POKEMON Golden Sun Series Aspendragon Part Thirteen-The Scarred Sacrifice *Pokemon Theme* “Come on Squally!” Coco teased, Bayline started laughing as Squall turned red around his cheeks. “My name is Squall, not Squally!” he snapped, Coco hushed him quickly as they were right outside the cave’s entrance. “Um, Bayline…” Coco mumbled, she was playing with her fingers, “why don’t you release Blossom and she could lead us through the cave,” Bayline nodded. Not noticing her relieved sigh. “Something wrong Coco?” Squall joked, she glared at him. “No! Nothing’s wrong!” she answered, releasing Firestorm, her new charmeleon. Firestorm looked around for the opponent but Coco explained that they were entering Mt.Moon and would need all the light they could get. Squall let out a chuckle. “What’s sooooo funny?” Coco asked angrily, he sweatdropped, as he said nothing. “Clefairy!” Blossom cried as the white light vanished. Blossom was Bayline’s new pokemon. “Hi there sweet Blossom,” Bayline cooed, “can you lead us through Mt.Moon?” Blossom nodded and headed inside, quickly followed by the others. “It’s so dark,” Coco mumbled to Peppermint, who felt uneasy in the dark. “Pi,” she squealed. Even with Firestorm’s flame, it was still dark enough to see where they were going. Thank goodness they had Blossom! “Clefairy!” Blossom cried, waiting for the others, who were mostly feeling their way towards her. “Blossom said that we should be at the end of the cave when the sun sets,” Bayline translated, a shiver went down Coco’s and Peppermint’s spines. “Is there any way we can make it before then?” Coco asked, Squall snorted, trying to keep his laughter inside. Peppermint caught him and shocked him. “Geez, don’t get worked up!” he shouted at her, she cocked her head at him. “It’s real hard to stay mad at you!” Squall growled as Peppermint gave him baby eyes and stuck her lower lip out. Bayline and Coco giggled a little till Blossom decided to keep going. “Clefairy!” she cried out to them, they looked back at her, Firestorm growled. “What is it?” Bayline asked them, they both ran straight ahead. The three trainers followed Firestorm’s flame. “Wait-” Coco started to yell but stopped quickly as she heard another voice. “Did you find it yet?” a deep, male voice asked. “No, those wretched fairies hid that stone quite well, along with themselves,” a sharp, female voice explained. “Keep searching,” the male ordered. As the trainers grew closer, they heard people at work with what sounded like pick axes hitting the ground. “Firestorm!” Coco whispered loudly. Bayline did the same for Blossom. “Char,” Firestorm growled, they found her flame behind a boulder four feet away. Firestorm wasn’t looking at them when she growled, in fact, she was staring at something else. The y looked around their boulder. A nidoking was strapped to a boulder not far away. He had many scars on his rough skin. Coco guessed out loud that they probably used white-hot wires to get through his skin. Squall growled. The nidoking appeared to be conscious, his eyes were half-open from weakness. Several black uniformed man and women were standing around, some holding whips, others digging. It was obviously Team Rocket. “Shrew!” a high pitched voice cried. Everyone looked up. A sandshrew jumped off a rocky ledge from above and landed in the Rocket area. “Another one!” someone shouted, one of the Rocket’s that were holding a whip tried to lash the small shrew with it. The sandshrew dodged it, missing it by a hair. Coco took out Dexter. “Sandshrew the ground mouse pokemon, “Dexter beeped, “This pokemon burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food,” Coco quickly put Dexter away as the battle grew rougher. “Spunky huh?” the Rocket with the whip said, throwing a poke’ball. “GO! EKANS!” “Ekans!” the purple snake hissed. Coco took out Dexter again. “Ekans, the poison snake pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “This pokemon moves silently and stealthy. Eats the eggs of birds such as Pidgey and Spearow whole,” Coco pointed the sensor at the nidoking. “Nidoking, the poison/ground pokemon” Dexter began again “This pokemon uses it’s powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey’s bones.” Coco then put the poke’dex away. “Shrew!” the sandshrew cried, as it tackled the ekans, Ekans countered with Wrap. The sandshrew was squeezed till swirls took the place of its eyes. “Throw it over there Ekans,” the rocket commanded, the snake threw the sandshrew in a corner, where several other pokemon were, Rockets there put the sandshrew in a cage that had room for one. The sandshrew awoken and started pounding into the bars like the other pokemon have done. But failed. “Grr,” Squall growled, Coco told him to keep quiet. She was thinking hard. Ambushing them wasn’t good, they were easily outnumbered, even if they released all the pokemon of theirs. Fighting head-on wasn’t smart either. With whips that could go through nidoking hide, it could make a big blood loss to them if they were hit. Especially with pick axes. “I know!” Coco yelped. Firestorm and Blossom, who just noticed them, stood staring. “Stay here!” Coco said as she ran out from behind the boulder. “Stop this nightmare now!” Coco shouted at the top of her lungs. Everyone stopped and stared at her. Peppermint growled, baring her teeth as she stood on Coco’s shoulder. The Rockets stared. Then they all started laughing. “What are you going to do, throw a stone at me!” a female Rocket with curly red hair and dark green eyes laughed. “No!” Coco shouted, Peppermint jumped to the ground. “I’ll use one Thundershock on all of you!” Bayline looked at Squall. “I think she’s trying to set up a diversion,” she guessed. “You could be right, hey, Firestorm, Blossom, go over to the nidoking while the rockets are distracted, you know what to do,” Squall said quickly, as he led Bayline the opposite way. “Peppermint! Thundershock!” Coco commanded. “My navigator tells me your mouse is only at level 13, it won’t stand a chance against my level 20 ekans!” the female Rocket shouted. “I! Michelle, Rocket Executive shall use full force on you!” the female Rocket, commanding Ekans to use Wrap. “Pika!” Peppermint cried, hitting the snake pokemon with an electrical attack. With a few, small burns, the ekans continued towards her. “Dodge it!” Coco shouted, Peppermint jumped on the ekans head and missed the attack by jumping from its head to tail then to the ground. “Good job girl! Now use Thundershock again!” “Pikaaaachhhuuu!” Peppermint flew everything into the Thundershock and shocked the ekans to a crisp. “We’re not done yet!” Michelle shouted, she was about to return the ekans when rocks came tumbling down. “Nido!” everyone looked up to see the scarred nidoking ragefully using Rock Throw. Squall, Bayline, and Firestorm and Blossom stood next to him. “Always carry a Super Potion!” Squall yelled, “Cause you never know when your going to need it!” Coco smiled. “Good thinking! Now! Help us out down here!” she yelled, they nodded, and everyone came down to battle. “Go! Fruity and Granite!” Squall shouted, Coco and Peppermint looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Sand!” the sandshrew that tried to battle Team Rocket earlier cried. “When we released all the pokemon in the cages, this little guy asked to come along,” Squall explained, giving Coco a thumbs up. Nidoking growled deeply to the Rockets. The Rockets grinned. They all released their pokemon. “Go! Honey! You too Jenta!” Bayline shouted, releasing her eevee and metopod. “Why send out Jenta?” Squall asked. “She needs some experience, besides, who could go through her Harden?” she asked, Squall glanced at the whips. “Honey and Blossom are back up!” she said quickly. “Firestorm! Flamethrower! Peppermint! Thundershock!” Coco commanded her two pokemon. The two pokemon charged their special attacks at some Rocket pokemon, such as Koffing, Ekans, Meowths, and Spearows. “Granite! Scratch! Fruity! Razor Leaf!” Squall commanded his two pokemon. Granite started scratching his opponents, one by one in the face. Fruity Razor Leaf cut through some medium sized rocks, slicing the tops off. Some of the attacking pokemon backed down instantly. “Honey! Tackle! Jenta! Harden!” Bayline cried, Honey swiftly dodged a few Wrap attacks and Peck attacks, than she tackled forcefully in pokemon faces. Jenta quickly Hardened as a couple of ekans decided to make her lunch. The ekans, unable to sqeeze the breath out of her, hissed away from her. “Niiiidddddooooooo!” The Nidoking cried, as he jumped into battle and fainted many of the pokemon by swinging his tail in all directions. He even got a few Rockets out too. “Clefairy,” Blossom whispered, as she ignored the battles and stared at a low, rocky edge. “Clefairy clefairy clefairy,” some other clefairies chanted, everyone went quiet to hear what was going on. Rows and rows of clefairy lined up against the rocky ledge, staring angrily at the Rockets, pokemon, and the trio. They began waving their fingers back and fourth. They began to glow blue. “Metromone! Who knows what’ll happen!” Coco shouted to their pokemon and to her friends. Bayline and Squall nodded and returned their pokemon and ran up to Nidoking. Coco did the same, except she then shooed all the Rocket pokemon away to safety in small dens, holes, or behind rocks while the Rockets were transfixed to the clefairies moving fingers. Coco grabbed a hypnotized Peppermint and ran to Nidoking, just in time to see the clefairies attack. Hyper Beam. “Let’s get out of here!” they heard Rockets shout. Nidoking shoved the trio the opposite way towards the faraway exit of Mt.Moon, while Rockets ran out of the way they came. “Nido!” Nidoking shot his own Hyper Beam to prevent the cleafiries Hyper Beam from hitting, Squall, Coco, Bayline, and Peppermint. “Run!” Bayline shouted, “I see the exit over there!” she pointed to a lit half circle that was as high as Squall. Coco (With Peppermint on her shoulder), and Bayline, started running towards the exit, leaping over rocks and squeezing through small areas. “I’ll meet you there!” Squall shouted at them. “Come on Nidoking, as soon as I run, you can go too!” he shouted over the crash of the two attacks. “Nido!” Nidoking growled, the clefairies weren’t weakening, it was possible that if the Hyper Beam didn’t hit something. It could reach the end of the tunnel. Squall looked around. All the pokemon, including the Rocket pokemon, scattered towards exits of the mountain. When the last of them all escaped, the nidoking turned to Squall. As if telling him to run too. “But…” he looked at the orange blasts of power. The clefairies were weakening Nidoking’s Hyper Beam. “King!” he growled again. Squall nodded slowly and took off towards the exit Bayline and Coco took. They were waiting for him at the end of the mountain. “Come on Squall!” they yelled at him. “Pika pi!” Peppermint squealed. The ground beneath Squall began to split, he turned around. Nidoking fainted, the Hyper Beam hit the ground. “Nidoking!” he shouted, the pokemon didn’t flinch. “Squall!” Coco yelled. Squall looked at Coco’s stretched out arm. He jumped and grabbed it, he banged into the dirt wall. Bayline and Peppermint helped Coco pull him up. “Thanks, but what about Nidoking?” he asked them. They stared back into the collapsing cave. He looked in, a large crack was where the nidoking was before. “Nidoking!” he shouted, Coco pulled him up to his feet and Bayline and Coco pulled him away at a run as the exit was covered in boulders and rocks. “He’ll be fine Squall!” Bayline shouted at him, she had a hint of misery in her voice. CRASH! They stopped and turned around. The entrance back into the mountain was gone. The mountain now looked like a rock pile. “He couldn’t have survived that,” Squall muttered under his breath. Coco suggested to keep on moving, just in case if Team Rocket’s still around. “What about the pokemon? They adapted to the darkness, it’ll be hard to adapt outside for them,” Bayline said. “They’ll survive…somehow…” Squall whispered, as he started walking the rest of the way towards Cerulean City. “Cerulean City is just beyond that forest,” Coco answered, looking at the map she stole from Squall’s back pocket. It didn’t seem he noticed as he continued walking. Coco looked at Bayline, she looked back. “We’re here!” Bayline shouted. Coco and Peppermint raced up to Bayline. Squall walked his normal speed up to them. A smile creeped up on him. “Finally,” he said. “Race ya!” Coco shouted, running down towards the blue and white city. “Come on Squall!” Bayline shouted, running after Coco and Peppermint. Squall looked behind him, looking back at the mountain. “Good-bye friend,” he whispered, before taking off after his friends. Back at Mt.Moon “Ekans,” an ekans hissed, all the pokemon that escaped looked at their ruined home. “Kiiiiiinnnngggg,” everyone looked to the left. A large boulder moved to the side as a scarred nidoking arose from the rubble. He was dirty from head to claw, but he was fine. “Nidoking?” (What do you say on renovating our home?) He asked them, they all squealed in delight as they began their tiring work. *Pokemon Theme* To be continued…