Chapter Three - Uh oh, Ho-oh

Ho-oh flew silently above the clouds, the sun beaming down on it's rainbow coloured feathers. It's wings skimmed off the top of the snow white clouds, which seemed to light up from the shine of the sun.

"Good things it's cloudly, no one can see us below" Ho-oh said, trying to break the silence.

"Ya, but thats not going to be much use when we find Ash" Misty said. "You won't be able to help him if your confined above clouds"

Ho-oh frowned. "Quit bein' so depressing, at least we know were he is now" It pointed out. "And that flying featherball doesn't stand a chance against us. We beat it before, we'll beat it again" Ho-oh glared forward in the direction of Victory Road confidently.

"Ho-oh's right" Rick said smiling over at her. "Those two just got lucky last time"

Misty looked up but merely nodded. Dark Ho-oh had caused so much trouble in the past few weeks, hopefully it would all be over soon.


"I know what would be fun. How about we copy the Celts and do some head hunting?"

Ash shivered as the image of a headless Ho-oh came to mind. Every time Dark Ho-oh and Ditto spoke about what they would do to Ho-oh and the others when they won, Ash felt his stomach turn. By now he felt sick and had to get away from the conversation. While they weren't paying attention, he stood up and headed away from the dead end tunnel they were in and walked over near the entrance of the cave. He sat down by a large boulder facing the cave entrance and sighed.

Dark Ho-oh was scaring him even though it wasn't trying. Ash didn't want his friends taking any chances with the bloodthursty Pokémon. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. "Ho-oh, don't come to Vistory Road, it's too dangerous...Ho-oh?...Can you here me?"

"I can hear you..."

Ash's eyes shot open at the sound of the fermiliar icy cold voice of Dark Ho-oh. He looked up and saw Dark Ho-oh towering over him, eyes gleaming menacingly.

"You should have known that if you tried to contact Ho-oh your messages couldn't get past the barrier. I can hear all your attepts, and I know what you've been up too..." It paused for a second to enjoy Ash's reaction as he tried to move, but couldn't.

Dark Ho-oh continued. "Direct attacks? Ditto stronger than you? I should have seen through it from the start. You've just been trying to confuse us, to give yourslef the upperhand in the battle. Well all your attepts have been in vain kid, it's over..."


To Be Continued


LOL! Tiny Chappy! Sorry it stinks, but I thought that would be a fun place to end it. Don't worry, next part will be much, MUCH longer. *Clasps hands together* Please don't hate me. lol, see yaz soon!
Bay Bay!