POKEMON Screen name: Aspendragon This will also have some minor problems to it. Part Five-Voices of Encouragement “Dodge it Rascal,” Zack said without a quiver of fear or excitement in his voice, but he had a sneer on his face that made Coco uncomfortable. Rascal dodged it easily, Firestorm growled, and prepared for the next command. “Firestorm! Tackle!” Coco ordered, Firestorm charged at Rascal, head lowering. Rascal sneered, as he jumped in the air, avoiding the Tackle “Now Rascal, time for a Super Fang Attack,” Zack said coolly. “Ratt!” Rascal cried as he swiftly ran up to Firestorm and bit into her tail “Chhhhaaaaarrrrr!” she cried, Rascal refused to let go, green liquid oozed out of his fangs and it entered Firestorm’s tail, when the referee saw this he shouted the end of the battle and collected the boy and Rascal and took him somewhere. The crowd around the battlefield gasped, one of them instantly told her to take Firestorm to Nurse Joy immediately before it’s too late. Although confused, Coco did what she was told and hurried her charmander to the counter with Peppermint on her shoulder. “Yes,” Nurse Joy said, Coco showed her the infected tail; she gasped as she saw green liquid ooze out of Firestorm’s tail. “Chansey!” she cried as her chansey rushed out with a stretcher big enough to fit a full grown man on, “hurry to the Emergency Room,” Nurse Joy said quickly as she laid Firestorm onto the stretcher and rushed towards the door. “Bye Firestorm,” Coco said quietly, still confused. Firestorm, confused on why she was on the stretcher tried to get back to Coco, but it was futile as the doors slammed in front of her. That’s when Squall came up to her with a huge grin on his face. “Fruity won three battles one, against a bulbasaur, me two, against a venonat, and third, against a…um…a weedle,” he said, his voice faded as he came to the weedle. Coco grinned. “Anybody could defeat a weedle Squall,” Coco giggled, Squall’s cheeks glowed red. “Anyway, how many did you and your Fire and Pika Girl win?” he asked, Coco sighed than told him about the confusing battle, his eyes grew as big as apples. “Rabies!” he gasped, “you should’ve recognized it at first sight, it’s illegal to bring infected pokemon into battle!” he roared, but it only made Coco feel worse, Peppermint noticed and shocked Squall. “What’d I do?” he asked, as he exhaled a puff of black smoke, but Coco didn’t answer, she sat down on a bench not far away from the counter. Squall quickly realized what he done and sat next to Coco. He was about to say sorry until he fell from Coco’s question. “What’s Rabies?” she asked, “I mean, I know it’s serious, but, what is it?” Squall recovered quickly and looked at Coco. “Rabies, is a disease animal like creatures carry,” he began, but he saw Coco’s worried expression as she took a glimpse of Peppermint, who was cleaning herself, “no, she wouldn’t get it, only if some other critter bit her and gave it to her, but anyway…it’s…very severe,” he finished. “What do you mean by, ‘very severe’?” Coco asked, Squall took a deep breath. “It’s fatal, mainly, there isn’t much to do about it,” he said in a low voice, Coco gasped. Ding! Nurse Joy rushed to the counter, frantically looking around, Coco ran up to the counter. “Is Firestorm going to be Ok?” Coco asked tearfully, Nurse Joy looked at her. “I’m going to wait till morning, if there’s no improvement, than we’ll have to put her to sleep,” she said, Peppermint stared a her than at Coco, asking for a hint on what was going on. “All right,” she said, as she sat down again, Squall sat by her again. Slowly, the Pokemon Center emptied, Coco explained the illness to peppermint, who understood, began sobbing silently, Coco began cradling her baby pikachu as Squall mused. “I guess this is what people mean by a long, hard wait,” Squall suddenly said, Coco agreed. 3:00 AM “Coocoo! Three O’ Clock! Three O’ Clock! AM! AM! Coocoo!” the pidgey coo coo clock chirped, Squall drifted off to sleep, his head slumped to one side. But Coco stared, thinking about her two pokemon, Peppermint, the baby pikachu and Firestorm the charmander, the gift from her parents. “Chu,” Peppermint squeaked in her sleep, Coco sighed. “I wonder, if it was suppose to end this way,” Coco muttered to herself. ‘Shame on you,” said a deep voice, she heard a flap of wings in the background, ‘never ever give up, Ash Ketchum never gave up, even when situations seemed impossible to do anything about it.’ The voice said, Coco laid Peppermint on Squall’s lap, and stared at the ceiling, it sounded like the flap of wings was coming from outside, she ran through the front doors and looked up. “Who are you?” she asked, she could hear the friendly, warm voice chuckle. ‘So young, but has a mind full of questions,’ the voice chuckled again, ‘you may call me Golden Sun.’ Coco stared up at the sky. It seemed that their were many stars shining tonight, then Coco gasped, she didn’t see the sky, it was loaded with dark, fat, and puffy storm clouds. Sparkles were flying in one direction in almost a triangle like when pidgeys flew south for the winter. ‘We shall meet later,’ Golden Sun said, Coco gasped. A golden bird flew below the clouds and disappeared behind a layer of storm clouds. They faded from the sky quickly, to reveal a dark, starfull night. “Ash…Ketchum…” Coco mumbled, than her face brightened, “Firestorm will get better!” she said loudly to herself. Sunrise-7:38 AM- Pokemon Center “Coco Tradet,” Nurse Joy shouted, Squall’s and Peppermint’s eyes opened slowly, the first thing they saw was Nurse Joy talking to Coco. He rushed over with Peppermint in his arms. “What she say about Firestorm?” he asked as Nurse Joy hurried into the Pokemon Room. Coco’s head was down as she turned towards Squall. “What is it?” he asked, in a nervous tone, she looked up at him than took a deep breath. “Firestorm vanished from the room he was in,” she said, Squall handed Peppermint to her then thought for a second. “What do you mean by ‘vanished’?” he asked, Coco looked up at him again. “Nurse Joy said she was stolen because she was way too weak to move,” Coco explained, then she held Peppermint in front of her face. “That’s why I need you to help sniff the culprit out,” she said, Peppermint looked into her trainer’s eyes, she knew with all her heart that she was depending on her to find their beloved, sick friend. “Pika!” Peppermint cried as she licked her trainer’s face, Squall smiled. “All right that’s enough!” Coco yelled in a friendly tone. Peppermint smiled and climbed on her shoulder again. After telling Nurse Joy where they were going they hurried out. Squall decided he would check the stores to see if anybody seen anything unusual. Coco told him she would be in the woods, thinking that was where the culprit’s hid. He wasn’t sure about that but ran off anyway, she looked at Peppermint and hurried off herself towards the rich, lush forest around the town. Who’s that pokemon? A cheerful pokemon that carries an egg in their pouch! Answer: Chansey! “Come on Pepper, I know you can do it!” Coco said, as Peppermint sniffed every tree and blade of grass but found nothing. Coco bent down and picked up Peppermint. “All well, you did your best,” she said, Peppermint closed her eyes in misery, that’s when a rustle in the bushes made them look away from each other. “Spppppeeeaaarrr!” “Meeeooowwttth!” the tow pokemon cried as they sprung out of the bush and landed, it was a spearow and a meowth. Then it hit her. “Team Rocket!” Coco screamed, “Give me back Firestorm!” two masked people came out, they were dressed like their pokemon. “Now, how’d you guess?” said the man voice which was recognized as Syji’s, he lifted his orangish wing from his face. Claudia did the same with her clawed paw. “You guys do nothing but stir up trouble don’t you!?!” Coco yelled, she yelled even louder when she saw her charmander in a small cage, being held by Syji. “Trouble?” they both said, they looked at each other than looked at Coco and grinned. “Prepare for trouble!” “And make that double!” “To rid the world from happy endings!” “To kill the weak and caring!” “To stretch our reach to the blackened sky above!” “To hide ourselves and get what we want by lies!” “Claudia!” Claudia yelled as she ripped off her meowth suit and revealed her black uniform. “Syji!” Syji shouted as he too revealed his black uniform. “Team Rocket sneaking in and out all day and night!”. “Give up to us now and we’ll leave you unharmed all right!”. “I guess you were looking for this firebug huh?” Syji laughed, holding up Firestorm’s cage, she seemed to struggle to open her eyes. “How dare you, she is need of medical attention you bigmouth numskulls!” Coco yelled, but Claudia raised her finger and shook it. “Naughty language for a baby,” she said in a cooing tone, than they broke into laughter, Coco turned red in the face. “Peppermint! Thundershock!” Coco ordered, Peppermint flew off her shoulder and shocked the meowth and spearow, then she aimed at Syji and Claudia. They laughed as Coco flung at them and tried to get Firestorm’s cage, Peppermint landed on Claudia’s head and hung on tight. Busying herself by trying to get Peppermint off her head, Claudia abandoned the Firestorm’s snatching game. “Help me Claudia!” Syji yelled after her, “YOOOWWWW!” Coco bit his hand that was clamped onto the cage in desperately. Thankfully, he let go and began massaging his hand. “Firestorm!” Coco yelled, as she picked the lock and lifted her lizard out and cradled her. “Cccchhhuuuu!” she heard Peppermint scream as she shocked Claudia. “Why you little -” Claudia yelled as she flung something at Peppermint while she ran back to Coco. “Cha!” Peppermint screeched as the piece of wood hit her on the back. “Oh no! Peppermint!” Coco cried, Firestorm’s eyes opened wide, and turned to slits. ‘What’s happening!?!’ Firestorm cried out, she was in complete darkness, she couldn’t hear anything, nor see anything at all. ‘Why, you are in your mind my dear Firestorm,’ a friendly voice said, Firestorm looked around. Looking for the owner of the voice. ‘W-who are you?’ Firestorm asked, the female voice chuckled. ‘You may call me Moyia, but let’s get to more important issues. I came to warn you that you, and your trainer and your pikachu friend are all in serious danger. One, if you don’t get to the Pokemon Center, you will surely die. Two, Coco is without protection and will most defiantly get hurt. And third, Peppermint was hit, and remember, she’s only four weeks old.’ Moyia went on, Firestorm asked thought of two more questions. ‘You sound utterly familiar to me,’ Firestorm said, ‘do I know you?’ the warm voice chuckled. ‘Don’t you have something to prove at the moment?’ Moyia asked, Firestorm nodded. ‘Bye,’ she said, the voice gave no reply as she faded away. “Char!” Firestorm cried as she immediately got up from Coco’s arms. “Firestorm!” Coco said, tearfully. Firestorm looked at her and nodded, showing no signs of illness or weakness. “All right, give them your Ember Attack!” Coco commanded. “Chhhaaaarrr!” Firestorm cried, spinning around and making small embers fly from her tail. They hit directly. “Come on Claudia! Let’s go!” Syji screamed as he ran down the path in his charred body, the two Rocket pokemon followed, as did Claudia. “We’ll be back!” Claudia said revengefully, as they ran out of sight. “Great job Firestorm!” Coco yelled, as she hugged her pokemon, “I guess there is no need to go to the Pokemon Center now huh? uh oh,” Coco looked over at the baby pikachu. “But going there is a wise choice,” Coco said, as she returned Firestorm to her poke’ball and ran with Peppermint in her arms to the Pokemon Center. *Pokemon Theme* To be continued…