May’s Diary Part One. Ash woke up in the middle of the night to some footsteps. ‘I wonder who’s up?’ He thought turning around. ‘Hmm. Max is in his sleeping bag, so is Brock, but where’s May?’ He quietly got up from his sleeping bag and looked around the area. He finally found May sitting on a large rock by a lake. She was writing in something that looked like a notebook. “What are you doing up May?” Ash asked walking up to her. She quickly closed the notebook. “Just writing in my journal.” “Oh. Can I see?” “Ash journals are private.” “Oh. Well do you want company for a little while?” “I was just gonna write but I guess we can stay up for a little.” Ash got up on the rock and sat next to May. “So what should we do?” May opened her journal and finished her entry. “Well I’m done with my latest entry. I guess I’ll just go to bed. Goodnight Ash.” “Night.” She walked away back to the campsite. After a little while Ash realized she had left her journal on the rock. “May wait you forgot -” May was too far away. Ash picked up the journal. He knew it was wrong, but he flipped through the pages. He saw a few entries that had to do with the day’s events and he finally got to the last entry. Dear Journal, Usually I write about the things that happen like if I catch a pokemon or if something else happens. But today is different. Well actually tonight. You see I have never wrote this down before because I was afraid Max would find this journal and embarrass me in front of Ash and Brock. But I guess I’ll just get it over with. I have been having strange dreams. Not about flashing lights or fantasy things but about Ash. Lately I’ve been feeling nervous around him. This started about a month ago. Do I like him or something? Actually. I do. I really, really do. I actually like saying it. I like Ash! I REALLY like Ash. OMG he’s here. I better just end this entry before he reads anything. Bye! *.~May.~* “I had a feeling that she liked me.” End of Part One.