Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I am not any way associated with Pokemon, Nintendo, or Wizards of the Coast. Narrator: A sunny day brings about a sudden storm surprising our three friends. Together they rush to find the nearest shelter, only to lose one another in the storm as more problems begin to develop. The rain was falling fast. Ash, Misty, and Brock hurriedly ran through the rain. The pouring rain made it hard to see with the thick fog that had formed. Lightening frequently flashed across the dark sky followed by the angry rumble of thunder. "I hope we find shelter soon," Misty commented above the pouring rain. She held Togepi in her arms, which had taken shelter in its shell. "There should be Pokemon Center near by," Brock stated, his voice lost as a clap of thunder sounded. "Brock, Misty, where are you? I can't even see you!" Ash called out. Blindly he groped in the darkness hoping to find his two friends. "Where's Ash?" Misty worriedly asked. "I don't see him with us." " He was right behind me..." Brock replied suddenly realizing that Ash was no longer with them. "He could be anywhere! This storms dangerous!" Misty cried. She then screamed when a bolt of lightening struck the ground near them. Brock grabbed her hand and ran. "Ash can take care of himself. It won't do anyone good if we go looking for him in this storm," Brock said. Before them the dome of the Pokemon Center could barely be seen. Brock then forced the doors open pulling Misty along inside just as another bolt of lightening struck. "Ash, I hope you're all right," Misty softly said as she watched from inside the Pokemon Center. At the moment she didn't care that her clothes were drenched and that she was shivering from the cold. Brock placed a blanket around Misty's shoulders as he also watched hoping to see Ash running to the Pokemon Center with Pikachu in his arms. Worriedly Ash searched for his friends. "Brock, Misty!" he yelled, his voice drained out by the pouring rain. He couldn't understand how he had gotten separated from his two friends. He was just right behind Brock. Now they were no longer with him. "Pika," Pikachu softly cried his face full of concern as he hid in Ash's jacket. "Where could they be?" Ash asked out loud. "Well where ever they are I'm sure they're all right, but we better find some shelter." The Pokemon nodded. "I just hope we can find a place. I can barely see my hand." Ash held out his gloved hand to prove his point. Squinting his eyes, he began to search around him hoping to find some kind of place. His shoes were caked with mud as he continued to trudge down the forest path. Around him the forest was dark and dreary. The trees suddenly had faces that taunted him. A bolt of lightening struck the ground near him quickly followed by thunder. "Pikachu!" the Pokemon fearfully cried out ducking its head in Ash's jacket. Ash ran slipping and sliding down the path. Not seeing a branch in the way he tripped and fell barely grabbing hold of the edge of a cliff. "I must hold on," Ash said as he struggled to pull himself up. The ground was too slippery. Ash tried to find some kind of hold. A hand reached down and grabbed him just as he let go. Ash was then pulled back on to the ground. "Thank you," he breathlessly said. Ash looked up to see Gary standing in front of him. Surprise filled Ash's face. Gary was draped in his gray cloak, which was drenched. His spiky brown hair was a mass of wet hair. "You ok?" Gary asked his face full of concern. "I am thanks to you," Ash said, still surprised. Gary smiled. "We better get to some shelter. This storm's getting worse. A cave is nearby. You should really thank Eevee though. It's because of Eevee that I knew you were out there," Gary stated. Ash nodded and standing up he followed Gary, slightly limping. After a few steps they reached the cave that Gary mentioned. Ash didn't realize how close he was to the cave. There was already a fire going when they entered the cave. Gary's Pokemon, Eevee happily ran up to Gary. Gary bent down and patted the Pokemon. "Thank you, Eevee," Ash said as he too bent down to pet the Pokemon. Pikachu had jumped out from Ash's jacket and shook its fur spraying everyone. "Pikachu, I would like to be drive some time today." Ash laughed. "Where are the rest of your friends?" Gary asked breaking the silence. "I don't know. I was with them one second and then it got hard to see," Ash answered. Gary nodded. "I was lucky to find this cave." "So tell me, Gary, how come we're in the same place? Aren't you supposedly ahead of me?" Ash questioned, sitting by the fire. "Show's how much you know. The only reason why I'm here is because I'm delivering a package to the Pokemon Center. I only need one more badge and I can compete in the Johto League," Gary replied with a smirk. "Only one badge?" Ash said surprised. He needed three more badges before he could compete. He would have been right along with Gary if he hadn't gotten sidetracked. "So how many badges do you have?" "Seven," Ash mumbled. "Not bad, but not good enough," Gary said as he pulled out some food from his backpack. The sight of food made Ash's stomach grumble reminding Ash that he hadn't eaten in a few days. Near him Eevee was sharing its food with Pikachu. Ash noticed that two Pokemon quickly got along. Ash was tempted to ask Gary if he could have some food, but with his pride already at stake he didn't. Ash concentrated on rubbing his soar ankle instead. Silence filled the cave save for the crackle of the fire and the occasional thunderclap. "Why does it have to rain?" James whined as he, Jessie, and Meowth ran through the forest in the pouring rain. Their hot air balloon was quickly destroyed in the storm leaving them stranded on land. "My perfection is ruined," Jessie stated as mud was splattered onto her white uniform and some on her face. "My fur is all wet," Meowth mumbled. "A perfectly dry cave would be great about now." "With our luck I would a say a bolt of lightening would strike us or we would fall off a cliff that we didn't see," James commented, "but I don't see finding a cave in our future." True to James's words a bolt of lightening struck the ground near them. Jessie and James screamed in surprise. "I suggest you keep your predictions to yourself next time, James," Meowth stated, his eyes wide-eyed with fear. The ground beneath them suddenly gave away sending James, Jessie, and Meowth tumbling down the path. The lightening had loosened the muddy ground into a mudslide. The three of them clung to each other, screaming as they slid unable to stop. Luckily James managed to grab hold on to the edge of a cliff, which the path had led them to. Jessie and Meowth held on to James's legs not daring to look the down below them. "You and your predictions!" Jessie cried more out of fear then anger. "Don't blame me, Jessie. I was just stating the truth!" James cried as he struggled to pull everyone up. "What ever you do, James, don't let go like Jessie did the last time!" Meowth pleaded. "Hey!" Jessie cried almost tempted to kick the Pokemon. She knew it wasn't a good time to even attempt it. She settled with a glare. "Somebody help us!" James yelled as rain pelted down on his face. "Let me help you," Gary stated glancing over at Ash as he rubbed his ankle. "You must have twisted it when you fell." "I'm perfectly fine. I don't need your help," Ash replied trying not to wince from the pain. "Suit yourself," Gary replied. Eevee had falling asleep in Gary's lap, which Gary had begun to brush the Pokemon's dark brown fur. Silently Ash watched Gary tend to the Pokemon. He was rather surprised at how well Gary treated the Pokemon and how he seemed to favor Eevee. The way Gary seemed to talk it seemed as if he only used the Pokemon for battle. He never pictured Gary being close to his Pokemon as he was with his. Meanwhile Pikachu had fallen asleep by Ash's side. Gary sighed. "Ash let me help you. You can't afford to have a twisted ankle in Johto especially when you're by yourself." "I can handle myself well. I don't need your help. You're just going to make fun of me." "Why would I do that?" Gary asked. "For your information I've changed a lot since the Indigo League. Maybe its you who haven't changed." "Ha, you don't know one thing about me," Ash said. "That's what you think," Gary replied. "For your information I have a lot of respect for you." "You do?" Ash stated, shocked by the statement, "But you're always taunting me or bragging how much better you were then me." "As I said I've changed a lot. I've always respected you, but I never wanted to admit it. You have so many qualities that I don't have. My grandfather always had faith in you so naturally I was well jealous of you." "Jealous of me? You're the one with all the Pokemon and the badges. I'm forever behind. Lot of times its because I'm lucky..." Ash replied not really wanting to admit to this. "You seem to make friends easily with people and Pokemon," Gary pointed out, "Skills that I'm not very good at." Ash remained quiet trying to take this all in. He had never pictured Gary jealous of him. Ash had always been secretly jealous of Gary. Ash realized how their pride kept them from ever forming a friendship. In reality they had a lot in common. Suddenly Pikachu and Eevee sat up, both alert and both ears twitching. "What's wrong, Pikachu?" Ash said concerned. "Someone's in trouble," Gary stated pulling on the cloak and heading out into the pouring rain. Ash followed behind, but cried out as he put his foot down. "Ash, you stay here. That ankle of yours will only get you into more trouble." "No, I'm coming," Ash replied determined trying to ignore the pain. The thunderstorm had gotten worse. Earlier Ash could barely see his hand, now he couldn't see a thing. Near by a fire had started, which was quickly spreading. "Ash, try to stop the fire. I'll go see who's in trouble!" Gary yelled above the rain. Ash nodded to let him know he heard. "Alright, everyone, lets stop this fire!" Ash ordered as he unleashed all his Pokemon. Right away the Pokemon set to work either spraying water or dumping dirt to smother the fire. "My fingers are starting to slip. I can't keep holding on!" James fearfully stated. "James, you can't let go. You must pull yourself together. We're counting on you!" Jessie sternly replied. "Hold on, I got you," Gary said as he grabbed hold on to James. Using all his strength Gary helped pull James up. James helped pull Jessie and Meowth up. The three of them held on to each other as they happily cried. Gary rushed to help Ash, unleashing his Pokemon to help the others. Despite all the Pokemon's efforts it didn't seem that the fire would ever die out. The fire seemed to grow. "What are we going to do?" Ash worriedly asked coughing from the thick smoke. "We got to keep trying, the fire will eventually die out," Gary replied. "Prepare for trouble," Jessie announced. "For we've come to help," James added. "You've helped us." "We shall help in return." As they spoke Jessie and James unleashed their Pokemon to help. "Team Rocket?" Ash said with surprise. The day was getting stranger and stranger. "Today our luck has turned around," James happily said. "A kind person has rescued us." James sniffed as he brushed away tears that formed. Ash gave an odd look. "You know these people?" Gary asked raising an eyebrow. "Unfortunately," Ash replied. "I can never seem to get rid of them." "Wait a minute they're the ones who tried to break into my grandfather's lab twice!" Gary said glaring at Jessie and James. "Can't we call a truce just once? We've had enough bad luck today!" James begged. "Gary, leave them alone. They're helping out," Ash said, not liking this one bit. Reluctantly Gary relaxed and returned his concentration to the fire. "Fine a truce it is, but next time there won't be." "Oh, Ash, were could you be?" Misty said, having finally sat down. Still she continued to stare out the rain-streaked window. "A fire's started out there!" Brock cried out pointing to the orange glow outlining the forest. "No, Ash is out there! We got to help!" Misty worriedly cried out running out the door. "Misty, no!" Brock said as he chased after her. "I think the fire's finally dying!" Ash said. "I told you it would," Gary replied. "Ash, watch out!" Behind Ash a tree had begun to fall. Ash turned around just to see it falling but was unable to escape it leaving his leg caught underneath it. Ash collapsed into darkness as a wave of pain ran through him. "Ash, no, you got to get up!" Gary said with fear as he rushed over to help. Ash's Charizard flew over and lifted the tree off its trainer. The Pokemon angrily roared. Pikachu rushed over its expression full of concern. The Pikachu cried out as it shook its trainer trying to wake Ash up. All around the fire was slowly dying. Smoke from the ashes rose up and filled the sky as rain continued to fall down. Out of the rain Misty and Brock ran over. "Ash, no," Misty cried as she bent down next to him. Gary stood silently near by, not sure what to do. It was time to once again fade into the shadows as he often done. "Is he all right?" Jessie asked as she and James joined Ash's side. "Ash will pull through," Brock determinedly stated. He then gently picked up Ash. "Follow me and we can get to the Pokemon Center." Through the pouring rain Brock carried Ash leading the others. At the Pokemon Center Nurse Joy was there waiting and quickly began to attend to Ash. The sun shined the next day. Its bright light pouring through the window was a welcoming sight. Misty quickly sat up in her chair having forgotten that she had fallen asleep in her chair as she sat by Ash's side. She saw that Ash was up and sitting. "How did I get here?" Ash asked confused. "Brock and I found you in the forest. You injured your leg when a tree fell down as you tried to escape it," Misty explained. "You had us all worried. Pikachu happily jumped on to the bed and hugged its trainer. "Pika!" the Pokemon happily said, relieved to see that Ash was all right. "The fire! Gary, Team Rocket!" Ash suddenly said as everything came back to him. "Jessie and James? They left as soon as the sun came up. They're ok. The fire had died out by the time Brock and I found you. But Gary?" Misty said. She didn't remember seeing Gary there that night. "Gary saved me from falling off a cliff. Then he was helping me put out the forest fire. Is he here?" Ash said still very confused. "Not that I know of. We never saw him," Misty said slightly confused. "You mean the young man wearing a gray cloak?" Nurse Joy asked having been silent for some time. "He just left a second ago." "He did?" Ash said and quickly tried to get out of bed. "Don't even think about it young man. You're not getting out of that bed till you're leg is healed," Nurse Joy sternly stated. "And you better do whatever Nurse Joy says. She knows what's good for you," Brock chimed in his eyes glued on the Pokemon nurse. "That's enough, Brock," Misty sighed and pulled him away. Togepi chirped from Misty's arms adding its own opinion. "But I want to see Gary!" Ash determinedly said. Out in the window he could see his rival walking down the path with his backpack thrown over his shoulder. His back was facing Ash. Ash sighed. He wanted to tell Gary thank you and that he wanted to be friends like they were when they were younger. Now it looked as if never will. "Looks like you had a friend in some one you least suspected," Misty commented. "Maybe so," Ash said as he continued to watch Gary till he could no longer see him. Narrator: Is it possible that the two rivals could become friends? Or is Gary the rival that Ash thinks he is?