POKEMON Golden Sun Series Two: A Heart of Gold Aspendragon

Theme Music

A Golden Heart’s Desire

I’m going to be the best

Better then the rest

Eyes lit with power

Spirit burning stronger

Succeeding is my only goal

But losing just makes me whole

I yearn to learn

More then just this

Even when the battles rough

Me and my friends will stand tough

Team Rocket is the cause

But we are the obstacle

We’ll battle for justice

Everyday to the end

We’ll go from zero to hero

Keeping our ego

Our world getting newer and better

Maybe even stranger

But we’re still on the go

Even though two have a row

But having fun as well

Having much to tell

To rid the world of Team Rocket

Will make a racket

We’ll intervene if we must

We’ll go through every lust

We’ll never rust

We just want to be the best

That’s a trainer’s heart’s desire

Trying to be the best

Battling for justice

Going through every lust

Wanting to learn more then this

Going on and on with encouragement at your side

Letting nothing pass your mind

That’s a golden heart’s desire