YU AND MIE (Written 20th March 2008) By "A second cousin to Morty" Email: gorgsavethequeen@yahoo.com.au *** Ages: Misty - 23 years *** It was 2 o'clock in the morning when the doorbell rang. At first Misty thought she was dreaming but after two minutes of it ringing she decided that it must be real. She cursed her sisters for being on holiday, and crawled out of bed. ‘Who could be calling on Cerulean Gym at this time?’ Misty thought to herself. ‘If it's a trainer looking for a battle, I'm going to kick their ass.’ She put on her dressing gown and headed down to the front door. Her Marill's ears twitched from the sound of her feet and it blinked its eyes open. The little blue mouse hurried over to Misty and yawned. "You awake, too?" Misty knelt down and picked up the Pokemon. "Okay, you can come with me." The Cerulean Gym Leader walked over to the door, her bad mood increasing as she thought about having to set out of bed that early. She hit the lock on the automatic door and as it slipped open it revealed a man in overalls and a cap. He held a small cardboard box in his hands. "Express Package for Misty Waterflower," the man stated. "Yeh, that's me." "Sign here please," the delivery man held out a clipboard. Misty put the Marill in her arms, down and took the pen and signed the piece of paper. "Here you go." The man handed over the package. "Have a nice day." He turned around and walked away. Misty rolled her eyes as she closed the door. She made her way over to the nearest table and sat down. Her Marill jumped up on to the table and eyed the package curiously. "Well let's see what's inside, shall we." Misty used one of her finger nails to score the tape that was sealing the parcel. She opened the top and fished down into the foam packaging. There was a note, but Misty's eyes were drawn to the other part of the parcel. It was a Poke ball. Misty picked it up in her hands and noticed something about the device. Instead of having that red top half that was normal, it had a pink top with two hearts on it. The button was also shaped like a heart. It was one of Kurt's custom Love balls. Misty looked over at the note. It read: To Misty, the most beautiful flower of Cerulean City. Open the Poke ball. Misty turned over the note. There was nothing on the back. She put the Poke ball on the table a nervously pressed the button. The Poke ball opened and there was a flash of white light and Misty's expression instantly changed to a smile. "Pika-pikachu," the Pokemon called. "Aww. It's so cute." Misty looked at the thunder mouse and noticed the notch in its tail, signifying it to be female. A tear of happiness had begun to form in the corner of her eye. She already had a very good idea who it was from. Misty picked up the Pikachu and gave it a great big hug, and then she held it at arms length. She noticed that it had a letter tied around its neck. She put it down and began untying the letter. Marill, after seeing what the fuss was about, yawned and walked back to bed. Misty sat down and opened the letter to read it; her new Pikachu situated itself in her lap. She began to read the letter: Dear Misty Waterflower Happy Birthday. This is for all those birthdays I missed. I hope you like her. I'm not very good at writing letters but I needed a way to talk to you with out having to face you. I have never been very brave when it came to you and this is something that I still need time to pluck up the courage to say to in person. I have missed you more than ever. I realize that I could come to Cerulean to see you, but I keep putting it off. It is not because of you. It's because, as I said, I am a gutless coward. Not only that, I am afraid that you might have somebody else. I'm sorry for all those times I teased you. Especially about your looks. In truth you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Your beauty exceeds all others by miles. You are also one of the most caring people I have ever met. I'm trying to stop this letter from becoming something straight from a soap opera, but all the good lines have been taken. You complete me. You are the only girl for me. May knew about my feelings for you and Dawn had someone else on her mind. All the girls I have met and traveled with were not as fun as you. And I didn't feel about the same way about them as I do about you. I love you. I have wanted to say that for so long. I almost did four years ago at Cerulean Cape but we were interrupted by those two trainers and I bolted... Misty chuckled as she wiped tears from her eyes. She remember when those two trainers from New Bark Town, Gold and Kris, had interrupted her date. ... I am so sorry about that and I hope you do not hold it against me. I still don't have that same courage I had then so, please, give me some time and I will tell you myself, in person. All I can hope is that you feel the same way about me. If you don't then that would just make me feel sad and embarrassed. Again. I Love You. I LOVE YOU. I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything more to say. I'll see you around. My Love Eternal "A hooked fish" P.S. Pikachu sends his love. Misty closed the letter. Her face was wet with tears joy. She looked down at Pikachu in her lap. She had been waiting for him to say that, in any form, for almost as long as she had known him. "Come on, Piky." she said, "Let's get you settled into your new home." Misty walked back to her bedroom, her new Pikachu and its Poke ball in one hand and the letter in the other. As she came to her room she put the Love ball on her bedside table. She placed the, now sleeping, mouse Pokemon on the bed next to her. Then as she lay down she read and re-read the letter until she was about to fall asleep again. She turned her bedside light off. She rolled over and closed her eyes. As she drifted off to the land of dreams a Cresselia drifted quietly over the building, not one person seeing it. "I love you, too." "Ash Ketchum." *** So that's the end of my first Pokemon Fanfic. I hope you liked it. If possible could you review it? Note: For anyone wondering, the name of this story is a pun on the names of Pokemon, Staryu and Starmie.