- Part 1 - I had to run in and tell Tony, before I was outta the mob. I ran as fast as I could, but I tripped over a box of pokeballs in the wharehouse. The scattered everywhere, "Goddammit!" I yelled, I picked one up and threw it at that dumbass grimer, but it didn't hurt it. It just well, went inside. I didn't quite know what happend there, all I knew was I had to tell Tony. But, it was too late. A dozen coppers banged the door down, "We have you surrounded, come out with your hands up!" (Geeze, why do they always say that). Anyway, for some reason the grimer popped out of it's ball thingy. I looked over, stunned. For some reason it seemed like it was trying to protect me, but why? Then I remembered some show on Oprah, "pokemon, are peoples best friends. When you catch them with a pokeball, they become loyal to you and will battle on behalf of you". I just thought that was some advertising shit and it wasn't anything to do with me. Another flashback screened inside my head, it was a show about pokemon tornaments and how the winners earned money. Eh eh eh, I could become really rich outta this. And the best part is i'll also be famous and i'll have this cool Manhatton penthouse. Yes this was looking really good. I gave Tony a glance, he gave me the 'make up a stupid but believable story' hand gesture. "How 'bout a drink", I hastily replied. But they saw through that like grandma's underpants. "Cram it ma'am, we know about the stolen shipment of counterfeit pokeballs", the megaphoned words echoed around in my head. I was stuck, "uh", I uttered "Go Grimer". I looked at Tony and shrugged my shoulders. Grimer suddenly spat all of this sludge crap in their faces, "cool", I said with a hint of surprisedness about me. (But did I mention, that this is MY story and I can say what I want comes next, regardless of what should happen?). Anyway they run out screaming like little sissy boys and me and Tony practice our 'evil mafia mobster laughs'. "Bwa hahahaha, bwahahahahaha" (x1466 times). Tony pats me on the back, a job well done. Then he mentions how, I should be the leader of the mafia, and how he's gonna give me a whole lot of money and equipment (and favours) to start my mafia/pokemon journey. I think that's fair since I did save his ass. He also explains that the mafia technically ownes everything anyway, NASA, McDonalds, Target, Microsoft, Eminem, Channell 4, but they don't actually have a gym leader or a master, yet.