Kai and Pamela woke up at 7:00 and walked towards the city. It didn`t took them more than half an hour to get there. As soon as they got to the city Kai and Pamela went straight to the PokemonCenter. -Good morning. Said a woman dressed in nurse clothes, she had pink hair and pale face –Do you want me to check your pokemon?- They both nodded and handed the nurse their pokemon. They sat on the sofa that was near them. It didn`t take longer than 10 minutes to check the three pokemon. -I`m hungry- said Pamela –We haven`t eatten breakfest yet- -Lets go to that restaurant over there- said Kai pointing at a small building near them. * -What`s wrong- said Pamela noticing Kai acting strangely-You haven`t touched your hotcakes- -Do you think we`ll be able to go back?- said Kai Pamela sighed -I don`t know- she said –But you have to stop worrying so much- -Ya, I think you`re right- said Kai -I want some syrup- said Pamela changing the topic –You want some?- Kai shakked his head. Pamela walked towards a table where three people were sitting(Ash, Misty and Brock). -Excuse me do you have some syrup?- she asked Right then Brock jumped from his sit and grabbed Pamela`s hand. -Oh Cupid, stupid Cupid, who has just thrown an arrow at my heart!!- he said -I beg your pardon?- said Pamela Right then Misty pulled Brock`s ear and took him away. -Hey is that your Houndour?- asked Ash pointing at the dog pokemon next to Pamela`s feet -Yes- she said -Its so cute- said Misty -Thanks- said Pamela –Your pokemon is really cute too- -My name is Ash Ketchum- said Ash – She is Misty and he is Brock- -My name is Pamela- she said, right then she noticed a Pikachu on Ash`s shoulder-Is that your Pikachu- she asked -Yap- said Ash -It lookes just like my friend`s- said Pamela -Really?- said Ash –He has a Pikachu?- Pamela nodded and pointed at the table where they were sitting. Kai was sitting with Pikachu on his shoulder. -Do you want to meet him?- asked Pamela -Sure- answered Ash, Misty and Brock They all walked up to Kai. -Kai I want you to meet Ash, Misty and Brock- said Pamela -Pleased to meet you- said Kai not taking his eyes from the window. He stood up and walked out of the restaurant –I`ll see you later- he said -Is there something wrong with him?- asked Misty Pamela shaked her head-No, he`s just antisocial- -How long have you been traveling?- asked Ash -One day- said Pamela -So you are beginners?- -Yup- -Hey I`ve got an idea- said Misty –Why don`t we travel all together- -That would be great I`ll ask Kai-said Pamela-I`m sure he`ll like to, I`ll see you at the pokecenter- She ran out of the restaurant with Houndour trotting by her side. * Meanwhile Kai was looking for a pokemon. Pikachu walking next to him looking for a pokemon. -Any luck Pikachu?- he asked Pikachu shook his head. -I think we should rest a little bit- said Kai He sat on a rock and sighted. Right then Pikachu heard a noise in the bushes. He ran up to Kai. -Pika pikachu- he said while pointing at the bushes. Kai walked up to the carefuly he moved the bush`s branches and saw a worm-like pokemon. He took out his pokedex and pointed at the pokemon. -Caterpie, worm pokemon, its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage – said the pokedex Kai took Ponyta`s pokeball. -Ponyta I choose you- he yelled The horse-like pokemon came out with a cry. -Ponyta use ember- ordered Kai Small flames came out of Ponyta`s mane and went straight to Caterpie`s face. Caterpie cryed in pain. Kai took another pokeball and threw it to Caterpie. It moved once and Kai heard the usual "ping". -Got it- he said -Ponyta return- Right then Pamela came running -Hey Kai can I speak with you for a moment?- she said -What?- said Kai -Ummm...I was wondering if well you know...if we could travel with Ash, Misty and Brock?- asked Pamelaould learn a lot they are really good trainers- -We can learn without their help- said Kai -Yeah but its going to be fun- said Pamela -Fine but we`re leaving tomorrow if their not ready we leave without them- said Kai -Great now if I want to be a pokemon trainer I better go and capture something, I`ll be back for dinner- said Pamela and ran into the woods