Chapter Nine

The Party Grows



Everybody wants to make a statement,

Everybody needs to call their mark,

To stand alone in the victory circle,

Stick to their claim as the music starts.


Give it all you’ve got,

You can be the very best ever.

Take your best shot,

All that you’ve learnt will come together




<Route 274, Dictioy, 8:45 pm>

<Sam’s Point of View>



Katrina, who had been muttering to herself as she washed the dishes, stood up quickly and got into a ready position. My hand plunged beneath my shirt, to turn my TWT up to full power in case I needed it. When we weren’t attacked, I took a step towards a grove of trees from where we’d gotten our firewood. The scream had come from there. I looked back at Kat, who was trying to calm a frantic Drake.

Kat, stay here while I take a look. I told her telepathically. She nodded, her hands full of a squirming Dratini.


At school, my friends had often commented at the way I could disappear and reappear without notice. It was because I could walk quietly at will, which I did now. I took a step towards the trees, and then broke out into a several, silent, strides, each one taking me closer towards the trees. Inside, it was dark, I could barely see my hand when I waved it in front of my face.

I was almost not breathing, for fear that I’d make a sound. Twigs snapped occasionally beneath me, but I remedied that my putting my foot slowly on the ground, instead of fast. Five minutes later, and I was completely in the dark. I made sure to keep going in one direction, so I could go back if I needed to. After a while, I saw a tiny pin-prick of light towards my left. Ignoring all warnings my brain was giving me, I made for it, moving so quietly that whoever was there would have to be an Azumarill to hear me. Up close, the light turned out to be another fire. I glanced curiously at it from the safety of the trees, but my attention was drawn to movement on the other side of the fire. I young girl, who looked to be my age or a little older, was struggling with a man and a woman.

The adults were both dressed in dark-green outfits that looked black in this light, but I could clearly see the lime green ‘F’ on their backs. Team Flora members.

I grimaced; this team was the rival of Team Fauna. Team Flora didn’t try and set all animal-like Pokemon free, they tried setting all plant-like Pokemon free, while Fauna did just the opposite. By now the girl was on the ground, struggling, and the man started tying her up while the woman took the girl’s Pokeballs.


“So sorry love, but you shouldn’t have a grass-type team here. You upset our leader greatly dear.” The woman said, her voice sounding like an over-bred noblewoman. The woman had bright yellow hair, and the man had dark blue. When they started to get up to leave, I knew I had to intervene. I stepped out of the forest. They saw me instantly.


“Whoever you are, I’d advise you turn around.” The man said, pointing a finger at me. I looked at him coldly.


“I am the person that helped bring down the Team Fauna base in the Monarch’s Tombstone.” I told them, ice falling from my mouth with each word. “Now give the Pokeballs back.”


When they realised who I was, their faces lit up with happiness. I suddenly realised that I must be viewed as a sort of hero in Team Flora since that incident. Oh well, time to break that image.


I crouched down, and pointed my fingers at the two, flicking them. They flew up, and back. I raised my hands, and around 10 Pokeballs floated up. Four of them were green, so I brought them towards me, and caught them. After all, my psychic specialty was transport, moving things telekinetically and teleporting.


I put the Pokeballs in my pocket, and then tried teleporting over to the girl. I misjudged the distance, and ended up teetering on the edge of the fire. I waved my arms, in an effort to avoid falling, and then caught my balanced. The two Flora members were on their feet again, and were regarding me with something that looked like fear. I glared at them “Shoo.”


They took off. I wondered what the tale was at their hideout about me. I made a mental note to appear all-powerful in front of any future Team Flora members, so that they might want to avoid my friends and me. I suddenly remembered the girl when she struggled, looking at me with wide eyes. They were hazel, edging more towards green, but only just. I went to her feet and looked at the knot binding the girl, and snorted with laughter. They had tied her up with a Granny-Knot, as it was known in the Scouts. All you’d need to do was to pull one of the strings and the knot would come undone, which I did.

The girl sat up, and gave me her hands to untie. I undid them, the knot on her hands was slightly better, but still ridiculously easy to untie. As soon as her hands were free, she tugged the gag from her mouth. “Thanks.”


“No problem.” I told her, and put my hand into my pocket, and gave back her Pokemon. She took the miniature balls, and looked down at them, releasing a wail. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.


“They took Slasher!” She cried, and released all the other Pokemon. I was suddenly surrounded by Grass and Bug types, none of them poison. A Chikorita snuggled up against its owner, and then came to inspect me. A Venonat was staring at me too, as well as a Ledyba. A Kakuna lay still, inspecting me while it flexed its claws.


“Bugsey, can you see anyone down that way?” The girl asked, pointing in the direction that the Flora members had gone. I smirked; she’d named a Venonat after a Gym Leader. Bugsey shook its head, or body, there really wasn’t that much difference.


I looked around, over the heads of all the Pokemon. “C’mon, you’d better camp with my friend and me, in case they come back.”


She gave me a look that suggested that she thought I was crazy. “I don’t think so! Me and two guys? Imagine what passing people might think!”


I sighed and bit my tongue. “My friend is a girl, ok? NOW will you come? If you don’t, I won’t be coming back to help you.”


“Alright, alright.” She said. “Rita, can you start packing up the tent? Bugsey, Star, can you pack up everything else.”

She bustled around after that, starting to put out her fire, and packing up her pack. I tapped my foot while I waited, earning a disapproving glare from the Kakuna. I bent down and stayed a fair distance away from it, so it wouldn’t get the chance to sting me.


She finally was ready, almost everything in her camp fitted into her bag. I still marvelled at how much those bags could carry. I grabbed her arm, ignoring her cry of protest and lead her into the forest, using my link to Artemis to go in the right direction. I did go in the right direction, right into the pond. I’d let go of the girl as I fell, so she was left perfectly dry on the shore, while I was glaring at Artemis who had surfaced next to me, after I’d almost crushed him with my weight.


Hi Sam, why are you in here?” Artemis asked, wondering why I’d decided to go for a swim this late at night. Over by the fire, Katrina was laughing, along with the girl. I glared at both of them, treading water. I floated out of the pond, and set myself slowly on the bank, dripping wet. Zeus was making a bee-line for me, before he saw the look on my face. Instead, he floated higher, and then started raining on me. I couldn’t tell if he was doing it to wash off the pond scum from me, or doing it because I was in a bad mood.


Either way, it got the foul-smelling scum off me. I then walked, dripping heavily, into my tent and got changed. After I’d walked out, I found the girl talking to Katrina, telling her about what had happened. I spied Drake, lying next to Katrina. When he realised I was looking, he opened one eye, smiled, and then shut his eye, going back to sleep. I rolled up my sleeves; even through it was a cold night. I preferred to have my arms free to move. All my clothes had to be baggy, to allow full movement.

I sat down on one of the logs, scratching my arm.


“See, I told you she was a girl.” I told the girl. She rolled her eyes and looked at Drake curled up at Katrina’s feet.


“Wow, a Dratini. I like them, but I prefer Alavars.” The girl said, looking at Drake. I rolled my eyes this time. All we needed was a big-headed dragon-type.


“So, what’s your name?” I asked the girl. Artemis chose this moment to bound close to the fire, and nearly rolled into it. I resisted the urge to sigh of exasperation. “Artemis, you realise that if you’d gone in, you’d probably have been cooked instantly?”

There was some chemical difference between wood-fires like this one, and the fire that Fire Pokemon had. It had something to do with hydrogen, oxygen and methane. Either way, Artemis would probably have been cooked if he’d fallen in.


The girl flicked her hair over her shoulder. “My name is Ashlee Botanis. I’m on my way to Romanc, because I’m making a study of Grass-types and their healing powers. Romanc has some rare types there.”


Here was something new. A Trainer devoting their Pokemon Team to the study of something. The only thing I knew of herb-lore with Grass-types was that the herbs and spices were usually really bitter. And Pokemon didn’t usually like the taste.


“Ok, I’m Sam Sapphire.” I said, extending my hand to her. When I saw Kat’s look, I answered, “What? We didn’t exactly get a chance to introduce ourselves to each other. I don’t know why, but I seem to remember Team Flora members running somewhere.”


“They would be more useful if they were here.” Kat said grimly. “Ashlee will need to report the robbery to the Officer Jenny in the next city. You won’t need to worry about Team Flora mistreating Slasher, seeing as he’s a bug-type, but if you want us to, we will keep an eye out for the people that took him.”


I was startled; I’d never heard Katrina this formal. Not to mention she had drawn me into this without my noticing. “We will?”


“Of course. But we will be accompanying you to Romanc.” Kat finished off; setting down the cup she’d been holding. From the look of it, she was drinking hot chocolate, but the smell suggested coffee.


“You know that coffee stunts your growth?” I asked Kat, which was irony in itself seeing as she looked like she’d stopped growing when she’d turned nine. In return, she threw me a dirty look.


“You should set up your tent.” Katrina said, ignoring me, and let out a yawn. I stared at her, coffee was a stimulant, so she should really be bouncing around right now. I suddenly yawned, and realised how tired I was as well.


“If you let your Pokemon out, they can sleep with ours.” I said, covering another yawn and pointed to the pile of sleeping Pokemon, which included Artemis and Zeus. Drake had slithered over to them sometime during our conversation, so he and Dirden were there too. Rage, the Magikarp, was still in his Pokeball, thank Mew. I couldn’t stand Magikarps.


Ashlee nodded, and released her nature types. I stood up, and walked into my tent. I took out my sleeping bag, and managed to crawl into it. Artemis soon joined me; his excuse was that it was too cold. Zeus then came in, followed by Drake, Dirden and then Ashlee’s Pokemon. I wriggled around, and found a comfortable position. It was too late for me to begin to wonder why all the Pokemon were in here. But then again, it was getting cold outside, just like Artemis said.



<29th of Echotrance, Route 274>



A bird cheeping woke me up. I blinked, blearily, at the roof of my tent. Was it morning already? A quick look at my Poke-Nav confirmed it. When I looked around, I saw that I was almost trapped by the bodies of all the Pokemon in the tent. I had to move carefully, so that I didn’t disturb them. An angry electrical type isn’t something you want to face when you’re a human.

Once I was outside my tent, I discovered that I was the only one up. I could hear Ashlee snoring lightly from the direction of her green tent, and Katrina was sounding like a thunderstorm was on its way.

I suddenly realised that, to make breakfast, I’d need to get to my backpack, which I had left in the tent. I scowled, and went back in my tent, avoiding treading on paws, fins, fines and tails, with great difficulty. It’s a good thing I’m flexible, otherwise I’d have been blasted with about five different elements at once. My backpack was lying in the corner, in Zeus. Literally in him, he had floated down, so it seemed that there was no pack. I’d had to rely on my memory in order to get it. I stopped for a moment when I got to Zeus, wondering how I’d get my pack without waking him, or any of the other Pokemon. I couldn’t teleport it out, mainly because the effects of the past few days was catching up to me, and secondly, he’d feel it if it suddenly wasn’t there.

That only left one option: I gritted my teeth and put my hand slowly into the mass of Zeus. It didn’t feel like there was anything there, but my eyes knew better. My hand came into contact with my bag by the time my elbow was gone. I grabbed the strap of the bag slowly, and inched it out of Zeus. If I was going any slower, I’d be going backwards. When the bag had half-emerged, Zeus stirred slightly. I froze, not wanting to risk a Thunderbolt being used on me. It took a minute, but he soon settled again. I let out the breath I’d been holding slowly, and continued in getting my bag free.


I emerged from the tent, five minutes later, holding my bag, and finding Ashlee sitting by where we had lit a fire last night.


“Where are Rita and the others?” She asked, looking tired. With my thumb, I indicated to my tent, and then sat down on one of the logs we’d used for seats and set my bag down next to me. I opened the pocket where I’d stowed food and everything else like that. A well-protected carton of eggs was extracted, along with some long-life milk and bread. I looked at the three things I’d gotten, wondering what I could make with them. Katrina’s bag was the one with things that could spoil very easily, unless it was cold. We’d agreed that she could carry them, since Dirden liked resting on her pack, just over the food. Since he was an Ice Dragon, he kept the food cold, very cold.

I, on the other hand, carried the stuff like bread, apples, all the things that didn’t do bad too quickly. This also meant I carried the small stock of chocolate and sweets.


Inspiration hit my mind and I started bustling around the camp-fire. Ashlee had gotten it started, far more quickly than Katrina or I could have done. I got a bowl from my bag, and cracked open some eggs, and then poured in some milk. Mixing it with a spoon, I got a yellow looking liquid. Dipping in a piece of bread, I soon had a stock of soggy pieces of bread. Once I had used the loaf of bread, I started putting in two bread pieces at a time into the saucepan Kat had washed up last night. By the time Ashlee had gotten up, dressed and was combing her hair, Katrina stumbled from her tent, and the batch of French-Toast was cooked. France was apparently a country from ages ago, but somehow, this recipe had gone down through the centuries, probably in a Kantanese Recipe book.

The Pokemon, revived from the dead by the smell of breakfast, came out and did their various businesses, which mostly involved getting food from the forest or lake, or begging it from us humans. Artemis came back, dripping from the lake, with a stomach that bloated with the plants and bugs he’d eaten. He obviously hadn’t had enough, since he gave Ashlee a look she couldn’t resist, she gave him a slice of the toast.


“Artemis, if you feel heavier t all, you’ll be walking to Romanc” I threatened, before stuffing my mouth with a slice of the toast.


You wouldn’t do that. I don’t know you that well yet, but I do know you wouldn’t let a defenceless Pokemon alone in the wild.” He retorted, looking at me squarely in the eyes.


“I’m sure that Surskit you probably ate thinks you’re entirely defenceless.” I told him. He didn’t answer; he couldn’t come up with an answer to it. I smirked; I loved beating Artemis in a contest of wits. Me: 31, Artemis: 27.


“Do they often do this?” Ashlee asked Katrina quietly. Katrina nodded, and then jumped as Dirden landed on her shoulder. The cold would have been unexpected, I noted with amusement. It was a play of attention from Dirden, nothing more.

After breakfast, we washed the dishes and carefully put out the fire, using Artemis and Dirden. Dirden had the ability to detect heat, being an ice Pokemon, so he could tell if there were any embers still alive. The tents we packed up in half an hour, taking a while on mine because we had to evacuate a couple of Pokemon.

After we hit the road again, I was quite pleased with our time. Ashlee was being quiet, walking just behind me. Artemis was perched on my backpack, standing up and bracing himself on my head, seeing anything that could be coming up the road. Katrina was looking down as she walked, thinking. I slowed down slightly, so that I was beside Ashlee.


“You’re worried for Slasher?” I asked her quietly. She nodded, her eyes watering with kept in tears. I bit my lip, if she started crying I’d be of no help. Instead, she drew in a large breath, and seemed to cut off the conversation completely.

I sucked on my teeth, something easier than it sounds. I started wondering about what they were saying about us at the Team Flora hideout. After last night, not much good I’m guessing. Unconsciously, I started walking without a sound. I did that when I didn’t want to be heard at all. A lot of people sometimes forgot I was even there, when I made no noise.

I didn’t know much about Team Flora or Team Fauna. Their leaders were both female, which was unusual. Ivy and Syca, nobody knew anything about them past their names.


We stopped for lunch after a few hours, without even a Pidgey to break the monotony. I chewed on my sandwich absently, just thinking.

I’d finished thinking about all the Teams in the world shortly after I’d thought about what I did know of Ivy and Syca. Then I had moved onto thinking of new moves for my Polienix, or Magnetix, to use. I was currently thinking of what strategy to use on the Light Gym, when a flash of reflected light caught my attention. I looked, still chewing on my sandwich, and almost choked. Marching, right in front of me and the girls was a Coperagon!

Coperagons were native to Dictioy, but they were REALLY rare, I watched, dumbfounded, as it went to a tree and started sharpening it’s nails. The noise was horrible; I gritted my teeth and blocked my ears, when it suddenly stopped.

It had finally noticed us, and in particular, Katrina. She was standing, a poke-ball in her hand.


I blinked, and then grabbed my Pokedex. The only way Katrina could be interested in a Pokemon was if it was a-


Coperagon, the Steel Drake Pokemon. Native to Dictioy, this Pokemon is rarely seen. It is popular because of its high defences and few weaknesses. In battle, this Pokemon will scratch its claws down its belly, producing a sound that few things can ignore.

This Pokemon evolves at level 35, into Aluminagon; its current level is 11.


I looked up at the Coperagon again. It was short, and squat. A horn on its head promised pain and lots of it to any attackers. Looking at its stomach, I saw several scratches, either from itself or others of its kind. It had no wings, and was made from what looked like copper. Small holes in the side of its head seemed to serve as ears, and a small, rounded snout hid a mouth beneath it.

Its claws were sharp, from the tree it had just scratched no doubt, and its feet had just the same sort of claws.


Dirden suddenly flew from the top of Katrina’s bag and landed on the ground in front of the Coperagon with a small thud. The Coperagon bared its teeth, and Dirden did the same.


Steel – Dragon type, versus an Ice – Dragon type? I thought to myself. I thought quickly, and realised that Dirden had the definite advantage. Steel was weak to ice, and so was the dragon half. Each attack would do 4 times the damage, if it was an ice attack!


Dirden started the battle, flapping his wings at the Coperagon and with the wind, went small snowflakes that seemed to come from Dirden. The Coperagon was only just nicked by the Icy Wind, because it had moved, well, shuffled, out of the way as soon as Dirden had moved. It obviously wasn’t fast either.


“Dirden, start flying!” Katrina ordered, a Pokeball in her hand which she kept shrinking, and then making it enlarge again.

Dirden flapped his small wings, and took off, soaring above the Coperagon. I smiled, now Dirden should be safe from any attacks!


And then, as if to prove me wrong, the Coperagon raised a claw and ran it down its own stomach. I blocked my ears quickly, as did Ashlee. Artemis was just burying himself into a pile of leaves nearby.


Metal Sound.” A voice said nearby. I looked down and saw it was my Pokedex, Tetra, talking.

I glanced up again, and saw Dirden send another Icy Wind at the Coperagon. I bit my lip, they were at a stall-mate. Dirden was more agile, and the Coperagon couldn’t hurt him, but the Coperagon had fast reflexes, and moved when Dirden was about to attack. Even though it was slow, the Coperagon was still fast enough to get out of the way.


“Dirden, Powdered Snow.” I called out. I hoped I wasn’t gonna get scorched after this battle by Kat, but I had to add my two-cents worth.

In response, I got a strange look from Dirden, but he did what he was told. He opened his mouth, revealing white, and sharp, fangs, and blew out a gust of chilled air.

The Coperagon wasn’t expecting it, so it had to withstand the attack. I smiled, and leant back against the tree behind me. Powder Snow had the added effect of slowing the opponent down. Now Dirden MIGHT be able to hit the Coperagon.


In response to being hit, the Coperagon suddenly turned silver. I frowned, and watched as Katrina handled it. It looked like it was using Mirror Coat, but, it could always be using a move I didn’t know about.


“Dirden, Icy Wind! And be ready to dodge something.” Katrina called out.


Something like what?” Dirden yelled back, hovering just out of reach of the Coperagon.


“I dunno! Just be ready!”


Fine, fine.” Dirden muttered. He used Icy Wind for a third time, and was then blown back as it bounced from the Coperagon back to him. I resisted the urge to smirk, but it was hard. The Coperagon glared at Dirden, and then pointed a claw at Dirden. A blue fireball shot out, and engulfed Dirden. When Dirden was visible again, he was scorched slightly, but knocked out.

I raised an eyebrow. What was that?


Katrina had already returned Dirden, and threw Drake’s Pokeball out with a scowl. Drake appeared with a yawn, and blinked sleepily.


“Drake, Dragon Rage!” Katrina said, pointing a finger at the Coperagon.


In response, Drake yawned again, and curled up. I shook my head, and stood up, startling the Coperagon.

“Drake, come on, can you use a Dragon Rage, please?” I said, looking at him. In response, he opened an eye, and then shut it again.

I sighed. Maybe he wouldn’t listen to me. I jumped back suddenly as Drake hiccoughed, sending a blue fireball at the Coperagon. It was a perfect hit.

Katrina didn’t waste any time, she threw a Pokeball while I glared at Drake.


“That was an intentional attempt to kill me, wasn’t it?” I asked him. He flicked his tail and didn’t respond.




(Ok, this chapter has come to a close. I’m gonna be thanking people, and asking questions By the way, I like talking, so if you wanna talk to me on Messenger, my email is, so come along and have a chat!)


Whizzkid = You have no idea how much authors like getting those sort of reviews, well for the complimenting part anyway, not sure about the criticism. Anyway, do you reckon you could email me on and tell me what I’m doing wrong? I really like being told what I’m doing wrong, so come and tell me!


Kokiri Kid = *Laughs* Thanks, but in my version of the Pokemon World, Rare Candies only taste good. I don’t think they actually do anything. *Looks inquiringly at other writers* Thanks for your review though, I’m happy about it.


Angel Skykitten = *Laughs again* I’ll update as much as I can, or, bother to. I’m kinda lazy, but I’m trying my best. And for anybody else reading this, check out her fic. AAM, and really good.


Fang = Thanks, and like I just said, I’m a little lazy with writing. If there’s around a month between two chapters, just email me constantly. That should do it.


Aeroleen = Yep, I do know that Artemis is the Goddess of the Wild, but I don’t think that Artemis the Mudkip needs to know that just now, does he? And Polienixes are USUALLY female, who says that on the rare occasion that one can’t be male. But to appease you, I’ll ask Obsidian Blade.


Sierra-Falls = Thanks, I always enjoy compliments on my work. But what I enjoy even more is constructive criticism.


Other Reviewers = Thank you so much for review, I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Just keep reading otherwise I might lose interest in the story. Reviews are what compel me to continue.


Topaz Soarhire = Well, what can I say. It’s because of this Gal that I even began Beginnings of a Master. She’s the one that patiently helped me to include that evil word ‘Description’ and to make my characters believable. You have no idea how much she’s helped me improve my writing. And her fic ‘On the Wings of Council’ is THE best Pokemon fanfic by a Female Author, according to me. Thanks Tez, if I can ever repay you, I will.


And to every other Reader, if you liked my story, review and tell me, and hopefully, criticize it constructively. I live off of reviews, so tell me what you liked, hated, and want improved.


Me = Well, I have to say to myself, I’m honestly disappointed, for not updating more.


By the way, I’m back at school now, so I might not update quite as often.