She’s May and Max’s Cousin, and Ash’s first love. By Baylee Chapter One Ash, May, Max, and Brock were traveling to Verdanturf town so May could compete in another Pokemon contest. “Brock how much more longer until we get to Verdanturf?” May asked. “We should probably be there by tomorrow afternoon.” He replied. “Oh.” May said sounding disappointed. “Cheer up May. We’ll be there soon enough.” “Thanks Ash.” About a half hour had passed and they were enjoying there walk when suddenly a girl on a bike sped by them and braked about 3 feet ahead of them. “Hey! Watch it!” May screamed at the mysterious person. “Gee May don’t be so rude to family.” “Hey how do you know my name?!? And what’s with the family idea? The girl stepped off her bike and walked over to them making her face more clear. When May saw who it was she gasped. “Sara! What are you doing here?” “Traveling as always. What about you?” “I’m training my pokemon for the next contest. Max come over here!” Max ran over to May. “Yeah May, Sara!” “Hey Max.” Max ran over to Sara and she bent down to give him a hug. “May, Max, why don’t you introduce me to your friends.” “Oh sure. The one with the map is Brock, and the other one is Ash. Ash is trying to be Pokemon Master just like you.” “Nice to meet you guys. And meeting someone else who wants to be Pokemon Master is an honor.” “Uh thanks.” Ash blushed. “Hold on a second. Ash what’s your last name? You look very familiar.” “It’s Ketchum.” Sara smiled. She walked over to him and held out her hand. “Do you remember?” “Remember what.” Sara grabbed his hand and started doing some sort of handshake. Soon Ash’s grew wide. “Sara! I remember!” He wrapped his arms around her and held her very tight. “What’s going on here?” May asked looking puzzled. Sara and Ash released from the hug. “May. When I used to live in Pallet Town, Ash and I were neighbors and best friends.” “Oh… wow that’s cool. But how did you guys split apart.” Sara’s smiled faded. “It’s kind of a sad story. But if you really want to know-” “No it’s okay! I know you moved here.” “Yeah. So do you think I could join you guys? I need a break from traveling and training.” “I guess so. What do you think guys.” The boys nodded in agreement. “Great thanks you guys. Hey Ash. How about a little friendly battle?” “Great! And since it was your idea, you pick the rules.” Chapter Two Ash and Sara were getting ready for their pokemon battle. Sara was ready to announce the rules. “The rules are simple. It’s a one on one pokemon battle. Pick your strongest pokemon. Agreed?” “Agreed.” “Okay. Choose your pokemon.” “Alright. Pikachu I choose you!” “Thought so. Okay then. Go Sceptile!” Sara threw a poke ball and a sceptile popped out. “I never knew Sara had a Sceptile!” Max said. “It just goes to show that you don’t know everything Max.” May said teasingly. “Oh shut up May!” Back to the battle “Let the battle begin!” Brock said waving a small flag. “Pikachu Thunder shock!” “Sceptile hold your ground!” The shock was coming towards Sceptile. “Okay Sceptile. Strength!” Sceptile crossed his arms and stayed still. When the thunder shock came towards Sceptile, Sceptile held out his crossed arms and the shock bounced back and vanished. “What the?” “You see Ash. I taught Sceptile to use his attacks in other ways. Because of Sceptile’s strength, he was able to counter Pikachu’s thunder shock.” “Unbelievable.” “Well it’s true.” “ARGH! PIKACHU QUICK ATTACK!!” “Sceptile stop it!” Pikachu came charging toward Sceptile. When it was about to hit it, Sceptile caught it.” “Pika?” “Sceptile throw it back.” Sceptile threw Pikachu back to where Ash was standing. But it landed on its feet. “That’s the way to fight Pikachu! Try another quick attack!” “Sceptile leaf blade, with style!” “With style?” Ash asked puzzled. Leaves started flying out of Sceptile’s hands. They swarmed around Pikachu creating a tornado around it. “Pika!” Pikachu started flying up in the air. “Okay Sceptile, bring it down.” The tornado of leaves slowed down and Pikachu fell to the ground. “Pikachu can you stand up?” Ash asked. Pikachu tried getting up but fell down. “Pikachu is unable to battle. Sceptile is the winner!” “Alright Sceptile!” Sara ran over to sceptile and hugged it. She held out her hand shaped in a fist and Sceptile gave her a fist five. Sara got one of those expressions on her face. “Next time Sceptile lay off the strength okay?” “Sceptile.”(Sorry) (Sceptile also had an embarrassed kind of look on its face.) Ash walked over with Pikachu in his arms. “Great battle Sara.” He extended his hand. “Thanks. You did good too.” She took his hand. But then she got a scared look on her face. “What is it?” Ash asked “Pichu!” Sara grabbed a poke ball and let out a Pichu. “Sorry I didn’t let you out earlier Pichu. I was battling. Can you forgive me?” “Pichu Pi! (Of course!) “Good!” Sara hugged Pichu. “Great battle Sara!” May said running over to her. “Thanks May.” “Well now that that’s over, I think we should set up camp.” Brock said. “Okay.” Ash said. “Sara could you help me get some firewood?” May asked. “Sure okay. C’mon Pichu.” “Pichu.” (Okay.) Chapter Three Sara, May, Pichu, and Torchick were out getting firewood for the camp. “Sara?” “Yeah May?” “What happened exactly between you and Ash?” “I thought that,” “Well I thought wrong. Please Sara?” “Okay. It all happened like this. Ash and I were going for a walk and we came across a lake. So we decided to take a break.” ***Flash Back*** “Hey Sara look a lake!” “Cool. Lets take a break.” “Okay.” “I’m gonna stick my feet in.” “You’re weird Sara.” “Am not!” “I’m only kidding.” “You better be.” ***Sara Talking in Present Day Time*** “We were sitting next to each other and his hand accidentally touched mine. I smiled and turned around and he was blushing and looked embarrassed. But then held my hand which caused me to blush. But then he started leaning in closer. I started leaning in closer too but then we heard a large roar. ***Flash Back*** “Ash what was that?” “I don’t know.” “ROAR!!!!!!!!” “Ash there it is again.” “Just stay calm.” ***Sara Talking in Present Day Time*** “I was hiding behind him holding on to his shoulders. He was standing there with an angry look on his face. Soon we heard really loud footsteps. Eventually a Rydon came charging up and stopped 5 feet ahead of us. ***Flash Back*** “Ash what do we do?” “Okay we have to stay quiet and we can’t move!” “But how do we get back home. This isn’t safe.” “We’re gonna have to do something to get him distracted.” ***Sara Talking in Present Day Time*** “Ash carefully picked up a rock and threw it just above the trees. Rydon looked the other way and Ash and I quickly ran. But I tripped and Ash made it safely away from Rydon. But Rydon saw me. ***Flash Back*** “Sara! NO!” “Ash help me!” “ROAR!!!!!!!!” “ASH HURRY!” “Hold on Sara!” ***Sara Talking in Present Day Time*** “Ash was waiting for the right moment. But he was too late. Rydon charged toward me and head butted me right here.” Sara moved the sleeve of her shirt revealing a scar. “That’s how I got this.” “That’s horrible.” May said. “There’s more. I fell into the lake unconscious. Ash was furious. He threw another rock and Rydon looked away again. He dived into the lake and got me. I was still unconscious. He threw another rock to make Rydon look away. He carried me the rest of the way back to our houses. I was rushed to the hospital. The doctor said there was probably nothing he could do. But then I had surgery. And I was great. But Ash had already left for his journey. When we moved, I never got to say goodbye. He probably didn’t want any confusion when he saw me, so he never said that he thought I was dead. So there’s the story.” “You almost kissed him?” “Well yeah.” Sara started to blush just a little. “Lucky.” “You want to kiss him?!?” “Sara please.” “Sorry.” “So can you do me a favor?” “What is it?” “Ask Ash what he thinks of me. Please Sara I really like him.” “Um, okay sure.” “Thanks!” May wrapped her arms around her cousin. “Anytime.” Sara was lying. She didn’t want to give Ash up. But she didn’t want May to be unhappy either. Chapter Four Sara walked over to where Ash was building the fire. “Hey Ash can I talk to you. ALONE!” Max and Brock shrugged and walked away. May was watching from behind a tree. “What do you wanna talk to me about?” “Well what do you think of May?” “Why do you wanna know?” “Well I know you used to like me. Or else you wouldn’t have tried to kiss me.” “Oh yeah that. Heh Heh.” “Well since May is my cousin I thought maybe you’d like her now.” “Well promise not to tell Max or Brock. Maybe May, but ONLY if she likes me.” “Okay. Now spill it.” “Well every time I’m around her I feel nervous. And I wanna be with her all the time.” “That it?” “Well basically.” “Well then. MAY! Come here! Ash wants to tell you something!” “Sara!” “It’ll make you feel much better if you tell her.” “Yeah Sara?” “May. Ash wants to TELL you something.” Sara walked away but then lost her grin. “What did you wanna tell me Ash?” “Well May. I like you. A lot.” “You do?” “Yeah. Everyday I feel like a new person. The more I see you, the more beautiful you become in my eyes. And I just thought I should tell you that.” “Ash I like you too!” Ash leaned in a little closer to May. Soon their lips met and they shared a kiss. They were interrupted when everyone came back. Chapter Five Everyone had been sitting around the fire getting warm. May was resting her head on Ash’s shoulder. Max, Brock, and Pikachu were roasting marshmallows. Sara was hugging Pichu close to her and was trying not to cry. She sucked it up and stood up. “Where are you going Sara?” Max asked. “I’m gonna go get some firewood. C’mon Pichu.” “Pichu.” (Okay.) Sara picked up Pichu and they went out to the forest. “May.” “Yeah Ash?” “I’m gonna go help Sara okay?” “Okay. Hurry back.” Ash kissed her cheek and got up to go help Sara. But when he found her, she wasn’t gathering firewood. She was crying. “Sara what’s wrong?” “Ash!?!” “Yeah it’s me. Why aren’t you getting firewood?” “Because.” “Because why?” “Because I, I, I made a mistake.” “Doing what?” “I gave you up.” “What?” “Ash I still liked you and now you’re with May. And I don’t know if I still like you or not.” “You still liked me? Then why in the world did you ask me what I thought of May?” “Because she liked you Ash. And I wanted to see my cousin happy. Plus she asked me too.” “Oh. Well if you felt that way, why didn’t tell her no?” “I just told you. I want to see my cousin happy. I can’t just let her down. She’s family.” “Do you still like me?” “Well there’s only one way to find out.” Sara came closer to Ash. “And how are you gonna find out?” Sara leaned up and kissed Ash. His eyes went wide but didn’t pull away. “Ash? Sara? What the?” Sara broke the kiss and turned around to find May. “May!” They both said surprised. “Sara! Ash! How could you do this to me!?” May started to run away when Sara stopped her. “May wait.” “Why should I?” “Because you have the wrong idea. I was the one who kissed Ash. I wanted to see if I still had strong feelings for him.” “Well do you?” “No. I could never make you unhappy May. But that’s not the only reason I kissed Ash. I wanted to make sure I was happy. And I thought I was miserable. But I’m not. I’d only be miserable if I broke up the perfect people for each other.” “Do you really mean that?” “Of course I do.” May smiled and wrapped her arms around her cousin. “Thanks Sara.” “Anytime.” They all walked back to the fire where they enjoyed the time they had together. Chapter Six The night went by fast. The next day they were saying their goodbyes. “Sara why don’t you travel with us for a while.” “I would but I have to get my eighth Hoenn league badge.” “Oh that’s too bad. It would be fun to travel with family.” “Yeah. But how about a hug goodbye?” “You read my mind.” Sara and May wrapped their arms around each other. Sara walked over to Max and hugged him. “Don’t become to smart that your head explodes. Okay braniac?” “I wont. And who are you calling braniac?” Sara laughed and walked over to Brock. “It was really nice to meet you Brock. I hope to see you again.” “Same here.” Sara hugged Brock and walked over to Ash. “It was really good to finally see you again Ash. You know you can always find me traveling around somewhere.” Sara hugged Ash and when she pulled away kissed his cheek turning him bright pink. She walked back over to May. “Don’t worry it was just a friendly kiss on the cheek.” May smiled. Sara let Pichu out of its poke ball and it hopped up on her shoulder. They turned around to take a final look at everyone. “Bye everyone!” “Bye! See ya! We’ll miss you!” Sara started walking the other way. Pichu looked back at everyone. “Don’t look back Pichu.” “Pi” Pichu said sounding sad. “It’s just too sad.” May was still waving her arms, even if Sara couldn’t see her. “You going to be okay May?” Ash asked putting a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” “Well if we’re gonna get to Verdanturf, we better get a move on.” Brock said “Yeah.” May agreed. The last you could see were the four figures of Ash, May, Max, and Brock walking over the horizon. The End