Pokemon: BigRai's Story By BigRai Chapter 6: True Love Revealed Part 1 Rai sat in his cave bruised and dejected. He had lost, not for the first time, but this loss was so hard to take. His still week body couldn't respond fast enough and Pi beat him senseless. Lightning had tried to cheer him up saying that she didn't hate him for loosing, and that maybe Cha wanted her and Pi together. However he knew inside that she was very disappointed. He hoped that he hadn't ruined her life as well as Chu's. Inferno watched Rai in silence, she was really torn apart inside. On one hand if he lost their love would have a chance to grow, but if he won tomorrow he would be happy. She felt terrible being so selfish, but she loved him. Her head aced, she had to make a decision between her happiness and his. Then her heart made it for her... Inferno: Rai. Rai: Yea? Inferno: Come on you can train with me tonight, it should help you for tomorrow. Rai looked up at her sad face. She was making a big sacrifice and he knew it. Inferno brought up her eyes so they met with his. Rai instantly knew he was in love, he knew it was weird, but it was right. Rai: Thanks. That night after Rai recovered fully form the morning's battles, he and Inferno trained. Inferno surprised Rai by putting her all in their little sparing session. It helped a lot for on the last day of competition his body finally responded like he wanted it to. Stronger and faster now Rai disposed of all his opponents. After his last match he sat in his cave waiting to hear who his final opponent would be. All through his battles OutKast had cheered him on to victory, now they were all talking happily about the events of the day. Then every one heard a loud cheer come up from outside. A young pikachu dashed into the cave breathing very heavily. Pikachu: Rai! Shock lost to Brown! Inferno's heart sank to her stomach. That was it by the night's end Rai would have a new mate and it wouldn't be her. She quickly got up and ran out of the cave crying. War ran after her and grabbed on to one of Inferno's legs just as the lizard took off. War quickly climbed on to Inferno's back as tears began to fill her own eyes. War: Inferno I'm sorry. Inferno: No this is what is best. War: No it is not. You two are meant to be I just know it. Don't give up hope. Inferno: No I want him to be happy. War: I know. Inferno couldn't see any more her eyes filled with tears so she had to land. Under a tall tree the charizard cried War trying to console her, but nothing could stop her tears. Inferno: I hope you're happy with your mate Rai, you disserve it. War: Deep down I think he loves you too. Inferno: I know but after today it doesn't matter. I'll be lonely again with out love. War: Oh Inferno you'll never be... Rai: ...without love. Inferno's head shot up. She thought she heard Rai's voice. Inferno: Rai? Rai: Yes? Her heart jumped as she sniffed the air for his sent she found it and followed it to him. He had been siting behind the very same tree listing to her. Inferno: Rai how did you find us? And don't you have a battle now? Rai: Well, its not really hard to track down a Char in heat. As for fighting it can wait it's you I am concerned about now. I know you made a big sacrifice for me last night, now I have a very good chance to have Flower as my life mate. So I have made a decision, Inferno I would be honored if you would become my mate. Inferno almost fainted but gathered her thoughts quickly and answered. Inferno: Yes...yes I will, but what if you win. Rai: Then I will reject Flower. I have figured out that she will never love me the way you do. She can never make me smile like you, or have the same innocent charm you do. But I will fight Brown anyway. He can have Flower I just want to fight and show off a new move I learned on TV. Inferno's smile was ear to ear. Yes, they were probably the weirdest couple in the animal kingdom, but she didn't care. Rai kissed her softly on the nose, and using the glands in his cheeks spread his sent all over her face. She was now his and he, hers. Then using agility he disappeared leaving War and Inferno for the battlefield. War: See all you have to do is have a little faith in love. Inferno: Yea. War: I'm happy for you, you two are going to be a perfect match. Now come on or were going to miss Rai's fight. The battle was a very good one. Every one, including Rai, was surprised at Brown's skill. With no one gaining any ground the battle went on and on. Then in the second hour of battle Rai started feeling strange. He thought it was the poison, but he didn't feel sick. Brown used his agility and tackle to knock Rai down. Rai laid there looking at Brown's fist light up. A thunder punch, normally this would not worry Rai, but he knew he could faint at any time. A power from inside him sparked causing him great pain, and he yelled to the sky. Rai: Cha! Please help me! All of a sudden he started to glow. Every ones jaws dropped as he started to get bigger and bigger. When he stopped glowing he stood up. He opened his eyes he saw that he was big. Not only taller, but massive as well. He was even bigger than BigChu. At three foot nine he looked down at Brown who was just as shocked as every one else. Now was his chance, while Brown was stunned Rai closed his eyes and gathered all his remaining strength. Brown snapped out of his stupor and ran at Rai, but just as he was about to deliver the punch Rai's eyes opened. Rai: Ultra shock!