Chapter 2: Still a Mystery


When Mia got to her room, she firmly attached the PokéEar that lay unused in her dresser. She had received it three years ago. It was her mom's way of trying to apologize for not giving her a Trainer's License.

Yeah, sure the bribe worked! I never used it!

Mia blew off the sarcastic thought and started talking to Vulpix.

"So, first off, are you male or female?" Mia asked.

"That's a firm male," Vulpix replied. His voice sounded very deep, so deep, in fact, that it scared Mia. She wasn't sure if it was the PokéEar or his actual voice.

"Why are you blue?" she inquired. For some reason, when she thought of Vulpix, she didn't really think of him being blue. He registered simply as "Vulpix". It felt strange, forgetting about so prominent a feature.

Vulpix seemed uncomfortable at the question. He shifted a bit, before answering, "I was born that way."

He stared out the open window as his tails blew slightly. Vulpix appeared to be contemplating something, though Mia could not figure out what. While doubting his ignorance about the origin of his fur, Mia decided not to ask anything more.

"So, Vulpix, were you looking for a trainer?" Mia asked. This was another question she couldn't resist asking. She sensed a deep loneliness within the Pokémon.

"Well, I suppose you might say that. I was more looking for somebody, human or Pokémon, to befriend me. It's a dangerous world out there, especially when you're different," Vulpix explained.

"I suppose you were blue both inside and out, then," Mia remarked.

Vulpix chuckled. "I suppose."

Mia went over to her closet and pulled out a sleeping bag.

"For me, I presume?" Vulpix assumed.

"Nope, for me. You get my bed," Mia said.

"Thank you, very much...uh, what was your name again?" Vulpix asked.

"Mia Samara," she replied.

"...Miss Mia Samara," he finished.

Mia rolled out the sleeping bag. She grabbed one of her pillows.

"Good night, Vulpix," Mia said, as she pulled out her PokéEar and placed it on the dresser.



Mia woke up the next morning to Vulpix's soft snoring. Actually, it wasn't really snoring. It was the soft sound of inhaling followed by a quiet, "Vull...".

She remembered that she had wanted to go to the library today to check out her dream. Mia pulled Vulpix from her bed.

"Vulpix, vul..." Vulpix said sleepily.

Mia quickly pushed in her PokéEar. "Can't I get a few more minutes of sleep?" Vulpix groaned sleepily.

"No can do, Vulpix. We're going to the library!" Mia said, trying to make it sound exciting.

"A collection of books? How dreadfully boring. I'm not going," Vulpix protested.

"Oh, come on, Vulpix! I'm studying a strange dream I had," Mia whined.

Vulpix's ears perked up. "Dream? What kind of dream?"

"It's hard to describe. Lots of killing is the only way I can describe it. Why?" Mia explained.

"'s nothing. Let's head to this library of yours," Vulpix said, blowing off his question.

"Well, let me grab some toast and my backpack, then tell my mother that we're going..."


He paced nervously around his lair.

He wasn't actually nervous. Nothing could ever make him nervous. Not even the possible death of his servant. He was just impatient.

Where could he be?

"Master! Master!" an exhausted voice called.

"What?!" he replied.

"I lost track of him," the exhausted voice stated, with a hint of guilt.

"You WHAT!? We can't lose track of him! He might plan a sneak attack!" he spat at his servant.

The tiny servant trembled.

"There is only one punishment for losing the enemy-and that is death!" he roared.

"No, Master, please!" the servant pleaded.

"Too late, pesky servant!"

In a matter of seconds, the small servant was gone. No more.

"I'll just have to find him myself," he snarled, and an evil grin appeared on his face.


"So, why would the library have anything on your dream? I don't understand," Vulpix asked.

"My dream seemed so real-more real than any I've ever had. I'm sure it was a vision of an event long passed or something," Mia explained.

"How do you know it would be long passed?"

"Well, it contained something about the birth of Mew. So, if it actually happened, it would have been long ago."

Vulpix merely nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, they had finally arrived at Azale Public Library.

Mia went to enter the building, only to find a "No Pokémon out of Pokéballs Allowed" sign.

"Oh, darn..." Mia said, disappointed.

"Mia. Your backpack is nearly empty, right?" Vulpix asked.

"Well, there's a notebook in there. I guess I could take it out..." Mia replied, seeming to get an idea of what he wanted to do.

Mia opened the backpack, removed the notebook, and put Vulpix in there. She zipped up the backpack all the way.

"Are you all right in there?" Mia asked cautiously.

"Yes," Vulpix replied, in a slightly muffled voice.

Inconspicuously, they entered the library.

Mia approached the receptionist. "Where can I find a computer that lets me search the entire library?" she asked.

The receptionist pointed to a large table with eight computers on it. "Thanks," she said.

She grabbed an available computer. Mia selected the "Key Words" option and typed in "Siphon".

Immediately, fifty complicated books appeared that used the actual word 'siphon' in some way. This annoyed Mia. She checked the "Match Case" box, and this time five books appeared.

Four of the books had the word 'siphoning' at the beginning of a sentence. The other one was a book entitled, "A History of Pokémon".

Mia read the excerpt given by the search software:

 ...The attack was initiated by a traitor, who was one of the two survivors. Siphon, one of the legends, gives birth to Mew before she is killed, but the birth...

Excited, Mia checked the status of the book.

Status: Checked Out (due in one week six days)

Just my luck. Some person rented the book yesterday. I don't have one week and six days to wait!

"How goes the research?" Vulpix asked in a whispered voice.

"Not so good," Mia whispered. "I found out that the last part of the dream was true, about the birth of Mew. I can't find out about the first part because somebody rented the book yesterday,"

"That's too bad,"

Mia exited the library, and pulled Vulpix out of her backpack.

"So, we're going home?" Vulpix asked.


After a silent walk in the glaring noon sun, Mia and Vulpix finally arrived home. To Mia's surprise, her mother was waiting for her outside. She had a somber look on her face.

What's wrong?

"Come inside, Mia," her mother said blankly.

"Why? What's wrong!" Mia asked nervously.

A smile grew on both Mia and her mother's face when she approached the table.

A Pokédex lay on the table. A rusty Pokéball and five brand new ones sat on the table. A worn, leather Pokéball belt held the balls.

"Mom!!!" Mia squealed, hugging her tightly.

"Well, Mia, after seeing that unique Vulpix, and his bond with you, I decided you were really ready to become a trainer. I know you're smart, and you'll stay safe," her mother said, in a bittersweet voice. "Want me to help you register the Pokédex?"

"Sure!" Mia said happily.

Vulpix asked Mia what was going on.

"My mother's finally loosened up. I'm going to be a trainer!" Mia exclaimed.

"That's neat," Vulpix said, obviously not really caring either way.

Mia's mother opened the Pokédex carefully, as not to break it. Immediately, Professor Cotton, the creator of the most recent Pokédex, appeared on the screen.

"Hello, new trainer. Welcome to the Pokédex, version 4! I'm Randy Cotton. I'm going to guide you through the registration process," an enthusiastic voice said. "Please state your name clearly."

"Mia Samara," Mia said.

Mia's name appeared on the screen. "Is this spelling correct? If it is not, press the red button to change it. If it is correct, please press the green button."

The computer was surprisingly smart when it came to phonics. Her name was spelled exactly correct. She pressed the green button.

"Now smile, and say 'Moomoo Milk'!"

Mia ignored the 'Moomoo Milk' part and smiled.

A light on the top right corner of the Pokédex flashed, and a picture of Mia appeared on the screen.

"If you are happy with this picture, press the green button. If you are not, press the red button and it will be retaken,"

Mia noticed her hair was slightly off-part. She flipped her hair a bit, but accepted the picture anyways.

"We will now collect your information. If you attend Azale Pokémon Preparatory school, please say 'Yes' now and we will retrieve..."

"Yes," Mia stated. She was tiring of the constant explanation.

A red LED blinked in the top left hand corner. Mia assumed it was retrieving information.

"Please have a parent or guardian check this information if you are under 18."

Her mother snatched the Pokédex and quickly scanned the information.

"Hmm...looks correct. Are you 14?" her mother joked.

"Oh, Mom!" Mia laughed.

As her mother pressed the green button, she passed it to Mia.

"Your Trainer ID appears on the screen. To access it later, press the purple button."

She checked the number. It was 6024912. A sense of happiness filled Mia.

I'm a trainer now...

"Congratulations! Your Trainer Registration is complete! If you ever need help, press the blue button," the voice said.

Mia chuckled, as it seemed that Professor Cotton sounded relieved.

" do I 'scan in' my Pokémon?" Mia asked.

Mia observed as her mother pressed a black button on the back of the Pokédex. She placed the old, rusted Pokéball on an indentation on the front.

"Arcanine. The Legendary Pokémon. Arcanine was once considered a Legendary, until an entire colony was found. Its high speed and beauty is attributed to its almost Legendary status."

Suddenly, Professor Cotton appeared on the screen.

"This Pokémon is currently registered to a deceased Trainer. Would you like to re-register it?"

Mia watched her mother wince at the voice. Mia then remembered that this Pokéball belonged to her father.

I'm inheriting my dad's Pokémon...

Her mother pressed the green button.

"Pokémon registration complete."

A detailed list of stats appeared on the screen.

"Here you go, Mia. Now you try," her mother said.

"Can I calculate his level first?" Mia asked.

Her mother shrugged. "Sure,"

Mia pressed a button. Immediately, the words 'Calculating Professor Pine's level formula...' appeared on the screen.

The level formula used about 25 variables, each standing for a different aspect of the formula. It calculated the relative strength of a Pokémon on a 100 scale.

After about seven seconds of numbers and calculations scrolling on a screen, the number 10 appeared on the screen.

Ten? That's kind of low for my dad's Pokémon..

She immediately slapped herself. In class, she learned that Pokémon's strength deteriorates over the years if kept in a Pokéball. Since it had been eight years, Arcanine's level might have dropped by up to twenty levels.

"Hey, Vulpix?" Mia called.

"Yeah," Vulpix said, confused.

"You wanna go in my Pokéball?"

"Sure," Vulpix said.

Mia threw the ball. It immediately pinged. No resistance, indicated by a glow. In normal, red Pokéballs, the glow would have been blue.

Remembering what her mother had did, she pressed the back button and put the Pokéball on the indentation.

"Vulpix. The Fox Pokémon. Its six tails are very sensitive. When its tails are touched by humans, it will immediately tackle the human, regardless of its relationship with the human."

Mia decided to remember this fact carefully. She pressed the level button again. Mia was especially curious about Vulpix's level.

This, time, though, about five errors popped up.

"Warning: Variable F-Pokémon Species is Invalid..."

The errors continued. They were usually problems with species, age, and Pokémon defeated, and they were either 'invalid' or 'undefined'.

Mia's mother noticed the shock on her face. She looked at the screen.

"Must be thrown off by his color," she suggested.

Mia nodded, but wasn't really sure if she was really convinced.

Her mother handed her a small PokéGear. While the map was outdated and radio was no longer use, the cell phone was still valid.

"Call me often," Mia's mother said softly.

Mia hugged her mother. Both of them were crying at the time.

"Goodbye," Mia croaked.

"Goodbye," her mother replied.

Mia ran into the afternoon sun, a bittersweet smile spread on her face.