POKEMON-Golden Sun Series Screen name-Aspendragon Part Three-Team Rocket’s Charging Entrance! *Pokemon Theme* “Wow, you guys certainly know how to throw a party!” Coco Tradet complimented, Squall, and Fruity nodded in agreement as they wolfed down food at the food table, Peppermint, found Sugarpaw the meowth kitten and they both began playing. Caroline and Dawn faced their daughter. “Um, honey, you weren’t planning on using Peppermint in battle, were you, I mean, she doesn’t even know the word ‘battle’ means, let alone attacking,” Caroline explained, as she gave her daughter a concerned look. “Well,” Coco mumbled, she hadn’t really thought of that. “Just in case, we got you a pokemon, an adult pokemon,” Dawn said, handing Coco a purple and single red heart poke’ball, it was a Friend Ball. “Come on out whoever you are!” Coco yelled, throwing her new poke’ball. “Char char!” the small orange lizard called charmander cried. Hearts took the place of Coco’s eyes. “I-I’m speechless,” Coco said, amazed; it looked like a replica of Charcoal, but in her charmander form. “What are you going to name her?” Dawn asked, stroking Charcoal’s wing. “Well, what about…Firestorm!” Coco cried, the charmander obviously agreed as she jumped onto her shoulders, which this got Peppermint’s attention, abandoning Sugarpaw, she ran to Coco and pulled on her jeans, everyone laughed. “Pikachhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuu!” Peppermint cried, as she threw out a Thundershock attack, everyone was shocked to a crisp, including Coco and Firestorm, Sugarpaw, however, was not shocked, being clever and all, she ran up a tree, a safe distance from the angry Peppermint. “S-sorr-r-y P-Pe-pp-ermi-nt,” Coco said as she exhaled a puff of black smoke, everyone fell. Peppermint sat down, and cried. “Don’t worry Pep, there’s enough room on my other shoulder for you,” Coco said, as she and Firestorm got to their feet and shook off the blackness, than Coco picked up Peppermint. “It’s all right, besides, you’re a little too young, when your old enough, you’ll be battling just as much as Firestorm does,” Coco said cheerfully, Peppermint cheered, everyone else went to enjoy the party. “Why don’t we spice this party up a bit,” the woman suggested, turning to her male partner. “It might be fun, besides, we could do some stealin’, look at that charmander and pikachu,” he said, smiling, the woman nodded. Squall nervously turned to Fruity, who urged him on, he gulped. Everyone was talking or dancing with their boyfriend or girlfriend. “Prepare for trouble!” “And make it double!” Everyone turned around and looked up, they all gasped. “To rid the world from happy endings!” the woman yelled. “To kill the weak and caring!” the man yelled after his partner. They emerged from the dense forest, everyone stared at them. “To stretch our reach to the blackened sky!” the woman yelled again. “To hide ourselves and get what we want by lies!” the man said loudly. “Claudia!” the hot pink haired woman yelled, she had a black uniform with long gloves and boots on, and it had a bold red ‘R’ on the chest, her eyes were sharp and green. “Syji!” the dark brown haired man said, he had a black uniform with short gloves and boots, and also had a bold ‘R’ on the chest, he had orangish, brownish piercing eyes. “Team Rocket sneaking in and out all day and night!” Claudia yelled, her meowth jumped on her shoulder. “Give up to us now and we’ll leave you unharmed all right!” Syji yelled, as his spearow flew over him. “Team Rocket,” Caroline murmured, she said, trembling. “What do you want?!?!” Dawn and Coco yelled at the same time, Claudia and Syji looked at them, evilly. “Your pokemon of course,” Claudia answered, Syji took a control device from his back pocket and pushed the large red button. “Behold!” Claudia and Syji yelled, the trees behind them moved, bending to the side to let an enormous robot Tuaros through. When it lowered it’s head, Claudia and Syji jumped into the thick, clear case that cover half the robot’s face, and into their seats, the case closed. “behahahaha! Give it your best but you won’t even put a dent into our RoboTauros! Hahaha!” Claudia laughed, Peppermint stood firmly on Coco’s shoulder, Firestorm landed on the ground and stepped forward, Dawn’s pokemon did the same. Who’s that Pokemon? This pokemon likes its personality so much that it refuses to evolve! Answer: Pikachu! “Charcoal! Start out with Flamethrower!” Dawn ordered, Charcoal nodded. “Firestorm! Ember Attack now!” Coco ordered, Firestorm nodded too, Charcoal took a deep breath and let out a forceful flame attack, Firestorm, spun around, her tail wrapping around her and sending flames everywhere at the same time. “All right! Electron Thunder!” Dawn ordered, Electron the Electribuzz charged a blast of electricity at the robot, “now your turn Rascal and Liyst! Use Solar Beam Attack!” the twin ivysuars nodded and charged a solar, blinding, white beam at the robot. “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!” the two Team Rocket members laughed. “I warned you, so now you have to face the result!” Syji yelled, the RoboTauros lowered its head, unharmed by the fully charged attacks, charged. “RUN!!!!!” Delilah Ketchum yelled, a guest at the party screamed, everyone ran, before reaching the gate, Dawn turned around. “COCO! SQUALL! C’MON, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!” he yelled, but Coco and her pokemon stood their ground. “No way!” she yelled back, not taking her eyes off the charging robot, which was charging towards her, “We’re just showing how chicken we are when we run and fail to protect our town!” Squall nodded in agreement, even though this wasn’t his town. “Bellsprout!” Fruity cried, ready to battle. “Charmander!” Firestorm roared, Charcoal, surprised by her courage flew back and landed behind Firestorm who cried in joy. “What about you?” Coco asked Peppermint, she looked uncertain but leaped to the ground and told Coco in her tongue that she was ready to battle for the town. “What about everyone else!?!” Coco yelled, the pokemon(Mr.Mime, Dawn’s pokemon, Sugarpaw, Prof.Oak’s pokemon that stayed at the lab,) and the people there, looked over at her, than the pokemon ran over to the small group and made it bigger and bigger, the charging robot stopped, and stared, now it was Coco’s turn to grin. “ATTACK!” Coco and Squall yelled at the same time, they looked at each other and blushed. The pokemon charged their own attacks at the robot than the robot ducked. “Darn’t!” Dawn roared, “we can’t keep on doing this!” Coco put her mind to work, ideas raced through her head, but neither of them seemed that they would work out. “Hey look!” Squall yelled, everyone looked at the RoboTauros. The robot opened its mouth and charged a RoboHyberBeam Attack, the pokemon weren’t fast enough and were flung in different directions. “There it is, all we have to do is attack into its mouth!” Coco yelled, everyone thought for a bit, than agreed, when the robot opened its mouth again, they would attack with full power. “What’s that? Another Hyper Beam, fine!” they heard Syji yell, the RoboTauros opened it’s mouth again. “Now everyone! ATTACK!” Squall ordered. Everyone charged his or her most powerful special attack at the robo’s mouth, it hit directly. “What’s happening Syji?!?” Claudia asked over the electricity that was now running freely in their compartment. “I don’t know!” he yelled back. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” they screamed as an electric bolt hit them. Than the robot vibrated than it exploded, sending Claudia and Syji flying. “We’ll be back!” they yelled. “Alright!” everyone screamed, the pokemon, ignoring their wounds, jumped and cried in joy and delight in what they just done. The next morning, “Excuse me, Coco,” Professor Oak called, Coco turned from her parents to Prof.Oak and May. “Here, take this,” he said, handing her a red poke’dex, she gasped, “I want you to collect pokemon data on your travels and this can help you solve some problems,” Prof.Oak smiled, so did her parents and May. “I’ll do my best,” Coco replied. “And I’ll be there to make sure she does,” Squall said, smiling, Peppermint nodded and sat on Coco’s shoulder while Firestorm and Fruity were in their poke’balls. “Well, good bye,” they both said, waving, as they turned towards Route 1. “Bye bye honey, and call us every week!” Caroline yelled, Coco could hear her parents fighting again and Prof.Oak and May trying to break it up. “Parents,” Coco mumbled, Squall chuckled in agreement. “Pika,” Peppermint squealed, Squall looked at her and patted her on the head then turned forward again. “P-o-k-e-m-o-n!” they both sang. “We’ll be the very best eveeerrrr!” “Pokemon!” “ The cup waits for usssss!” they sang as they walked into the dense forest. To be continued…