POKEMON Golden Sun Series Aspendragon Part Fourteen-Water Victories! “Here you are,” Nurse Joy said, putting a tray down in front of our heroes, Coco Tradet, Squall Togoroti, and Bayline Silverson. “Thank you,” they said together, as Coco grabbed Firestorm’s ball first than picking up her pikachu, Peppermint, who was sitting on the tray, eating an apple. Squall picked up Fruity’s poke’ball, along with his new pokemon, Granite, a sandshrew. Bayline picked up her pokemons’ poke’balls too. There was Honey the eevee, Jenta the metopod, and Blossom the clefairy. “Pika!” Peppermint squealed as she finished her apple and handed it to Coco before jumping onto her shoulder. “Ugh! Thanks,” Coco said with disgust, throwing the apple away in a nearby trash bin. Peppermint giggled. “Come on, I’m starving!” Bayline cried, as she pointed towards the buffet, to their left. Coco spotted a few trainers at the buffet. “All right, come on Pep!” Coco shouted, running towards a girl trainer, she had blonde hair in a boyish haircut, complete with light green eyes and light skin. She was wearing jean shorts, a T-shirt with a muk on it, with black, finger-cut gloves, and brown, cowboy-like boots. “Excuse me!” Coco yelled, the girl turned around. “Hi, do you want to battle?” Coco asked as she stopped in front of her. The girl cocked her head to the side. “Sure, why not in the front of the Pokemon Center?” Coco nodded, Bayline and Squall sighed. “This will be a two-on-two battle!” Squall began, “When both pokemon are unable to battle! The opponent wins! BEGAN!” The girl threw a poke’ball first. “Go! Sassy!” she shouted. A meowth appeared. “Cool, but your pokemon won’t be cool for long with this pokemon! Go! Firestorm!” Coco yelled, releasing her charmeleon. “Char!” she growled as the white light vanished. “Sassy! Scratch attack!” Sassy the meowth drew out her claws and began running towards the charmeleon. “Dodge it!” Firestorm jumped high to dodge the fury of the cat pokemon’s claws. She landed behind Sassy. “Use Ember!” Coco commanded. Firestorm took a deep breath before spinning an around, but not like when she was a charmander. As she spun, she stood on one foot, her tail freely spinning. More embers escaped from her tail, also, they were larger. “Oh no!” the girl screamed as Sassy was engulfed in several flames. When the fire cleared, Sassy was limped her way towards Firestorm. Coco saw the girl bite her lip. “Finish it off with your Flamethrower!” Coco ordered. Firestorm nodded and lunged her head forward, releasing a blast of red and yellow flames. The meowth fainted as soon as the flames hit her. The girl returned Sassy to her ball when the smoke cleared. “Good job girl” Coco shouted at her charmeleon. “Char!” she called back. “Go! Squirt!” the girl yelled, releasing another pokemon. “Squirtle!” a blue turtle cried. Coco took out Dexter. “Squirtle, the Water, Tiny Turtle Pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerful sprays foam from its mouth,” Coco put Dexter away. “Be careful Firestorm!” Coco shouted to her pokemon. Firestorm nodded, then went back to staring at her opponent. “Resume the battle!” Squall shouted, by now, many people and trainers began to watch the battle from the sidelines. “Firestorm! Tackle!” Firestorm ran towards the turtle pokemon, lowering her head. “Don’t fight head-to-head combat with a water pokemon!” Squall yelled at Coco. Coco smiled as the girl commanded Squirt to use Water Gun. “Use your Flamethrower to fly!” Coco shouted. Everyone gasped. Firestorm blew her attack at the ground, pushing her into the air, higher and higher, until she thought being above the trees was high enough. Squirt’s Water Gun missed by much. “Use Flamethrower!” Coco yelled, Firestorm released her fiery blast at the squirtle. The squirtle went into his shell. The blast hit him forcefully. Firestorm crashed into a few trees below. Squirt poked his head out of his shell, finding no Firestorm, he got up. “Firestorm! Tackle!” Coco commanded, thinking that Firestorm’s fine. A few trees bent out of the way as Firestorm rampaged through the woods and onto the field, she tackled Squirt into a fat oak behind him. His eyes were swirls as he hit the ground after sliding off the tree. “Squirt is unable to battle! This battle goes to Coco!” Squall shouted, people clapped as Coco and Peppermint ran to Firestorm, while the girl returned her squirtle and ran quickly into the Pokemon Center unnoticed. “Gee, I hope I wasn’t hard on her,” Coco said to herself as she returned Firestorm and Bayline and Squall joined her. “The Cerulean Gym is right around the corner!” Bayline shouted, after Squall told her as he looked down at his map. They were walking down the road from the Pokemon Center. The girl Coco battled was Amee Zoezeet, a trainer from Saffron, from what Nurse Joy told them. After getting Firestorm healed again and eating some food, they were ready to do some battling. “I can’t wait to see what the gym leader is like,” Coco wondered aloud. “I’m Misty! The most beautiful and talented of the Cerulean Gym Leaders!” The redheaded girl shouted, she was in a two piece swimming suit. Her hair was in a ponyta-tail at the side of her head. From Squall’s opinion. All redheads were loud mouths and were certainly not pretty. Bayline and Coco giggled at the thought of Misty hearing that. “This will be a two-on-two battle! When both pokemon are unable to battle the opponent wins! BEGAN!” The referee shouted. Misty’s sisters, Lily, Violot, and Daisy yawned as they watched from the high seats above the swimming pool. “All right! I choose Peppermint!” Coco shouted, as Peppermint jumped onto a floating platform on the swimming pool. “Pikachu eh! Go! Staryu!” Misty yelled. A star-like pokemon emerged from the ball. Coco pulled out Dexter. “Staryu, the water, seastar pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “An enigmatic POKEMON that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage lost in battle, its jewel also comes in the shades of seven colors,” Coco put Dexter into her back pocket as Squall spoke. “Trust a girl to show off her jewelry,” Squall said loudly. Misty seemed to be steaming when her face turned red. “Oh! How cute! I have to get a staryu for myself!” Bayline said. Misty calmed a little, but when Squall laughed a bit, she exploded again. “Be quiet and let’s began this battle!” Misty snapped, “STARYU! TACKLE!” Staryu started spinning as it lunged at Peppermint. “Dodge it!” Coco shouted, Peppermint jumped with the help of her tail. Her tail was like a spring, just that it didn’t wind up. “Chu!” Peppermint squealed as she landed behind Staryu. “Thundershock!” Coco ordered. Peppermint sent a electric bolt at Staryu. Not being quick enough, Staryu was hit directly. Blink, blink, blink…the jewel on Staryu dinged. Then it went out. “Return Staryu!” Misty yelled out. Lily began walking down the stairs after having a little pep talk with Violot and Daisy and sat down on the bench on the sidelines. “You did a good job,” Misty said to Staryu’s ball, then she got out another one, “GO! GOLDEEN!” An orange and white gold fish-like pokemon appeared, once again, Coco got out Dexter. “Goldeen, the Water, goldfish pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “It’s tail fin billows like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Queen,” Coco put Dexter away, she trusted Peppermint to finish this pokemon off too. “Goldeen! Tackle all the platforms out of the water!” Misty shouted. Goldeen swam at an incredible speed towards the nearest platform. She tackled it out of the water. The referee had to run sideways to dodge it. After tackling two more out of the arena, Goldeen went after Peppermint’s platform. “Thundershock!” Coco commanded. Peppermint threw out a thundershock towards Goldeen’s head. Unfortunately, the horn started to spin fast, making the thundershock go in different directions. “Pika!” Peppermint cried as Goldeen hit the platform, making Peppermint fly forwards and land in the water behind Goldeen. “Goldeen! Use Horn Drill!” Misty shouted. Goldeen swam towards Peppermint, her horn spinning faster then before. “Grrr!” Coco growled. Thinking of a counter attack. But electrical attacks didn’t work head-on…her eyes widened. “Peppermint! Thundershock from where you are!” Peppermint panted as she nodded and sparked. The whole pool was a lightning blaze when Peppermint released her attack. Coco kept her eyes closed, along with everybody else. “Chu,” Peppermint squealed as the light vanished and she swam towards the edge. Goldeen was floating upside-down. Obviously defeated. “This battle goes to Coco Tradet!” The refree shouted, raising his blue flag. Coco ran to Peppermint when she found her shaking loose water off her. “All right girl?” Coco asked, Peppermint nodded, happy to be in safe arms and not in the water. She started shaking. The referee handed Coco a dry towel. “Thanks,” Coco said, as she quickly started drying her pikachu. Peppermint snuggled up in the towel as Coco wrapped it around her. Lily walked up to Misty. “I’ll battle next, and Daisy volunteered,” Lily told her. Misty nodded as she sat down on the sidelines bench. Coco walked briskly towards her. Misty looked up as Coco sat down. “I think we got off at a wrong start,” Coco explained, Bayline walked onto the right side of the field, as Lily went to the left. The referee yelled began. “I’m Coco Tradet, from Pallet Town, and this is Peppermint,” Coco said, lifting her hand. Peppermint smiled as she cocked her head to the right. Misty giggled. “I’m Misty Waterflower, the fourth sister of the Cerulean Gym, my bragging terms were explained clearly at the beginning of the battle,” Misty giggled, as she shook Coco’s hand. Coco looked at the battle pool as Bayline sent out Honey. “GO! PSYDUCK!” Lily yelled, a yellow, short duck with a wide beak and a tuff of black hair on its head. Coco pulled out her poke’dex. “Psyduck, the water/psychic duck pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily POKEMON will use psychokinetic powers,” Misty laughed out loud as Coco put Dexter away. “That psyduck is mine, but, I made a deal with Lily, I told her, if she could train that pokemon, then I would get a Water Stone for her,” Misty explained. Water Stone was an evolution stone, used to evolve certain water pokemon. “Did you get one?” Coco asked, Misty nodded. “Bill lives in a lighthouse in the Cerulean Cape north of here with his grandfather,” Misty explained, Bayline ordered Honey to use Swimming Tackle. “His grandfather used to travel the world before deciding to stay at his grandson’s because of his age, so now, all he has is a bunch of stuff, he doesn’t give it out for free mind you,” Coco asked what kind of things or money did he as for. “He doesn’t ask for money, he asks to see rare pokemon, like, I got a Water Stone from him by showing him my staryu,” Misty said. Lily told Psyduck to dodge it and use Confusion. “Awesome, she trained Psyduck well,” Misty complimented, as Honey was swiftly lifted off the ground and at the wall. But quickly stopped as Honey grabbed the side of the pool. Gripping tightly till Psyduck’s Confusion wore off. “Where did you stash the stone?” Coco asked. Misty said in her room. “Our house is behind the gym. There are four rooms, for four sisters,” Misty said with a giggle, “The first one you see with a seadra is Daisy’s, the door with a dewgong is Violot’s, Lily’s door has a seaking on it, and mine has a poliwag,” Misty’s voice faded as she said poliwag. “What’s wrong with poliwag?” “You see, my mother comes home every five months, because she’s a Marine Scientist and studies water pokemon in their ocean environment. When she comes home and sees how well each of us do our chores, she upgrades our sign, Daisy’s used to be a horsea, Violot’s used to be a seel, and Lily’s used to be a goldeen…” Misty’s voice trailed off. Coco looked at the battlefield, Bayline won the first match when Honey tackled Psyduck continuously and got him tired, making it harder to swim. Misty quickly explained that Psyduck had a hard time trying to swim before Lily trained it. “GO! BUBBLES!” Lily shouted, releasing another pokemon after recalling psyduck. It was a Horsea. Coco pulled out Dexter. “Horsea, the Water, seahorse pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water,” Coco put Dexter next to her on the bench, tired of getting it out of her back pocket. “You know, you share a lot of similarities with a person I once knew,” Misty said, patting Peppermint again. “What similarities? And who?” Coco asked. “His name was Ash Ketchum,” Misty began. “Whoa whoa whoa! You used to know Ash?” Coco yelped. “I used to travel with him all the time, I traveled with him for two and a half years,” Misty added, “Me, Brock, and Ash went through Kanto together, then Brock left and Tracey came. Ash then competed in the Orange League. Later, Brock came back and Tracey stayed with Professor Oak,” Misty sighed, “We then traveled through Johto, then I had to stay here and wait for my sisters to come back from a world trip…” “Do you know what happened to him after you left?” “No, I haven’t seen in a while, but when Brock called and said that Ash decided to leave to go to another league all by himself, and May, Max, Tracey, Team Rocket…” “Team Rocket!” “They were Jessie, James, and Meowth. Not a very good trio, but they helped out every now and than. In the end. Than went on in a normal life, keeping in touch, last time they wrote, they said their honeymoon was going great and were at Olivine City Beach,” “Oh, so, everyone in Pallet misses him huh?” Coco asked. “Not just Pallet, every city he entered misses him, he helped anyone at anytime, no matter how big or small,” Misty said, “I even remember the first time I met him. I believed he didn’t care about his pokemon, but when caterpie, his first pokemon evolved, I changed my mind,” Coco bit her lip, but turned her attention to the battle. Bayline recalled Honey a few minutes ago due to a Bubble Beam Attack and sent out Blossom, who waded since there was no platforms. When Misty spotted the clefairy, she burst into questions. “How did she catch it? Where did she find it in Mt.Moon? How long has she had it?” Coco sweatdropped. “BUBBLES! BUBBLE BEAM!” Lily yelled out. Bubbles shot out several bubbles at Blossom. “Metronome!” Bayline shouted out quickly. Blossom waved her fingers in the same rhythm. They started to glow blue. Bubbles stopped her attack (all the bubbles popped before reaching Blossom) and stared wide-eyed at Blossom, as if she was hypnotized. “Clefaiirrrryyyy!” Blossom rode on a small tidal wave. “Surf!” Misty yelled, Coco pointed Dexter’s sensor at the attack. “Surf, a Water type attack,” Dexter beeped, “Known as the strongest Water attack,”. Blossom’s wave landed on top of Bubbles, when everything became calm. Bubbles surfaced with swirls in her eyes. Blossom swam to the right side of the pool to Bayline. “The winner of this battle is Bayline Silverson!” the referee shouted as he handed Bayline another towel. Squall quickly shoved a platform in the water due to his not-very-good-swimmer Fruity and Granite. Bayline walked over to the bench, Lily did the same. “Hey! Like! Bayline!” Lily yelled, waving her hand. “You like, need something from this gym to prove your victory,” Lily said, handing her a badge, it looked like a sky-blue raindrop. “The like, Cascade Badge,” Lily said. Bayline patted Blossom on the head and put her badge in her pocket. “Oh! Like, don’t put your badges in pockets! Wait here!” Lily ran into the other room as Squall and Daisy went to the pool. “This will be a two-on-two battle, when both pokemon are unable to battle! The opponent wins! BEGAN!” “GO! POLIWAG!” Daisy shouted, releasing a tadpole-like pokemon with a swirl on her stomach. “Poliwag, the Water, tadpole pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “It’s newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand,” as Coco laid Dexter on the bench next to her, Lily returned with three small, rectangle boxes. Each one had a pokemon on the top of it. Lily handed Bayline one with a Butterfree on it and a pink background, and Coco with a Raichu and a golden background. “Can you give this to Squall when he’s done battling?” Lily asked, giving Coco a similar box with a Onix on it, and with a silver background. “Sure,” Coco answered, as Lily ran up the stairs to Violot. Misty jumped out of her daze and handed Coco a badge too. “Sorry, forgot,” she said quickly. Coco smiled as she took out her Boulder Badge and snapped it and her new badge on the fabric that was on the inside of the small case. Bayline did the same. “FRUITY! RAZOR LEAF!” Squall commanded. Fruity swung her leaf arms forward, making razor sharp leaves shoot out at the poliwag. The poliwag seemed a little shaken after the leaves hit her. But she wasn’t out. “Don’t let that bellsprout get you out yet Poliwag!” Daisy yelled, “Use Water Gun!” Poliwag shot out a watery blast from her mouth at Fruity. Fruity stretched out of the way. But the water attack hit Squall instead. “Thanks a lot!” Squall shouted. Shaking loose water from his hair and clothes. “Your welcome!” Daisy laughed. “I was being sarcastic,” Squall growled. “Fruity! Use Vine Whip!” Fruity lunged her vine at Poliwag, who dodged it by diving underwater. “Grr…cheater,” Squall growled. Fruity was waiting for the next command. “So, how long have you been traveling?” Misty asked Coco and Bayline. Peppermint rooted Squall on. “A month and a week I think,” Bayline said, counting her fingers. “Wow! Really, it took two months for Ash to get two badges!” Misty yelped. “Oh no!” Daisy cried, as Fruity’s fishing technique as her vine as the line grabbed Poliwag and threw her into a wall. When she landed on the ground, swirls were taking place of her eyes. “First round goes to Squall!” the referee shouted. Daisy returned Poliwag to her ball, then sent out another pokemon. Coco got Dexter ready. “Shellder, the Water, shell pokemon,” Dexter beeped, “its hard shell repels any kind of attack. Vulnerable only when its shell is open,” finally, Coco thought it was safe to put Dexter away in her back pocket. “Shellder! Ice Beam!” Daisy shouted. Shellder’s floating body opened. A black face appeared with two eyes and a tongue. A silvery-white beam shot out at Fruity. Fruity was a popcicle when the flash vanished. Fruity was frozen in the same position it was in when Daisy released Shellder. Squall returned his bellsprout. “Good job Fruity,” he said, then he threw Granite’s ball out. “Ready to avenge our fallen friend?” Squall asked his sandshrew as the flash vanished. Granite nodded as it looked at Shellder. Daisy laughed. “Your sandshrew doesn’t stand a chance against a water type, let alone being surrounded by water!” Granite turned to Squall. “Shrew shrew!” he squealed at Squall. Squall smiled as he nodded. “Don’t ever underestimate my pokemon!” Squall said, as he stared at the ceiling, everyone else did too, wondering what he was looking at. They heard a small splash, that’s what brought them back to the battle. Everyone gasped except Squall. Granite was gone. “Like I said! Never underestimate my pokemon! Ecspecially Granite!” Squall shouted at Daisy, “Granite! Time for a Tackle!” A large splash from where Shellder was appeared. When the splash smoothed out with the rest of the pool, Shellder was shaking terribly. But a soaking Granite was fine upon the used to be empty platform. “Granite told me just after you laughed that he was part Water!” Squall chuckled, “So, I used that as an advantage, and to make sure it was a surprise, I made a diversion, quite ingenious if I do say so myself,” “Youuuuuuu,” Daisy growled, it was obvious that it was going to take awhile to recover from the surprise attack, because Shellder’s eyes were widened in fear as it looked at the part Water sandshrew. “But how can it be part Water?” Misty asked loudly. Everyone was clueless about that. Granite lowered his head, showing that he didn’t know either. But quickly told Squall that he found out when he fell into a small water pool in Mt.Moon and knew how to swim perfectly. And the water didn’t bug his skin. Squall translated it. “Shellder is unable to battle! This match goes to Squall Togoroti!” The referee yelled as he noticed Shellder wasn’t up to battle further. Daisy returned Shellder and walked towards the other side of the pool. Where Squall was patting Granite on the head. (Boys don’t like hugging) “I present to you, like, the Cascade Badge!” Daisy said, handing him the raindrop-like badge. “Thanks!” he said, Coco and Bayline ran to him. “Here, it’s for to store your badges, Misty gave them to us,” Coco said, handing him the Onix case, then showing him hers. Bayline did too. Misty walked up to them. He attached the badges to the inside of the case. “It’s getting late, do you want to stay here?” Misty asked. Coco and Bayline nodded at once. Squall returned Granite, mumbling something about, ‘I rather sleep in a john…’ Coco giggled. Bayline rolled her eyes. As the sister trio left. Along with Misty, Coco, Peppermint, Bayline, and Squall. Misty started giving out tips on their clothes, and in a great need of a bath… “Pika pi?” Peppermint asked. “Yes Pep, its going to be a long night,” Coco answered with a chuckle. Squall growled as Misty started commenting about his clothes and dirtiness. ‘I have talked to Golden Sun, he said she is making progress, and already has two badges in less then two months,’ Ho-oh chuckled. Ash scowled. Pikachu scratches his ear. “All right, I am almost done with the project I’m working on…” Ash said, avoiding his past embarrassment. “Pikachu!” (How much longer? I want to meet her pikachu!) Pikachu squealed. “Just a little longer,” Ash answered. “Pi,” (Whatever,) ‘I shall be here for whatever you’ll need, there is no need for work now, not until Team Rocket does trouble again…’ “Team Rocket’s back!” Ashe yelled. *Pokemon Theme* To be continued…