James P.O.V "I'm sorry Colleen we can never be together I love Jesse to be totally honest I thought you were her that's why I kissed you because you remind me of her I'm sorry I used you but please could you help me find Jesse?" "Sorry James, I can't I have to head back to camp" "Ok, well I'll see you soon" "Bye James" James was starting to feel weak and decided to go back to camp maybe jesse would be there, he wanted to tell her what he felt about her but how would her tell her maybe meowth would know what to do. James arrived at camp and saw Jessie fast asleep in a sleeping bag but meowth was sat by the fire. "Meowth I need to talk to you" "What is it Jimmy?" "Well I don't know how to say this but I met this girl tonight and she looked just like Jesse and I thought it was her until I kissed her! She didn't make me feel the way that Jessie does and I love her but I don't know how to tell her" "James?" "Jesse your awake?" "Yes James" she turned around to face James he could see the hurt in Jessie's eyes. "James I saw you kiss that girl and and it killed me inside you know I'm not good on feelings and you know why but what I did tonight before I left felt so right and you made it feel so wrong. I love you James ever since we've been battling together and to be honest I didn't think you loved me I saw you with that girl and I thought she was your partner. As in your girlfriend what was I supposed to think James?" James knelt down to jesse and lifted her head up to look into her Sapphire eyes. "My Jesse my only love my one and only rose" James moved closer to her and kissed her they both felt like they had just flown to a better place James forced his tounge between her lips and into her mouth Jesse returned the gesture as their both tounges danced in harmony with each other Jessie broke the kiss and hugged James. "Don't ever leave me James I love you." "I love you too Jesse and this is for you a rose for my love" James knelt down on one knee and gave Jesse a rose shaped ring. "Jessie I know we're too young to get married yet but I want you to promise me that one day we'll get married" "Oh James of course" End of chapter 4