Blood Rager
Blood Rager

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Last updated:
Fic: November 11, 2008
Art: No artistic work
Vid: No video work

Indigo League Adventures (OT)

Parts:   Prologue  -   1  -

Old Kanto League Adventures (OT)

Parts:   1  -

Friends of a Lifetime (OT)

Parts:   1  -

A Lonely Journey (OT)

Parts:   1  -

Summary for Indigo League Adventures: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance suggested) - Indigo League Adventures ia about an experiment set out for two trainers that go on the basic Pokemon adventure.

Summary for Old Kanto League Adventures: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance suggested) - Indigo League Adventures ia about an experiment set out for two trainers that go on the basic Pokemon adventure.

Summary for Friends of a Lifetime: Rated - - Four Friends are sent on an adventure through the Pokemon land. Some get closer whilw others go through tough times.

Summary for A Lonely Journey: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) -

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