POKEMON Golden Sun Series Aspendragon Jmcd23@peoplepc.com Part One-A Rough Beginning Other Trainers Summary of Golden Sun Series A ten-year-old girl named Coco Tradet(Co-co Trade-et), wishes to become the World’s Greatest Pokemon Master, sound familiar. She ends up later on getting a pokemon of her own, than follows the path of the late pokemon master,(She doesn’t realize it). But what happens when she finds out what her friends and family depend on her to to. Read and find out. Rated PG-E, for Everyone! *Pokemon Theme* “Mom! pplleeaassee!” Coco moaned, a ten-year-old girl with(manga) chocolate brown eyes and baby green hair. “For the last time, NO!” Coco’s mother yelled, Caroline, she was frying eggs on the stove. “What’s all the racket?” Coco’s father asked, Dawn, as he joyfully strolled into the kitchen and faced Coco and Caroline, Coco spoke first. “All my friends are leaving for their pokemon journey and mom won’t let me go,” Coco explained, Dawn smiled. “Your ten already?” Dawn joked, Coco nodded, “oh come on Carol, let the girl explore,” Coco smiled. “Have you not been listening to the news!?!” Caroline asked angerily, Dawn and Coco shook their heads, “Team Rocket is out there, and I’m not letting my baby go out there and be robbed!” Caroline roared. “But there’s good things out there too, like making friends, capturing pokemon-“ Dawn explained. “-and making friends with the captured pokemon,” Coco finished, Dawn beamed at his daughter, Caroline sighed. “I remember when I turned ten, my first pokemon was Charcoal, you know, my charizard, but he was a charmander back then,” Dawn explained, Coco smiled, she liked Charcoal and all of Dawn’s other pokemon. “That was than and this is now, Team Rocket wasn’t this powerful before, they have more advanced weapons now!” Caroline said. “How do you know that?” Dawn asked, five minutes passed until both parents started panting, gasping for breath. “Ok, ok, she may go!” Caroline roared, she put the eggs on a plate hard and acciendently burn burnt the toast, dawn said he would buy her supplies than ran out the door. Coco decided to go to her room and look up a pokemon she might want. “No, no, no, no, oh!” Coco yelped, she scrolled onto a small, yellow mouse called Pikachu, “that’s the pokemon I want,”. Coco ran over to her money safe, it was small, but strong. Besides her money she kept in her safe, but a red and white poke’ball, she pushed the buttons ‘3, 6, 1, 4’ and the safe opened, Coco took out the poke’ball, it was in it’s minimized form, it was quite dusty, she found it two years ago in the National Park beyond Goldenrod City when she and her parents were on spring break. “I’m going to catch a pokemon!” Coco whispered loudly, “but first, I must pack, and get ready for tommorrow,”. Coco grabbed her small, blue vest and put a pair of jeans, a yellow shirt, and a blue vest in the large compartment, in the sidepockets, Coco placed a brush, a yellow ribbon, bathing suit, her CD Player, and her CD ‘Pocket Monsters’, than she put the ‘The Book of Berries,’, ‘Pokemon 1-300’, and a book full of coupons, reguardless of which stores they should be bought at, last but not least, Coco put all her money, (she counted $3000) in her wallet which she shoved into the clothes compartment. “Phew, done, now to catch me a pikachu,” Coco said as she put the poke’gear around her neck, “oh yeah, don’t want to forget this,” Coco said, picking up her poke’ball, she placed it next to her backpack. Coco went through the internet, looking for pikachu areas. “Hmmmm, alright!” Coco yelped, a pikachu nest was on Route 1, just outside her hometown, Pallet Town! “Hey! Mom, I’ll be back, I’m going out for a while!” Coco yelled as she ran out the door, her mother stared after and shook her head. “Hi Coco!” a young women greeted, Coco turned around, it was May Oak. “Hello May, how are you and Sugarpaw?” Coco asked, May said she and her baby meowth were fine. “Well, I gotta a go, if I’m gone past eight, tell my mom and dad that I’ll be back soon,” and with that, Coco ran off. May stared after her. “Maybe, just maybe, she could find him,” she muttered, catching a glimpse of Coco’s poke’ball clutched in her hand, than she ran to her grandpa’s. Four hours later… “Still, not a single pokemon,” Coco growled, that’s when she heard a rustle in the bushes next to her, “huh!” she mumbled as she gently seperated the bushes, there she saw a badly wounded pikachu, it looked to be a four-week-old pikachu. “Hey, little gal, what in the world happened to you?” she asked as she took off her vest and wrapped it around the pikachu and then searched her poke’gear for the nearest town. “We’re going to have to go to Viridian,” Coco muttered, staring at the pikachu, “let’s both hope that you’ll hold out that long,” she said tearfully to the fainted pokemon, than she ran as fast as her legs would carry her to Veridian. To be continued… *Pokemon Theme* Don’t you like a cliffhanger? What’s going to happen to the baby pikachu? It’s for me to know and for you to find out, read part two and you’ll see!