind the couch and kneeled near Brock. It didn’t appear to be too bad. There was a handprint on his face and a bruise under his left eye. Brock moaned and got up “we have to get out of here” he hissed. “They know about you. We must leave.” Ash noted the concern written on Brock’s face and swallowed. He was right, they had to leave. The clock on Brock’s oven had read 12:15 when they left but now Ash had no idea what time it was. Brock had leaded them on many twists and turns in case anyone was following them. All of Brock’s siblings traipsed behind them none seemed to know where they were going. Brock stopped suddenly “this is it.” Ash stared up at the tall building in front of them “uhhhh Brock?” “What?” “This is an office building.” It was indeed and office building it was not very big or show-offy but it was still much too obvious for a hide out. Brock snuck forward and motioned for the rest to follow. He pulled out a pass to use on the scanner and Ash read what it said “Tom Petty?” Brock nodded “a lot of workplaces only let in people who work there. So I got this. Tom Petty used to work here but he quit and they never discontinued his pass.” “What does he do now?” asked Ash. “Um something in the music business I think…” The door sprung open letting them into the building. There was no on there, which was understandable because it was past midnight. Brock walked to an elevator and hit the floor three button. It was a very small elevator and Ash was feeling a bit claustrophobic. Finally the door sprung open and they walked into someone’s office. Brock hurried over to a bookshelf and began to move it. Ash stared at what was behind it. A very tiny set of stairs. They were so narrow that only one person could walk on them at a time. They reached a small landing with a door and Brock opened it. “Who goes there?” A tall woman with short, spiky, white hair asked. She smiled when she saw Brock. “Ash this is Maggie and vice versa” Brock said. Brock walked off to talk to some other people and Ash took that chance to look around. They appeared to be in an attic. It was a slightly small space, with a few desks and computers there were about five people hard at work. “People, People” Maggie said “we need to act. We have Ash Ketchum and we need to get Brock outta here.” “What” one of the men mumbled “this wasn’t supposed to happen for a week!” “I know” said Maggie “but Team Rocket suspects Brock and because he talked back to them, they will most likely kill him.” Ash walked up to Brock “what exactly are we going to do?” “You, me Scott, Kiara, and Robyn over there” he motioned to a girl in the corner “are going to leave the city.” How? Wondered Ash but he asked “where will we go?” “We have to meet some people in Redbird town” explained Brock. Then we will head to Celadon City to help Ericka.” “Why Redbird Town?” questioned Ash. “Sabrina visited that town and said there is some guy there trying to organize a rebellion also. We will find him and he can help us.” Ash nodded “how can we get out?” Before Brock could answer the door opened, in came the boy with white-blonde hair that Ash had seen before. “Ash this is Louis” said Maggie coming up behind them. Louis had very cold blue eyes and a nasty look on his face. “This is the great Ash Ketchum” he sneered. “Well I hope you do help us since all you’ve done so far is jeopardize the operation.” Ash frowned he didn’t like this boy at all. “How do you know we can trust him?” he asked Maggie. “I just know.” Ash was not very happy with this answer. This boy had an air of unpleasantness to him. “Ash” Ash felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Brock. “We need to go.” Ash stood up and took a deep breath. Time to break out of the city. He noticed Brock looked a little teary eyed. “What’s wrong?” Brock said sadly “we have to leave Suzy, Slate, and Mary-Jane behind.” Ash was shocked “what! Why, how?” They’re to young too come with us. So Suzy is going to stay with Mike, and Maggie owns an adoption agency and she is going to try to smuggle Slate and Mary- Jane out of the city.” Ash smiled supporting at Brock; he knew this had to be hard. “Okay people” shouted Maggie “let’s do this thing!” Disclaimer- If you don’t know what I’m going to say you are not that bright. So for all those people I will say it. I don’t own pokemon. :( I am sorry if this chapter was much too long. But believe me when I say this was a vital chapter. Especially the promise Ash made Kiara. Who can guess what will happen to her? The 5th person to get it right will get 2,000 dollars. As if I had that type of money…