thanks to everyone who reviewed...all three of you! please, ifyou read this, tell me what you think. ************************************************************************************************************* Misty burst through the trees and came upon Ash. There he was, just as she had left him, with the great big bandage wrapped around his chest. Togepi came up next to her and started crying after it saw how Ash looked. Pikachu went over to his master solemnly and maneuvered himself between his owner, and his owner's arm. Misty knelt down in front of Ash, and rustled his black hair. "Listen to me, Ash. This is going to be like old times, and you're gonna pull out of it very soon! then, when you're well enough, I'll think of some way to reward you." Ash smiled weakly and said in a voice that was barely a whisper, "Misty...I need...*cough* to some...thing. I...I-I-" whatever he was going to say wouldn't happen, since Ash went unconscious just then. Misty stared at Ash in shock, then backed away, her lower lip quivering. She glanced at Brock,who stared at Ash numbly. Brock checked Ash's pulse. He loked up at her and said, "His heart rate is going down. I thought that he would outlast all of us." Brock checked Ash's pulse again, then again. "I have no pulse" he trailed off, then, not wanting to burst out agin into hysterics, he looked at Pikachu. "Pikachu! If you want to save your master, then the time is now! Here is what you do..." Half an hour later, The helicopter from the hospital touched down. And Misty ran out to meet it. "He's through here!" She shouted over the noise of the helicopter blades, "And hurry!" Gary looked over at Pikachu and gave him the thumbs up signal. Ash's heart was beating again, thanks to Pikachu's electric cheecks, and breathing, thanks to Brock. Suddenly, they heard someone crashing through the trees, and Misty burst through the underbrush, followed by seven white-clad emergency workers. One immediately clamped an oxygen mak over Ash's face, while the others went to work on Ash. The leader asked Brockwhat happened, "Well, he was stung by a Beedrill, both stingers, and was thrown by them up against this tree. I gave him three antidotes and a super potion that we bought from the last town's Pokemon Mart. He stopped breathing and his heart stopped pumping shortly after, but with me and Pikachu here, we were able to keep him alive." One of the EMT's radios squawked, and he talked into it, then listened. He shouted to the lead EMT, "The chopper says that there's a clearing two hundred yards from where we are now!" "Then tell him to meet us there!" Gary pulled at the leader's sleeve, "Sir! Is there room in the chopper for a passenger?" he asked. The EMT looked at him and said, "Yeah, but you better hurry!" They heard the choper pass overhead and they strapped Ash onto a stretcher and ran for the clearing. Gary, Brock,and Misty followed, running as fast as they could. "GO GO GO GO GO!" shouted the EMT, as the other EMTs piled in, and put Ash in the chopper. He came over to Gary, "Son, if you're going, the time is now!" Gary looked over at him and shouted, "I'm not going! She is!" he pointed over at Misty. Misty looked at him in shock for an instant, then picked up Pikachu and Togepi and gave Gary a hug. The EMT pulled her away and into the chopper. It started lifting off as soon as Misty was all the way in. Gary stepped back and threw up an arm over his eyes, blocking the sand tha tried to get into his eyes. Agry looked up at the quickly receding helicopter until it was out of view, then turned to Brock, "Hey man, listen, pack up the camp, I'll help you! Then my Espeon will teleport us to the hospital, along with our stuff." Misty looked out the window numbly, then forced herself to look at Ash, and she felt terrible. If he didn't pull out of it, what would she do? She wouldn't want to go on with Brock. Ash was like the glue that had kept their group together, and without him, it seemed like there was no reason toeven continue her Pokemon journey. one of the EMTs saw her looking at Ash and said, "He your boyfriend?" Misty blushed and diverted her gaze from Ash to the EMT, and replied, "Um, no...but I was hoping that he wanted the job. Sometimes he's so dense that I'm not sure that I like him any more, but I never think that more than a day, if that.I love him, if that's what you mean." The chopper pilot said, "That adrenalin should kick in anytime now, so cross your fingers and pray. I'm pushing this chopper to the limits, and I don't know how long it'll last. Luckily, we don't have to go all the wayto Celadon Hospital, since there's no hospital really that we would trust for htis stuff in Viridian, but in Pewter, they have a poison control center, so we're in luck." Ash had been unconscious, but he pulled out of it long enough to hear the EMT's question to Misty, and Misty's answer. His blood ran cold. Misty loved him? How was that possible? She was always putting him down, always hitting him with that stupid mallet of hers. The voices had brought consciousness, the thinking had brought pain, and pain not only in his chest, but in his head. Excruciating pain. He screamed, and the echo of that scream rang around in the Helicopter, and it could be heard loudly over the helicopter's blades. "My head," he moaned, "My head hurts, right in the back." Ash saw the EMT stiffen, and turn to the pilot quickly and shout out, "CAN YOU MAKE THIS BUCKET OF BOLTS GO ANY FASTER? HE HAS A LARGER DOSE OF POISON THAN I THOUGHT!!!!" The pillot, not taking his eyers off his instruments and the terrain ahead said, "Listen, I'm close to redlining it now, I've never pushed it any further, so I don't know. It could go maybe ten miles an hour more, maybe fifteen. But that's it." The first EMT shot back, "Red line it to the max or we'll lose him, now go as fast as this bucket of bolts can possibly go! Let the mechanics worry about the loose parts!" The pilot nodded, and Ash felt the stretcher start to roll back as the whirlybird accelerated, but an EMT caught it, and pushed it back into place. Misty looked over the EMT's shoulder and saw the pulse speeding up, breathing rate slowing down. The EMT frowned, balled his fist and punched the monitor, but then looked at Ash, his breathing was indeed going down, and at an alarming rate. THe EMT took Ash's pulse, then dialed back the adrenalin rate. Ash forced his eyes open, and his eyes and opened his mouth to say those four words that he had wanted to say for quite a while (Misty, I love you), but then, before he could say a word, he went into convulsions, and green and red splotches appeared in his vision. Then, mercifully, everything went back and he could feel nothing, as he slipped back into unconsciousness. Misty watched as he went unconscious, and the convulsions, but they still continued but was slightly less violent. What if he died, what had he tried to say those two times? Would she ever know? What would happen if she never got to tell him how she felt. The EMT felt the helicopter settling down, but by the time that it was three feet off the ground, he had kicked the door and his entire team, save one person and the girl were on the ground. as soon as the helicopter touched the ground, the stretcher was being lifted through the doorway. As soon as it was on the ground, the lead EMT grabbed the kid's Pokeballs, and handed them to the girl. "Here, take these, the name is Ron Stevens, no time to chat. Don't worry, I'll check up on him. He'll have the finest care. He'll be fine...don't worry." Despite what he had said, Ron had very large and nagging doubts as to the boy's well being and future, mostly his future though, or probable lack of one. What if the kid passed away. What would happen to his Pokemon. What would happen to one of Kanto's most respected Pokemon Masters? What if... Misty was crying, she wasn't trying to hide it. She was off in a corner of the poison center's main waiting room. She had her knees pulled up to her face with her arms wrapped around them and was sobbing into them uncontrollably. Pikachu sagged limply against her, as if not believing what was going on. Ash's other Pokemon were all around her, and Togepi was trying to comfort her, and hugged her as much as its little arms could manage. The same nagging thoughts were going through her mind over and over...What would happen if Ash died? How would she be able to have that wedding that she had planned out to perfection, or how could they find just the right house in the perfect little city? What if she never got to do those things, what if all the other things that she had been planning to do with Ash, hiking through the mountains seperating Pewter City and Cerulean City instead of going underneath them through Mount Moon, Going on rides through the waves on her water Pokemon in the moonlight, What if, what if what if... ************************************************************************************************************* What is going to happen to Ash? Will he pull out of it? What will happen to the gang if he doesn't? There has to be SOME cure, right? Find out next time on Digimon, Digital Mon-no, wait, wrong epilogue...:)